ACT Special Testing Letter June 2014

Parents and Junior Class Members
Barb Fassbender, School Counselor
High School Special Testing Coordinator
State of Wisconsin Required Tests for Accountability Purposes
ACT With Writing and the ACT WorkKeys
August 2014
Dear Parents and Junior Students:
The purpose of my letter is to give you some information about the upcoming, state-required tests. The
ACT with Writing and the ACT WorkKeys test will be given to all junior students state-wide, at no cost
to you, in March 2015.
The ACT test is designed to assess high school students’ general educational development and their
ability to complete college-level work. Areas tested are: English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science,
plus a 30-minute Writing portion. The ACT WorkKeys exam measures skills that are valued by
employers and are critical for job success. Areas tested are: Applied Mathematics, Locating Information,
and Reading for Information.
What does this mean for your child? Your child has been receiving accommodations, either through an
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan. Given this, they are entitled to apply for special
testing accommodations if they want their assessment test scores to count for college admissions. Your
child can choose to take these tests without any accommodations; the ACT with Writing scores are
considered fully reportable for purpose of college admissions.
It is important for you and your child to fully consider the special accommodation testing options being
offered for these exams, and what each test will provide to you score-wise before making a decision:
ACT with Writing and WorkKeys Tests
With ACT-Approved Accommodations
 ACT with Writing scores are fully reportable to colleges of your son or daughter’s choice,
scholarships, and other entities such as the NCAA and meet state accountability criteria
 Students must be currently served by an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504 Plan
 Application will be prepared and sent to ACT for their approval
 Accommodations to be consistent with day to day instruction and testing support
 Students are able to repeat the ACT with or without the Writing component at a National Testing
site located in our area in April and June, 2015 with approved accommodations
State-Allowed Accommodations
 ACT with Writing Scores are NOT college-reportable
 Used for state accountability purposes only
 Accommodations to be consistent with day to day instruction and testing support
 Students are able to repeat the ACT test at a National Testing site located in our area in April and
June, 2015
Without Any Accommodations
 ACT with Writing scores are reportable to the schools of your child’s choice
 Students are able to repeat the ACT with or without the Writing component at a National Testing
site located in our area in April and June, 2015
Should you and your child decide to proceed with an application for ACT-approved accommodations,
there is a required application process we will complete together before submitting to ACT for their
approval. ACT will determine if the student is indeed eligible for the accommodations requested. All
applications for accommodations must be completed and submitted to ACT in November, 2014.
You will be asked to choose a testing option so that we may plan and prepare appropriately. If you
would like to make your choice now, please indicate what testing option you and your child would like
I know that this is a lot of information for you and your child to consider. To answer additional
questions and to clarify the application and testing process, we will have a required meeting for all
parents and their students the second week in September. At this meeting, we will finalize your testing
choice options and have you sign the appropriate paperwork to proceed.
Until our meeting in September, please feel free to contact me with your questions or your concerns.
You may reach me via e-mail at:, or my telephone number is 8492116.
Best regards,
Barb Fassbender, School Counselor
High School Special Testing Coordinator
PC: Brian Kersten, Principal
Kurt Eley, Director, Special Education Services
Tim Schell, Director of Curriculum & Instruction; District Testing Coordinator
Student’s Name:
Parent’s Signature:
I would like to proceed with the paperwork to obtain ACT-approved accommodations for my
child for college-reportable scores.
I would like to proceed with the paperwork for the ACT State-approved accommodations for my
child. The score results will not be reportable for college purposes.
My child will take the test without any accommodations. We understand that the score results are
reportable for college purposes, and students are allowed to repeat the ACT with or without the
writing portion at their discretion, and current year test fees will apply.
ACT & WorkKeys special testing letter – rev. 9/14