Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy ( MIP ) Complaint Procedures. We realise that sometimes things go wrong and people who use our services may want to make a complaint. This document tells you how the procedures work so that the person making the complaint gets a response within a reasonable time. It also helps us to make sure that our procedures and practices are of the highest standards possible within the resources available. The complaints procedure is intended to: • be publicised • be easy to understand and use • be speedy, with established time limits for action • respect confidentiality as far as possible • be impartial and objective • be responsive, enabling redress as appropriate • provide support and feedback • stimulate the improvement of services 1 C:/GR/AMc./Equal.Pol.2004 Process 1. All members, students, clients and visitors have a responsibility to take informal or formal action to stop any form of harassment or bullying which they witness or which is brought to their attention. 2. Wherever possible, a person who believes s/he is the subject of harassment should ask the alleged offender to stop, or make clear that the behaviour is unwelcome. It is recognised that, in some circumstances it may not be possible to proceed on an informal basis. A record of incidents of harassment should be kept to assist if further formal action is required. If an informal approach is inappropriate or does not lead to the harassment stopping then a complaint may be made to the Chair of the Quality and Ethics Committee. 3. All complaints will be investigated by a menmber of the Quality and Equality Committee. Complainants have the right to speak to someone of the same sex if this is their choice. Where a complainant is subject to investigation, care will be taken to ensure that the investigation does not cause unnecessary distress to either party. 4. The member complained about must have been a member of the institute at the time of the alleged breach of the Code of Ethics and/or the Professional Practice Guidelines. 5. All complaints will be examined against the Code of Ethics laid down by MIP. This is in line with EATEA and UKATA codes of ethics and professional practice guidelines, in order to give an opinion as to whether there has been a breach of ethics. 6. The complaint must be made as near as possible to the time of origin. Complaints concerning events that occurred more than three years prior to the first contact with the MMIP Quality and Ethics Committee will not normally be heard. 7. In the event of disciplinary procedures being invoked against the alleged harasser or bully, any member of staff or student involved must be told what is happening and be informed of their rights. 8. If the investigation upholds the complaint, prompt action designed to stop the harassment/bullying immediately and prevent its recurrence will be taken. In such circumstances, if relocation proves necessary, every effort will be made to relocate the harasser and not the person who has been harassed. 9. Members shall be protected from intimidation, victimisation or 2 C:/GR/AMc./Equal.Pol.2004 discrimination for filing a complaint or assisting in an investigation. Retaliating against an employee for complaining about harassment will be treated as a disciplinary offence. 10. Any member of staff or student who brings a complaint must be kept fully informed of the action being taken by the institute, and if the complaint is upheld, of any disciplinary action which the institute imposes. 11. MIP will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by either party involved in a complaint. 12. MIP may seek legal advice concerning a complaint. Informal procedure a. Wherever it is possible, make suggestions or sort out possible problems by talking to the person immediately concerned. b. If this informal procedure does not work for you, you may make a formal written complaint. Formal procedure a. Once you have decided that you wish to make a formal complaint you will need to write a letter of complaint. b. Once you have written your letter of complaint, hand or send it to the administrator. Your complaint will be passed on to the Quality and Ethics Committee Chair. c. The Quality and Ethics Committee may decide that a) there may be a case to answer. b) that there is no case to answer c) that the matter is not within the remit of the Committee. The Committee will indicate this in writing or in a meeting with the parties concerned. d. You will receive a written response to your complaint no later than 2 weeks after it has been given to The Chair of the Quality and Ethics Committee. e. You will in most cases be able to withdraw your complaint at any point. The Chair may however have to follow it through even if you want to withdraw, this is dependant on the nature of your complaint. 3 C:/GR/AMc./Equal.Pol.2004 4. Equal Opportunities and Harassment a. Your complaint may be about harassment on the grounds of personal identity, age, gender or disability. Or you may feel that you have been denied equality of opportunity. In any of these cases, you may use the systems described above. b. You can get a copy of the Equality policy from the administrator or the institute library (read only). Professional Misconduct Members should be aware that professional practice, which falls short of the standards expected of a practitioner, violations of ethical conduct or conduct which brings the professions of psychotherapy or counselling into disrepute constitutes professional misconduct. Behaviour, which may result in termination of membership of MIP includes: a) Exploitation of the client, supervisee or trainee sexually, financially or in other ways. b) Breaches of the code of ethics and /or professional practices or expected standards c) Professional misconduct. If the complaint is upheld one or more of the following courses of action may be taken: a. An apology be given to the complainant by the member concerned b. The member is required to give an undertaking that they cease to practice in a particular manner and/or cease to work with particular clients, students or other types of persons. c. The member be required to undertake therapy, and or supervision, and or further training at the members cost. A method of verifying successful completion of the requirements will be agreed between the Quality and Ethics committee and the member. d. An informal warning may be given 4 C:/GR/AMc./Equal.Pol.2004 e. A formal warning indicating that further breaches of the Codes(s) of Ethics and Professional Practices may lead to removal from the Manchester Institute membership. f. Removal of membership of the Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy 5. Appeal Procedure a) Please note that appeals against decisions taken as part of a disciplinary procedure are dealt with separately. If you want your complaint to be reviewed by the Director because you do not feel you have had a satisfactory response, you should make a written request to have your complaint reviewed and hand/send it to the administrator for the attention of the Director of the Institute Mr Bob Cooke.. b) Leave to appeal will only be granted if: the party making the application to appeal will be able to demonstrate new evidence in terms of new information, which would support the appeal. The Chair of the Ethical Committee will decide along with two other members of the Committee that there are adequate grounds for granting leave to appeal. 5 C:/GR/AMc./Equal.Pol.2004 6 C:/GR/AMc./Equal.Pol.2004