European Policies toward ethnic minorities Charles University in Prague 2015-2016 AQCI 3 – Vivegnis Betsy Texts : Luc Turgeon and Alain-G. Gagnon. The representation of ethnic and linguistic groups in the federal civil service of Belgium and Canada. Canadian Public Administration, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 565-583 (Dec. 2013) Jaak Billiet, et al., National identity and Attitude Toward Foreigners in a Multinational State : a Replication. Political Psychology, Oxford, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2003 Central Question : « the struggles of national groups have affected the politics of bureaucratic representation of ethnic minorities in Belgium and Canada, and vice-versa. […] the politics of multinational representation in Belgium limited the adoption of measures seeking to guarantee a greater representation of ethnic and racial minorities. » (Turgeon and Gagnon, p. 565) Argument : In this article, Luc Turgeon and Alain-G. Gagnon try to demonstrate that the institutional settings influence the relationship between national or linguistic groups and the representation of ethnic minorities. The authors study the politics of representative bureaucracy in multi-national countries and they try to analyze the role of the civil service which can attenuate political conflicts. According to them, ‘the struggles of national groups have affected the politics of bureaucratic representation of both racial and ethnic minorities’ (Turgeon and Gagnon, p. 569). Turgeon and Gagnon make a comparison between Belgian and Canadian systems of representation of ethnic minorities which are opposites by nature. While Belgium public administration operates with the principle of ‘linguistic parity’ and had put in place a system of ratio (McRae) for the linguistic representation, Canada had set up a bilingual system for the federal public administration and permitted on the notion of individual merit and duality. The contrast lies in the limited number of ‘anti-discrimination initiative’ measures adopted in Belgium and in the elaborate mechanism to ensure the representation of ’visible minorities’ in Canada. Between Consociationalism and Majoritarian politics. The authors maintain that Belgian’s strategies adopted in order to improve representation of ethnic minorities were very rare and reflect from the European (or republican) view. At a contrary, Cadana adopted a lot of measure to ensure a ‘fairer representation of visible minorities’ Question : This article gives rise to an interesting question based on multinational states - which contain national plurality - and the connection with the management of ethnic minorities. In a way, this kind of states are exclusively composed of minorities. The question raised in this essay is therefore, to what extent the political decision making system influence the management of ethnic minorities representation in multinational states ? Experiential Connection : I think it is very interested showing that struggles in Belgium were mostly based on linguistic issues and this, such as nationalism, hides probably the real society debates during National General Elections. Nowadays, Belgian Politicians still interested in the representation of their own community and the question of other minorities is maybe forgotten. As Belgian citizen, I see the Consocialism as a game of poker in which respective politicians protect the interests of its community. Textual Connection : Specifics of multinational states are particular. This should influence the way citizens identify themselves and, to go farther, the attitude they have toward foreigners. After having seen the representation of the ethnic minorities in the political authority in Belgium, I was interested in the connection between Belgian identity (Belgian, Flemish or Walloon) and citizens’ attitude toward foreigners. In its research, Billiet tried to see if such a connection could be possible. According to her, ‘citizens with a strong subnational identification tend to have a negative attitude toward foreigners ; those with a strong Belgian identification are more positive’ (Billiet, p. 255). So, those who identify themselves with the identity of minority adopt a more negative attidude toward foreigners. Implications : I think that this text is very useful to understand the Belgian struggles nowadays between Flemings and French-speakers. In a European scale, this could be interested to make connections between Belgian state building and the European Integration. In deed, the European Union is an ‘unification’ of different minorities and languages. According to the article, Canadian multiculturalism is a better way to represent minorities rather then Belgium one. European Policies toward ethnic minorities Charles University in Prague 2015-2016 Department of Public and Social Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University AQCI ASSESSMENT FORM Student’s name: Name of assessor: Date: Essay title: Excel lent 1) Is the chosen quotation central to the author’s argument? 2) Has the main argument been fully understood (including its ‘for’ and ‘against’ sides, if applicable)? 3a) Is the question raised important/relevant/interesting? 3b) Has this question not been fully answered in the text? 4) Is the experiential connection relevant/interesting? 5a) Is the textual connection relevant/interesting? 5b) Has it been cited properly? 5c) Has it been adequately explained how the present text's argument contrasts with, contradicts, confirms, clarifies, or elaborates the other text's argument or point? 6) Have the implications been well understood, can they have a practical impact for policy making? 7) Expression/Presentation a) Are the style, grammar and general use of English adequate? b) Is the AQCI professionally presented? 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