
2014-2015 School Year
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My Math
What is My Math? My Math is our newest textbook K-5
that is aligned with the Common Core State Standards
(CCSS). It is a resource that was created after the
adoption of CCSS.
The Common Core calls for greater focus in mathematics. The
standards ask math teachers to significantly narrow and deepen
the way time and energy are spent in the classroom. This means
focusing deeply on the major work of each grade as follows:
In grades K–2: Concepts, skills, and problem solving related to
addition and subtraction
A Note from McGraw Hill (Publisher of My Math)
McGraw-Hill My Math was carefully constructed to help
you meet the demands of the Common Core State
Standards. Conceptual Understanding, Procedural Skill &
Fluency, & Application are woven throughout the program
in equal intensity, allowing your students to progress
toward a higher level of achievement in meeting the high
expectations of the Standards and CCSS Assessments.
What is the purpose of this assessment?
These assessments will help determine the growth of
students’ mathematical thinking and mastery of concepts.
Further, these assessments will focus on problem solving
opportunities that build critical thinking skills.
How is My Math being used as an assessment?
My Math assessments will be given as pre and post-tests
in each chapter to determine growth across chapters. My
Math assessments will also include four Quarterly
Assessments that will be done K-2, District wide.
How often do students use this assessment?
Math tests will be given with each chapter as well as
What is MobyMax? MobyMax is an online assessment
tool that finds and targets missing math skills that are
essential for math comprehension.
Assessments at a Glance
Kindergarten-5th Grade
MyMath - End of Chapter and Quarter Assessments
MobyMax- Math Universal Screener
Writing – Expository Writing Sample
DIBELs- Fluency and Phonics Universal Screener
STAR- Comprehension Assessment
AR (Accelerated Reader) - Ongoing Comprehension
Fountas & Pinnell- Fluency & Comprehension (K)
What is the purpose of this assessment?
The purpose of this assessment is to determine a student’s
independent placement level of mathematical knowledge,
provide teachers information to assist students on target
areas, and measure student growth throughout the school
How is MobyMax being used as an assessment?
MobyMax is being used as a Universal Screener to gauge
students’ ability levels and to provide an individualized set
of practice problems based on their personal skill level.
How often do students use this assessment?
Students will take the screening 3 times per year,
beginning, middle, and end of the school year. Students
may then use the individual practice as often as the
teacher or parent allows. Activities and lessons may be
assigned by teachers, but do not have a direct impact on a
student’s grade.
Rockridge Assessment Information
2014-2015 School Year
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What is Informative/Explanatory Writing?
Informative/Explanatory writing is nonfiction writing about a
topic. Informative/Explanatory writing gives facts and
information, explains how to do something, or tells readers
about real people and events.
What is the purpose of this assessment? The purpose of
this assessment is to determine student readiness in writing
at each grade level.
How is Writing being used as an assessment? Students
in grade K-2 will be asked to write an informational piece of
text. Each grade level will have a unique prompt that
students will write. Based on results, teachers will be able
to help target writing strengths and weaknesses.
How often do students use this assessment? Students
will complete this writing assessment at the beginning and
end of the school year.
DIBELs- A Universal Screener (K-5) used to determine
student’s proficiency in phonemic awareness and fluency.
This assessment is given to students 3 times per year,
beginning, middle and end.
STAR- A comprehension assessment that is computer
based and given to students (1st-5th) to determine reading
levels for Accelerated Reader (AR).
Accelerated Reader (AR)- Comprehension assessments
that are taken online after students complete independent
reading texts at their reading levels.
Fountas & Pinnell –An assessment toolkit that assesses
fluency and comprehension and determines a student’s
independent reading level. (Currently given to Kindergarten
Students must be immersed in information about the world
around them if they are to develop the strong general knowledge
and vocabulary they need to become successful readers and be
prepared for college, career, and life. Informational texts play an
important part in building students’ content knowledge. Further,
it is vital for students to have extensive opportunities to build
knowledge through texts so they can learn independently.
© 2014 Common Core State Standards Initiative
For more information on Common Core