Group 5 - Penn GSE

Upper Darby School Budget Forum
Moderator Report
Group #5
Beverly Hills Middle School – 3.5.13
Moderator: Susan Tyler and Ellen Greenberg Moderators
Scribe: Larissa Klevan
18 participants: They were a mix of parents of children in the Upper Darby School District, employees
of the school district, students and taxpayers (with no children in Upper Darby schools) and a reporter.
As we began to moderate, a few people began to voice concerns (a majority of the group supported
these concerns):
 The process is biased – the points have been narrowed to a pre-selected group of issues that the
school administration wants to cut
 A lot of things on the list directly and negatively effect the mission of the district
 The answers have been pre-determined
 The language in the listed impact is biased and may guide the thinking of the participants
Once we charted these concerns, the group was asked if we could move to the work of the evening and
then if we had time, we would come back to the concerns and focus on them in more depth. The group
Item/Service Area
17. Coordinator and Secretary of Instructional Media - Over 75% of the group agreed on
this item
Supporting arguments
 The overall rationale for this item was that positions could be absorbed by others
12. Computer Lab Assistants, Elementary Schools - Over 75% of the group agreed on this
Supporting arguments
 The overall rationale for this item was that positions could be absorbed by others
 The consensus was that they could function without these people – they didn’t see that this
would compromise their child’s education
11. Building Support Elementary Schools - Over 75% of the group agreed on this item
Supporting arguments
 The rationale expressed was that if they’re keeping the lead teachers, other support staff could
be eliminated
Can reduce both 11 and 23 – Want to support the positions that work directly with students
Discussed that it’s a trade off with #23 – they’d rather have less secretaries than building
Opposing arguments
 An opposing perspective was raised: A few of the elementary schools don’t have lead teachers
– so what little support that those schools have would be taken away
Additional Comments/Values for Administration
 Would like administration to look at which schools need the most support
23. Office of the Principal - Over 75% of the group agreed on this item
Supporting arguments
 The underlying value is that they’d rather see cuts made to positions that aren’t in front of
 Can reduce both 11 and 23 – Want to support the positions that work directly with students
Additional Comments/Values for Administration
 For 22 and 23 – look at actual administrators
22. Office of the Superintendent - Over 75% of the group agreed on this item
 The underlying value is that they’d rather see cuts made to positions that aren’t in front of
 For 22 and 23 – look at actual administrators
26. Maintenance
 Over 75% of the group agreed on this item
Additional Comments/Values for Administration
 Would rather see positions cut of people who aren’t directly in front of students
15. Attendance - Over 75% of the group agreed on this item
Additional Comments/Values for Administration
 Would rather see positions cut of people who aren’t directly in front of students
2. Elementary Lead Teachers - The group did not have 75% agreement on this item
 The group discussed the role of the lead teacher
Additional Comments/Values for Administration
 The concern expressed was that if there are bigger classes, it adds more pressure on the teachers
and the lead teachers are the ones who can address the situation
8. High School Lead Teachers – The group did NOT have 75% agreenment on this item
Discussion: Opposing arguments
 The group discussed that there are different issues at this level-the numbers are greater
and there are more disciplinary issues
 A current and former student expressed that they don’t think the school could run
saftely without the lead teachers
 The lead teacher is usually the first person on the scene solving the problems
Item/Service Area
37. Fund Balance - Over 50% of the group agreed on this item
Supporting arguments
 If we don’t have a good school district, how will we make it better? We have the capability to
make it better whether or not we have kids who are going to school in this district. If our taxes
are high and the school district is in good shape, property values will remain high.
 Would rather see more people who are needed keeping their jobs
Opposing Arguments
 Last year they used 2.3 million and we’re required to have a certain amount. If we dip below a
certain amount, the state could step in. We need to be aware of the future implications
35. Property Taxes - tax by $131- second level
Less than 50% of the group agreed on this item
Supporting Arguments
 This was proposed by a participant who said that this action can be taken without a referendum
 If you’re going to consider 37, than for $50 more, you can get 4%. Taxes are high but in the
interest of our children, we might be able to save a lead teacher or some of the support staff
 Concern about the quality of the district which can effect property value
 On the other hand – they won’t be able to balance the budget without looking at raising taxes
Opposing Arguments
 Don’t want to compromise the standard of living for people in the district – the money that is
being paid for taxes, could be used to feed their families
 Many people can’t afford to have their taxes raised
19. Instruction and Curriculum - Less than 50% of the group agreed on this item
Supporting Arguments
 If you’re going to reduce staff, keep Directors/Specialists who know what they’re doing
 Why do we have the redundancy?
 Value the person who’s at the director level – there may be unnecessary redundancies
 If you look at titles, there is severe overlap
Additional Comments/Values for Administration
 Eliminate redundancies
Item/Service Area
1. Elementary Classroom Teachers – Attrition - Over 50% of the group agreed on this item
Supporting Arguments
 No one is fired
 Teachers can retain their positions
Additional Comments/Values for Administration
The average listed is not accurate across the district – there is a concern that class sizes may be too big
in some schools
9. High School Specials Teachers – Reduce by 20% Over 50% of the group agreed on this
Supporting Arguments
 Positions could be absorbed by others
Additional Comments/Values for Administration
 Need more information about the sizes of the class
 Want to ask for reallocation - no class should ever be over 100 students – EVER