Types of Assessments - Kings Monkton School

Kings Monkton School
Assessment in Key Stage 3
Year 7
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Types of Assessments ................................................................................................................................. 3
Art and Design ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Biology........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Chemistry .................................................................................................................................................... 7
COMPSCI/ICT ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Design & Technology ............................................................................................................................... 10
English Year 7.......................................................................................................................................... 11
French ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Geography Key Stage 3: Year 7 .............................................................................................................. 14
History – Year 7 ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Mathematics Year 7 .................................................................................................................................. 16
Physical Education .................................................................................................................................... 17
Physics ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
Throughout Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9), at certain times of the year your child will be formally
assessed in their subjects. This will give your child the opportunity to demonstrate what he/she has
learned in a more formal context and will help prepare him/her for the external examinations (GCSEs)
that they will sit in Key Stage 4. Please note, these assessments will not replace the normal summer
examinations, but will be in addition to them as they will enable staff to test the development of
different skills in the pupils and tailor their learning to ensure they achieve their best.
On the school calendar we have set the following dates as Assessment periods:
Assessment period 1: 18th- 22nd November, 2013
Assessment period 2: 10th – 14th February, 2014
Assessment period 3: 5th May – 9th May, 2014
During these periods we will assess your child in every subject. These assessments will help us monitor
their progress and identify their strengths and areas for development.
Your child has been set an end of Key Stage target in every subject and following each assessment
period, his/her teachers will record two progress indicators for your child:
Progress indicator 1 is related to your child’s target in each subject:
Pupil is working above target
Pupil is working on target
Pupil is working below target.
Progress indicator 2 is related to your child’s Learning Skills :
Pupil is well motivated, always fully prepared for lessons and is able to work effectively in a wide
variety of situations with a minimum of direction.
Pupil is usually well motivated and prepared for lessons and usually works effectively with support
and guidance in a variety of situations.
Pupil is sometimes well motivated, sometimes is prepared for lessons and needs considerable
direction in order to work effectively and stay on task.
Types of Assessments
Your child may be assessed in a variety of ways in order for them to demonstrate their skill sets in all
different aspects of the level assessments. For example;
Sit a test
Complete a piece of written work
Compile a report or project
Complete a practical activity/experiment
Produce and deliver a presentation
Details of the assessments for each subject can be found in the subject pages later in this booklet.
What if my child is absent for an assessment?
Please do your best to ensure that your child is present at all times. This will ensure that all work is up
to date and he/she hasn’t missed anything important in the lead up to the assessment. He/she will also
be told in class what preparation is needed for the assessment.
However, if your child is absent for an assessment, his/her teacher will ask them to complete it on their
return to school, very likely the following lesson. Some staff may ask your child to complete the
assessment in their own time, for example at lunchtime or in after-school club so that they do not miss
out on any classwork.
How will parents know the results of their child’s assessments?
Your child will be given the results of any assessments by his/her class teacher. Further details are
found in the subject pages of this booklet.
You can also access your child’s results through the Parent Portal, and you be sent a written copy in
your child’s reports. You will also have an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress at the Parents
Preparation for Assessment Periods
We want your child to do their best and to reach their potential. As a parent you can help your child
 Making sure they attend school every day.
 Making sure they complete all homework set.
 Making sure they are organised and have all equipment they need for school.
 Discussing their schoolwork with them and reinforcing the importance of concentrating in class
and always trying their best.
 Helping them prepare for assessments; they may have some reading to do or some revision you
can help them with.
 Letting us know if your child has any concerns that we can support them with.
We do not want your child to be anxious when being assessed and if he/she works hard and prepares
thoroughly, this shouldn’t be the case. However, if you have any concerns, as always, please contact
the school on 029 20482 854.
Please find on the following pages details of the assessments your child will have in every subject.
Art and Design
How your child will be assessed:
Assessment Title 1
(18th-22nd Nov)
Henri Matisse – The Snail
Skills Assessed
Type of Assessment
Guidance on
preparation for
these assessments
Assessment Title 2
(10th – 14th Feb)
KS3 Programme of study - Understanding
Written and practical activity
Research Henri Matisse “The Snail”. Find out about the
materials used and the meaning behind the artwork.
