Service Optimization Date Time Violation Detector Product ClickApp by ClickSoftware For use with ClickMobile Touch ClickSoftware Confidential Legal Notice The software with this guide is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only according to the terms of that agreement. Copyright Copyright © ClickSoftware Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied without the express written permission of ClickSoftware Technologies Ltd. Patent and Trademark US Patent Number 6,985,872 B2 ClickAnalyze, ClickFix, ClickForecast, ClickMobile, ClickPlan, ClickRoster, ClickSchedule, and ClickSoftware are registered trademarks of ClickSoftware Technologies Ltd. Contact Information Contact information is available from the ClickSoftware web site: For general information, email to For ClickSoftware Worldwide Support, email to or see the support page on the ClickSoftware web site. For Partner Enablement, email to Publication Notice This guide has been carefully compiled. The information in this guide does not constitute a warranty of performance. Furthermore, ClickSoftware reserves the right to revise this publication and make changes from time to time in the content thereof, without obligation to notify any person of such revisions or changes. ClickSoftware assumes no liability for losses incurred as a result of out-of-date or incorrect information in this guide. Version Date Time Violation Detector App number: 1172 App version: 1.0 Date: February 2014 Date Time Violation Detector 3 Contents DATE TIME VIOLATION DETECTOR ................. 4 Use ............................................................................................................. 4 How the App Works .............................................................................. 5 Legitimate Clock Discrepancies............................................................ 5 Disabling Detection for an Engineer ..................................................... 5 Prerequisites .............................................................................................. 6 Time-Zone Configuration Requirement ................................................ 6 Installation .................................................................................................. 6 Configuration .............................................................................................. 6 Step 1. Creating the PolicyViolation Collection .................................... 7 Step 2. Adding Engineer Property ........................................................ 9 Step 3. Configuring SXP Message ....................................................... 9 Step 4. Creating User Templates ....................................................... 10 Step 5. Configuring the PolicyViolation Business View ...................... 11 Step 6. Configuring Loading Criteria .................................................. 12 Step 7. Configuring the App Event and Settings ................................ 13 Comments ................................................................................................ 18 4 Date Time Violation Detector Date Time Violation Detector The Date Time Violation Detector helps prevent false time reports, whether deliberate or inadvertent, that are caused by setting the mobile device clock to an incorrect time. The app detects and warns if the clock of a mobile device is set differently from the server clock. Use Under various circumstances, ClickMobile automatically records the current clock time of the mobile device. Depending on the ClickMobile configuration, this can occur when: In the Schedule view, an employee reports the start or finish of an assignment In the Timesheets view, an employee clocks in or out of a shift To ensure accurate reporting, it is critical that the clock of the mobile device be set to the same time as the Service Optimization server within an acceptable tolerance. The Date Time Violation Detector detects clock discrepancies and helps mitigate their consequences. Date Time Violation Detector 5 How the App Works The Date Time Violation Detector verifies that the system clock of the mobile device is synchronized with the Service Optimization server clock. If the clocks are set to different times, the app detects a clock violation. The system implementer can configure the app to behave in any combination of the following ways when it detects a violation: The app can detect the violation silently and generate a violation report. The supervisory staff can view the violation reports in either ClickSoftware Workspace or ClickMobile. The app can display a warning to the user about the violation. The app can prevent the user from saving the assignment form. The user cannot save the incorrect time data. The app can immediately close the assignment form. The user cannot view or edit the assignment details. Legitimate Clock Discrepancies A clock discrepancy might be legitimate. Optionally, you can enable the employees or the supervisors to report the reason for a clock discrepancy. Disabling Detection for an Engineer By default, violation detection is enabled for all ClickMobile users. To disable detection for a specific user, set the Engineer.DisableDateTimeViolation property to True. You might do this, for example, if the user is a technician who tests and repairs the mobile devices, or if the user frequently crosses time-zone boundaries. Such users might legitimately need to reset the clock of the mobile device. 