Choosing a career

Конспект урока с использованием
электронного словаря Ex-word Casio в 8 классе
Конспект подготовили:
Прохорова Вера Викторовна – учитель английского языка, ГОУ СОШ № 1273 ЮЗАО (г.
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Крайнова Татьяна Ивановна – учитель английского языка, ГОУ СОШ № 1273 ЮЗАО
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Класс: 8
Учебник: УМК “ENGLISH VIII” by O.V. Afanasyeva and I.V.Mikheeva
Тема: “Choosing a Career”
Время: 45 минут
Тип урока: комбинированный
Цели урока:
– практическая:
развитие умений диалогической речи;
активизация фразовых глаголов и идиоматических выражений в
диалогических высказываниях;
– развивающая:
формирование общеучебных универсальных действий поиска и
выделения необходимой информации с помощью информационного поиска
(с применением электронного словаря Ex-word Casio);
формирование готовности и способности выражать и отстаивать свою
точку зрения;
– воспитательная:
воспитание уважительного отношения к людям, имеющим разные
воспитание культуры общения в коллективной деятельности;
Оборудование: доска, электронные словари EX-word Casio (Oxford Advanced
Learner’s Dictionary 7th edition, Oxford Russian Dictionary, Oxford Phrasal Verb
Dictionary for Learners of English Oxford University Press 2001 and 2007, Oxford
Idioms Dictionary for Learners of English Oxford University Press 2001 and
Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
Объяснение принципов работы со словарем. Объяснение происходит
на русском языке.
- Сегодня у нас есть возможность использовать в своей работе новый
цифровой образовательный ресурс – электронный словарь CASIO EX –
WORD. Это – 12 словарей вместе + 2 энциклопедии. Давайте познакомимся с
порядком работы (Объясняю значение кнопок, порядок выбора, и т.д.)
For example, let’s find the difference in the meaning between the words “job”,
“profession”, “occupation” and “career”. Look up the definitions of the words in
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.
(на доске учитель фиксирует значение слов и затем вместе с учениками выявляет
We use “job” when we speak about the regular paid work that you do for an
We use “profession” when we speak about a job that needs special education and
We use “career” when we speak about a job or profession that you have been
trained for and intend to do for several years.
We use “occupation” when we speak about a job a person has at a particular
period of time.
II. Введение активной лексики по теме с использованием электронного
словаря EX – word.
1) Ex.59, p.36.
Now you know the difference between “job”, “profession”, “occupation” and
So fill in the gaps in the given sentences with a correct word: job,
profession, occupation or career.
1. His …… as a pilot came to an end after a bad road accident.
2. – How long has Victor been unemployed? – He’s been looking for a …… for
three months.
3. Please write your …… on this form and hand it in.
4. My mother is a teacher. I like this …… and I may follow her in her footsteps.
Key: 1. career
2. job
3. occupation
4. profession
2) EX.62, p.37.
What professions do you know? Can you name the professions which are
described below?
Use EX – word Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 7th edition and word
list VII p.35 to help you.
1. a person whose job is to help people with the law or talk for them in court;
2. a person whose business is to buy, sell or look after houses/land for people;
3. a person who does work to improve bad social conditions and help people in
4. a person who welcomes or deals with people arriving at a hotel, at a place of
business, visiting a doctor;
5. a person trained to look after sick animals;
6. a person whose job is to work with electricity;
7. a person who prepares or organizes a newspaper, periodical or book;
8. a person who studies chemistry, a scientist who specializes in chemistry;
9. a person who makes and sells medicines;
10. a person who owns a travel agency or works there and whose business is to
arrange travels.
1. a lawyer
2. an estate agent
3. a social worker
4. a receptionist
5. a vet
Word list VII, p.35
- accountant
- air host, airhostess
- architect
- (auto) mechanic
- carpenter
- chef
- chemist
- computer operator
- dentist
- designer
- doctor
- surgeon
- physician
- interpreter / translator
- interior decorator
- journalist
- lawyer
- librarian
- machine operator
- model
6. an electrician
7. an editor
8. a chemist
9. a pharmacist
10. a travel agent
- nurse
- photographer
- physicist
- police officer
- programmer
- editor
- electrician
- engineer
- estate agent
- fashion designer
- fireman
- hairdresser
- receptionist
- secretary
- social worker
- teacher
- travel agent
- vet (veterinarian)
- pharmacist
- musician
Choose one profession which wasn’t mentioned. Describe it. Let your
classmates guess what it is.
