HAZLETON AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT UNIT/LESSON PLAN Teacher Name : Jaime Michael Grade Level (s): First Grade Building: Heights-Terrace Subject : Reading Start Date(s): April 27th Unit Plan Unit Title Figure It Out Essential Questions: How can we classify and categorize things? What can you see in the sky? What inventions do you know about? What sounds can you hear? How are they made? How do things get built? Standards: CC.1.1.1.B Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of text CC.1.1.1.C Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds/phonemes CC.1.1.1.D Know and apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills and decoding of words CC.1.2.1.A Identify the main idea and retell key details of text CC.1.2.1.B Ask and answer questions about key details in a text CC.1.2.1.G Use illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas CC.1.2.1..J Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading, and being read to, as well as responding to texts, including words that signal connections and relationships between the words and phrases CC.1.3.1.A Retell stories including key details and demonstrate understanding of their central message/lesson CC.1.3.1.B Ask and answer questions about key details in a text CC.1.3.1.C Describe characters, setting, and major events in a story using key details CC.1.3.1.G Use illustrations and details in a story to describe characters, setting, or events CC.1.3.1.H Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown or multiple meaning words or phrases based on grade level reading or content CC.1.4.1.R Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling CC.1.4.1.X Write routinely for a range of discipline specific tasks, purposes, and audiences CC.1.5.1.A Participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in small and large groups CC.1.5.1.B Confirm understanding of a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details and requesting clarification if not understood CC.1.1.5.C Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to gather additional information or clarify something that is not understood CC.1.5.1.E Produce complete sentences appropriate to task and situation CC.1.5.1.G Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English when speaking based on Grade 1 level and content Summative Unit Assessment : Summative Assessment Objective Assessment Method (check one) ____ Rubric ___ Checklist _X___ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment Students will- ____ Other (explain) Day 1 2 Objective (s) Students will-Follow agreed upon rules for discussions -Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print -Decode regularly spelled one syllable words -recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words -use conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns -read and spell “r-controlled vowel” words with spelled “or, oar, or and ore” Students will-Ask questions to clear up any confusion about topics and texts DOK LEVEL 1 2 1 2 Activities / Teaching Strategies Grouping DAILY PLAN oral language concepts of print ending blends digraphs phonemic blending spelling pretest build background high frequency words shared writing listening comprehension commas in a series verbs S W I Oral language Concepts of print S W Materials / Resources Assessment of Objective (s) Teacher manual Practice workbook Online resources Poster High frequency cards Sound spelling cards Word building cards Photo cards Reading/writing workshop book FormativeTeacher observation Practice workbook Online resources Poster Formative-class participation Summative- completed workbook pages Student Self - AssessmentSelf check papers Summative- journal writing 3 4 under discussion -isolate and pronounce medial vowel and final sounds in spoken single-syllable words -decode regularly spelled one syllable words -read words with inflectional ending -Decode regularly spelled one syllable words -recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words -use conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns -ask and answer questions about key details in text. Students will -Read grade level text with accuracy appropriate rate and expression -read words with inflectional ending -Decode regularly spelled one syllable words -recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words -use conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns -ask and answer questions about key details Students will-Know and use various text features Use illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas --read words with inflectional ending -Decode regularly spelled one syllable words -recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words -use conventional spelling for words with common spelling 1 2 1 2 Phoneme blending digraphs High frequency words Listening comprehension Irregular plural nouns Inflectional endings –es, ing Apostrophies Verbs Plot: Sequence i Concepts of print Phoneme segmentation digraphs High frequency words Listening comprehension Interactive writing retell Writing traits-organization Irregular plural nouns Inflectional endings –es, ing S w Oral language concepts of print-sound letter correspondence Word work-digraphs Mechanics: capital letters and periods High frequency words Listening comprehension Interactive writing Irregular plural nouns Capital letters S W i High frequency cards Sound spelling cards Word building cards Photo cards Reading/writing workshop book Visual vocab cards Spelling word cards Student Self - Assessment-partner check papers Practice workbook Online resources Poster High frequency cards Sound spelling cards Word building cards Photo cards Big book Anthology Formative-thumbs up thumbs down Practice workbook Online resources Poster High frequency cards Sound spelling cards Word building cards Photo cards Anthology Visual vocabulary cards foldable FormativeResponse cards Summative- completed interactive writing Summative- completed workbook pages Student Self - AssessmentSelf check papers Student Self - Assessment-partner check papers patterns 5 6 Students will-draw evidence from literary or informational text to support analysis, reflection and research. -read words with inflectional ending -Decode regularly spelled one syllable words -recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words -use conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns -identify basic similarities and difference between two texts on the same topic. -Decode CVCe words 1 2 digraphs high frequency words listening comprehension – making connections independent writing sentences irregular plural nouns spelling test periods proper nouns verbs S w Practice workbook Online resources Poster High frequency cards Sound spelling cards Word building cards Photo cards Anthology Reading/writing workshop Interactive read aloud cards Formative-teacher observation Summative- end of week skills check Student Self - AssessmentSharing and presenting