Common Core Mathematics 1 Year at Glance WHAT STUDENTS LEARN IN Mathematics 1 Mathematics Gr. 1 CA Framework Overview Of particular importance for students to attain in grade one are the concepts, skills and understandings necessary to represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction; understand and apply properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction; add and subtract within 20; work with addition and subtraction equations; extend the counting sequence; understand place value and use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract; and measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units. By the end of grade one, students are expected to count to 120 (starting from any number), compare whole numbers (at least to 100), and read and write numerals in the same range. Students need to think of whole numbers between 10 and 100 in terms of tens and ones (especially recognizing the numbers 11 to 19 as composed of a ten and some ones). Counting to 120 and reading and representing these numbers with numerals will prepare students to count, read, and write numbers within 1,000 in grade two. By the end of grade one, students are expected to add and subtract within 20 and demonstrate fluency with these operations within 10. Students can represent and solve word problems involving add-to, take-from, put-together, take-apart, and compare situations including addend unknown situations. They know how to apply properties of addition (associative and commutative) and strategies based on these properties (e.g., “making tens”) to solve addition and subtraction problems. Students use methods to add (within 100), subtract multiples of 10 (using various strategies), and mentally find 10 more or 10 less without counting. Students understand how to solve addition and subtraction equations. By the end of grade one, students are expected to order three objects by length (using non-standard units). Students indirectly measure objects by comparing the length of two objects by using a third object as a measuring tool. Mastering grade one measurement standards will prepare students to measure and estimate lengths (in standard units) as required in the grade two standards. Grade one students describe and classify shapes by geometric attributes, and they explain why a shape belongs to a given category (e.g., squares, triangles, circles, rectangles, rhombuses, hexagons, and trapezoids). Students can use graphs and charts to organize and represent data. Students tell and write time in hours and half-hours. IMP CC Mathematics Gr. 1 Course Outline 2014-15 FUESD First Grade Math Instructional Timeline 1 Mathematics 1 Year at Glance Unit Length Unit Name & Sub-topics Standards Addressed Prior Knowledge M = Major Cluster A/S = Additional or Supporting Cluster 1 week August 11th 6 Weeks August 18th to Sept. 26th 0: Introductory Week Setting the tone Establishing Routines 1: Addition and Subtraction within 20 Concept of the equal sign Memorize sums and differences within 10 Fluently add and subtract within 20 Solve word problem types: put together, take apart and compare with the unknown in all locations Use methods of counting on, converting to an easier problem, making a ten, etc to solve addition and subtraction word problems. Use objects, drawings such as bar models, ten frames, and number bonds, and equations to solve word problems. Add 3 whole numbers with a sum less than 20. Use a symbol to represent the unknown and symbols for addition and subtraction to write an equation for a word problem. Relate addition to subtraction and use OA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (ALL MAJOR) IMP CC Mathematics Gr. 1 Course Outline 2014-15 FUESD First Grade Math Instructional Timeline Assessment Guidelines *manipulatives may be used when memorization and fluency is not the goal of the assessment Addition and subtraction within 10 (fluent within 5) Basic word problem types Counting Making a 10 Unit 3 and Unit 4 Synced assessments to be given at the end of this unit. 2 3 Weeks Sept. 29th to Oct. 17th 4 Weeks Oct. 20th to Nov. 14th Nov. 17-21st 8 Weeks Dec. 1st to Feb. 6th properties of addition and subtraction to find missing addends or sums/differences. Explain, write and reflect on problem solving strategies Understand counting by 2’s as adding. 2: Linear Measurement MD 1, 2 (All Major) Order 3 objects by length Compare the length of 2 objects relative to a third to see transitivity of length. Measure to the nearest whole unit by iterating a non-standard unit (suggest unit cubes). Vocabulary- shorter, taller, longer, higherapplied to length and width Concept of linear measurement 3: Place Value Count to 120 from different starting points. Read and write number to 120 Represent number to 120 with objects and numerals Place value of tens and ones Compare two 2-digit numbers using symbols See “teen” numbers as a bundle of 10 with leftover ones. Use ten frames and base 10 blocks. Review, catch up, move forward NBT 1, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3 (All Major) 4: Addition and Subtraction within 100 Add two 2-digit or a 2- with a 1-digit number Add a multiple of 10 to a 2-digit number Use the following methods to add: concrete objects, drawings, mental math relying on place value, properties of addition and subtractions, relationship between addition NBT 4, 5, 6 (ALL MAJOR) Direct comparison of length of 2 objects Concept of place value within 20 Compare numbers Unit 5 Synced Assessment to be given at the end of this unit. Unit 6 Synced assessment ______________ Unit 7 Synced assessment May give separately or together at end IMP CC Mathematics Gr. 1 Course Outline 2014-15 FUESD First Grade Math Instructional Timeline Unit 1 Unit 8 assessment to be given at end of this unit 3 3 Weeks Feb. 9th to Mar. 6th Mar. 9th 13th and subtraction. Explain reasoning for methods Compose a 10 from adding ones. Find 10 more or 10 less mentally Subtract multiples of 10. 5: Data and Graphs MD 4 (A/S) Organize, represent and interpret data- up to 3 categories. Ask and analyze questions about the total, the number in each category and more or less. Use tally charts, picture graphs or bar graphs. Add and subtract to find totals if differences between categories. Classify and count objects Unit 9 Synced assessment to be given at the end of this unit. Review, catch up, move forward Unit 1 & 2 Assessment This is the time to look at mastery on Major Standards 4 Weeks Mar 16th to Apr. 17th 6: Shapes G 1, 2, 3 (All A/S) Concept of which attributes define a shape and which simply describe any item. Build and draw shapes with given attributes. Compose 2- and 3-dimensional shapes to make new shapes. Partition circles and rectangles in equal shares to see halves and fourths. Understand that halves of different wholes can have the same name but not necessarily be the same size. Compare and contrast 2- and 3-dimensional shapes For 3-dimensional shapes, name the faces, vertices and edges. IMP CC Mathematics Gr. 1 Course Outline 2014-15 FUESD First Grade Math Instructional Timeline Names of shapes 2- vs. 3dimensional shapes Unit 10 Synced assessment to be given at the end of this unit. 4 3 Weeks Apr. 20th to May 8th 7: Time Relate half of an hour to being half of the clock. Tell time to the hour and half-hour Relate time on a digital and analog clock. Understand the concept that the clock completes two full cycles of 12 hours in a day. Understand the concept of the hour hand moving between two hours throughout the hour. Know that 60 minutes is one hour and 30 minutes is a half of an hour. Write time using correct notation Review, catch up MD 3 (A/S) Basic bar and picture graphs Unit 11 Synced Assessment to be given at the end of this unit. May 1128th Indicates pre-units to be taught to address standards that were taught in prior grades, but have moved grade levels and for which students need a first-teaching, or in which students need review. Pre-units may be phased out over time. IMP CC Mathematics Gr. 1 Course Outline 2014-15 FUESD First Grade Math Instructional Timeline 5