3). Ex.49, p.31
Now we are going to work with phrasal verbs and idioms. EX – word
dictionary (Oxford Phrasal Verb Dictionary and Oxford Idioms Dictionary for
Learners of English) can help us. (To use these dictionaries you should enter key
Match the phrases in English and Russian, use them in your dialogues while
speaking about “Choosing a Career”
1. to know for a fact
2. to tell sb off
3. to get into trouble
4. to walk off
5. to get rid of sth
6. once and for all
7. to give sth a try
8. to tell sb the truth
9. stuff like that
а) избавиться от чего-либо
b) сказать правду
c) и всякое такое
d) отчитать кого-либо
e) раз и навсегда
f) попробовать что-то
g) знать наверняка (точно)
h) попасть в беду
i)уйти, отойти
Key: 1-g ; 2-d ; 3-h ; 4-I ; 5-a ; 6-e ; 7-f ; 8-b ; 9-c .
III. Развитие умений говорения по теме:
Now will you try to use the expressions from Ex. 49, p.31 in your exercise in
Ex.67, p.39
Say what jobs you would recommend these school leavers to take up if you were a
school career adviser. Explain your choice. Will you work in pairs and try to use
phrases from Ex.49, p.31 to make your talk more alive.
1. Name: Sam
Surname: Crawford
Qualification(s) and / or experience: I have a driving license, have been driving
for 1,5 years.
Preferences: I like working with machines.
Other information: The idea of going to university gives me the creeps. ( To tell
you the truth) I’m not very good at dealing with people.
2. Name: Lisa
Surname: Morrison
Qualification(s) and / or experience: I sometimes babysit for my neighbours and
…( stuff like that)
Preferences: (To tell you the truth) I’d like to go into service or work with
Other information: I’d like to start working as soon as possible as my family
needs my financial support. My friends say (know for a fact) I’m quite sociable.
My teachers say I’m not very advanced academically
3. Name: Melissa
Surname: Colins
Qualification(s) and / or experience: none
Preferences: I’d like to go to University, but I’m not quite sure what course to
take. (I’d like to give languages and history a try). I’m good at writing, languages
and history. I don’t mind biology.
Other information: (To tell you the truth) My parents press me to go into
medicine, but (I know for a fact) it’s not my first choice. I like reading and
working with books, I think that I’m a bookworm.
4. Name: Kevin
Surname: Wilson
Qualification(s) and / or experience: I’ve been helping with washing up in a hotel,
restaurant on Saturdays for over 3 years. (Now I have walked off). I’m quite a
good driver.
Preferences: I’d like to be the boss myself (I don’t like somebody to tell me off)
and do something in the way of arts (and give something in a way of arts a try).
I’m not sure that I want to go to university.
Other information: I’ve won prizes at photo competitions. I love taking pictures
and giving them to my friends as presents.
5. Name: Pauline
Surname: Bird
Qualification(s) and / or experience: I’m helping our science teacher in the lab,
but I have no qualifications.
Preferences: (To tell you the truth) I’d like to work with the animals (once and for
all). I love them! I don’t mind going to university.
Other information: My dream is to live in the country, far from the crowds.
Possible recommendation:
1. Auto-mechanic 2. special training for primary school teacher 3. librarian
4. photographer 5. veterinarian
- Good morning
- Good morning, sit down please.
- What’s your name?
- Sam.
- Your surname?
- Crawford.
- Do you have any qualification or experience?
- I have a driving license and have been driving for 1,5 years.
- I wonder if you have any preferences.
- I like working with machines.
- Have you got any other information?
- The idea of going to university gives me the creeps. To tell you the truth,
I’m not very good at dealing with people.
- Then I think the qualification of auto-mechanic will be interesting for you.
IV. Проверка домашнего задания: Ex. 57, р. 33
V. Итог урока.