(Information can be brought into assessment.)
Soap Sculpture
Skills Assessed
Type of Assessment
Guidance on
preparation for
these assessments
KS3 Programme of study - Making
Practical activity
Completed design work to be used as preparation for sculpture
Bring in soap
Assessment Title 3
(5th – 9th May)
Skills Assessed
Type of Assessment
Guidance on
preparation for
these assessments
Hundertwasser/Gaudi House Design
KS3 Programme of study-Investigating
Practical activity
Completed observational drawing of house and research into the
work of Gaudi and Hundertwasser.
How your child will be assessed:
Assessment Title 1 Test on work covered so far
(18th-22nd Nov)
Skills Assessed
Recall, application.
Type of Assessment Written.
Guidance on
Revise the work covered so far this term.
preparation for
these assessments
Assessment Title 2 Display a given set of data systematically, including a well
(10th – 14th Feb)
organised table and a graph with suitable scales and well labelled
Skills Assessed
Processing data.
Type of Assessment Written.
Guidance on
Learn the information you have been given on data processing.
preparation for
Be able to calculate means.
these assessments
Assessment Title 3 Research based on a topic covered this year. Produce a
(5th – 9th May)
PowerPoint presentation to deliver to the class.
Skills Assessed
Research, communication, ICT.
Type of Assessment PowerPoint presentation.
Guidance on
Use internet searches and text books.
preparation for
these assessments
How your child will be assessed:
Assessment Title 1 Knowledge –based test.
(18th-22nd Nov)
Skills Assessed
Recall, application.
Type of Assessment Written test.
Guidance on
The student will need to learn the work prior to the assessment
preparation for
(for that term) especially names, facts & definitions etc.
these assessments
Assessment Title 2 Analysis of data.
(10th – 14th Feb)
Skills Assessed
Data manipulation and interpretation.
Type of Assessment Written test.
Guidance on
The student will need to be able to construct appropriate tables
preparation for
and graphs from raw data and be able to calculate averages.
these assessments
Assessment Title 3 Scientific presentation (topic linked)
(5th – 9th May)
Skills Assessed
Communication, ICT, research.
Type of Assessment Presentation.
Guidance on
The student must identify relevant information on the topic and
preparation for
present it in an exciting and stimulation manner lasting between
these assessments 5-10 minutes.
How your child will be assessed:
Assessment Title 1 (18th-22nd Nov)
e-Safety and Computer Basics
Issues and risks affecting young people and their use of the
internet and mobile technologies.
Key safety hints related to using internet and mobile technologies.
Skills Assessed
Type of Assessment
Guidance on preparation for these
Assessment Title 2 (10th – 14th Feb)
Skills Assessed
Type of Assessment
Guidance on preparation for these
Computer Basics
Input and output
Health and Safety
Computer Networks
e-safety presentation and written exam
Students will be able to save all work done in class and take home
to revise. The following websites will also be useful:
e-Safety presentation
Computer Basics exam
Programming in Kodu
Visual basic programming skills.
- Creating a world in Kodu
- Adding characters and objects
- Program characters to move/shoot/collect/show moods
- Add score/lives/health
Practical assessment – creating a game on Kodu
Students are encouraged to download Kodu
(http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/kodu/ )and
practice skills via tutorials.
Assessment Title 3 (5th – 9th May)
Skills Assessed
Type of Assessment
Guidance on preparation for these
Programming in Scratch
Visual basic programming skills.
