HOW CAN YOU BE INVOLVED at CTK? SUNDAY SCHOOL & MORE – Children & Youth Sunday School – 3 yrs. – 6th grade Sunday Morning 9:45 – 10:45 AM Information: Jonathan Weldon, 683-4061 Youth Confirmation – 7th & 8th Grade Sunday Morning 9:45-10:45 AM Information: Genie Swan, 827-9223 High School - 9th – 12th Grade Sunday Morning 9:45 – 10:45 AM Information: Chris Miller, Youth Minister, 682-8404 Youth Group – Jr. & Sr. High Youth Regularly scheduled meetings incorporating Bible Study, Fellowship, Youth Gatherings & Service Opportunities Information: Chris Miller, Youth Minister, 682-8404 Children & Family Ministry Devotions, Fellowship & Fun for children & their families Information: Church Office, 682-8404 CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN SCHOOL & PRE-SCHOOL Quality Christian education with the love of Christ as the foundation Information: Tom Geyer, Principal K-8 682-8405 Ann Laury, Preschool Director 18 months – 4 yrs 682-8668 BIBLE STUDY – Adult Sunday Morning – 10:00 -10:45 AM Various offerings throughout the year. See separate listings Adult Instruction/New Member Class Sunday Morning – 10:00 -10:45 AM – Conference Room Class is offered 2 times per year (Spring & Fall) for 9 weeks Instruction for adults who desire to learn more about what it means to be Lutheran and for those who are interested in joining the body of CTK believers in membership Information: Church Office, 682-8404, Men’s Morning Study Tuesday 6:45 AM in the Conference Room Information: Gary Osing, 850-0193 Pastor Led Study Wednesday 9:30 AM – The Book of Romans - Fellowship Hall Information: Barbara Schmitt, Church Sec., 682-8404 Wednesday 6:30 PM – Crossways - Fellowship Hall Information: Barbara Schmitt, Church Sec. 682-8404 Women’s Studies Tuesday 10:00 AM – Youth Room - The Promised One, Seeing Jesus in Genesis Thursday 2:30 PM – Conference Room - The Promised One, Seeing Jesus in Genesis Information: Laura Greinke, 754-9983 Tuesday 6:15 PM – What the Bible says from A to Z. Information: Christy Hill, 682-0476 Home/Small Group Studies These studies meet in various homes, various days & times and study topics of choice. Information: Church Office, Church Library Volunteers help with processing and circulation of books in the church library on a rotating basis Information: Genie Swan, 827-9223 SERVING for WORSHIP Altar Guild Women who prepare the altar for worship by caring for the communion ware, altar linens, altar flowers and candles. Meets the first Thursday of the month. Information: Jean Legge, 682-8404 Ushers Men who serve on Sunday mornings & special services to distribute bulletins, usher to congregation in for worship, collect offerings, and direct the congregation during communion. Information: Mike Watson, Acolytes & Crucifers 7th & 8th grade youth trained to serve as acolytes 9th-12th grade youth trained to serve as crucifers Information: Genie Swan, 827-9223 Sunday Greeters Welcome, answer questions and register guests at Sunday worship services Information: Frank Howell, 682-5947 Sunday Nursery Supervises and cares for CTK’s youngest members and friends in the nursery for worship services & Sunday School on Sunday mornings Information: Jackie Brotchner, 755-3355 SERVING THROUGH MUSIC Adult Choir Rehearsals Wednesday 7:15 PM in the Choir Loft Information: Kitty Kosman, 682-8404 Handbell Choir Rehearsals Tuesday 4:30 PM in the Choir Loft Information: Michella Novy, 821-9671 Girls’ Chorus Meets once a week for 4 weeks about 4 times per year Information: Genie Swan, 827-9223 Guitar Group Meets occasionally & informally preparing music Information: Genie Swan, 827-9223 SERVING THE COMMUNITY & THE WORLD LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League) Women serving the Lord through mission work, meets quarterly for fellowship & devotions Information: Amy Weldon, 683-4061 LWR Quilters Women meet monthly to construct quilts for Lutheran World Relief Information: Lorraine Ellard, 755-3485 Widows Ministry Women get together for fellowship & support Information: Jackie Brotchner, 755-3355 Men’s Ministry Men get together for Service, fellowship and special events Information: Gary Osing, 850-0193 Nehemiahs Volunteers who serve Christ the King Lutheran Church through property upkeep and repairs; weekly devotions and fellowship MeetsTuesday mornings in the Fellowship Hall Information: Cliff Gorham, 685-1607 Visitation Committee Calls visitors from Sunday worship to welcome them and arrange for a personal visit if desired. Information: Richard Dalpini, 756-7914 Meals Ministry Meals provided to families in time of illness and other emergencies. Information: Marty Lonvick, 682-9867 Prayer Chain Members lift up prayers of need and concern as well as those of thanksgiving in this special ministry Information: Barbara Riley, 755-8775 Caring Committee Members send cards and/or visit those who are homebound. Information: Rose Mary Myers, 380-9209 Secret Angel Program A yearly commitment to secretly tend to the spiritual wellness of another woman in the congregation. Information: Valarie Boston, 365-9354 Faith in Action Encourages members to share their faith by volunteering service to the congregation, the community and the world. Information: Patti Higginbotham, 428-0461 Trinity/HOPE Information: FedEx Family House Information: Jean Gorham Susan Graf Habitat for Humanity Information: Jackie Brotchner, 755-3355 Stephen Ministry Lay persons with 50 hours of training in how to provide distinctively Christian care through one-to-one caring relationships. Training offered every 2 years. Information: Church Office, 682-8404 GriefShare GriefShare is a grief recovery support group where you can find help and healing for the hurt of losing a loved one. Currently meeting on Sunday 4:00 PM Information: Church Office, 682-8404 King’s Fellowship Monthly time of fun and fellowship for those who have celebrated their 50th. Information: Ernie or Joyce Miller, 756-6346 Board of Fellowship Coordinates event for all ages, potlucks, pre-service meals and other events that bring all facets of Christ the King Church and School together. Information: Genie Swan, 827-9223 Sports Bowling League, Men’s Softball and Basketball games Information: Church Office, 682-8404