6 Date Time Violation Detector Prerequisites This app requires ClickMobile Touch. For information about the certified versions, see the ClickSoftware AppStore page of this app. Time-Zone Configuration Requirement The app requires that you enable time-zone support in the Service Optimization system. You must define the engineer time zones in the District dictionary. The clock of each mobile device must be set to the engineer time zone. To verify the configuration, open the Service Optimization Administration tool and examine the following setting: Central Settings/Parameters/Time Zones/Identifiers/ EngineerTimeZone The setting value must be District. If the setting has any other value, you cannot use the app. The app does not support time-phased engineer time zones. For more information about the time-zone configuration, see Time Zones in the ClickPlatform Configuration Guide. Installation 1. On each ClickMobile middle tier, copy the following file to the ClickMobileWEB\CustomScripts directory. W6.CM.Web.CheckForDateTimeViolation.js 2. On each computer where you run the Mobility Studio, copy the following file to the Service Optimization\Bin directory: W6.CM.DateTimeValidationAdmin.dll 3. On each Service Optimization server, copy the following file to the Service Optimization\Bin directory: W6.CM.DateTimeViolationCustomSXP.dll Configuration To configure the app, you must perform the following main steps. Date Time Violation Detector 7 In the Service Optimization Structure tool: 1. Create a user-defined collection called PolicyViolation. 2. Add a user-defined property to the Engineer collection. In the Service Optimization Administration tool: 3. Configure an SXP message that the app uses to communicate with the server. In the Mobility Studio: 4. Create user templates for the supervisors and the employees. 5. Configure a PolicyViolation business view. Optionally, you can hide the view. 6. Configure loading criteria for the PolicyViolation objects. 7. Configure the app event and settings, such as the behavior when a violation is detected. The following sections provide detailed instructions for each step. The instructions are for ClickMobile version 8.1.9. The instructions might vary slightly for other versions. Step 1. Creating the PolicyViolation Collection Note: This step is required only if you configure the app settings Violation Report option (see Step 6. Configuring Loading Criteria If you display the PolicyViolation view, configure loading criteria for the PolicyViolation objects. For example, the following criteria enable the supervisors to view the violations of their employees. For detailed instructions, see the ClickMobile Configuration Guide. 1. On the Home page of the Mobility Studio, click System Settings > General Loading Criteria. 2. On the first wizard page, select the PolicyViolation object. 3. On the next page, select Using Groups. 8 Date Time Violation Detector 4. On the left side of the next wizard page, right-click the Users Group and add the following engineer criteria: EngineerType equals 'Supervisor' Engineer.LoginID equals Parameter 1 This example assumes that you use the EngineerType property to identify supervisors, and that you have set the ClickMobile login property to LoginID. Vary these criteria as required in your system. 5. On the right side of the same page, right-click the PolicyViolation group and add the following criterion: EngineerApproverLoginID equals Parameter 1 6. On the next wizard page, drag the items as illustrated. This operation matches the Engineer.LoginID property with the PolicyViolation.EngineerApproverLoginID property. The effect is to load a PolicyViolation object if it pertains to the supervisor's employees. Date Time Violation Detector 9 7. On the Time Criteria page, configure the time interval over which to load the PolicyViolation objects. For example, load the objects that were created during the last seven days. 8. Click Next and finish the wizard. If the supervisor template displays a business view of engineers, you must also configure loading criteria for the Engineer objects. This is not necessary if the supervisor template displays My View. Step 7. Configuring the App Event and Settings below). If you do not plan to generate violation reports, you can omit this step. The app uses the PolicyViolation collection to store the violation data. 1. In the Service Optimization Structure tool, create a user-defined collection with the following characteristics: - Collection name: PolicyViolation - Size: Depends on the quantity of data that you expect to store. Small is adequate for most organizations. - Not cached - Create string identifier property: do not select this option For detailed instructions, see User-Defined Properties, Dictionaries, and Collections in the ClickPlatform Configuration Guide. 