FAR FYI document - IU South Bend faculty and administrators

It is that time of year again; the end of the fall semester has arrived
and with it the impending end of the calendar year—and the
completion of the required faculty annual report by every faculty
All units should require that the annual report be submitted to the
faculty member’s department chair by January 15. As posted at the
IU University Policies webpages (Policy ACA-25 “Annual Reports for
Faculty and Librarians” at the URL
“All faculty members and librarians at Indiana University are
required to report annually on their professional activities and
accomplishments during the preceding year. Such reports shall
cover activities and accomplishments in the areas of instructional
activity, scholarship and creative work, and University and public
service. Reports need not be limited to these areas, however, and
additional information and comment are often sought or
volunteered.” Failure to submit an annual report is considered a
serious (in)action.
2014 Reports: Important Notice
By agreement of Academic Affairs and campus deans, ALL
faculty are required to complete the online Faculty Annual
Report (FAR) through OneStart (started with the 2011
calendar year). Unlike earlier years, no paper forms for
years after 2011 are posted at the campus shared ("W")
drive or at the Academic Affairs website. Paper annual reports
are not permitted.
No faculty should use the old (pre-2011) forms to report
2014 activities and effort.
Workshops for faculty to explain and answer questions about
completion of the online FAR are held in UCET annually (a UCET
table and one from CLAS are attached here and posted online;
see below).
A web-based demonstration was held on December 5, 2011 that
is also available for viewing. The link for the online
demonstration is http://breeze.iu.edu/p5oj2j5hqvh/. This
presentation was held when it would have been problematic due
to noise in particular to have included a large audience and
therefore it was held with a small number but with the ability to
record it and make it available to the campus faculty and
administrators who might be unable to attend the December 13
and 14 sessions that year. As stated in a bulletin board posting
about the online demonstration, “The demonstration shows how
the faculty can access the FAR system, and the presenter goes
through each tab (e.g., Honors, Publications, Grants, Courses,
Teaching Activities, etc.) as well as how to use sections of each
page. Also shown is the reviewers/administrators access and
review process of the faculty reports. A brief overview of the
IUIE report capability is also included.”
Access. For your information, the online FAR is accessed through
your OneStart account/page. Authenticate to open your OneStart
page, click on the “Faculty Systems” link on the left-hand navigation
bar and a light-colored bar labeled “Faculty Annual Report” will
appear. Click on the “Annual Report Worksheet” to initiate and later
to go to your report. Those who are administrators will have access
to their faculty’s reports through the “Reviewer Portal.” [Note: FAR
is available for completion during the entire year.]
Completion of the FAR. In order to assist faculty in determining
precisely where items can be “placed” in the online FAR sections:
(a) a document compiled and created by UCET suggests "Where
to put activities" ("FAR instructions Jan 2014GWM.pdf"), as
well as
(b) a document created for CLAS that “maps” items that have
been part of that unit’s faculty annual reports for years
(“Online Annual Report Mapping InstructionsCLAS.pdf”)
have been posted at the Academic Affairs website (at the “Forms”
webpage [Forms webpage URL: https://www.iusb.edu/academicaffairs/formsacadaff.php ]; see links below).
You will find that the classes (with section numbers, titles,
enrollments) you taught during the year should automatically be
added to your annual report.
You will need to provide your course evaluation data/printouts with
your annual report. These required document files should be
attached to the FAR using the document attachment feature.
Mentoring/Student Engagement and High-Impact Teaching
Activities/ Undergraduate Research. In recent years, we
encouraged using a supplemental file to report information related
to mentoring of students, student engagement, as well as a section
on undergraduate research activities. However posted this year is a
guide prepared by UCET that provides suggestions about where to
include such activities in the FAR system (filename: “FAR
instructions Jan 2014GWM.pdf”; an earlier CLAS document is also
posted that discusses where to post items in FAR as well— filename:
"Annual Rpt MapCLAS.pdf"). These activities should be included in
the FAR.
Librarians. The “Performance” section that is only part of the
Librarian’s Annual Reports is available to IU South Bend librarians
when they login to complete their report.
Administrative Appointments. Those with administrative
duties/appointments should complete the online FAR even though
there is no administrative section. Your administrative duties will be
reported as an attachment document file that includes the
information always included in the administrative section of the
annual report (template file posted “ann-rpt admin section
supplement 2014.doc”). This file should be attached to the FAR
using the document attachment feature.
Units may, of course, provide additional information or require
further documentation from their faculty in addition to due dates,
whether a printed copy needs to be submitted, etc. Please look for
any additional information from your department chairs, deans and
John L. McIntosh, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
(574) 520-4343
LINKS to Resources
Annual Report "Mapping" Documents
- UCET: Where to put activities (especially high impact practices,
mentoring/teaching and undergraduate research activities)
http://www.iusb.edu/~acadaff/forms/FAR instructions Jan
Originally for CLAS: Where in FAR do I put my activities?
http://www/iusb.edu/~acadaff/forms/Online Annual Report Mapping
Administrative Responsibilities Section Supplement Template:
http://www/iusb.edu/~acadaff/forms/ann-rpt admin section
supplement 2014.doc
Online Faculty Annual Report Demonstration (taped 5 December