DROPOUT PREVENTION / RESTRUCTURING PLAN 2015 – 2016 PHONE: 662-741-2555 FAX: 662-741-2726 November 1, 2015 To the Stakeholders of the North Bolivar Consolidated School District: Mississippi and State laws require that high schools with a graduation rate below 80% develop a graduation restructuring plan for the 2015-2016 school year. The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) also suggests that all schools develop annual action plans for continuous improvement toward the goal of all students graduating college and career ready. Teams from Broad Street High School, John F. Kennedy High School, and Shelby Middle School have developed their restructuring plans based on the following design principles in the Mississippi College and Career Readiness (CCR) Design Principles: Ready for College and Career Powerful Teaching and Learning Personalization Redesign Professionalism Purposeful Design The Restructuring Plans contain actions, timelines, resources, measures for success and monitoring processes. These plans will be reviewed annually and modified based on graduation and dropout data. Johnnie Vick, Superintendent 2 North Bolivar Consolidated School District Dropout Prevention / Restructuring Plan 2015-2016 Current state and district data were used to drive the North Bolivar Consolidated School District 2015-2016 Restructuring Plan. Our plan reflects strategies and processes that will address the needs of our students. District Level Requirements Reducing the retention rates in grades kindergarten, first, and second The North Bolivar Consolidated School District (NBCSD) believes that given the support, students can achieve academic excellence. We are, in an effort to reduce the retention rate in our schools at all grade levels, but especially K-3, utilizing the following: Pre-K Program – NBCSD utilizes the pre-k program as an effort to give students a “head start” in skills they will need to be successful in kindergarten and throughout their academic career. The program is on a first come, first serve basis until the maximum capacity is met, serving the neediest students first. Reading Interventionists – Both elementary schools have reading interventionists who work with students on targeted reading skills as indicated from various sources of district and state data. Response To Intervention (RTI) – NBCSD has a district Teacher Support Team (TST) Coordinator / Interventionist who assists teachers in implementing the RTI process in the district. Literacy Coach (MDE) – MDE has assigned a literacy coach to one of our elementary schools. The coach assists with the implementation of the Literacy Based Promotion Act. She provides assistance through observations, modeling and co-teaching in the classrooms, professional learning communities, professional development, and data analysis. Computer-Assisted Programs – Each elementary school rotates students in the computer labs. The lab assistants work with students to remediate or enrich skills learned in the regular classroom through the use of programs such as Study Island, Odysseyware, and Mind Play. 3 Progress Monitoring – NBCSD assesses our students at least 3 times per year to determine their strengths and weaknesses in reading and mathematics. Our elementary schools use the STAR Assessment which is aligned to the progress monitoring system used by MDE for MKAS testing. Save the Children Partnership – This organization provides tutorial services for our students during and after school in reading. 21st Century Learning – This program is utilized to provide additional tutorial and enrichment services during and after school in reading, mathematics, and technology. Parental Involvement Activities – NBCSD believes that parents are our children’s first teachers. Each elementary school offers various activities to involve parents in the learning process. Some such activities include, but are not limited to, Literacy and Math Nights, active PTA, parent workshop – Literacy Based Promotion Act, Muffins for Moms, Donuts for Dads, and Parent / teacher conferences. In addition, parents are encouraged to volunteer as classroom readers. Also, the district employs two parent liaisons to help bridge the communication gap between school and home. Counselors – Counselors at each school conduct character education sessions that help to build self-confidence and to promote strong character and citizenship among the students. In addition, the counselors work with students individually and in group sessions to neutralize social challenges that are prevalent in the home and community. School Nurses – NBCSD believes that healthy students learn better. The district employed additional nurses as a preventive method to ensure health issues do not prevent school attendance.. These nurses provide onsite general medical assistance as well as partner with local medical and health facilities to assist needy families with medical attention. Data is constantly reviewed in order to address the needs of the students. Motivational incentives and events for achievement are in place at each school. 4 Targeted subgroups that need additional assistance to meet graduation requirements NBCSD high schools offer the following: Mandatory Reading Requirement - Ninth grade students at Broad Street High School are required to read at least one book on their reading level per nine weeks. The Accelerated Reader Program is used to monitor this process. In addition, Reader of the Week and Reader of the Month awards are used as motivational incentives. In-school and Afterschool Tutorial / 21st Century Learning – Subject area teachers provide in-school and afterschool tutorial assistance for students in the tested areas. In addition, tutorial services are provided through the 21st Century Learning Program. Response To Intervention (RTI) – NBCSD has a district Teacher Support Team (TST) Coordinator / Interventionist who assists teachers in implementing the RTI process in the district. Other Courses - In addition to the regular course offerings, NBCSD offers Mississippi Virtual School courses, Dual Enrollment Courses, ACT Prep, Credit Recovery, Jobs for Mississippi Graduates (JMG) and ICAP designed with assistance from the counselor. Graduation Options – School counselors ensure students are aware of and take advantage of MDE graduation option which are applicable to any subject area testing program. Advisor / advisee Programs - The high schools are planning to offer these programs to assist in building relationships that will provide support for students during their high school journey. Community Leaders and Organization Partnerships – Partnerships have been created with community leaders and organizations to provide mentorship for our students. Also, these leaders and organizations assist the schools in their character education programs, e.g. “Gathering of Men Organization” and the “Do You Campaign”. Computer-Assisted Programs – Teachers and students at the high schools rotate in the computer labs to reinforce skills taught in the classroom through the use of programs such as Study Island, Odysseyware, and USA Testprep. 