2. Within the collection, add the following user-defined properties. Do not change the property names. Longitude Latitude String of 64 characters. In these properties, the app records the location where the violation occurred, in millionths of a degree. ViolationInfo String of 1024 characters. The app stores a description of the violation in this property, for example: 10 Date Time Violation Detector Violation was detected because the device's clock has been moved backwards. Client-side time: Mon Nov 15 2013 11:24:10 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) MobileKey String of 128 characters. An internal identifier that the ClickMobile client assigns to new objects. 3. Add one or more properties that identify the engineer who committed the violation. The following properties are suggested: EngineerName String of 255 characters. The employee's name. EngineerPhone String of 64 characters. The employee's phone number. EngineerApproverLoginID String of 64 characters. The ClickMobile login name of the employee's supervisor. You can use this property to alert the supervisor to a violation. In the app settings, you can configure the app to copy the corresponding Engineer properties into the PolicyViolation properties. 4. Optionally, you can define additional properties such as: Reason String of 256 characters. On the ClickMobile PolicyViolation form, you can display this property and enable the engineer or the supervisor to enter a reason for a violation. 5. Define an index on the MobileKey property of the PolicyViolation collection. 6. Optionally, configure a ClickSoftware Workspace search view that displays PolicyViolation objects. This enables the dispatchers or supervisors to review the violations conveniently. For instructions, see ClickSoftware Workspace Views in the ClickPlatform Configuration Guide. Step 2. Adding Engineer Property The app uses a user-defined property to specify whether violation detection is enabled for each engineer: 1. In the Service Optimization Structure tool, add the following property to the Engineer collection: Date Time Violation Detector 11 DisableDateTimeViolation Boolean. If false (default), the app detects violations for the engineer. If true, the app ignores violations. 2. Provide a means for dispatchers and supervisors to assign the DisableDateTimeViolation property. For example, add the property to the engineer form of ClickSoftware Workspace. For instructions, see ClickSoftware Workspace Forms in the ClickPlatform Configuration Guide. Note: If desired, you can also add the property to the ClickMobile engineer form of the supervisors. For instructions, see the ClickMobile Configuration Guide. Step 3. Configuring SXP Message You must configure a custom SXP message that the app uses to retrieve the server time. 1. In the Service Optimization Administration tool, edit the following setting: Central Settings/Integration & Services/Web Services & SXP Messages 2. Click the Add button. 3. On the first wizard page, select Add New SXP Message. 4. On the next page, enter the following options: Name SXPMobileGetServerTimeParameters Type W6.CM.DateTimeViolationCustomSXP. W6CMDateTimeViolationGetServerTimeSXP, W6.CM.DateTimeViolationCustomSXP 12 Date Time Violation Detector 5. On the next page, select Enable Integration and click the Add button. Make no other entries. 6. On the next page, enter a comment such as SXP message for Date Time Violation Detection app, and finish the wizard. Step 4. Creating User Templates You must create or edit the ClickMobile Touch user templates. In the following discussion, we assume that you configure independent templates for the supervisors and the employees. In the supervisor template, you can display the PolicyViolation objects of the employees. In the employee template, you can hide the PolicyViolation objects. For each template, perform the following steps. For detailed instructions, see the ClickMobile Configuration Guide. 1. In the Mobility Studio, edit a ClickMobile Touch user template, or create a new template. 2. Verify that the template contains the following views: - Schedule view - Either My View or a business view of engineers (but not both) 3. Click the Additional Properties button, and add the following properties: Engineer.DisableDateTimeViolation Date Time Violation Detector 13 Engineer.ApproverLoginID 4. Click Apply to save your editing. Step 5. Configuring the PolicyViolation Business View Note: This step is required only if you configure the app settings Violation Report option (see Step 6. Configuring Loading Criteria If you display the PolicyViolation view, configure loading criteria for the PolicyViolation objects. For example, the following criteria enable the supervisors to view the violations of their employees. For detailed instructions, see the ClickMobile Configuration Guide. 5. On the Home page of the Mobility Studio, click System Settings > General Loading Criteria. 