The name of the Project: Cold Plasm Objective: To reduce the number of the microorganisms in the surrounding by using cold plasm in public places (such as public transport, hospitals,schools, airports etc), to prevent the potential diseases and to provide a hygienic and sterile environment Introduction: Plasm is a common name given for the period of the controlled interaction of the physical and chemical reaction formed in the collinear points connected to the magnetic pollarization of the gaseous substances. Plasm means ionized gas in physics and chemistry. The word ‘plasm’ , instead of ionized gas, has been used in technical literature since 1920. As it has got specific qualifications, plasm is examined apart from solid, liquid and gas state of the substance. The movements of the molecules in a solid substance are very little. When the approximate kinetic energy of the molecules is increased (by heating,for example), solid, firstly, turns into liquid and then into gas state. The electrons move quite quickly in the gas phase. If heating continues, ionization starts, an electron evades from the nucleus gravity and a free electron gains the substance a new form by generating the space. Atoms will have a lacking electron and a clear positive charge. Ionization is repeated many times in the sufficiently heated gas and the clouds of free electron and ion are formed. But some atoms keep being neutral. This mixture of ion, electron and neutral atom is called plasm. Ionization means the separation of ,at least, one electron from the atom or the molecule. Due to the free charge, plasm reaches to a high electrical conductivity and is affected easily by the electromagnetic fields. Auroras ,seen above the atmosphere, magnetosphere and especially close to the poles, are formed by the ionization of the oxygen atoms collided with charged particles caused by solar wind. They form magnificent views. A substance exists in 4 states in cosmos. These are the states of solid, liquid, gas and plasm. Microscopically plasm is expressed as a group of charged particles interacting with each other and moving constantly. The state of plasm does not change even if there is neutral atom or a molecule in the plasm. Their chemical reactions are quite fast because plasm is the hottest state of the substance and the bond between the electrons and the nucleus is weak. Plasm can be divided into two as cold plasm and hot plasm. Stars are an example of hot plasm, whereas fluorescent is an example for cold plasm. A scientist called Chopper has searched a lot about this subject so far and enlarged the examples of cold plasm. Sizzling plasms are called hot plasm. Plasms in the Sun and the stars are hot plasm. However, some plasm examples in lower temperature have started to take its place in our daily lives. Fluorescent bulbs have been the examples of plasm recommended nowadays. As they have lower temperature, they are also called cold plasm. There is argon and mercury in the tube-shaped fluorescent bulb. Electron flow exists in the tube when high voltage is applied to both sides of the tube. These electrons ionize some atoms and form plasm. This plasm channel makes the electron flow easier. Electrons stimulate the atoms of mercury and the atoms of mercury spread invisible rays. The inner part of the tube is covered with a phosphorus layer. When these invisible rays collide with the phosphorus layer, they spread visible white rays. Gas temperature in hot plasms is equal to the temperature of the free electrons and can reach to thousands of Kelvin degrees. On the contrary, gas temperature in cold plasms does not go up whereas the temperature of the electrons reaches upto thousands of degrees. For this reason, cold plasms can be used on the materials that are indurable to the heat. Dr Tamer Akan claims that the bacterias caused to pneumonia, urinary infection, acnes, gastritis, bloodstream infection, thyphoid, food poisoning, meningitis, sinusitis and anthrax can be dispelled by applying ‘cold plasm’ for 5-10 seconds. Dr Akan, who says that power sources produced in cold plasm studies have been applied to the cancer cells injected to the lab mouses, says ‘So, skin cancer treatment is done for the first time without using medication ar radiation.’ That is to say, cold plasm technology seems promising for cancer researches. According to the reasearches of Moscow Epidemiology and Microbiology Institute, Dr Svetlana Ermolaeva, the head of the research, stated that there occured a new choice for the treatments of the infections by developing the 35-40°C degree-cold plasms and added, ‘Cold plasms kill the bacterias by affecting microbial DNA and surface structure, but do not harm human tissues. More importantly, we discovered in our studies that the plasm killed the bacterias growing in biofilms in wounds whereas the thick biofilms resisted the treatment.’ Method: While setting up the experiment, the ultraviolet bulb is fixed to a definite place and some water with microorganisms in it is put next to it. Three-bay light sensor is put opposite them and it is connected to Nova 5000 tablet PC. The data is registered and the graphics are formed. Experiment setup: 1. Firstly, a 40cm-distance is settled between the UV bulb and the water with microorganisms. After that, this distance is shortened gradually to 10cm. The wave length is registered. Observed results: Wave length nm distance (cm) 1st Wave length 114 40 2nd Wave length 143 30 3rd Wave length 186 20 4th Wave length 223 10 2. The effects of the wave lenghts on the microorganisms in the water are observed. The number of the microorganisms in the water was 20 at first. In order to see the result of each wave length impact, we waited for 45 minutes. Observed results: Wave length nm The number of microorganisms on the unit surface 1st Wave length 114 20 2nd Wave length 143 20 3rd Wave length 186 20 4th Wave length 223 4 Results and Debate: According to the results I got, the rays in 210-300nm wave length had a strong impact on dispelling the microorganisms. The ray of 2537 A° (253,7 nm) wave length is the most effective one in the UV spectrum. In addition to this, it was observed that optimum effective wave length differed according to the type of the microorganism. As a result, it was reached that the use of cold plasm reduced the number of the microorganism in the surrounding. Works Cited: .html,115@2100.html!