The annual CLA Honors Colloquium showcases the best undergraduate coursework of the year.
Selected students’ poster of their work will help build their resumes, and have a chance to win cash prizes. The poster session will include the display and discussion of 2-D posters. Multi-media projects are eligible for submission.
Eligibility Requirements:
Student must be enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts.
Student must have a cumulative minimum 3.0 G.P.A.
Students who have successfully completed 9 credit hours of Honors coursework are allowed to submit the finest work from ANY College of Liberal Arts course completed during the 2014 calendar year.
Students who have not successfully completed 9 credit hours of Honors coursework are required to submit work ONLY from an honors course (CLA
Honors, HONR, or CLA honors contract) during the 2014 calendar year (Spring or
Fall semester).
All sorts of work will be considered, from academic papers to experimental models or creative work.
We seek a range of work from across the disciplines of CLA that can be presented in a poster format.
Participant Expectations:
Attend the pre-Colloquium Orientation.
Attend a minimum of one Colloquium practice session.
Meet all deadlines associated with CLA Honors Colloquium 2015.
Assist with set-up for the 2015 Colloquium.
Attend 2015 Colloquium on March 11, 2015 from 12pm to 2pm. (Class conflicts will be handled on an individual case basis.) i.
Participating students will address guests by answering questions and discussing their research.
Application Instructions:
A complete application consists of two items:
The completed application form (p. 2 of this document)
A copy of the work being submitted: electronically via email
To apply: Email the same materials to
on or before January 23, 2015.
Please name your file(s) with your surname plus “Colloquium Application,” “Project,” or
“Abstract” and the year (e.g. Smith_ColloquiumApplication2014).
Any questions? Please contact the CLA staff in BRNG 1174 or email to
Section I: General Information
1) Name:
3) Email address:
5) Academic Advisor:
7) Major(s):
9) Local Address:
2) PUID:
4) Classification (earned hours):
6) Advisor’s E-mail:
8) Cell Phone Number:
10) Home Address:
Section II: Poster Information
1) 2014 Course (Subject, Number, Title):
2) Professor for Course:
4) Title of Project/Poster:
3) Professor’s E-mail:
5) Will you need any special technology to present your project (ex. side table)? Please describe your presentation needs.
6) Additional information you wish to provide for the application?
Section III: Scholarly Work Submission
Please ensure that you submit an electronic copy of your scholarly work to
. Please note that this application is incomplete without an electronic copy submission.
Purdue University publicizes student achievement through the news media. The following release procedure is required for disclosure of this type of information. The undersigned authorizes Purdue University to release name and photo to news media and for use in honors publications.
Signature: Date:
Please submit the 2015 CLA Honors Colloquium Application to
Applications are due
January 23, 2015. Any questions can be directed to Mike Loeffelman, Assistant Director for the
College of Liberal Arts Honors.