6. On the first wizard page, select the PolicyViolation object. 7. On the next page, select Using Groups. 8. On the left side of the next wizard page, right-click the Users Group and add the following engineer criteria: EngineerType equals 'Supervisor' Engineer.LoginID equals Parameter 1 This example assumes that you use the EngineerType property to identify supervisors, and that you have set the ClickMobile login property to LoginID. Vary these criteria as required in your system. 9. On the right side of the same page, right-click the PolicyViolation group and add the following criterion: EngineerApproverLoginID equals Parameter 1 14 Date Time Violation Detector 10. On the next wizard page, drag the items as illustrated. This operation matches the Engineer.LoginID property with the PolicyViolation.EngineerApproverLoginID property. The effect is to load a PolicyViolation object if it pertains to the supervisor's employees. 11. On the Time Criteria page, configure the time interval over which to load the PolicyViolation objects. For example, load the objects that were created during the last seven days. 12. Click Next and finish the wizard. If the supervisor template displays a business view of engineers, you must also configure loading criteria for the Engineer objects. This is not necessary if the supervisor template displays My View. Step 7. Configuring the App Event and Settings below). If you do not plan to generate violation reports, you can omit this step. To enable the ClickMobile client to report violations, you must configure a PolicyViolation view and form. The view can be either visible or hidden: Date Time Violation Detector 15 To enable the user to view and/or edit the violation reports, make the view visible and the form read-write. You might do this, for example, in the user template of the supervisors. In this way, you can enable the supervisors to view the violations of their employees, and to edit properties such as PolicyViolation.Reason. To disable viewing or editing, you can hide the view, remove the Edit button from the view, or make the form read-only. To configure the view: 1. In the Mobility Studio, edit the user template of the supervisors. 2. From the toolbox, drag a Business View to the template. At the prompt, select the PolicyViolation object. 3. Configure the following attributes of the business view: Title Description The display title of each PolicyViolation. For example, you might set the title to [EmployeeName] Clock Discrepancy. Sort & Search Select one or more search properties. Set an ascending or descending sort on exactly one search property. Visible Select true to display the view, or false to hide the view. If you display the view, also set the following attributes: Short Description The PolicyViolation description, displayed below the Title Description. Show Delete Button Show New Button Set these properties to false. This prevents the user from deleting violation reports or creating reports manually. Show Edit Button If you display the view, consider setting this attribute to false. This prevents the user from altering the violation reports. 4. Click the Edit Form button. This displays the PolicyViolation form. 5. Set the Mobile Key Property Name attribute to MobileKey. 16 Date Time Violation Detector 6. If you display the view and you enable the Edit button of the view, drag PolicyViolation properties to the form and configure their layout. To make a property read-only, set its EnabledControl attribute to false. To make the entire form read-only, select the form and set ReadOnlyForm to true. 7. Click Apply and close the form. 8. Return to the user template and click Apply. This saves the view configuration. 9. Click the Additional Properties button. Add all the PolicyViolation properties, except the ones that you added to the form. 10. Repeat the preceding steps for the user template of the employees. Step 6. Configuring Loading Criteria If you display the PolicyViolation view, configure loading criteria for the PolicyViolation objects. For example, the following criteria enable the supervisors to view the violations of their employees. For detailed instructions, see the ClickMobile Configuration Guide. 11. On the Home page of the Mobility Studio, click System Settings > General Loading Criteria. 12. On the first wizard page, select the PolicyViolation object. 13. On the next page, select Using Groups. 14. On the left side of the next wizard page, right-click the Users Group and add the following engineer criteria: EngineerType equals 'Supervisor' Engineer.LoginID equals Parameter 1 This example assumes that you use the EngineerType property to identify supervisors, and that you have set the ClickMobile login property to LoginID. Vary these criteria as required in your system. 15. On the right side of the same page, right-click the PolicyViolation group and add the following criterion: EngineerApproverLoginID equals Parameter 1 Date Time Violation Detector 17 16. On the next wizard page, drag the items as illustrated. This operation matches the Engineer.LoginID property with the PolicyViolation.EngineerApproverLoginID property. The effect is to load a PolicyViolation object if it pertains to the supervisor's employees. 