PATHOLOGY – LECTURES first semester, 2012/2013 Monday, 9.15 - 11.30 p.m. GENERAL PATHOLOGY I. 17. 9.: Introduction. Basic terms in pathology. Cell injury. Necrosis, apoptosis, gangrene. Atrophy. Ehrmann II. 24. 9.: Disorders of metabolism of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates nucleid aced. Impaired metabolism of water. Calcification. Pathology of pigments. Ehrmann III. 1. 10.: Circulatory disturbances. Oedema. Thrombosis, embolism. Ehrmann IV. 8. 10.: Inflammation. Definition, causes, signs and course of inflammation. Nonspecific inflammation. Brychtová V. 15. 10.: Specific inflammation. Disorders of the immune system. Brychtová VI. 22. 10.: Oncology: introduction, general terms. Pseudotumours. Precanceroses. Brychtová VII. 29. 10.: Mesenchymal tumours. Ehrmann VIII. Brychtová 5. 11.: Lymphoma, leukemia. IX. 12. 11.: Epithelial tumours. Ehrmann X. 19. 11.: Neuroectodermal tumours, mixed tumours, teratoma, chorionepithelioma. Ehrmann XI. 26. 11.: Genetic diseases. Derrangement of growth. Teratology. Škarda XII. Škarda 3. 12.: Aetiology of diseases. XIII. 10. 12.: Overview of bacterial, viral, mycotic and parasitic diseases. Škarda SYSTEMIC PATHOLOGY XIV. 17. 12.: Congenital heart diseases. Diseases of peri- and endocardium. Brychtová XV. 31. 12. : Legal holiday. 10. 9. 2012 prof. MUDr. J. Ehrmann, Ph.D. PATHOLOGY – PRACTICAL CLASSES winter semester, 2012/2013 Wednesday, 7.00-10.00; Thursday 11.00-14.00 I. 19., 20. 9.:Introduction. Apoptosis, Necrosis, gangrene. Atrophy. II. 26., 27. 9.:Dystrophic changes. III. 3., 4. 10.: Metabolic diseases, calcification, pigmentation. MCQ test: apoptosis, necrosis, atrophy, dystrophic changes, pathological pigmentation. IV. 10., 11. 10.: Circulatory disorders. V. 17., 18. 10.: Nonspecific inflammation. VI. 24., 25. 10.: Specific inflammation. Pathology of the immune system. Repair, wound healing, adaptation. VII. 31. 10, 1. 11.: Seminar: circulatory disorders, inflammation. MCQ test: circulation, inflammation. VIII. 7., 8. 11.: Disorders of growth. Teratology. General oncology. IX. 14., 15. 11.: Mesenchymal tumours. Lymphomas. Leucaemias. X. 21., 22. 11.: Epithelial tumours. XI. 28., 29. 11.: Neuroectodermal tumours, mixed tumours, teratomas. XII. 5., 6. 12.: Seminar: Oncology. MCQ test: Oncological diseases. XIII. 12., 13. 12.: Aetiology of diseases. Gross pathology diagnosis. Practicavit. Supplementary training for absentees. XIV. 19., 20. 12.: Gross pathology diagnosis. Practicavit. Supplementary training for absentees. XV. 2., 3. 1. 2013: Gross pathology diagnosis. Practicavit. Supplementary training for absentees. _____________________________ Each session consists of an autopsy (do not forget surgical gloves!), demonstration of gross material and microscopy. Preparatory self-study for the sessions is required. Failed MCQ test must be repeated. ____________________________ Practicavit requirements: attendance at the sessions, gross diagnosis. 10. 9. 2012 prof. MUDr. J. Ehrmann, Ph.D.