Third Sector Strategy Group – Engagement with Council Transformation Programme - Organisational Reviews Head of Service Appointment and Service Area Further detail of what is included in the service What forums or networks are relevant from the Third Sector What TSSG and other forums want to see in the way of service development, prevention, information sharing, co-location, service integration etc Schools and Lifelong Learning Schools (primary and secondary) Local voluntary sector forums Better cross reference between health (community health, inequality initiatives and CLD) Andy Gray Early Years Edinburgh network for children and young people CLD CLD partnership Youth work IGive volunteering Strategy Group Libraries and Community Centres Better Communication on role of Community Access to Schools Mental Health Peer support – for young people Include mental health and wellbeing for young people Sport, Active Schools, Edinburgh Leisure Homeless prevention and education expectations More support for informal community based learning. Communication and co-ordination between schools and social care – key for preventive approach Children’s Services Alistair Gaw Children Social Work practice teams Edinburgh Youth Work Consortium (EYWC), Lothian Association for Youth Clubs (LAYC) + chairs and youth managers forums Ability to seriously have conversations with Youth Work and ASC Sections More streamlined and effective partnership Third Sector Engagement with CTP Organisational Reviews – V1 Adoptive care, residential and secure care, kinship care and family support LAYC ASC Managers forum Edinburgh Youth Workers consortium Children’s panels Much more local forum LYSN Leith Youth Services Network Services for children with disabilities Edinburgh Network for CYP Children’s partnership +GIRFEC + Integrated children’s services Michele Miller Less biased and more proper understanding from officers about 3rd sector community based services Support to capacity building of parents/carers of children with disability and their families Real prevention strategy Youth Justice Public Protection and Council Chief Social Worker More meaningful discussion and actions that demonstrate partnership working Commission of peer support on outcomes Community Safety Police grants Homelessness and Housing Support Criminal Justice Strategic Homelessness Action Partnership in Edinburgh (SHAPE) Rethink of accommodation options through shape Third Sector Strategy Group TSSG Better acknowledgement of partnership with community based voluntary organisations to support vulnerable children and families Network for Children and Young People Thematic forums x reference IJB Inclusive Edinburgh Consideration of impact of welfare reform in reshaping services MAPPA Maintain young adult specific housing options Head of Service – Communities and Families School buildings and school rolls Billy MacIntyre Delegated school budgets Network of third sector children and families Better co-od value of ASC role impact on social economy (loss of classroom space) Transport for schools Third Sector Engagement with CTP Organisational Reviews – V1 Housing and Regulatory Services House building programme SHAPE Tenancy Management Affordable Housing Partnership Housing Management Susan Mooney Licensing Changeworks work closely with officer level, more strategic engagement required. Environmental Health John Bury Community Accessible Transport Transport Planning Older People’s Forums Low carbon active travel Living Streets Planning to support energy efficiency/low carbon delivery Sustrans Planning ECTOG (Edinburgh Community Transport Operators Group) Local and strategic development plan Read across between adaptation disrepair and energy efficiency. Affordable housing for young people, housing options and tenancy rights. Trading standards Transport and Planning Housing to support energy efficient/low carbon housing for existing and new stock across all areas. Roads – design, build, maintain ETAG (Equalities transport advisory group) Other transport links Equality and Rights network Third Sector transport providers that aren’t community transport operations brought into the scope of CAT Review More integration between older people’s services regarding integrated joint board and transport ETAG (ref taxi/PHC licensing) Environment Refuse, waste and recycling ECTOG David Lyons Air Quality EVOC Parks and Greenspace Community Gardens, Edible Edinburgh and Changeworks (no network) Environmental Health CEC Passenger operations, service re-design with ECTOG Working with 3rd Sector (ECTOG to redesign delivery of transport (community) services Transition of trade waste to social enterprise sector Third Sector Engagement with CTP Organisational Reviews – V1 Strategic meeting with WWF, Friends of the Earth, Changeworks, Sustrans and Living Streets Exploration of common quality framework – including training for CEC passenger operations and ECTOG Greater public and community engagement in recycling and re-use to drive quality and circular economy. Human Resources OD Business Support TSSG Katie Miller (Jan 16) interim Martin Glover Workforce Strategy Older People forum and other thematic networks Employee Relations Connect to employability – workforce development academy Short term – Volunteer Edinburgh happy to work with fall out of redundancy redeployment process Expertise of Third Sector and delivery training Change of culture in how to engage with people and their organisations (social care) Status of care workers