Dr. Karen Bilton, Ph.D. (Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbalist, Physiotherapist) Suite 106, 24-30 Springfield Ave, Potts Point, NSW 2011 ABN: 14 682 591 327 www.lotushealingarts.com 0416 458 477 PATIENT INFORMATION Name Date Home Address City State NSW Post code E-mail Address Mobile Phone Occupation Business Address City State NSW Place of Birth Sex male; Phone Post code Phone Date of Birth female; Age Marital Status In Case of Emergency Notify Single, Height Married, Weight Life Partner, Divorced, Widowed Phone How did you hear of this office? Have you ever before tried acupuncture or Chinese herbal medicine? CHIEF COMPLAINT What are the main health problems for which you are seeking treatment? Please rate the extent to which your current complaint affects your daily life (1 = minor; 10 = major) Please rate your commitment to resolving this problem (1 = minor; 10 = major) What other forms of treatment have you sought? PAST MEDICAL HISTORY (check all which apply) Allergies Cancer Diabetes Hepatitis High Blood Pressure Heart Disease Seizures Rheumatic Fever Surgeries Sexually Transmitted Diseases Thyroid Disease Hospitalizations Vaccinations Childhood Illnesses Accidents Significant Trauma Medications Other (please specify) FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY (check all which apply and specify which blood relative) Cancer High Blood Pressure Hepatitis (A, B, C) Rheumatic Fever Infectious Disease Diabetes (type 1 or 2) Heart Disease Seizures Emotional Disorder Tuberculosis Autoimmune Disease Endocrine Disorder Other (please specify) If deceased age of demise Father Mother LIFESTYLE (please indicate the use and frequency of the following) Coffee Caffeinated Beverages Black Tea Alcohol Substance use (specify) Addictions (specify) Sibling/s Tobacco If stopped use of any of above indicate how long and frequency of use Exercise (specify type) MEDICATIONS and SUPPLEMENTS Please list any medications and/or supplements you are currently taking PREVIOUS HOSPITALIZATIONS Please specify (date and procedure) 1 Dr. Karen Bilton, Ph.D. (Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbalist, Physiotherapist) Suite 106, 24-30 Springfield Ave, Potts Point, NSW 2011 ABN: 14 682 591 327 www.lotushealingarts.com 0416 458 477 GENERAL HEALTH and REVIEW OF SYSTEMS Please indicate any of the following repeated symptoms experienced in the last 5 years. General Symptoms Skin Urogenital Headache – migraine Thirst Fainting Poor sleep – insomnia Fatigue Abnormal sweating Loss of weight Fever Chills – feels cold Cold hands and feet Hot hands and feet Skin eruptions Clammy skin Dryness Bruises easily Rashes Sensitive skin Hives Itchy skin Jaundice Changes in moles Gastrointestinal Respiratory Neurological Forgetfulness Confusion Poor memory Dizziness Convulsions Paralysis Tremors Numbness Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat Failing vision Near sighted Eye pain Cross eyed Eye inflammation Glaucoma Deafness Loss of hearing Ear discharge Ringing in ears Nose bleeds Nasal obstruction Nasal drainage Loss of smell Sinusitis Allergies Sore throat Hoarseness Difficulty speech Difficulty swallowing Change in tastes Dental decay Gum problems Asthma Frequent colds Frequent urination Scanty urination Painful urination Blood in urine Cloudy urine Difficult to hold urine Stress incontinence Kidney/bladder infections Kidney stones Chronic cough Productive cough Chest pain Difficulty breathing Wheezing Cardiovascular Irregular heart beat High blood pressure Low blood pressure Chest pain Heart trouble Hardening of arteries Swelling of ankles Poor circulation Varicose veins Muscles and Joints Neck Pain Back Pain Hip Pain Knee Pain Foot/Ankle/Leg Pain Hand/Wrist/Arm Pain Shoulder Pain Sciatica Pins and needles Swollen joints Hot joints Arthritis Sore muscles Weak muscles Hernia Pain while walking Bad posture TMJ Poor appetite Excessive hunger Belching Heart burn, acid reflux Gas Nausea or vomiting Stomach pain or distention Constipation Diarrhea, Colitis Blood in stool Hemorrhoids Female Painful menstrual periods Excessive flow Irregular cycle Abnormal bleeding Vaginal discharge or pain Breast pain Breast lumps Menopausal symptoms Reduced sex drive Male Genital pain Reduced sex drive Premature ejaculation Impotence Nocturnal seminal emission Psychological Depression Anxiety – nervousness Panic attacks Nightmares Difficulty concentrating Treatment – counseling, therapy 2