5 Developing dropout recovery initiatives that focus on students age seventeen (17) through twenty-one (21), who dropped out of school (i.e., Mississippi Works) The North Bolivar Consolidated School District partners with local colleges and community agencies that provide a GED program. This partnership is used to connect those students who want to continue education outside the regular school setting with these agencies and colleges. North Bolivar Consolidated School District will also continue to work with the local School Attendance Officer and court officials to ensure all children receive the best education possible. Addressing how students will transition to the home school district from the juvenile detention centers Currently NBCSD has not had any students who transitioned from juvenile detention centers to the schools. The district does operate an Alternative School Program. Procedures will be put in place with the Alternative School director to transition these students through that program. Counseling services will be provided through the school counselors and/or school therapists which are available through our partnership with local Mental Health Services. Then, based on their individual situations and needs, the students will be transitioned back to the regular classroom setting at a rate they can handle effectively. School Level Plan Requirements Each school has developed a restructuring plan based on the following design principles in the Mississippi College and Career Readiness (CCR) Design Principles: Ready for College and Career Powerful Teaching and Learning Personalization Redesign professionalism Purposeful Design Attached are the action plans from John F. Kennedy High School, Broad Street High School, and Shelby Middle School. 6 John F. Kennedy Memorial High School Restructuring Plan 2015-2016 7 Design Principle: Design Principle 1: Ready for College and Career Indicator Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) (1.1) High School Course of Study (1.2) College Ready Skills (1.3) College Going Culture (1.10) Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning Steps Beginning Steps Early Steps Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers By when? What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Responsible Deadline Who will do it? Early Steps Early Steps Growing Innovations Conduct meetings with 7th grade students to discuss and create graduation plans (1.1) Counselors November 1, 2015 PD on Pathways to Graduation Time will be a barrier. Counselors will meet with students during their ICT I class. Ensure that all middle school students take the PLAN ACT (1.2) Counselors April 2016 PD of ACT Coaching and Strategies Scheduling conflicts with test prep for state test Implement procedures to double the number of students taking dual credit. (1.3 and 1.4) Counselors Principal Local Community Colleges August 2015-May 2016 Agreements between high school and local colleges GPA requirements and Tuition Costs Schedule at least 1 college visits for all students grade 11th and 12th Counselors Lead Teacher March 2016 Transportation Scheduling and Funding Date Achieved 8 Design Principle: Design Principle 2: Powerful Teaching and Learning Indicator Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) (2.5) Instruction (2.9) Curriculum Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning Beginning Early Steps Early Steps Responsible Deadline Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Who will do it? By when? Continue to upgrade technology in the classroom Administrators August 2015-May 2016 Funding and on-site computer technician Funds and lack of maintenance of technology Teachers will plan and implement researchbased engagement strategies to enhance instruction in the classroom. Teachers Daily Instructional Coaches Teachers’ unwillingness to use strategies Overcome with progress monitoring and coaching Teachers will integrate and use technology in their instruction Teachers August 2015 Professional Development on the Integration of Technology in the Classroom Teachers’ unwillingness to use strategies Overcome with progress monitoring and coaching Date Achieved Outcome: Improve Student Achievement 9 Design Principle: Design Principle: 5.1 Shared Mission and Vision Indicator Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) 5.1 Shared Mission and Vision Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? The staff creates a vision, mission, and motto for the school to promote a positive change in school culture. Conduct end of the year student and teacher needs assessment to determine progress toward creating a positive school culture Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning Early Steps Responsible Deadline Who will do it? By when? Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Principal Teacher November 1, 2015May 2016 Time and banners Principal May, 2016 Needs Assessment - Survey Date Achieved Funds and buy in School wide participation in events to promote the vision Lack of participation Conduct surveys during homerooms for students and PLC’s for teachers 10 Broad Street High School Restructuring Plan 2015-2016 11 Design Principle 1: Ready for College and Career Indicator Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning: Some students take the ACT/SAT at some point. 1.9 College Going Culture Growing Innovations: Students are given multiple opportunities to prepare for and participate in the practice PSAT/SAT or ASPIRE/ACT. Action Steps Responsible Deadline Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Who will do it? By when? What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Students will participate in ASPIRE/ACT sessions. The data will be disaggregated to determine areas of growth. Outcomes will be measured according to students’ score reports. Principal Counselor Teachers Spring 2016 ASPIRE/ACT prep materials Certified teachers Technology Date Achieved Crashing of the internet Student motivation Barriers will be overcome through positive reinforcement and collaboration with the district technology department. 12 Indicator Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) 1.11 High School Course of Study Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Early Steps: Students know or have met a professional in a high growth sustainable wage field and are aware of the qualifications for a high growth, sustainable wage career. Growing Innovation: Students are paired with professionals in high growth sustainable wage field and in a formal mentoring program or internship and are aware of the qualifications for high growth, sustainable wage career. Action Steps Responsible Deadline Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Who will do it? By when? What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Assess students’ career aspirations through career interest surveys. Counselor Teachers Spring 2016 Career interest survey Community support Date Achieved The immediate barrier is students not realizing the importance of making plans for the future. The barrier will be tackled through sessions that are focused on students preparing for life beyond high school. 