Dachshunds by Tradewinds 772-242

Dachshunds by Tradewinds
Heath Guarantee Contract
In Consideration of the puppy or adult dog being purchased, Dachshunds by Tradewinds provides the
following health purebred Puppy/Dog Guarantee.
1. This puppy is healthy and sound to the best of our knowledge and has been vaccinated for
Canine Distemper, Adenovirus type 2, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus, and wormed on the dates
indicated on the Puppy Health Record Provided at the time of purchase.
2. Should the puppy display signs of a life threatening genetic birth defects that he/she cannot
live with and must be euthanized during his/her first 2 years * of life and a lifetime guarantee
against IVDD (Genetic Back Disk Disease in dachshunds. This does not cover injury to the back.
An Injury would not be considered genetic), Dachshunds by Tradewinds will replace the puppy
with one of equal value as soon as one is available. Your Claim must be accompanied by a
written certificate from a licensed veterinarian as to his/her diagnosis of such genetic birth
defects and his/her recommendation of euthanasia. We, the sellers have a right to verify this
by getting a second opinion from a licensed veterinarian of our choosing.
3. This health Guarantee only covers the matter specifically set forth above in paragraph 2. The
health guarantee does not apply to any traumatic injury, disease, or illness.
4. Within 5 business days of the date of purchase, the buyer must have the puppy examined by a
licensed veterinarian and keep receipt of this and send back a copy to Dachshunds by
Tradewinds with the address provided at the time of sale or call and let Tradewind’s know how
the visit went and keep copies of the receipt with your guarantee.
5. The Seller assumes no responsibility for the puppy after leaving the premises including all
medical expenses. This sale is final and the seller will not accept return of puppy for any reason
other than that in paragraph 2. The buyer may return puppy or dog to Dachshunds by
Tradewinds at any time during the lifetime of the puppy or dog for sale with the understanding
no money will be refunded and Dachshunds by Tradewinds will then locate the puppy/dog a
suitable pet home at that time.
6. This puppy is purebred and pedigree is correct. For a puppy, the litter is registered with United
All Breed Registry. The puppy’s individual registration application or certificate will be provided
to the buyer when payment is made in full (cash only final payment) by the puppies sixth month
age. Proof of the spaying and neutering must be done by 6 months (no later) of age and sent
back to tradewinds to receive the registration papers. If the 6 month age passes without proof
then this puppy falls into the no registration category ___________ Initial Here
7. As the buyer of this puppy you agree to feed this puppy a good quality puppy food and provide
water at all times when possible. You also agree a dachshund is not an outdoor pet and you
agree to provide indoor shelter away from all elements of nature. You also agree to have this
puppy spayed or neutered by six months of age unless full registration was purchased at the
time of sale. Any variation from paragraph 7 forfeits this guarantee. ____________Initial Here
8. This puppy was sold with Limited/No registration. __________________Initial Here
2 year Guarantee is only valid when keeping the puppy on NuVet Vitamin Supplements as stated
in this contract.
9. If you choose to not use NuVet Vitamins for the first two years then this guarantee is
null and void. ______Initial Here
10. Should any litigation arise regarding this puppy sold under this contract for any reason, you
agree to try to settle this out of court and if not then you agree to pay all of Dachshunds by
Tradewinds legal fees. _____________Initial Here
11. We do not guarantee against any external and internal parasites although this puppy will be
have been treated for that prior to leaving our premises. _______________Initial Here
12. No Guarantee on housebreaking, color, coat, or size. _________Initial Here
13. All Sales are Final, and this is a no money back guarantee! _______________Initial Here
14. This contract is legally binding between all parties at the time of this sale. __________Initial
I have read the Dachshunds by Tradewinds Puppy Guarantee and agree to its conditions.
Robin Feagan (Breeder) _________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________________
Buyer’s Printed Name: _________________________________________________________________
Buyer’s Signature: _____________________________________________________________________
Buyer’s Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Buyer’s Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________
2 year Guarantee is only valid when keeping the puppy on NuVet Vitamin Supplements as stated
in this contract.