MS. HARAZIM ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 2014-2015 ROOM C139 COURSE OVERVIEW CONTACT INFORMATION Email: TOPIC OUTLINE Unit I: An Overview of the Human Body Unit II: Introduction to the Histology and Dissection Unit III: The Digestive System and Metabolism (Form and Function) Unit IV: Blood and the Cardiovascular System (Form and Function) Unit V: The Respiratory System (Form and Function) Unit VI: The Urinary System and Reproductive Systems (Form and Function) Unit VII: The Nervous System (Form and Function) POINT BREAKDOWN Sources of points contributing to Marking Period Average: Dissection Journal (daily entries, labeled diagrams, completed responses) submitted for credit as Fetal Pig Dissection Progresses (5-7 chapters, point value varies) Dissection Journal Quizzes (based upon dissection journal entries, diagrams and responses) o Journal quizzes will alternate from chapter to chapter with graded dissection journal Practical Quizzes (5-7 chapters, 50 points each) Laboratory Data/ Graphs/ Analysis Questions (individual/ partner/ group, 20-50 points) Quizzes and Tests (announced and unannounced, 10 – 100 points) Homework (late homework NOT accepted, 5-20 points) Extra-Credit Opportunities (+3-+5 points) Sources of points contributing to Final Assessment (10% of Final Grade) Final Dissection Practical (5% of Final Grade) Project (Genetic Disorder Project – 5% of Final Grade) GRADING PROCEDURES Cheating is not tolerated. All graded work will be stored in your assessment folder. Assessment folders remain in class and are used in the instance of a grade discrepancy. Numeric averages will be maintained each marking period using a grade sheet. CLASS SUPPLIES The following items are REQUIRED for every Anatomy and Physiology class: Dissection Journal and 3-Ring Organized Anatomy and Physiology Notebook (containing PowerPoint notes, handouts, homework and labs) Pen (blue or black ink ONLY) AND pencil (with eraser) Completed Homework (when appropriate) The following items are required only when specified prior to Anatomy and Physiology class: Covered Textbook (only when specified) Fetal Pig Lab Manual (everyday during dissection) Fetal Pig Dissection Journal (everyday during dissection) Calculator (only when specified) Proper Lab Attire (during dissection and lab) o Closed toe shoes and gloves LATE WORK POLICY Submit late work (labs) by tacking it to the specified bulletin board in the allotted space for your class. 1 day late = loss of 50% of total possible points (depending on assignment) 2 days late = 0 credit EXTRA-HELP Availiable by appointment. GENERAL EXPECTATIONS/ GUIDELINES The following items are prohibited in class: food, beverages. Arrive to class on time (the tardiness policy is included in your student handbook). Upon entering class, organize yourself immediately by taking out your completed homework and notebook and preparing for the day’s activities: dissection, lecture, ect. Be prepared!!! Have all your class supplies with you. Locker visits will not be tolerated. Use your best efforts with neat handwriting and use correct English grammar at all times. Raise your hand and be recognized if you wish to contribute to a class discussion or ask a question. Make-up all missed work due to absence in a timely manner (for each day you are absent, you are allowed two days to complete missed work). Do not interrupt class time to inquire about work missed from an absence, this can be done before or after school, or by appointment ONLY. Exchange contact information with your desk partner or a friend in class to inquire about missed work. Submit make-up work by tacking it to the specified bulletin board in the allotted space for your class. Make every attempt to visit the lavatory before class. Plan to not leave the room until class is dismissed. Work at your desk until the bell rings, do not pack up your belongings or get out of your seat prior to class dismissal (especially during lab). Exercise extreme care in the lab, obey all safety precautions with equipment and materials. Demonstrate respect for classmates, teachers, administrators, and school property at all times, including use of appropriate language and waste receptacles (the disruptive student policy is included in your student handbook). Obey the “Acceptable Use Policy” when using computers in class (no gaming, no external drives, etc.). Appropriate behavior and cooperation are expected during fire/ lockdown drills. Demonstrate respect and cooperation with substitute teachers. Participation and enthusiasm are strongly recommended and appreciated! STUDENT NAME (PRINTED): _________________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE: _______________________________________ DATE: ________ PARENT/ GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: _______________________________ DATE: ________