
HOOKfit Personal Training & Nutrition Consulting
Michael R. Hook CPT CSNS
Dear Clients,
This is a supplement blueprint for those who are looking to accelerate their muscle growth and look
incredibly “jacked” within only a few days! That’s right, a few days! This is not a trick or a gimmick but a
scientific formula that will have you swollen and jacked within a few days. This plan is a little unorthodox
but will unlock your muscle building factors unlike anything you have ever tried! This is not a complete
nutrition plan; this is just the supplementation blueprint.
On training days follow this:
 As soon as you wake up drink 20oz of cold water. Then make a 25g whey protein shake and wash
down 4g of CLA, 1 serving of your multi-vitamin, and BCAA’s if you take them. Also take one serving
of your Ursolic Acid supplement now; I suggest RECOMP by Nutrology U.
o Yes, CLA is an amino acid used for weight loss. Use it in this plan to minimize bloating and fat
gain in your midriff (belly). This plan is for muscle gains not just scale weight.
 One hour before training drink ½ of a serving of your favorite waxy maize formula. Then drink 2040oz of water.
 Thirty minutes prior to your workout mix one serving of your favorite pre-workout with one serving
of your creatine supplement. We suggest mixing one serving of Cellucor’s M5 with one serving of
Nutrology’s HYDRA-CREATINE. Nutrology’s product contains COP [Creatinal-O-Phosphate] which
really makes your muscles pop! Make sure your pre-workout contains Betaine; a highly potent
ingredient that accelerates strength and muscle gains.
 During your workout drink the other ½ serving of your favorite waxy maize supplement. Take
another serving of BCAA’s after strength training but before cardio if applicable.
 Right after your workout [ASAP] consume 50g of whey protein combined with 25g of casein protein.
Don’t buy a blend; mix your own so you know you’re getting the right amounts. The two protein
strands will allow for fast and prolonged absorption. You can also add 5-10g of creatine to your post
workout shake, play with the dosage you don’t want to blow up like a water balloon; you want real
results. Studies have shown that eating a high GI carbohydrate source with your post workout shake
will refuel glycogen and accelerate muscle growth. This is a great time to take down a pixie stick!
 Before bed, for your last meal of the day, drink 20-25g of casein protein. You can opt out of the
shake and eat cottage cheese instead. You can also add cottage cheese to each one of your meals to
ensure a steady flow of amino acids all day long!
 Now remember to super hydrate all day long. Shoot for 1-2 gallons of water a day on top of your
carbonated beverages and juices.
To your results & success!
Michael R. Hook
President of HOOKfit