
I think what is most important in attacking is the mentality that – anything
worth doing is worth doing well. Meaning, if you’re going to attack, might as well
give it your best shot. If excellence is not in itself its own reward and source of
motivation, then consider the mere practically of winning vis-à-vis losing, if you win
you keep your army, gain honor, glory and resources. On the other hand, if you lose,
you lose the army you spent so much time recruiting, you virtually waste the money
you spent recruiting it and will have to spend the same amount of time and money
or more recruiting another army, this is not even mentioning the embarrassment of
Of course, you are not reasonably expected to win every single battle, but
what is important is that you at least you attack with full offensive armies, with tools
and with the proper setups.
Spying enemy castles is important but not completely necessary to a victory.
Keep in mind that if the defender is online when you attack, his defensive setup can
be changed and his defenders can be augmented. The importance of espionage is
not with the specifics of the report but with general depiction of what your
opponent has. Hence, here is what to look for:
(1) most important is whether he has ruby or resource tools;
- this is important because tools are seldom changed. And using resource
tools against ruby tools can be devastating. Although we are not always expected to
use ruby tools it is however necessary if going against ruby defensive tools. Why? It
is simple arithmetic, just compare the bonuses between counterparts.
(2) what castellan equipment look like:
equipment bonuses are above and beyond inherent bonuses and tool bonuses and
should be considered when attacking
(3) number and type of soldiers:
this is important, but not vitally so, especially if you attack with a full army. Like
previously mentioned, number and type of soldiers are easiest to manipulate as it is
dependent on factors other than whether or not the person you are attacking is
Hence, it is always advisable to expect more or something different than
what you see from the spy report, that is why always attack with a full army and
tools, to give yourself the best chance to win.
When considering what soldiers to recruit for your army, always recruit your
best melee and ranged attackers. When choosing between the two, I would suggest
picking ranged attackers and have at least a 1.5 to 2 ratio for every melee soldiers.
This is suggested because ranged attackers have a better chance of surviving its
natural foil – ranged defenders, if accompanied by mantlets.
For best results, each flank of each wave should, as much as possible, be filled
with one type of attacker. This maximizes your morale for that particular flank of
that particular wave. I forgot the mathematical computation of morale, but it boosts
the fighting power of attackers and is maximized if attackers are all of the same
Alternate attacks in each wave. It bears emphasis that you only have a
limited number of slots and amount you can put in said slots vis-à-vis what you have
to attack against which is wall, moat, gate and ranged defenders. As you usually can
only insert two kinds of tools it is suggested to alternate between wall-ranged,
moat-ranged, wall and moat. Always use tools for gate. Of course, if one thing is
negligible, like there is no moat or it has really low defense percentage, you can
ignore that all together.
Bear in mind, defense setups have the following limits (nb says that there are
new wall and gate upgrades of which values im not sure of yet):
Wall: 230%
Gate: 230%
Moat: 130%
Ranged damage increased by 210%
These values are based on the maximum upgrades with the best tools –
armorer tools. These values are being given not because you are expected to go on
and attack level 60 and above players, but so you understand the limitation of each
defensive aspect and feel confident about your overall attack pattern when
assigning tools and understanding the value of ruby tools as against resource tools.
Please note that regardless of the number of defensive tools placed in each lot, only
one tool in each slot is used in each wave.
If going against all ranged attackers, use melee attackers with mantlets. If
going against all melee, forget the mantlets, use wall and moat tools. If going against
a mixture, use mantlets with wall/moat tools. Mantlets are really useful because
they bring down the damage of ranged defenders by, at the most 210%, which is the
most that it can be increased by using all armorer defensive tools-arrow slits.
Even though bonuses from castellan equipment are in addition to other
bonuses, they can be countered properly by using the appropriate tools, like by
using ruby tools. Theoretically, it would be ideal to concentrate on one defensive
aspect and one attack bonus like ranged bonus, in that way you can ignore putting
tools for that particular defensive aspect. For example, concentrating on moat and
range - in that case, you can completely ignore putting moat tools and just
concentrate on the wall, gate and ranged defender tools.
Alternatively, it is also recommended developing commander bonuses with
the goal of maximizing melee and range attack bonuses. This is favorable, because
as previously mentioned, you can counter defensive bonuses with tools, but more
often than not, battles are won in the keep where the only bonuses that matter are
melee and ranged bonuses. Also, in cases where support is sent, most of that
support is sent to the keep, hence, you need all the additional attacking bonus you
can get.
Assume 30 tools flanks 40 in the middle
Wave 1: All range. 10 Gate tools in the middle. 10 wall tools in all and 30 mantles in
Wave 2: Same as wave 1. Same tools but option to change wall tools for moat tools
in this wave.
Wave 3: All Melee. 10 gate in the middle. 15 wall tools each. 15 moat on each.
Wave 4: same as three
1st wave and 2nd wave: All ranged, Mantlets and wall tools. You want to cover
atleast 200% of the ranged defenders and 150-200% of the wall. The more you can
cover of the wall the better. And for the center you want to cover atleast 200% of
the gate.
3rd and 4th waves: All Melee, moat and wall tools. want to cover atleast 130% moat
and 200% of the wall with your tools. And for the center wave, 200% or better for
the gate.
There are some variations of this set up depending on your tools available and
targets defenses. But ideally you want to negate the enemies ranged defenders to
zero in the first two waves and have your ranged attackers face off against melee
defenders. Then your 3rd and 4th wave of melee attackers come in and mop up the
rest of the defenders.
This is a general blind set up.
1. Attack with full armies as much as possible. If you win all sides, you get a
30% attack bonus, which gives you a great chance to win regardless of
support. I have been told that a 800 men in the keep once beat 1500 men.
2. Develop equipment. Keep attacking towers to get equipment. Continue to
forge equipment in your smithy as much as possible, and use the technicus to
further develop bonuses of equipment.
3. Attack with tools, use ruby tools especially when going against ruby
defensive tools. For best results use ruby tools.
4. Try to spy as much as you can, to get a feel of what your going up against. If
you cant get a spy in, check the castle and see if he has at least two ruby
buildings, if he has, most likely he has ruby defensive tools. What to look for
– bakery, ruby moat, watchtower, the new ruby buildings and of course ruby