Maths Descriptor Labels Loxton Ladders

Maths 5.1
Use the probability scale from
0 to 1, and appreciate that
different outcomes may result
from repeating an experiment.
Maths 5.2
Interpret graphs, diagrams
and pie charts.
Maths 5.3
Use the mean of discrete
data and compare 2 simple
Maths 5.4
Read scales on maps, plans
and graphs.
Maths 5.5
Find areas of rectangles
and triangles and volumes
of cuboids.
Maths 5.6
Make sensible estimates of
a range of everyday
Maths 5.7
Convert one metric unit to
another and know the rough
metric equivalents of imperial
units in daily use.
Maths 5.8
Recognise, identify and
describe all the symmetries
of 2-D shapes.
Maths 5.9
Measure and draw angles
to the nearest degree.
Maths 5.10
Use coordinates in all 4
Maths 5.11
Construct and use simple
formulae involving one or
two operations.
Maths 5.12
Calculate fractional or
percentage parts of
quantities and
Maths 5.13
Check solutions by applying
inverse operations or
estimating using
Maths 5.14
Order, add and subtract
negative numbers.
Maths 5.15
Use understanding of place
value to multiply and divide
whole numbers and
Maths 5.16
Make general statements of
their own based on available
Maths 5.17
Describe situations
mathematically using
symbols, words and diagrams
and draw own conclusions,
explaining their reasoning.
Maths 5.18
Identify and obtain information
to solve problems, and check
whether results are sensible in
the context of the problem.
Maths 4.1
Understand and use simple
vocabulary associated with
Maths 4.2
Draw and interpret
frequency diagrams, and
construct and interpret
simple line graphs.
Maths 4.3
Collect discrete data, group
data (where appropriate) and
use the mode and median as
characteristics of a set of
Maths 4.4
Use and interpret co-ordinates
in the first quadrant.
Maths 4.5
Find perimeters of shapes /
areas by counting squares,
and volumes by counting
Maths 4.6
Choose and use suitable units
and instruments, and reading
(with appropriate accuracy)
numbers on a range of
measuring instruments.
Maths 4.8
Recognise and describe
number patterns and
relationships and use
simple formulae expressed
in words.
Maths 4.9
Use simple fractions and
percentages to describe
approximate parts of a
Maths 4.10
Check that results are
reasonable by considering the
context or the size of the
Maths 4.11
Add and subtract decimals
to two places.
Maths 4.12
Use a variety of mental and
written methods for
computation, including
recall of multiplication facts
up to 10 x 10.
Maths 4.13
Use understanding of place
value to multiply and divide
whole numbers by 10 and
Maths 4.14
Search for a solution by
trying out own ideas.
Maths 4.15
Develop own strategies for
solving problems, and
present information and
results systematically.
Maths 3.1
Extract and interpret
information presented in
simple tables and list, and
construct and interpret bar
charts and pictograms.
Maths 3.2
Classify shapes in various
Maths 3.3
Use standard units of
length, capacity, mass and
Maths 3.4
Use mental recall of the 2,3,4,5, &
10 multiplication tables in solving
whole-number problems involving
multiplication and division,
including those giving rise to
Maths 3.5
Develop further mental
strategies for adding and
subtracting numbers with
at least two digits.
Maths 3.6
Use decimal notation in
recording money, and
recognise negative
numbers in the context of
Maths 3.7
Use place value in numbers
up to 1000 to make
Maths 3.8
Find particular examples
that satisfy a general
Maths 3.9
Use and interpret
mathematical symbols and
Maths 3.10
Talk about and explain own
Maths 3.11
Organise own work, check
results, and try different
Maths 4.7
Use knowledge of shape to make
3-D mathematical models, draw
common 2-D shapes in different
orientations on grids, and reflect
simple shapes in a mirror line.