and collaborative approach to raising profile and making it a career of choice Training needs of social care workforce on SDS, good practice, outcome focus etc. Training should be delivered with service. Property Management Facilities Management TSSG Asset rationalisation TSI Vacant – Interim Arrangements through Peter Watton and Rob Leech and Corporate Property Board Maintenance and repairs Sustainability integral to asset management , physical and behavioural change More social enterprise opportunities. Property Investment Fleet (council vehicles) Third Sector Engagement with CTP Organisational Reviews – V1 Legal and Risk / Monitoring Officer Legal Services Risk + Audit Health and Safety Carol Campbell Finance Procurement Hugh Dunn Budget Framework TSSG Holistic discussion re investment not just what can Third Sector contribute Financial Plan and Services Pensions and Investment Customer Customer Services Vocal voluntary sector forums Outreach discussions where people are Interim - Danny Gallagher Business Support (admin / clerical) Loops Staff being seen and engaged regularly not just which crisis/problem Older peoples forum Reflection in co-production with relevant groups and organisations on social care direct Strategy Transformation Team Compact Sustainability strategy connected to delivery. Vacant – Interim Appointment TBC Freedom of Information TSSG Community Planning TSI Long term planning/ holistic approach i.e. no red lines, all services scrutinised and reviewed to get best outcome for citizens Corporate Strategy Igive Resilience and Business Continuity Equality and Rights Network ICT Mental Health forum Voluntary Sector Forums Proper monitoring and evaluation strategy Capacity building partnership with universities and big lottery through CSR Joint indicators for successful transformation of services/opportunities and citizen engagement. Third Sector Engagement with CTP Organisational Reviews – V1 Council Committees and Governance Strategy needs analysis across sectors. Practical plans and responses maximising possibility and service Members Services Evidence gathering of effective alternative practical modelling locally and further afield. Elections Economy TBC Employability including the Edinburgh Guarantee Business support and development International trade and relations Area Development and Regeneration TSSG TSI Local voluntary sector forums Employability – joined up 4 jobs partnership IGIVE volunteering strategy group ESEN City Deal Culture Festivals Lynne Halfpenny (Director) Arts 3rd sector recognised as an economic contributor to city 3rd sector academies workforce development Volunteering/ voluntary sector placements etc. Wealth created in the city doesn’t benefit disabled people, people with long term conditions and carers – current state of social care. Social enterprise support, news business models SCIO, CCPs private/3rd sector joint delivery Museums and theatres Cultural grants and contracts Desire Lines Steering Group (cultural sector orgs) Desire Lines Report (set out ambitions for broader sector) Desire Lines Task Group (broader panel that interacts directly with elected members and officials) Coherent overview of culture across different functions E.g. learning, health and social care, environment. Creative Edinburgh (facilitates committed organisations with wider cultural interests. Clear engagement with sector around developing ideas and opportunities for maximising opportunities Third Sector Engagement with CTP Organisational Reviews – V1 Communications Media Team TSSG Lesley McPherson Internal communications Equality and Rights Network Marketing Clearer communication of the role of the Third Sector working with the CEC to deliver services in the City. Clearer communication of the value of the Third Sector economically to the City. Website Clearer communication of the disparity in areas of rich and poor in the City and a need to reduce inequalities to create a thriving City. Clear communication of the Third Sectors input and impact to the City outcomes. Interim Locality Managers until March 2016 Nikki Conway, Marna Green, Angela Lindsay and David White Four functions: EADP collaborative 1. Locality Model 2. Disability and transition 3. Mental health and substance misuse and public health 4. Older people Substance use network Edinburgh (SUNE) Older people’s service providers forum ECTOG Day services co-production group LOOPS Lothian Community Health Initiative Forum Mental Health Forum IGIVE Volunteer managers forum Voluntary sector forums Much better acknowledgement of role/support and capacity of volunteers which is essential to all of us MH/WB Preventative services addressing the 10% cut in a different way Proper monitoring and evaluation approach including noticing emerging stuff More transparent communication of intention and timeframes More joined up/collaborative working eg West Lothian day services (OPTIMA) and transport working together – good model to look at. Implementation of a self-directed support strategy in line with the spirit of the 2013 SOS act. Third Sector Engagement with CTP Organisational Reviews – V1 More partnership working More capacity building, individual and collective Real focus on capacity building/social capital/ upstream intervention Work in co-production needs supporting people/communities to build their capacity to engage on equal Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living (LCiL) champions Third Sector Engagement with CTP Organisational Reviews – V1