Meeting Minutes - University of Warwick

Research Staff Forum: Meeting Minutes
20th May 2015
1. Welcome and Introduction.
Sumit Hazra (WMG, Chair), Lynn Gambin (IER, minutes) Sandy Sparks (LDC), Caroline Huxley (WMG), Deborah
Biggerstaff (WMS), Vaso Totsika (CEDAR), Anais Pitto-Barry (Chemistry), Luis Perdigao (Chemistry), Katy
Yeomans (HR), Kate Roberts (Psychology), Alisa Mandrigin (Philosophy), Karen Simecek (IAS), Ed Smith (Life
Tim Jones (PVC), Peter Walley (Life Sciences)
2. Minutes from last meeting and matters arising.
No actions arising. Minutes accepted.
3. Update from the PVC Tim Jones
Item removed from agenda as Tim Jones was absent from the meeting.
4. Update from Research Representatives
Caroline Huxley (WMG)
Warwick Women in Science (WIS), funded from September 2014. Have held 2 events so far with the next one
in July involving speakers from across Warwick. In September they are hosting a one-day conference with
about 70 delegates.
Debbie Biggerstaff (WMS)
Recently had funding from the LDC for a Research Methods Symposium on qualitative methods. They also just
had a successful day speaker with great feedback received on the event. Other activities include events
regarding big data and a journal club (regularly attended by about 20 people). Debbie has also been asked by
the method’s founder to formally take on the role of midlands contact for the IPA international support
Vaso Totsika (CEDAR)
Coming from a centre with fewer than 10 staff. All staff are research-only – on both permanent and temporary
contracts. Having their first post-doctoral researcher begin in July 2015.
Anais Pitto-Barry (Chemistry) and Luis Perdigao (Chemistry)
Anais reported that for post-docs, there was the Research Fellow Forum. Recent forums included one about
teaching (12 attendees) where a professor from the department talked about lecturing techniques. Have also
had a junior lecturer speak about running tutorials. Another talk was on outreach (on STEM with 1 attendee
from Physics and 1 from Maths). Their next forum is on Industry and Spin-outs, taking place next month and
featuring an external speaker. 10-20 people usually attend the forum events. Anais pointed out that the Head
of Department is very support of the forum activities – attends when possible and provides lunch.
A new development in the department is the posting of job opportunities (for post-docs) on the Chemistry
intranet where PIs can share adverts / information on opportunities that they receive which others may not.
Luis highlighted a number of concerns that colleagues had brought to his attention. These included:
Parking – spaces are limited and with current works on campus this is disruptive to both staff and visitors
to the department (e.g. speakers being unable to find space as they arrive later than 8am). Furthermore,
the price of parking permits has gone up but there have been no improvements in capacity.
[Sandy noted that visitors to the university may be able to park in front of University House]
[Others noted that reservations for visitors can be made in Car Park 7]
Traffic – disruptive with roadworks in and around campus
IT-managed desktops – these cause headaches for a number of colleagues (e.g. cannot test out software
that you have created on such computers). Chemistry appears reluctant to go unmanaged.
Ask IT for update on options available in such circumstance (e.g. for software testing) and for
policy/update on response times.
Pensions – for post-docs taking up their first jobs they are given a choice about USS and most join the
scheme but feel relatively uniformed about whether this is the right choice for them. Would like to know
more about costs, pay-outs, etc. This is particularly important for international post-docs who may return
to their own countries after their contract or others who may leave the HE sector.
[Katy from HR noted that there is a Pensions Team in HR who can answer queries. New joiners should
receive information on pensions in their offer pack. For staff joining at present they are informed about
ongoing pension consultations. There are also options to transfer the scheme to other institutions.
- Have member of HR Pensions Team provide information to Research Staff Forum (e.g. Q&A)
– reps are to provide questions.
- Prompt to provide better signposting to the information that is available in job offer packs
and also to HR Pensions Team for queries.
[It was clarified that the Pensions Team can only provide information and not advice on enrolment
decisions. Also, all full-time employees (above set earnings threshold) are now auto-enrolled and if they
do not want to join USS need to opt out using the correct form. The USS website was also pointed to as an
information source for those looking at their options]
Difficulties with interdisciplinary work (technical/resources) – highlighted that using the facilities in other
deparments (e.g. 3-d printing) can take a long time to arrange and to get approval. There are issues with
the required webforms due to needing finance codes to enter. There appears to be room for streamlining
the process.
[Question was asked whether Chemistry has a ‘flow process’ for such activities to take place? Luis indicate
that these are not frequent requirements so probably not a need to have such.]
Kate Roberts (Psychology)
Kate is a new RSF rep and had no events to report. She raised an issue regarding short-term contracts asking
for clarification of Warwick’s commitment to staff at (or nearing) the end of their contract, especially with
respect to redeployment and support.
Katy from HR responded: Staff are notified about 4-6 months in advance of their contract ending via the Head
of Department. The staff member will then have a consultation meeting to talk about the opportunities they
may have available. The full redeployment policy can be viewed on the HR website. Direct
redeployment/transfer within the university is not always possible. There is potential for upcoming vacancies
to be offered directly to staff member within the same department (do not have to advertise). Interdepartmental requires vacancies to be advertised then redeployment cases are first considered (before other
candidates). If the vacancy is at a higher level than the staff member is treated the same as all candidates.
Sandy noted the availability of one-to-one support through LDC (e.g. mock interviews, CV assistance, etc). This
is available to all researchers. There are also workshops available (e.g. raising profile, answering challenging
questions, etc) and videos of these are available on LD website.
Support for applying for grants to extend beyond current contract?