Practical assessment – creating a program on Scratch
Before the assessment students will have the opportunity to
design their program using drawings, diagrams and notes. This
will be ongoing homework and can be used during the
Students practise Scratch programming either by downloading it
free from http://scratch.mit.edu/ or using the online tool
Many tutorials are available online
information for parents can be found at
Design & Technology
How your child will be assessed:
Assessment Title 1
Product Analysis
(18 -22 Nov)
Skills Assessed
Analysing and Recording
Type of Assessment
One hour timed activity
Guidance on
Pupils will be given a choice of familiar products and required to
preparation for
choose one to study in detail.
these assessments
Assessment Title 2
Product Designers
(10 – 14 Feb)
Skills Assessed
Researching and Recording
Type of Assessment
One hour timed activity
Guidance on
Pupils will be given the name of a well known product designer
preparation for
and asked to find out about their work.
these assessments
Assessment Title 3
Product Evaluation
(5 – 9 May)
Skills Assessed
Reflecting and Recording
Type of Assessment
One hour timed activity
Guidance on
Pupils will be asked to choose a product that they have made
preparation for
during the year to evaluate and suggest further improvements
these assessments
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English Year 7
How your child will be assessed:
Assessment Title 1
(18th-22nd Nov)
Writing assessment on non-literary texts.
Write a magazine article, aimed at young people, to persuade
them to visit your local area.
Skills Assessed
Type of Assessment
Guidance on
preparation for
these assessments
Assessment Title 2
(10th – 14th Feb)
Skills Assessed
Type of Assessment
Guidance on
preparation for
these assessments
Assessment Title 3
(5th – 9th May)
Skills Assessed
Organisation of ideas and information for purpose and audience
Use of varied and appropriate vocabulary, including persuasive
Accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar
Written assessment, over two lessons, using prepared notes and
Students will analyse a range of non-literary texts, to focus their
understanding on the effect of persuasive language
A model text type will be shared
Students will plan their writing before the assessment
Reading assessment of a literary text.“Holes” by Louis Sachar.
Imagine that you are Stanley. Using a short extract from the
book, write a diary entry from Stanley’s point of view, to show
his thoughts and feelings about the events and characters.
Locating, selecting and using information and ideas in a text
Responding to what has been read by deducing and infering
Written assessment, using prepared notes and ideas.
Students will prepare notes on Stanley's character which will be
used for the assessment.
Writing to entertain. Write a short story, for Year 6 pupils,
designed to entertain them and to help develop their reading
Organisation of ideas for purpose and audience
Use of ICT to present and structure writing
Use of varied and appropriate vocabulary
Accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar
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Type of Assessment
Guidance on
preparation for
these assessments
Written assessment, over two lessons.
Students will develop their creative writing skills, focusing on
descriptive writing of people and places.
They will develop relevant punctuation skills, focusing on
paragraphs and speech punctuation.
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How your child will be assessed:
Assessment Title 1 Talking about myself
Listening and Speaking
Skills Assessed
Type of Assessment Questions based on audio
Dialogue on likes and dislikes
Guidance on
preparation for
these assessments
Assessment Title 2
(10th – 14th Feb)
Skills Assessed
Module 1 Studio pages 8 – 24
Vocabulary pages 24/25
Type of Assessment
Written piece
Guidance on
preparation for
these assessments
Assessment Title 3
(5th – 9th May)
Skills Assessed
Module 2 Studio pages 26 – 46
Vocabulary pages 46/47
Type of Assessment
Questions based on audio
Guidance on
preparation for
these assessments
Module 2 Studio pages 26 – 46
Vocabulary pages 46/47
School life
Reading and Writing
School life
Listening and Speaking
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Geography Key Stage 3: Year 7
How your child will be assessed:
Assessment Title 1
(25th-29th Nov)
If possible
Settlement: “Cheesy Caerphilly!”
Report based on fieldwork to Caerphilly.
Skills Assessed
Type of Assessment
Guidance on
preparation for
these assessments
Locating, Investigating and understanding places;
Fieldwork Report
A level ladder will be provided to help pupils understand what is
required for each level. Some help might be needed in
interpreting data, drawing graphs and reaching conclusions.
