P a g e |0 TAE40110 TEMPLATES TABLE OF CONTENTS LEARNING PROGRAM SUMMARY 1 DETERMINE TECHNIQUES AND RESOURCES RELEVANT TO LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND LEARNER CHARACTERISTICS 3 RESOURCES 4 PROGRAM DELIVERY PLAN 6 SESSION PLAN TEMPLATE 8 ORGANISATIONAL TIMELINE 10 PROFORMA ASSESSMENT PLAN 11 ASSESSMENT PLAN (2) 12 ASSESSMENT TOOL 13 ASSESSMENT PLAN (continued) 14 ASSESSMENT TOOL (2) 15 VALIDATION ACTION PLAN TEMPLATE 17 COLLABORATION PLAN TEMPLATE 18 LEARNING PROGRAM COMPETENCY MAP 19 RISK CONTROL PLAN TEMPLATE FOR A LEARNING PROGRAM 20 LEARNING PROGRAM PLAN TEMPLATE 21 LEARNING PROGRAM CONTENT AND AGENDA 22 REVIEW STRATEGY FOR A LEARNING PROGRAM DRAFT 23 WORKPLACE LEARNING PLAN TEMPLATE 26 SESSION PLAN TEMPLATE (SKILL SESSION) 29 SESSION PLAN TEMPLATE (KNOWLEDGE SESSION) 30 QUALITY EVIDENCE CHECKLIST 31 P a g e |1 ASSESSMENT PLAN (RPL ASSESSMENT) 32 ASSESSMENT PLAN 34 ASSESSMENT INTRUMENT TEMPLATE: OBSERVATION CHECKLIST 36 ASSESSMENT INTRUMENT TEMPLATE: WRITTEN QUESTIONS 37 ASSESSMENT INTRUMENT TEMPLATE: VERBAL QUESTIONS 38 ASSESSMENT INTRUMENT TEMPLATE: PROJECT 39 ASSESSMENT INTRUMENT TEMPLATE: RPL EVIDENCE PLAN AND ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST 40 COMPETENCY MAP (MATRIX) 41 ASSESSMENT BRIEF CHECKLIST 42 RECORD OF ASSESSMENT RESULTS 43 ASSESSMENT FEEDBACK FORM 44 TEMPLATE: RECORD OF ASSESSMENT VALIDATION 45 P a g e |1 1. LEARNING PROGRAM SUMMARY Name of Training Organisation: Title of Training Program Client Name/Address Client Contact Person and contact details Requirements of the Learning Program Context of the Learning Program Scope Statement How will I identify: Related Document Training needs Learning characteristics Learner support requirements Constraints to delivery Risks to delivery People who need to be involved Specific Learning Objectives Learner Characteristics Learner Support Needs © 2011 Fortress Learning 1 P a g e |2 1. 2. 3. Risks Constraints People Involved (Responsibilities) © 2011 Fortress Learning 2 P a g e |3 2. DETERMINE TECHNIQUES AND RESOURCES RELEVANT TO LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND LEARNER CHARACTERISTICS Learning Objectives Possible Delivery Techniques Learner Characteristics Selected Activities How can they be contextualized? 1a. 1b. etc © 2011 Fortress Learning 3 P a g e |4 3. RESOURCES Selected Activities How can they be contextualized? Existing Resources New Resources Required © 2011 Fortress Learning 4 P a g e |5 Selected Activities How can they be contextualized? Existing Resources New Resources Required © 2011 Fortress Learning 5 P a g e |6 4. PROGRAM DELIVERY PLAN Resources Session Date/Time Learning Objectives Learning Activities E: existing Assessment Methods OHS Issues Trainers Related Documents N: New 1 2 3 4 © 2011 Fortress Learning 6 P a g e |7 Resources Session Date/Time Learning Objectives Learning Activities E: existing Assessment Methods OHS Issues Trainers Related Documents N: New 5 Confirmed By: Signature: Date: © 2011 Fortress Learning 7 P a g e |8 5. SESSION PLAN TEMPLATE Name of Training Organisation: Venue: Title of Training Program Date: Client Name/Address Time: Client Contact Person and contact details Trainer/s: Delivery Strategy Time Strategy Resources Learning Objectives Time Strategy Resources Learning Objectives © 2011 Fortress Learning 8 P a g e |9 Confirmed By: Signature: Date: Self-Evaluation: Signature/Date: © 2011 Fortress Learning 9 P a g e | 10 6. ORGANISATIONAL TIMELINE Tasks Week Commencing Resource Collection Modification Development Venue Organisation OHS Comms. Complete Comment © 2011 Fortress Learning 10 P a g e | 11 Assessment Plan Qualification Name of RTO contact person ASSESSMENT PLAN Telephone Assessment Task: Assessment Method: Assessor/s: Date of Assessment: Units of competency – elements to be assessed Brief assessment of task: Resources Required: Instructions for Candidates: Adapted from: Learning and Assessment Strategy Outline Template, Learning and Assessment Strategies – Part 2: Resource Guide (ANTA, 2002). © 2011 Fortress Learning 11 P a g e | 12 Assessment Plan (2) Qualification Name of RTO contact person ASSESSMENT PLAN Telephone Assessment Task: Assessment Method: Assessor/s: Date of Assessment: Units of competency – elements to be assessed Brief assessment of task: Resources Required: Instructions for Candidates: Adapted from: Learning and Assessment Strategy Outline Template, Learning and Assessment Strategies – Part 2: Resource Guide (ANTA, 2002). © 2011 Fortress Learning 12 P a g e | 13 Assessment Tool Qualification Name of RTO contact person ASSESSMENT PLAN Telephone Assessment Task: Assessment Method: