English 9 GT and H Name: Directions: Write the TONE and MOOD of

English 9 GT and H
Directions: Write the TONE and MOOD of each excerpt or quote. It is important to
know that the tone (author’s feelings towards subject) and MOOD (how YOU feel
when reading a text) can often be different. You may not use happy, sad, scared,
lonely, or any boring words. No redo permitted on this assignment, so get it right
the first time, please! You must have 2 words for TONE and 2 words for MOOD!
1. “I think I would make a very good astronaut. To be a good astronaut you have to be
intelligent and I’m intelligent. You also have to understand how machines work and I’m
good at understanding how machines work. You also have to be someone who would
like being on their own in a tiny space-craft thousands and thousands of miles away…”
ToneMood2. “I had seen nothing sacred, and the things that were glorious had no glory and the
sacrifices were like the stockyards at Chicago if nothing was done with the meat except
to bury it. There were many words that you could not stand to hear and finally only the
names of places had dignity. Certain numbers were the same way and certain dates and
these with the names of the places were all you could say and have them mean
anything. Abstract words such as glory, honor, courage, or hallow were obscene beside
the concrete names of villages, the numbers of roads, the names of rivers, the numbers
of regiments and the dates.”
ToneMood3. “Look’ee here, Pip. I’m your second father. You’re my son—more to me nor any son.
I’ve put away money, only for you to spend. When I was a hired-out shepherd in a
solitary hut, not seeing no faces but faces of sheep till I half-forgot wot men’s and
women’s faces wos like, I see yourn. . . . I see you there a many times plain as ever I
see you on them misty marshes. ‘Lord strike me dead!’ I says each time—and I goes out
in the open air to say it under the open heavens—‘but wot, if I gets liberty and money, I’ll
make that boy a gentleman!’ And I done it. Why, look at you, dear boy! Look at these
here lodgings of yourn, fit for a lord! A lord? Ah! You shall show money with lords for
wagers, and beat ’em!”
ToneMood4. He had never been jealous of me for a second. Now I knew that there never was and
never could have been any rivalry between us. I was not of the same quality as he. I
couldn’t stand this. . . . Holding firmly to the trunk, I took a step toward him, and then my
knees bent and I jounced the limb. Finny, his balance gone, swung his head around to
look at me for an instant with extreme interest, and then he tumbled sideways, broke
through the little branches below and hit the bank with a sickening, unnatural thud. It was
the first clumsy physical action I had ever seen him make. With unthinking sureness I
moved out on the limb and jumped into the river, every trace of my fear of this forgotten.
ToneMood5. Money is a needful and precious thing,—and, when well used, a noble thing,—but I
never want you to think it is the first or only prize to strive for. I’d rather see you poor
men’s wives, if you were happy, beloved, contented, than queens on thrones, without
self- respect and peace.
English 9 CP
Directions: Write the TONE and MOOD of each excerpt or quote. It is important to
know that the tone (author’s feelings towards subject) and MOOD (how YOU feel
when reading a text) can often be different. You may not use happy, sad, scared,
lonely, or any boring words. No redo permitted on this assignment, so get it right
the first time, please! You must have 2 words for TONE and 2 words for MOOD!
1. “I think I would make a very good astronaut. To be a good astronaut you have to be
intelligent and I’m intelligent. You also have to understand how machines work and I’m
good at understanding how machines work. You also have to be someone who would
like being on their own in a tiny space-craft thousands and thousands of miles away…”
ToneMood2. Life on a lifeboat isn’t much of a life. It is like an end game in chess, a game with few
pieces. The elements couldn’t be more simple, nor the stakes higher.
ToneMood3. What is it, to run away! A mere formality; that’s not the main thing; no, he won’t run
away on me by a law of nature, even if he has somewhere to run to. Have you ever seen
a moth near a candle? Well, so he’ll keep circling around me, circling around me, as
around a candle; freedom will no longer be dear to him, he’ll fall to thinking, get
entangled, he’ll tangle himself all up as in a net, he’ll worry himself to death! . . . he’ll
keep on making circles around me, narrowing the radius more and more, and—whop!
He’ll fly right into my mouth, and I’ll swallow him, sir, and that will be most agreeable,
heh, heh, heh!
ToneMood4. A pause seemed to fall. Every animal was motionless as though turned to stone. Only
Spitz quivered and bristled as he staggered back and forth, snarling with horrible
menace, as though to frighten off impending death. Then Buck sprang in and out; but
while he was in, shoulder had at last squarely met shoulder. The dark circle became a
dot on the moon-flooded snow as Spitz disappeared from view. Buck stood and looked
on, the successful champion, the dominant primordial beast who had made his kill and
found it good.
5. It had occurred to Pecola some time ago that if her eyes, those eyes that held the
pictures, and knew the sights—if those eyes of hers were different, that is to say,
beautiful, she herself would be different.