Assessment Title 2
(10th – 14th Feb)
“My Wales”
Skills Assessed
Type of Assessment
Guidance on
preparation for
these assessments
Locating, Investigating and understanding places;
Drawing a mental map of Wales
Pupils need to research the Physical and Human geography of
Assessment Title 3
(5th – 9th May)
“Newsflash: Floods affect many parts of the country once
Prepare a news report outlining the causes and effects of a flood
Skills Assessed
Locating, Investigating and understanding places;
Group Presentation
Pupils will need to understand the causes and effects of flooding.
They will also need to research a flood event and prepare a script
for a news report.
Type of Assessment
Guidance on
preparation for
these assessments
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History – Year 7
How your child will be assessed:
Assessment Title 1 Investigation of Caerphilly Castel.
Skills Assessed
Chronological understanding/Enquiry.
Type of Assessment Practical activity and written assignment.
Guidance on
Field trip for data collection, work sheets & photographs.
preparation for
these assessments
Assessment Title 2 Medieval Heraldry and Crusades.
(10th – 14th Feb)
Skills Assessed
Communicating about the past/Enquiry.
Type of Assessment Written assignment and picture.
Guidance on
Class worksheets and ppt’s.
preparation for
ICT research.
these assessments
Assessment Title 3 Conflict between Henry 2 and Thomas Beckett.
(5th – 9th May)
Skills Assessed
Interpretation and Historical enquiry.
Type of Assessment Written assignment.
Guidance on
Worksheets with source material.
preparation for
these assessments
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Mathematics Year 7
How your child will be assessed:
Assessment Title 1 Skills test: Place value (whole numbers and decimals)
(18th-22nd Nov)
Decimal addition/subtraction
Angle geometrics.
Skills Assessed
Arithmetic, shape and space.
Type of Assessment Written assessment.
Guidance on
My Maths and CIMIT links, revision notes and student file.
preparation for
these assessments
Assessment Title 2 Skills test: Multiplication (division of decimals)
(10th – 14th Feb)
Number patterns and sequences.
Area and perimeter
Data collection and display
Skills Assessed
Arithmetic, shape and space, data.
Type of Assessment Written assessment.
Guidance on
My Maths and CIMIT links, revision notes and student file.
preparation for
these assessments
Assessment Title 3 Skills test: Timetables and mileage charts.
(5th – 9th May)
Negative numbers/operations.
Algebra – expression/equations
Skills Assessed
Reading charts/Arithmetic/Algebra
Type of Assessment Written assessment.
Guidance on
My Maths and CIMIT links, revision notes and student file.
preparation for
these assessments
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Physical Education
How your child will be assessed:
Assessment Title 1 Developing a sequence in gymnastics.
(18th-22nd Nov)
Skills Assessed
Planning, physical ability.
Type of Assessment Practical and evaluating performance.
Guidance on
Several weeks of planning and developing a one minute
preparation for
these assessments
Assessment Title 2 Health related fitness.
(10th – 14th Feb)
Skills Assessed
Components of individual fitness.
Type of Assessment Practical and data lead.
Guidance on
Understand of testing and training methods.
preparation for
these assessments
Assessment Title 3 Kayaking
(5th – 9th May)
Skills Assessed
Water based ability.
Type of Assessment National standardised test.
Guidance on
Development of skills through games afternoon at the national
preparation for
water sport centre.
these assessments
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How your child will be assessed:
Assessment Title 1 Knowledge –based test.
(18th-22nd Nov)
Skills Assessed
Recall, application.
Type of Assessment Written test.
Guidance on
The student will need to learn the work prior to the assessment
preparation for
(for that term) especially names, facts & definitions etc.
these assessments
Assessment Title 2 Analysis of data.
(10th – 14th Feb)
Skills Assessed
Data manipulation and interpretation.
Type of Assessment Written test.
Guidance on
The student will need to be able to construct appropriate tables
preparation for
and graphs from raw data and be able to calculate averages.
these assessments
Assessment Title 3 Scientific presentation (topic linked)
(5th – 9th May)
Skills Assessed
Communication, ICT, research.
Type of Assessment Presentation.
Guidance on
The student must identify relevant information on the topic and
preparation for
present it in an exciting and stimulation manner lasting between
these assessments 5-10 minutes.
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