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Střední průmyslová škola Zlín
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Inovace výuky prostřednictvím ICT v SPŠ Zlín,
Vzdělávací oblast
Jazykové vzdělávání a komunikace
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Famous travellers – Cook, Hanzelka and Zikmund
Mgr. Jana Vondřejcová
Vytvořeno, pro obor, roč.
Červen 2013, obor Strojírenství, 3. ročník
Slavní cestovatelé – Cook, Hanzelka a Zikmund
Přínos/cílové kompetence
Čtení a následné odpovídání na otázky k textům
List pro studenty
James Cook
He was born in England, his parents had 8 children.
He was very capable, he was not only explorer but also
cartographer, navigator and captain. He travelled a lot
and spent many years at the sea and created a lot of
detailed maps of coastlines. This was extremely
important at that time because England was growing and
was looking for new colonies.
He was so fascinated by the sea and new countries that he joined the Royal Navy in his teens
and studied branches such as geometry, trigonometry, navigation and astronomy. James Cook
was not travelling only with his crew but on the ships were many educated people from
different scientific fields and different nationalities, e.g. botanist from Sweden, artists,
drawers and painters.
He was the first man, who circumnavigate the world and he did not lost a single man. The
illness due to many sailors were dying was called scurvy which was caused by lack of vitamin
C. To prevent scurvy he knew that he needed to supply the crew with fresh food
Cook was killed in Hawaii in a fight with Hawaiians.
1) What was scurvy?
2) Where there only crew and captain on the boat?
3) Was James Cook only a captain?
Jiří Hanzelka and Miroslav Zikmund
They created the most popular and well-know
Czech travellers´ pair. They met at school, they
studied engineering and made a mutual agreement
that they will travel.
During their first journey (1947-1950) they
travelled to Africa and South and Central
America. They always used car Tatra 87 for
promotion this company and brand.
They second travel (1959-1964) was in Asia, Indonesia and Japanese Islands, during this
expedition they were using car Tatra 805 off-road, which was more comfortable than the
previous passenger car.
In total they spent 10 years together by travelling. They saw 112 countries.
They not only travel, but they were writing reportages, documentaries, taking photos. They
were nearly obsessed with travelling, they wanted to meet new people, see new countries,
understand their way of life and fates. They did not choose only developed countries but also
countries and places which were untouchable by civilisation.
In Zlin museum is a permanent traveler´s exhibition called: “With Engineers Zikmund and
Hanzelka through Five Continents”
1) Would you like to travel so many years with one man?
2) Are there any advantages or disadvantages in travelling in couple?
3) Which countries would you like to visit and why?
List pro učitele
James Cook
He was born in England, his parents had 8 children.
He was very capable, he was not only explorer but also
cartographer, navigator and captain. He travelled a lot
and spent many years at the sea and created a lot of
detailed maps of coastlines. This was extremely
important at that time because England was growing
and was looking for new colonies.
He was so fascinated by the sea and new countries that
he joined the Royal Navy in his teens and studied branches such as geometry, trigonometry,
navigation and astronomy. James Cook was not travelling only with his crew but on the ships
were many educated people from different scientific fields and different nationalities, e.g.
botanist from Sweden, artists, drawers and painters.
He was the first man, who circumnavigate the world and he did not lost a single man. The
illness due to many sailors were dying was called scurvy which was caused by lack of vitamin
C. To prevent scurvy he knew that he needed to supply the crew with fresh food
Cook was killed in Hawaii in a fight with Hawaiians.
4) What was scurvy? - It was an illness who killed many sailors because they were
suffering by lack of vitamin C.
5) Where there only crew and captain on the boat? – No, there were people from
different scientific fields.
6) Was James Cook only a captain? – No, he was also a navigator, explorer,
Jiří Hanzelka and Miroslav Zikmund
They created the most popular and well-know
Czech travellers´ pair. They met at school, they
studied engineering and made a mutual agreement
that they will travel.
During their first journey (1947-1950) they
travelled to Africa and South and Central
America. They always used car Tatra 87 for
promotion this company and brand.
They second travel (1959-1964) was in Asia, Indonesia and Japanese Islands, during this
expedition they were using car Tatra 805 off-road, which was more comfortable than the
previous passenger car.
In total they spent 10 years together by travelling. They saw 112 countries.
They not only travel, but they were writing reportages, documentaries, taking photos. They
were nearly obsessed with travelling, they wanted to meet new people, see new countries,
understand their way of life and fates. They did not choose only developed countries but also
countries and places which were untouchable by civilisation.
In Zlin museum is a permanent traveler´s exhibition called: “With Engineers Zikmund and
Hanzelka through Five Continents”
4) Would you like to travel so many years with one man?
5) Are there any advantages or disadvantages in travelling in couple?
6) Which countries would you like to visit and why?
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