Credits and Tuition at CUNY Credits and Tuition at LaGuardia

Credits and Tuition at CUNY
Credits and Tuition at LaGuardia Community College
Please review the LaGuardia “Tuition and Fees” handout printed from the LaGuardia
Community College website at Please
respond to the questions below by referring to the “Tuition and Fee” handout.
What is a credit? What determines the amount of credit each class is assigned?
Based on the information from the Tuition and Fees handout, how many credits are designated
for a full-time student?
Based on the information from the Tuition and Fees handout, how many credits are designated
for a part-time student?
Below is a chart of tuition costs per number of credits/units, please fill out the chart below
based on credits and total cost. Please also review the information regarding the part-time
credits from the Tuition and Fee handout.
Tuition Costs for a Semester
Adapted from the CUNY College Transition Program.
For in-state, matriculated Students at LaGuardia Community College
Number of Credits/Units
Cost Per Credit/Unit
Total Cost
Problems to solve:
William is starting at LaGuardia Community College. He is deciding to take 10 credits every Fall
and Spring semester. First, calculate how many semesters will William need to complete in
order to obtain an Associate’s Degree (an Associate’s Degree equals ~60 credits) at 10 credits
per semester. Then, calculate tuition for each semester based on 10 credits (hint: Use the chart
on first page). Finally, calculate the total cost of his Associate’s Degree.
Tuition cost of total Associate’s Degree:
Tuition cost per semester:
Number of semesters:
Angel is starting LaGuardia Community College. He is deciding to take 15 credits every Fall and
Spring semester. First, calculate how many semesters will Angel need to complete in order to
obtain an Associate’s Degree (an Associate’s Degree equals ~60 credits) at 15 credits per
semester. Then, calculate tuition for each semester based on 15 credits (hint: Use chart on the
first page). Finally, calculate the total cost his Associate’s Degree.
Tuition cost of total Associate’s Degree:
Tuition cost per semester:
Number of semesters:
Angelica is starting at LaGuardia Community College. She is deciding to take 6 credits every Fall
and Spring semester. First, calculate how many semesters will Angelica need to complete in
order to obtain an Associate’s Degree (an Associate’s Degree equals ~60 credits) at 6 credits per
semester. Then, calculate tuition cost for each semester based on 6 credits (Hint: Use chart on
the first page). Finally, calculate the total tuition cost of her Associate’s Degree.
Tuition cost of total Associate’s Degree:
Tuition cost per semester:
Number of semesters:
The City University of New York and its Adult Literacy/GED Program (2009). CUNY College Transition
College Terms
Below is a list of college terms, please list any words that come to your mind when thinking about the
listed terms and please provide a definition for each term. Please share your thoughts and definition for
each word on poster paper.
1. Associate’s Degree
2. Bachelor’s Degree
3. Master’s Degree
Financial Aid
Financial Need
Degree Requirements
7. Credit Class
8. Full-time Student
9. Part-time Student
10. Community College
11. Certificate Program
Financial Aid Terms
Please complete the following definition to each term and your choices in college with financial
aid that you will receive. In addition, please write the financial aid deadline and financial
advisor who you can contact at LaGuardia Community College.
Work Study______________________________________________________________________________
Complete the following table:
*Chart is adapted from MnCareers Facilitator Guide
School Choice #1
School Choice #2
School Choice #3
List 3 of your
Check the
□ Grants
□ Grants
types of aid
□ Scholarships
□ Scholarships
the school
□ Loans
□ Loans
offers and
□ Work-study
□ Work-study
what you
will receive
C. What’s the deadline to apply for financial aid?
D. Who can you contact at the financial aid office?
MnCareers Facilitator Guide (2010). Education and Training. The Minnesota Office of
Education. Retrieved from on August 25
2011 (pg. 155).