11 Excessive Junk Mail and Deforestation ABSTACT INTRO Knowledgeable combatants against social injustices around the world, use rhetoric to create curiosity and attachment to an idea or movement. Visual stimulation is very affective in this as well however if you watch a video about Bsing rhetoric that effective informs people about the problem. Effectiveness falls under 3 categories vocabulary, tone, and style of writing to B How can Spreading effective literature aoub If we stop and think about the techniques of written about ……. shedding light on how people and/or organizations combat the problem using different forms of literature. END ABSTRACT INTRO Knowledgeable combatants against social injustices around the world, use rhetoric to create curiosity and attachment to an idea or movement. The individuals that are dedicated to stopping, preventing, or slowing the acts of various injustices around the world use keywords, phrases, and rhetoric to educate the public of the problem. As the first two weeks passed I thought of many different social justice problems such as the absurd incarceration rate and over crowed jails due to minor drug offenses, which is, tied with the “war on drugs”, homelessness in Santa Barbara, and feeding the poor. All of these topics interest me and need to be address but I wanted to think outside of the box and choose a topic that is rarely addressed and sincerely bugs me! Every time I receive a piece of mail, I get a stack of unwanted junk mail. You may be asking yourself, “How is junk mail a social injustice?” After 11 reading this paper you’ll have a better understanding as to how this intrusive form of advertising has a devastating impact on the environment. The next time you recycle the junk mail that accumulates in your mailbox, you’ll have a disturbing feeling of the wasteful nature attached to them. According to greendimes.com, a website devoted to stopping this wasteful social injustice, it’s estimated that 100 million trees are cut down each year to create 4.5 million tons of junk mail. Upon further research on this topic, I began to realize the organizations that combat this problem are solely focused on deforestation. In essence, junk mail has a direct correlation to deforestation. Greendimes.com offers mind-blowing statistics but lacks the financial backing to truly stop this problem. However I did find one organization that lightly discusses the problems of junk mail but is fully devoted to slowing and potentially stopping the exponential rate of deforestation by creating recycled paper for many uses. Frank Locantore who has over ten years experiencecombating deforestation by selling recycled paper directs the Green America Better Paper Project, which is located in Denver, Colorado. His efforts to slow and hopefully stop deforestation have been backed by many prestigious organizations such as National Wildlife Federation, Canopy, and Rainforest Action Network. The Better Paper Project uses consumer education such as carefully placed logos and an effective website to educate consumers of the dangers of deforestation however they could . So when did junk mail start contributing to the rapid destruction of our number one oxygen source? According to Greendimes, “the first recorded piece of mail sent to multiple recipients with advertisement purposes caused a negative 11 reaction than a positive one, and that was in 1864” (2014). Considering the population of the United States was roughly 31 million in 1864 and the current number is around ten and a half times that (318.9 million) the notion that junk mail is a realistic practice for the 21 century is foolish. It’s not just a domestic problem either. “30% of all the mail delivered around the world,” (2014) is considered junk mail. However, the statistics for the junk mail we receive here in the stats is mind blowing. “American households receive a total of 104.7 billion pieces of junk mail a year” (2014). That’s 848 per home. “It takes more than 100,000,000 trees,” (2014) to produce all that ad mail. That would be the equivalent of “clear cutting the entire rocky mountain national park every four months” (2014). Instead of measuring this based off of speculative ideas, lets look at the real damage this is causing. Two of the forests suffering from this devastating impact are the Canadian Boreal Forest and Indonesia’s tropical forests. Canada’s lush Boreal Forest is being logged “at a rate of 2 acres a minute, 24 hours a day to produce junk mail and other paper products” (2014). 1,100 miles ways, in the humid rainforests of Indonesia, the effects of deforestation are rampant causing 8% of global carbon emissions. The manufacture of junk mail releases more greenhouse gas emissions per year than the emissions released by 9,372,000 average passenger cars. The CO2 emissions from 41 pounds of advertising mail received annually by the average US consumer is about 47.6 kilograms (105), which has a large footprint on the environment (Greendimes, 2014). Does this large footprint on the environment benefit anyone? Are there people out there that find junk mail useful? 