Within departments there may be bridging funds available.
Suggested that researchers pursue mentoring as well as support from line managers. Also support
available from RDO (formerly RSS)
HR may be able to provide a letter of support regarding employment status criterion for some grant
Lynn Gambin (IER)
Lynn noted the ongoing challenge to researchers in the department to maintain contract-research activity
alongside journal publication. The department had recently received information sessions on Open Access
Alisa Mandrigin (Philosophy)
The department holds Journal Club, working groups, seminars (e.g. on public engagement. They held a
Research Day (facilitated by Sandy) in the department in March 2015. Have Department colloquial sessions
(staff only).
Karen Simecek (IAS)
IAS had a big showcase event at the Shard in London on Friday 15 May 2015 featuring IAS research and
activities. Attendees included representatives from funding councils/bodies (e.g. AHRC, Royal Society,
Leverhulme, etc. Included IAS Fellows and departments. Launched IAS first annual report.
IAS fellowship scheme – closing date 8 June 2015 – Fellows can sped 6 months from 1 October 2015 at
Warwick after completing their PhD at Warwick.
They are not running the post-doctoral fellowship scheme this year but are likely to do so in 2016/17.
Residential fellowship scheme – external visitors with accommodation at Cryfield Grange.
Ed Smith (Life Sciences)
Recent activities include:
Focus group on science and gender
Head of research development talk on how to look after students in their final year projects
Have been contacted by Warwick Ventures about them providing a session at Life Sciences
Peter Walley (Life Sciences) gave apologies, however he provided further update via Sandy Sparks
Within the Crop Centre, band 6 staff are very engaged in student projects. Also a busy time as plants are
Sumit Hazra (WMG)
Holds monthly research breakfast. The last one focused on data management with Yvonne Buddent from the
library speaking.
Colleagues have provided good feedback on the recent DPR (annual review) highlighting just a couple of issues
with the forms.
5. Update from Service Representatives
Sandy Sparks (LDC)
On offer from LDC:
Leadership in Action (developed by Vitae) – 3 afternoons (1st, 8th, 15th June). Covering skills/issues such as
leading meetings, crisis, communication, etc. Involves hands-on activities (‘doing it’), experience and
Preparing for Leadership – to be offered in Term 1
Collaborative Research – to be offered in Term 1
Equality and Diversity – one-day course for women on leadership and development
Academic Writing – sessions on impact and also writing retreats are on offer this academic year
Within Departments Sandy has been involved in some Away Days. Have also provided session on ‘unconscious
bias’ in connection with Athena Swan and on data management (videos are available along with other
resources and this term will cover tools and techniques).
Equality and Diversity – dignity contracts, training; Athena Swan and GEM for non-science departments; Race
Charter in development, first meeting 19 May 2015.
Sandy is starting to develop the plans for 2015/16 provision and asked for feedback on what’s been useful and
‘what do you want’? Main domains are: 1) leadership; 2) skills; 3) career development; 4) equality and
diversity; 5) enterprise, engagement, etc.
Reps to ask colleagues for feedback on Sandy’s question (‘what do you want [from LDC]?’)
and reps to provide to Sandy in June/July 2015.
Katy Yeomans (HR)
DPR process: All staff should have completed DPR by now. HR will be having focus groups over the next
month to get feedback on the DPR process. All Heads of Department will be contact for feedback.
Teach Higher: university department being set up and pilots in some departments. Concerned with casual,
ad hoc teaching and research work and ensuring consistency of practice.
Introduction of shared paternal leave: in effect from April 2015. Complicated in detail and have been
dealing with relatively few cases. Have good examples of different ways sharing works (e.g. rotating
periods of leave between the two parents).
Karen Simecek (IAS Journal)
Karen provided a handout with information on the IAS journal Exchanges. The journal is online and is open
access. Features interdisciplinary research and publishes 2 issues per year. The call for papers is now open
(closes end June 2015).
Question: why would researchers submit to this journal rather than others? Karen: the journal offers
something different to mainstream ones. Can be used as a safe place to start publishing. Can include more
narratives than other journals. Really is meant to be interdisciplinary (which may not fit in other journals).
6. Feedback from Committees
Research Committee:
Update from Peter Walley, provided via Sandy Sparks (email) - Notes from the Research Committee meeting
held on 19th February 2015.
NB: The meeting to be held on the 2nd April was cancelled.
The establishment of The Alan Turing Institute.
Warwick playing a leading role in the establishment this new excellent institute
The Monash-Warwick Alliance.
Monash-Warwick alliance strengthens the breadth of research and global presence. The PIIRUS network has
enabled collaborative partners to engage.
RSF should encourage the use of PIIRUS where possible.
A proposal for the Establishment of University Research Centres: Warwick Cancer Research Centre (WCRC)
Agreed, this brings together some of the best cancer research specialists, and links with the teaching hospital.
We considered a paper from the University of Warwick Librarian on open access and the REF 2020.
Doc: Policy for open access in the post-2014 Research Excellence Framework: this can be accessed on-line.
Greater emphasis on open access - University WRAP is fit for purpose, at least green level
A paper from the Head of Research Systems and Management Information (relating to income generated
and performance across faculties).
If Tim attends the RSF then no doubt he will update [Tim Jones PVC not in attendance on 20/5/15)
Basically Science attracts the largest income - reflecting the nature of that work. Departments seem to be
putting in for large sums, so in general the income is greater compared to the same period last year.
7. Dates for Future Meetings
The next meeting will be held on 8th October 2015, from 10am – 12pm in the Wolfson Research Exchange.
Alisa Mandrigin has agreed to chair the meeting.
Future meeting date: 20th January 2016