Table 4 DTI studies of individuals with prenatal alcohol exposure relative to controls Method Findings ROI analysis ↓ FA in genu and splenium ↑ MD in genu and splenium ROI analysis ↑ MD in the isthmus Voxel-wise approach with ↓ FA in bilateral lateral splenium, bilateral posterior cingulate, post-hoc ROI analysis regions of the R temporal lobe (e.g., ILF, IFOF), R internal capsule, and brainstem Relationship between FA in splenium and scores on a visuomotor integration task Tractography ↓ FA in R cingulum, bilateral ILF, SLF, splenium, and L thalamus ↑ FA in bilateral globus pallidus ↑ MD in bilateral IFOF, L ILF, R corticospinal tracts, globus pallidus, R putamen, and R thalamus ↓ MD in genu Voxel-wise approach and ↓ FA in regions of the frontal lobes (R SFL, uncinate, SFOF, ROI analysis and bilateral anterior/superior coronae radiata), parietal lobes (R SLF, L posterior corona radiata), occipital lobes (bilateral posterior coronae radiata and forceps major), and body of the CC ↑ FA in the R posterior limb of the internal capsule and cingulum ↑ MD within the superior frontal lobe and the anterior limb of the internal capsule ↓ MD within the R inferior frontal lobe (R anterior corona radiate), and R temporo-occipito-parietal junction (R forceps major) Voxel-wise approach ROI ↓ FA in isthmus and splenium analysis ↑ MD in isthmus ↑ RD in isthmus Tractography ↓ FA in posterior mid-body of the CC, isthmus, and splenium Voxel-based correlation Relationship between FA and standardized Quantitative analysis Concepts in 4 clusters (L anterior cerebellum, L parietal lobe, L upper parietal lobe, and bilateral brainstem) References Ma et al. 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