Spark 101 Tower Cranes HS Math

Spark 101 Lesson Plan
Video Presentation Title:
Unit of Instruction:
Using Tower Cranes to Solve Engineering Problems
Circumference and Area of Circles
Geometry (90 minute class)
Geometry TEKS:
(4) Geometric structure. The student uses a variety of representations to describe
geometric relationships and solve problems. The student is expected to select an
appropriate representation (concrete, pictorial, graphical, verbal, or symbolic) in order
to solve problems.
(5) Geometric patterns. The student uses a variety of representations to describe
geometric relationships and solve problems. The student is expected to:
(B) use numeric and geometric patterns to make generalizations about geometric
properties, including properties of polygons, ratios in similar figures and solids, and
angle relationships in polygons and circles;
 Calculate area of a circle; use compasses
 Apply geometric properties of a circle to circle construction in the
SPARK 101 STEM activity
 Use critical thinking skills to deployment of a major construction
equipment according to specs in SPARK101 video
Assessment/Demonstration of Learning:
Resources Needed:
Construct a circle from three dots and find the circumference and area.
SPARK 101 student engagement templates (See lesson for titles)
Copies of blueprints
Compasses for geometric constructions
Chart paper
© 2015 Spark 101
Math-aligned Lesson Plan by Susan Patterson, Uplift Summit International Prep, Arlington, Texas
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Lesson Component
(Prior to showing the
video presentation)
Time Allotted
10 minutes
Teacher Procedure
Group students into groups of three and have them use chart paper to develop a resume
using the Group Resume template. Before the class watches the video have them write
down what they have in common: backgrounds, experiences, etc. with reference to:
 Construction
 Building
 Measurement
 Circle formulas
 Experience with a calculator
Include vocabulary: circle, center point, radius, circumference, area, tangent line,
perpendicular, perpendicular bisector
Have each group give a one minute presentation of the group resume. After all groups
have presented, circle the commonalties of each group. This will allow the teacher to
get a quick assessment of the level of knowledge and skills of the overall class.
(Part I of video)
2-5 minutes
Show this first segment of the video to your students, letting them know that they will
be working on solving the real-world problem after viewing.
Using SPARK101 video, scholars will be introduced to problem regarding deploying cranes to a construction site.
© 2015 Spark 101
Math-aligned Lesson Plan by Susan Patterson, Uplift Summit International Prep, Arlington, Texas
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Ask students to add to vocabulary list.
Crane, tower, circumference, scale model, area, blueprint
Problem Solving
(Describe process for
identifying possible
solution(s) to the problem
30 minutes
Small groups (3-5)
Whole group
Before the groups try to solve the problem, review the geometric properties of a circle.
First assess how many students can solve a problem calculating circumference and area
of a circle.
1. Steve has a flat in his bicycle and needs to replace the tire. He needs to
determine the diameter of his tire. What is the approximate diameter if the
circumference is 121.34 inches?
2. Hailey wants to complete a needlepoint pattern for her mother for Mother’s day.
At least how much material will she need to put in a circular frame if the radius
is 4 inches?
Based on the knowledge and skill level, review
1. Pi and its relationship between the circumference and diameter
Circumference Circumference
2 * radius
2. Area of a circle
𝑨 = 𝝅𝒓𝟐
© 2015 Spark 101
If technology is accessible (via tablet, phone, laptop, computer, the group
resume, and the assessment can be placed on a Padlet app: “Post what you know
Math-aligned Lesson Plan by Susan Patterson, Uplift Summit International Prep, Arlington, Texas
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about circles on
Once scholars understand problems, provide practice worksheet focusing on the above
Once calculations are completed, provide notes and guidance on circle construction from
three points. Pay specific attention to vocabulary (for differentiate instruction, use a
vocabulary organizer).
CIRCLE CONSTRUCTIONS AND CALCULATIONS: Circle constructions and calculations:
Part One: Construction
Teacher will lead scholars in first circle constructions
(printable instructions)
Web animation:
(printable instructions)
Web animation:
Part 2: Calculations
Find the circumference and area of the above circles in centimeters. Use the protractor to measure radius.
Answers should be in exact and to the hundredth decimal place.
Now that scholars have practiced construction and calculations, using the handouts,
scholars will work individually with constructions for 10 minutes using the 4Squares and a
Diamond template and then share with their group members. Each group will decide final
design to share.
© 2015 Spark 101
Math-aligned Lesson Plan by Susan Patterson, Uplift Summit International Prep, Arlington, Texas
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Checks for Understanding
What are the characteristics of a tangent line of a circle? A tangent line is a line that intersects a circle at one point. The line
does not go through the circle. It is perpendicular to the radius.
Define perpendicular bisector: A line or line segment that 1) divides a shape in half 2) forms a perpendicular line with and
angle of 90 degrees.
What is the difference between an exact answer and an approximate with circle measurements? Exact answers include
“pi”; approximation must be given in specified decimal places.
Solving the Problem
(Part II of video)
Comparing Solutions
and Meaning
(Describe process for
identifying possible
solution(s) to the problem
Future Impact and
(Part III of video)
© 2015 Spark 101
2-5 minutes
10 minutes
Small groups (3-5)
Whole group
2-5 minutes
Show this second segment of the video to your students, letting them know that they
will be comparing their solutions to the actual solution shared by the industry
A spokesperson from group will share with the class. We will then see the answer to problem on
SPARK101 video.
Checks for Understanding
What was the most difficult part of the constructions? Maintaining accuracy of the drawings,
dealing with the construction instruments.
How important is accuracy in the drawings when designing a blueprint? Construction
equipment? Relate to SPARK101 video. Accuracy is very important because errors can lead to an
unsafe environment. (T-P-S). The tools used for construction must fit the job; yet must deploy
correct equipment to optimize space.
Show this third and final segment of the video to your students, letting them know that
they will be reflecting on their thoughts related to pursing possible education pathways
and careers presented in the video.
Math-aligned Lesson Plan by Susan Patterson, Uplift Summit International Prep, Arlington, Texas
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Future Impact and
(Have students reflect
on how solving the
problem might relate to current or
future goals)
10 minutes
Using information from the Group resume and the crane investigation, scholars will
complete the following reflection:
Small groups (3-5)
Whole group
Checks for Understanding
The most important goal of this activity is to allow scholars to think outside the box,
make errors due to lack of clarity, etc., and possible fail. Sometimes failure is the best
experience; scholar will know what does not work and try another solution. Also, they
will understand the accuracy and precision is very important when it comes to
constructions and safety on small and large-scale projects.
5 minutes
STEM activity today allowed use to apply basic geometric property of a circle to a real application. Summarize what
we learned using
Pass out 5x8 notecards. As an exit ticket, have each scholar make three points on the note card to construct a circle
Assessment (if applicable)
and find the circumference and area of the circle.
Additional Notes (if needed)
CK12 Connections (if available)
© 2015 Spark 101
OpenStax Connections (if available)
Math-aligned Lesson Plan by Susan Patterson, Uplift Summit International Prep, Arlington, Texas
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