Assessor/s: Date of Assessment: Units of competency – elements to be assessed Brief assessment of task: Resources Required: Instructions for Candidates: Instructions for administering: © 2011 Fortress Learning 13 P a g e | 14 Assessment Plan Qualification Name of RTO contact person ASSESSMENT PLAN Telephone Assessment Task: Assessment Method: Assessor/s: Date of Assessment: Units of competency – elements to be assessed Benchmarks for assessment: Reasonable adjustments: Specified variations or restrictions Rules for verifying assessment decisions: Identified hazards in the assessment environment and appropriate controls and reporting mechanisms: OHS Requirements Information on access and equity requirements: Checklist for evaluation of work samples: Adapted from: Learning and Assessment Strategy Outline Template, Learning and Assessment Strategies – Part 2: Resource Guide (ANTA, 2002). © 2011 Fortress Learning 14 P a g e | 15 Assessment Tool (2) Qualification Name of RTO contact person ASSESSMENT PLAN Telephone Assessment Task: Assessment Method: Assessor/s: Date of Assessment: Units of competency – elements to be assessed Brief assessment of task: Resources Required: Instructions for Candidates: Instructions for administering: Benchmarks for assessment: Reasonable adjustments: Specified variations or © 2011 Fortress Learning 15 P a g e | 16 restrictions on the assessment tool: Rules for verifying assessment decisions: Identified hazards in the assessment environment and appropriate controls and reporting mechanisms OHS requirements: Information on access and equity requirements: Checklist for evaluation of work samples: © 2011 Fortress Learning 16 P a g e | 17 VALIDATION ACTION PLAN TEMPLATE Validation Issue What action is required? Who is responsible for this action? When will this action be reviewed? Comments: Name: Date: Signature: © 2011 Fortress Learning 17 P a g e | 18 COLLABORATION PLAN TEMPLATE When Purpose With whom? Method Desired outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6 © 2011 Fortress Learning 18 P a g e | 19 LEARNING PROGRAM COMPETENCY MAP Program title Unit/s of competency addressed Delivery mode Session 8 Session 7 Session 6 Session 5 Session 4 Session 3 Session 2 Session 1 Sessions Unit code and title: 1 2 3 4 5 6 © 2011 Fortress Learning 19 P a g e | 20 RISK CONTROL PLAN TEMPLATE FOR A LEARNING PROGRAM Name of learning program Delivery mode Hazard Training environment Risk Control Monitor © 2011 Fortress Learning 20 P a g e | 21 LEARNING PROGRAM PLAN TEMPLATE COVER SHEET Program name RTO Client Purpose/Focus Qualification Competency standards Prerequisites Delivery mode Program duration (total) Assessment Number of learners Target learner group (profile) Special needs Venue and equipment required Learning materials and other resources required Pre-program information or pre-work Program administration People to be informed OHS issues Other logistics Review mechanisms continued © 2011 Fortress Learning 21 P a g e | 22 Learning program plan template, cont’d LEARNING PROGRAM CONTENT AND AGENDA Session no. & Title Time Learning outcomes: Learners should be able to… Content (topics) Delivery Application/ Assessment Resources End of learning program plan template © 2011 Fortress Learning 22 23 REVIEW STRATEGY FOR A LEARNING PROGRAM DRAFT Name of learning program Principal developer/s Focus of the review Data to be collected Method for gathering feedback Stakeholders who will provide feedback Method for reviewing, collating and summarising feedback Recommended improvements to be approved by Version control considerations Ongoing review strategy Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 24 EVALUATION TOOL FOR A LEARNING PROGRAM DRAFT Name of program reviewed Name of reviewer Date completed Instructions for the reviewer Thank-you for helping to review this learning program! 1. 2. Please use the space provided to answer all questions listed below. Email your completed evaluation to someone@somewhere.com.au by <date>. 1. Focus: Is the focus and purpose of the learning program clear and appropriate? Strengths Weaknesses Recommendations 2. Competency requirements: Are all requirements of the unit/s of competency addressed in the content and structure of the program? Strengths Weaknesses Recommendations 3. Chunking & sequencing: Does the learning sequence provide effective & manageable blocks of learning? Strengths Weaknesses Recommendations Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 25 4. Activities: Are they interesting, relevant and appropriate to outcomes and learner characteristics? Strengths Weaknesses Recommendations 5. Assessment: Are assessment points, methods and tools appropriate and effective? Strengths Weaknesses Recommendations 6. Equity: Are equity needs effectively addressed? Strengths Weaknesses Recommendations 7. OHS: Are risk areas and contingencies identified? Is the program safe and effective? Strengths Weaknesses Recommendations Any other comments? Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 26 WORKPLACE LEARNING PLAN TEMPLATE General information Learner Trainer Date Workplace Reason for learning Learning goals Learner information Date of pre-program consultation Job title Key duties Learner characteristics General LL&N Health issues Learning preferences Availability for training Support needs continued Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 27 Workplace learning plan template, cont’d Logistics Monitoring progress and assessing achievement of learning goals Use of workplace routines to promote learning Resources OHS issues Personnel to support the plan Personnel to be informed Administrative requirements Review processes continued Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 28 Workplace Learning Pathway Phase 1: Summary & Duration Dates/Times Outcomes Location Activities Assessment Personnel Phase 2: Summary & Duration Dates/Times Outcomes Location Activities Assessment Personnel Sign-off Trainer (name) (signature) (date) Learner (name) (signature) (date) Supervisor (name) (signature) (date) end of workplace learning plan template Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 29 SESSION PLAN TEMPLATE (SKILL SESSION) Session title Total time Outcome Resources Preparation Time Activities INTRODUCTION I N T R O S BODY Demonstrate Practice Summarise Assess CONCLUSION O F F Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 30 SESSION PLAN TEMPLATE (KNOWLEDGE SESSION) Program Session title Total time Outcome Resources Time Activities Resources INTRODUCTION I N T R O S BODY Explain Apply Summarise Assess CONCLUSION O F F Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 31 QUALITY EVIDENCE CHECKLIST Use this checklist to help determine whether or not evidence you have selected as the basis for assessment is of an acceptable quality. Does the evidence identified as the basis for assessment: Yes No 1. Address all elements and performance criteria of the unit/s addressed? 2. Address all specific or critical aspects of evidence? 3. Address all required knowledge? 4. Address all required skills? 5. Demonstrate the relevant employability skills to an acceptable standard? 6. Include at least one source of direct or indirect evidence? 7. Include enough supplementary evidence to back up direct/indirect evidence? 8. Include evidence of products and processes? 9. Demonstrate the candidate’s ability to perform the task in realistic working conditions? 10. Demonstrate the candidate’s ability to perform the task over a period of time? 11. And finally... is it enough without being too much? Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 32 ASSESSMENT PLAN (RPL ASSESSMENT) RTO Date prepared Candidate Assessor Competency standard/s Process undertaken to determine evidence required (tick appropriate box) Meeting between assessor and candidate Other—describe: Evidence to be submitted by candidate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 How RPL evidence will be presented (tick appropriate box): as a written portfolio Practical assessment in an RPL interview— anticipated duration: _______ hours Other: Assessment date/s Assessment location Venue requirements Documentation required continued Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 33 Assessment plan (RPL assessment), cont’d OHS issues People to be informed Specialist support required? No Yes (describe): Other issues? Signed by: ________________________________ Assessor ___________________ date signed ________________________________ Candidate ___________________ date signed Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 34 ASSESSMENT PLAN (TRAINING AND ASSESSMENT PATHWAY ASSESSMENT) RTO Date prepared Program name Competency standard/s Candidate/s Assessor/s Assessment date/s & timeframes Assessment procedure Assessment location Venue requirements OHS issues Documentation required continued Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 35 Assessment plan (training and assessment pathway assessment), cont’d People to be informed Reasonable adjustments Provision for specialist support Other issues Recording and reporting mechanisms Review mechanisms Signed by: ________________________________ Assessor ___________________ date signed Approved by: ________________________________ Authorising party (print name) ________________________________ Signature of authorising party ___________________ date signed Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 36 ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT TEMPLATE: OBSERVATION CHECKLIST Instructions and requirements ● This checklist is to be completed by the assessor ● For a satisfactory result, all steps of the procedure must be performed to the standard described below. Details of observation RTO Candidate name Assessor name Competency standard Assessment date Task/procedure observed Observation checklist Did the candidate: Yes No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Results Overall performance Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory Feedback to candidate Assessor signature Date: Candidate signature Date: Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 37 ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT TEMPLATE: WRITTEN QUESTIONS Written test— <Name and code of competency standard addressed or name of test> Candidate name: _____________________________ date: ________________ Instructions and requirements <Add information here as appropriate> Part A: True/False Instructions: Circle the true or false beside each statement (1 point each) 1. <statement here> true false 2. <statement here> true false Part B: Multiple Choice Instructions: Circle letters A, B, C or D below each statement to indicate the correct response (1 point each) 3. <state question here>: A <answer option 1> B <answer option 2> C <answer option 3> D <answer option 4> Part C: Short answer questions Instructions: Answer the following questions—about ______ page required per question. 4. <Question here> An answer key must also be developed! TOTAL SCORE: ______ out of _______ = _______% OVERALL RESULT: Satisfactory (score of _____% or higher) Not Yet Satisfactory (score of _____% or lower) Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 38 ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT TEMPLATE: VERBAL QUESTIONS Verbal questioning instrument— <Name and code of competency standard addressed or name of questioning instrument> Candidate name: ______________________________ date: ________________ Assessor name: ______________________________ Instructions for assessors ● Please ask the candidate the questions below ● Document quality of answers provided by using the space and checklists provided below ● For a satisfactory result, <state requirements for satisfactory completion here> Question 1: Key information required for ‘satisfactory’ result (tick when provided) Assessor notes S NYS Assessor notes S NYS Question 2: Another question Key information required for ‘satisfactory’ result (tick when provided) Key information required for ‘satisfactory’ answer OVERALL RESULT: Satisfactory (all questions answered to a satisfactory standard) Not Yet Satisfactory (not all questions answered to a satisfactory standard) Assessor signature: _______________________ Date signed: ______________ Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 39 ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT TEMPLATE: PROJECT Project— <Name and code of competency standard addressed or name of project> Instructions for candidates <Use this space to note how to complete project and what to do when completed> Requirements for satisfactory result for this project All evidence must be of a satisfactory standard to achieve a satisfactory result overall. Assessment tasks Overview <Use this space to give an overview of the project> Submit the following Assessor to complete these columns Item to submit Required quality Quality of evidence S NYS 1 2 3 4 5 Feedback for candidate Additional Instructions for assessors may also be needed in another document. Overall result Satisfactory (all evidence was provided and was of required quality) Not yet Satisfactory Assessor signature: _________________________ Date signed: ______________ Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 40 ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT TEMPLATE: RPL EVIDENCE PLAN AND ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST RTO Date of RPL Candidate Assessor Competency standard/s Process undertaken to determine evidence required (tick appropriate box) Meeting between assessor and candidate RPL guide used Other Evidence required Assessor to tick () correct column when reviewing evidence S NYS fully address the requirements of the competency standard assessed? yes no demonstrate the candidate’s ability to perform the task/s in a workplace, over a period of time yes no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Reviewing the evidence (assessor to complete): Did the evidence provided Overall Result (assessor to complete and candidate to sign when completed) Competent Not yet competent Assessor signature: date: Candidate signature: date: Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 41 COMPETENCY MAP (MATRIX) Unit: <Note name and code of competency standard here> Tasks: 1. 