11 Yes, there are people that use junk mail on a daily basis. Based off of the junk mail that I started collecting at the beginning of this semester, 8 out of 10 pieces of junk are in the form of a coupon or advertisement. It could be argued that certain junk mail is produced to privilege customers with discounts to get them in to the store. This method helps people a dime here and there and may add up in certain households. For the most part though, “44% of junk mail is discarded without being opened or read, equaling 4 million tons of paper waste per year, with just 32% recovered for recycling,” and to add more fuel to the fire, “the Ohio Office of Compliance has state that ‘250,000 homes could be heated for a single day’s junk mail” (2014). For the families that are coupon kings and queens, they should be able to sign up for these forms of ‘discounts’ and receive them electronically to conserve paper. The Better Paper Project would approve this idea. Frank Locantore is the director of operations for the Better Paper Project. This organization focuses on the massive impact on the environment caused by deforestation. This is closely linked with junk mail considering it’s “estimated that 100 million trees are cut down each year to create the 4.5 million tons of junk mail in the United States alone” (2014). Locantore’s “normal work day” doesn’t involve combating junk mail first hand. However the Better Paper Project does create different forms of rhetoric to educate individuals about the problems of deforestation. Their website, http://betterpaper.ning.com/, gives specific instructions on how to slow the influx of junk mail filling your inbox. Locantore believes that junk mail “is a problem” however “there are bigger problems to solve” (Locantore, 2015). 11 Frank’s day consists of many different responsibilities such as “meetings with publishers and magazine staff,” time “spent on the phone,” and some days “that are a mish-mash of phone calls with colleagues, researching, creating incentives for publishers to buy recycled paper, countering bogus myths and on and on” (Locantore, 2015). These bogus myths are difficult to control considering different lobbying firms wage a war against the better paper project. Big business has their protocol and tries to continue the use of paper obtained by unsustainable means. It’s the Better Paper Projects mission to educate the public on the means of sustainable paper options. On the Better Paper Project of America’s website, the mission statement is clearly stated on the About section. “The Better Paper Project empowers the magazine industry to go green. For over ten years, we've helped magazine publishers choose sustainable papers (recycled and certified) and give them a leg up in the green economy through our special promotions and other benefits. Explore our partners who help us protect forests, climate and communities. Join now to start enjoying the economic and environmental rewards of participating in the Better Paper Project. Contact us with questions or for more information.” The website, which is a key writing artifact connected to the Better Paper Project needs to have a clear layout to allow the audience to navigate and educate themselves about the problem at hand. It was easy to go to the About section and learn all about the mission statement for the group. In the short synopsis about the group, the Better Paper Project strengthens their ethos by creating a hyperlink to “explore [their] partners who help [them] protect the forest, climate and 11 communities” (2015). As stated in Crafting Messages for Electronic Media, “communicating with personal style and an authentic voice,” (20___) this allows the Better Paper Project to hit home when talking about saving our forests. This strengthens the logos and pathos appeal. Their websites, as well as numerous links such as these three writing artifacts provided by Mr. Locantore – video and transcription of recycled papermaking, EPN global common vision, and a specific focus on the deforestation of Indonesia – stregtehtn the emotional appeal and reinforcing logical understanding that we need forests to survive on this planet! The online medium is highly effective considering changes to stats are made easily as well as updates to educate people about the problem is not labor intensive. Conclusion Considering our class is on the study of writing I gauged my questions accordingly. I defined many terms as they pertain to our class for him such as genera and conventions. 11 1. Take me through your "normal" work day with the Better Paper Project. There is no “normal” work day. Some days are spent on the phone a lot. Others are full of meetings with publishers and magazine staff. Then there are the days that are a mish-mash of phone calls with colleagues, researching, creating incentives for publishers to buy recycled paper, countering bogus myths, and on and on. All in the service to our mission to solve social and environmental problems through economic actions. 