Local Agency Special Provision

Use on local agency projects only where the local agency does not want to evaluate longitudinal joint
MnDOT 2360 is modified and/or supplemented with the following:
Mix Designation Numbers for the bituminous mixtures on this Project are as follows:
The Designer needs to fill in the numbers here. Examples of what is needed are:
Type SP __ Wearing Course
Type SP __ Non-Wearing Course
S-1.2 Certain previous asphalt binder grades may become unavailable and/or new asphalt binder grades
may be preferred for use. In either case, the following asphalt binder grades are allowed:
Asphalt Binder Grade Designations and Allowable Substitutions
A = PG 52S-34
B = PG 58S-28 allowed as substitute for PG 58-28
C = PG 58H-34 allowed as substitute for PG 58-34 & PG 58-34(PMB)
E = PG 58H-28 allowed as substitute for PG 64-28 & PG 64-28(PMB)
F = PG 58V-34 allowed as substitute for PG 64-34 & PG 64-34(PMB)
H = PG 58V-28 allowed as substitute for PG 70-28 & PG 70-28(PMB)
I = PG 58E-34 allowed as substitute for PG 70-34
L = PG 64S-22
M = PG 49S-34
The Designer needs to let Special Provisions know how pavement smoothness will be evaluated – by S-.2, S-.3, or
S-1.3 Evaluate pavement smoothness requirements by equation HMA-A or equation HMA-B or
equation HMA-C as specified in MnDOT 2399.3D.
Evaluate pavement smoothness requirements by Percent Improvement as specified in MnDOT
S-.4 will be used when pavement surface smoothness will not be evaluated on the plant mixed asphalt pavement
by specification 2399.
S-1.5 The sentence “In addition to the list the above the pavement surface must meet requirements of
2399 (Pavement Surface Smoothness) requirements.” is deleted from MnDOT 2360.3.E Surface
Requirements. The requirements of MnDOT 2360.3.E Surface Requirements will apply.
Use S-.5 on ALL METRO projects.
S-1.6 The first paragraph of MnDOT 2360.2.G.4.b Sampling and Testing is revised as shown below:
Take QC samples at random tonnage or locations, quartered from a larger sample of mixture.
Sample randomly and in accordance with the Schedule of Materials Control. Determine random numbers and
tonnage or locations using the Bituminous Manual; Section 5-693.7 Table A or ASTM D 3665, Section 5, or, an
Engineer approved alternate method of random number generation. Sample either behind the paver or from the
truck box at the plant site. Other sampling locations can be approved by the Engineer. The Contractor must decide
and notify the Engineer where samples will be taken before production begins. The Contractor and Engineer must
both agree to a change of sampling location once production has begun. Sample mixture from behind the
paver. Sampling from the truck box at the plant site is not allowed unless approved by the Engineer. In
addition to the QC sample, the Contractor will also bring an additional split of the mixture sample to the
plant site and store for the Department for 10 calendar days. The procedure for truck box sampling is on the
Bituminous Office website. The Contractor will obtain at least a 130 pound [60 kg] sample. Split the sample in the
presence of the Inspector. The Inspector will retain possession of the Agency portion of each split sample and
randomly submit a minimum of one sample, on a daily basis, to the District Laboratory for Verification testing (see
2360.2.G.3). Store compacted mixture specimens and loose mixture companion samples for 10 calendar days. Label
these split companion samples with companion numbers.
The Designer needs to include all of S-.6 to S-.14 to remove Longitudinal Joint Cores from the standard 2360
(Plant Mixed Asphalt Pavement) specification.
S-1.7 The first paragraph of MnDOT 2360.3.D.1 is hereby deleted and replaced with the following:
Maximum Density
Compact the pavement to at least the minimum required maximum density values in accordance
with Table 2360-19, “Required Minimum Lot Density (Mat)”.
MnDOT Table 2360-20 Longitudinal Joint Density Requirement is hereby deleted.
MnDOT 2360.3.D.1.h Mat Density Cores is hereby deleted and replaced with the following:
Mat Density Cores
Obtain four cores in each lot. Take two cores from random locations as directed by the Engineer.
Take the third and fourth cores, the companion cores, within 1 foot [0.3 m] longitudinally from the first two
cores. Submit the companion cores to the Engineer immediately after coring and sawing. If the random
core location falls on an unsupported joint, at the time of compaction, (the edge of the mat being placed
does not butt up against another mat, pavement surface, etc.) cut the core with the outer edge of the core
barrel 1 foot [0.3 meters] away (laterally) from the edge of the top of the mat (joint). If the random core
location falls on a confined joint (edge of the mat being placed butts up against another mat, pavement
surface, curb and gutter, or fixed face), cut with the outer edge of the core barrel 6 inches ± 0.5 inch [150
mm ± 12.5 mm] from the edge of the top of the mat (ex. center of 4 inch [100 mm] core barrel 8 ± 0.5
inches [200 mm ± 12.5 mm] from the edge of the top of the mat). Cores will not be taken within 1 foot
[300 mm] of any unsupported edge. The Contractor is responsible for maintaining traffic, coring, patching
the core holes, and sawing the cores to the paved lift thickness before density testing.
The Engineer may require additional density lots to isolate areas affected by equipment
malfunction, heavy rain, or other factors affecting normal compaction operations.
S-1.10 MnDOT 2360.3.D.1.j Companion Core Testing is hereby deleted and replaced with the
The Department will select at least one of the two companion cores per lot to test for verification.
S-1.11 MnDOT 2360.3.D.1.n Longitudinal Joint Density is hereby deleted.
S-1.12 MnDOT 2360.3.D.1.p Shoulders is hereby deleted.
S-1.13 MnDOT Table 2360-24 Payment Schedule for Longitudinal Joint Density (SP Non-Wear
and SP Shoulders, 4% Void) is hereby deleted.
S-1.14 MnDOT Table 2360-25 Payment Schedule for Longitudinal Joint Density (SP Non-wear and
SP Shoulders, 3% Void) is hereby deleted.
S-1.15 MnDOT 2360.3.D.1.r Pay Factor Determination is hereby deleted.