2. Task 4 Task 3 Task 1 4. Task 2 3. Elements and performance criteria 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 (optional) Map to other parts of unit (e.g. critical aspects for assessment or required knowledge) ● ● ● Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 42 ASSESSMENT BRIEF CHECKLIST Candidate name Assessor name Competency standard assessed Date of assessment brief Tick if the following was discussed/clarified with the candidate: Reason and purpose of the assessment Competency standards being assessed Confirm candidate understanding of how competency-based assessments work Assessment procedure—what candidate must do and how long it should take Requirements for ‘competent’ result What will happen if result if ‘C’ (competent) and what will happen if result is NYC (not yet competent) Time / date / location of assessment and/or assessment deadline Other information about the assessment as needed: e.g. what to bring, what to wear, how to prepare Reasonable adjustments and/or specific support needs—note here if applicable: Appeals process Confidentiality and names of those will have access to assessment records Responsibility to submit authentic evidence (where appropriate) Assessment choice Signed by: __________________________________ candidate signature ___________________ date signed _______________________________ assessor signature __________________ date signed Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 43 RECORD OF ASSESSMENT RESULTS RTO Candidate name Assessor name Competency standard Assessment pathway Training & assessment RPL Assessment date/s Assessment location/s Assessment attempt First attempt Second Third Results for each element C NYC Element 1: Element 2: Element 3: Overall Result Competent Not yet competent Resubmit (more evidence needed) Assessor comments/details of action plan (if applicable) Assessment decision and action plan accepted by candidate? Yes No—the candidate will appeal the assessment decision. Assessor signature: date: Candidate signature: date: Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 44 ASSESSMENT FEEDBACK FORM RTO Candidate name Assessor name Competency standard Assessment pathway Training & assessment RPL Assessment date/s Poor Fair Please rate your assessment experience by ticking () the appropriate column beside each question below. Very good Instructions for the candidate Excellent Assessment location/s 1. Did the assessor clarify the assessment process with you before the assessment began? 2. Were assessment documents clear and helpful? 3. Did your assessment experience match expectations? 4. Did the assessor support you both during your preparation and throughout the assessment? 5. Do you think the assessment was appropriate for the competencies assessed? 6. Do you feel that the assessor made a fair assessment decision? 7. Did you receive specific, useful feedback about your performance? 8. Did you and the assessor discuss what will happen after the assessment? 9. Was the assessment environment comfortable and suitable? Overall, how would you rate: 10. The assessment process 11. The assessment materials and documentation 12. The assessor 13. (if applicable) assistance provided by other RTO staff. Provide space on the second page for the candidate to note strengths of assessment, recommendations for improvement and other comments Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 45 TEMPLATE: RECORD OF ASSESSMENT VALIDATION Cover sheet Purpose of validation Relevant competency standard/s (if applicable) Resources needed Validation date/s, time/s and length Validation location Validation approach Face-to-face meeting Telephone or on-line chat Other: Validation moderator Other participants Preparation required continued Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 46 Appendix 13—Template: Record of assessment validation, cont’d Validation Criteria Checklist Criteria S NYS Comments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Summary of feedback/results Recommendations for improvement Action required By whom? By when? 1 2 3 Signatures of validators Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010 47 Uncontrolled when printed. Current version available from www.taa04.com.au ©Fortress Learning, 2010