17. On the Time Criteria page, configure the time interval over which to load the PolicyViolation objects. For example, load the objects that were created during the last seven days. 18. Click Next and finish the wizard. If the supervisor template displays a business view of engineers, you must also configure loading criteria for the Engineer objects. This is not necessary if the supervisor template displays My View. Step 7. Configuring the App Event and Settings You must add an event component to the ClickMobile user templates, and you must configure its settings. 1. In the Mobility Studio, edit the employee user template. 2. From the toolbox, drag an Event to the miscellaneous pane, under the client display. 3. Configure the following attributes of the Event. Name Enter a name such as Date Time Violation Event. 18 Date Time Violation Detector App ID Enter the file name W6.CM.Web.CheckForDateTimeViolation.js. Enter the class name W6.CM.Web.CheckForDateTimeViolation. CheckForDateTimeViolation. App Admin ID Enter the file name W6.CM.DateTimeValidationAdmin.dll. Enter the class name W6CMDateTimeValidationAdmin. 4. Click Apply. 5. Edit the App Admin Settings attribute, and configure the options as described in the following paragraphs. 6. Click Apply and close the template. 7. If you want to enable clock discrepancy detection on the supervisors' mobile devices, repeat steps 1-6 for the supervisor user template. The app is now activated. It runs on the mobile devices, detecting date-time violations if they occur. The users do not need to perform any operation to launch the app. Client Time Settings Tab of the App Admin Settings On this tab, configure how often the app retrieves the server time. Compare device time with server time every ___ minutes Set a frequency such as 60 minutes. Disregard comparison responses older than ___ minutes Set a timeout of several hours. To prevent false violation detections, the client ignores server times that are older than this timeout. Allow time difference between device and server of up to ___ minutes There might be discrepancies between the server time and the mobile device because of slow network transmission or because the clock settings are imprecise. To prevent false violation detections, allow a reasonable discrepancy such as 5 minutes. Compare device time with server time if ClickMobile was not in use for longer than ___ minutes Set a timeout such as 60 minutes. If ClickMobile was closed or in the background for longer than this period, and then the user returns to ClickMobile, the app retrieves the server time. Date Time Violation Detector Note: 19 If the users usually work online, you can set relatively short times in the above options. If the users work offline for extended periods, you might need to increase the values because the client-server connection is often unavailable. Daylight Saving Tab of the App Admin Settings The server and device clocks might be out of sync during a Daylight Saving Time transition. If this problem might occur in your system, disable violation detection on the dates when Daylight Saving Time switches to Standard Time, and vice versa. 20 Date Time Violation Detector Violation Report Tab of the App Admin Settings On this tab, you can enable violation reports: When a violation happens, submit the following details automatically to the back end system If selected, the app creates a PolicyViolation object for each violation, and it sends the object to the server. From property ... To property Select properties of the Engineer object. The app copies them to the indicated properties of the PolicyViolation object. For example, you can map: - Engineer.Name to PolicyViolation.EngineerName - Engineer.MobilePhone to PolicyViolation.EngineerPhone By default, the app copies Engineer.ApproverLoginID to PolicyViolation.ApproverLoginID. You do not have to map these properties explicitly. Date Time Violation Detector 21 Violation Handling Tab of the App Admin Settings On this tab, configure the ClickMobile client behavior when the app detects a violation: Block the assignment updates when a violation was detected If selected, the app prevents the user from saving the assignment form. The user can open the form and view an assignment, but ClickMobile ignores any editing that the user performs in the form, until the user corrects the clock discrepancy and refreshes ClickMobile. Close the assignment form when violation is detected If selected, the app immediately closes the assignment form without saving. The user cannot view, edit, or save the assignment form, until the user corrects the clock discrepancy and refreshes ClickMobile. Show the following warning message to the user when a violation was detected If selected, the app displays a message to the user about the violation. Enter the message text. 22 Date Time Violation Detector Comments The ClickMobile appearance is configurable. The layout might differ on your device.