2. What is your roll in this organization? I direct the Green America Better Paper Project 3. In our class we discuss the importance of genera and conventions. My interpretation of your genera would be global warming/protecting the environment. Conventions are the means that make up your genera (i.e. genera = horror movie / conventions of horror movies are suspenseful music, dark lighting, popping out ect.). How would you define your genera and conventions? Genera: social and environmental responsibility Conventions: economic strategies combined with consumer education and organizing, supply chain collaborations, and life-cycle assessments. 4. Who is your audience? Magazine publishers are the primary audience. Their supply chain is our secondary audience. The tertiary audience is consumers. 5. What is the best way to inform people of how wasteful junk mail is / what is your message? I don’t talk about junk mail. 6. If there was one piece of information/statistic you could share with everyone about how terribly wasteful junk mail is, what would it be? N/A 7. Do you believe junk mail is intrusive on personal privacy? Not particularly – relative to all other info about us that we likely submit ourselves on FB and other social media, junk mail isn’t really intrusive. 11 8. I notice there a couple different organizations that focus on the eradication of junk mail (41 Pounds, Greendimes, Better Paper Project) Why not join together to fight the same cause? That is an important question. Though I don’t deal with junk mail, I have been part of efforts that bring organizations together to work together. Perhaps 41 pounds and Greendimes are all ready working together. If not, they could follow the model we created at the Environmental Paper Network. 9. We believe that junk mail is wasteful to precious resources - such as trees and water just to name a few. We stand for something and have an argument against companies exploiting these resources using junk mail, how does the Better Paper Project use ethos, pathos, and logos in their stance against these corporations? Since we’ve established that we don’t work on junk mail issues, I would answer in this way. We try to use words that people understand and that resonate with them. For example, “genera” and “convention” are horrible words that have no meaning to the public (I know you weren’t asking the public to explain them, however, why not understand your audience a bit and use words that don’t require you to explain?). We demonstrate our “ethos” by clearly defining our mission, the strategies we employ, and the experience and expertise that we have on the issues. We also build alliances and collaborations with other organizations and/or people that can help augment our standing or fill in a gap where we may not have deep expertise. We demonstrate the solutions that exist and have already proved to be effective. Having the science of what is fact is important to support the message. Our “pathos” depends on the audience we are speaking to. If it is the general public we think about what people see and experience in their lives. We ask ourselves, what do they care about? Can pictures be used to create an immediate image and story? For the magazine staff and supply chain audience they rarely care about the environment. If they do care about the environment, then we use the same tactics all ready mentioned. But, even in those cases we still have to talk to them about what they really care about: costs and revenue. They mainly want to spend less than what they are currently spending and they want to increase their revenue. If we can speak to them on that level, then they are more likely to listen. Finally, logic rarely has anything to do when profit motives are involved. In my experience it would be “ethos,” “pathos,” and “force" or “pressure” as the troika. The pressure tactics are basically a way to damage their financial bottom line or brand so that they will be more receptive to the greater social and environmental good that would come from changing their practices. Such tactics only come after ethos and pathos fail. (It was just last year that National Geographic began using 11 recycled paper after years of “ethos-ing” and “pathos-ing” them. We had to threaten to run a public campaign of embarrassment before they switched.) Dirk suggests “ learning about genres and how they function is more important that mastering one particular genre” (2010, p.2) Introduces a new paragraph – singular focus of the paragraph – idea anchor for the paragraph On average, I receive around two pounds of junk mail per day. Intrusive nature, stats, tie in with better paper project and thesis P1 - If junk mail is necessary use BPP paper What is the BBP and who runs it? P2 – Introduce Frank Locantore What are his ties with the org P3 – How does Locantore and BPP use writing artifacts to spread awareness ETHOS, PATHOS, LOGOS 11 Conclusion Wrap up BPP awareness techniques, tie back in with junk mail and how wasteful it is Working – is an idea but may be general, provides usufeul info but isn’t an argument or debateable Thesis – can be argued and backed up