AP Psychology 2013 Summer Project Instructor: Ms. Cochrane

A.P. Psychology 2013 Summer Project
Instructor: Ms. Cochrane
Welcome to the AP Psychology Class of 2013-2014. Since this is an Advance Placement course there
are readings that are required for you to read over this summer. These readings are out of your Meyer’s
Psychology for AP* text book. For each of the readings you will have to complete a unit review and create
index cards from your vocabulary terms.
These readings, unit reviews and vocabulary cards are very important to your success in the 1st term of
AP Psychology. Although they will not be covered right away, they will give you an introduction to the
THREE MAJOR sections of this course. As we cover the units, you have been exposed to them, which will
enable us to cover more in the class, AP Psychology club and be able to do more activities to give you a better
understanding. These three sections are very critical since they keep reappearing throughout the AP Psychology
course in all the future units.
DUE DATE: First Day of Class! August 5, 2013
Section 1: Supplies needed
2 Composition (college lined) Books (each composition is for each semester)
7 (100) white note cards
2 (100) any color (Psychologist)
1 Color highlighters (at least set of four)
1 set of colored pencils (at least 12 pack)
2 folders (one for each semester) and section in your binder for AP Psychology1
1 AP Psychology All Access ( 2013 edition)
The supplies will help you through the summer along with school year. However, you will definitely be using a lot of
index cards during the year, as just as summer is ending look for the sales on index cards.
Section 2: Reading Material
 Unit 7: Cognition: (pp. 255-297)
 Unit 7A: Memory
 Unit 2: Research Methods: Thinking Critically with Psychological Science (pp.19 – 47)
 Unit 3: Biological Bases of Behavior: (pp.52-108)
 Unit 3A: Neural Processing and the Endocrine System
 Unit 3B: The Brain
 Unit 3C: Genetics, Evolutionary Psychology and Behavior
You are encouraged to use active reading technique as you are reading your chapters. Highlight, underline,
and make little notes to yourself and most important use COLOR to catch your attention when it comes to
reviewing your chapters.
UNIT REVIEW PACKETS: (Your unit reviews go along with your readings)
Unit 7A: Memory (pp. 147 - 153)
Unit 2: Research Methods: Thinking Critically with Psychological Science (pp.15 – 20)
Unit 3A: Neural Processing and the Endocrine System (pp. 35 – 42)
Unit 3B: The Brain (pp. 47- 51)
Unit 3C: Genetics, Evolutionary Psychology and Behavior (pp. 61 – 63)
Section 3: Flash Cards
 Unit 7A: Memory
o Terms and Concepts to Remember (p. 296)
 Unit 2: Research Methods: Thinking Critically with Psychological Science
o Terms and Concepts to Remember (p. 48)
 Unit 3A: Neural Processing and the Endocrine System
o Terms and Concepts to Remember (p. 64)
 Unit 3B: The Brain
o Terms and Concepts to Remember (p. 92)
 Unit 3C: Genetics, Evolutionary Psychology and Behavior
o Terms and Concepts to Remember (p. 111)
You are to make flash cards for each Chapter (Unit) using the Terms and Concepts to Remember unit (terms and concepts
to remember will give you a start on the vocabulary). In addition, you will be getting more vocabulary words as we start
each these flash cards will be used in the course as the year progresses. Here are examples of flash cards.
Psychology Terms use White Index Cards
7A - Memory
AKA: Declarative Memories
Explicit Memories
Conscious memories of facts or events we
actively tried to remember.
Major Figures in Psychology use Colored Index Cards
Elizabeth Loftus
Cognitive psychologist who demonstrated that
memory is not as accurate as we believe it is
and the eyewitness testimony is unreliable
because false memories or confabulations can
be created easily through suggestion. She
conducted classic research on the
misinformation effect with the famous car
crash experiment that showed that the way a
question is worded can alter a person’s
7A - Memory
Major Figures in Psychology
Unit 2: Research Methods:
Unit 7A- Memory
Kenneth Clark
Mamie Phipps Clark
Daniel Kahneman
James Randi
Amos Tversky
Unit 3A: Neural Processing & the Endocrine
While there are no prominent names feature in this unit,
one key study you may want to be familiar with in order
to appreciate the science of behavior and mental process
conducted in 1972.
Rosenzweig, Bennett, ant Diamond conducted research
with rats that showed the enriched environment
contributed to more complex neuronal connections in the
The study shows that neural complexity could be
influenced by environmental factors, showing how
nature and nurture interact.
Richard Atkinson
Alan Baddeley
Fergus Craik
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Erick Kandel
Jeffrey Karpicke
Karl Lashley
Elizabeth Loftus
H.M. (Henry Molaison)
Rajan Mahadevan
George Miller
Henry Roediger
Oliver Sacks
Daniel Schacter
James Schwartz
Richard Shiffrin
George Sperling
Endel Tulving
Unit 3B: The Brain
Paul Broca
Phineas Gage
Micheal Gazzaniga
Roger Sperry
Karl Wernicke
Unit 3C: Genetics, Evolutionary Ψ, & Behavior
Thomas Bouchard
David Buss
Francis Collins
Charles Darwin
Alice Eagly
David Lykken
Robert Plomin
Wendy Wood
You may use any resources you can.
 GOOGLE is my favorite word.
 CANNOT use Wikipedia
Websites that my help you
 http://maygren.tripod.com/achspsychology/inde
 http://www.nationalgeographic.com/
 http://www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/bi
obk/BioBookNERV.html (Neuron)
If you find any websites that would be helpful to the
class please share this is help everyone. We are a
sharing class.
Day: Tuesday, August 6th, 2013
Agenda: Voting for officers
Have a GREAT and SAFE