13 Design Principle 2: Require Powerful Teaching and Learning Indicator Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Early Steps: Teachers teach the Mississippi College and Career Ready Standards at an appropriate pace. 2.1 Curriculum Growing Innovation: Teaches plan instruction around “big ideas” that are mapped to multiple standards and to 21st Century Skills (e.g. leadership, ethics, accountability, adaptability, initiative, communication, collaboration, social responsibility, wellness, entrepreneurship. Action Steps Responsible Deadline Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Who will do it? By when? What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Teachers will establish a “big idea” for the lesson in addition to chunking standards to cover various skills. Teachers Spring 2016 Professional Development on developing “big ideas and chunking standards. Date Achieved The immediate barrier may be teachers not being able to chunk standards and identify a “big idea”. The barrier can be overcome with professional development. 14 Indicator Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) 2.6 Instruction Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning: There is limited knowledge of a design cycle and its use. Early Steps: Teachers in multiple content areas encourage students to apply a design cycle. Action Steps Responsible Deadline Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Who will do it? By when? What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Teachers will require students to complete an end of the year performance task/project using the design cycle. Teachers May 2016 Professional Development on implementing the design cycle. Date Achieved The immediate barrier may be teachers’ buy-in. This barrier will be overcome with teacher coaching and motivation. 15 Design Principle 3: Personalization Indicator Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) 3.1 Affective (Personal/Social) and Academic Support Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning: Some planning for implementation of advisories/seminars exists. Growing Innovation: Advisory/seminar courses with well-developed curricula exist for every grade level. Action Steps Responsible Deadline Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Who will do it? By when? What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Homeroom teachers will implement Character Education Seminars twice a month (every other Monday). Students work pertaining to each character trait will be displayed. Students will complete surveys at the end the year. Counselor Principal Teachers January 2016 Character Education Material Date Achieved The immediate barrier may be students not actively participating in the character education seminars. The barrier can be overcome with incentives being provided for students who display good character. 16 Indicator Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning: Some teachers meet occasionally to discuss the needs and progress of students. 3.7 Adult/Student Relationships Growing Innovation: All teachers meet weekly by grade level or subject area to discuss the needs and progress of students. Action Steps Responsible Deadline Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Who will do it? By when? What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Subject area Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) will meet weekly. Teachers Principal December 2015 Professional development on how to appropriately conduct PLC’s Date Achieved After school activities may interfere with PLC meetings. Meetings will be planned on days which there are no activities scheduled after school. 17 Design Principle 4: Redefine Professionalism Indicator Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) 4.6 Shared Responsibility and Collaborative Decision Making Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning: Students are organized into advisory groups and/or project groups. Growing Innovations: Students have an overt and clearly delineated mechanism for participating in student development and school success. Action Steps Responsible Deadline Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Who will do it? By when? What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? The number of student council members will include five (5) students from each grade level for a total of 20 students. Student council members and sponsors will attend student council workshops. Student council members will meet with administration and staff to implement the shared vision and mission of the school. Student Council Sponsors December 2015 Registration fees Transportation Date Achieved Too many students Students may not be vested in the cause In the event of students not taking the council seriously, they will be removed from their current position 18 Design Principle 5: Leadership Indicator Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) 5.10 Culture of High Expectations Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning: The principal believes that all staff members, with support, are capable of creating a rigorous and challenging learning environment for all students. Early Steps: The principal demonstrates evidence of high expectations for all staff that include routine conversations with staff regarding school standards for rigorous and challenging learning environments for all students. Action Steps Responsible Deadline Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Who will do it? By when? What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Teachers will be required to implement Madeline Hunter’s lesson design into lesson plans and daily instruction. Teachers Principal January 2016 Professional Development on implementing Madeline Hunter’s design Date Achieved The immediate barrier may be teachers’ buy-in. This barrier will be overcome with teacher coaching and motivation. 19 SHELBY MIDDLE SCHOOL DROPOUT / RESTRUCTURING PLAN 2015-2016 20 Design Principle: Design Principle 1: Ready for College and Career Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 1.2 Early Steps Growing Innovations Indicator Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Responsible Deadline Who will do it? By when? Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Balanced Reading Program Buy In Reading Achievement Teacher Funding Date Achieved Implement in-school and after school reading support programs to enhance literacy skills Reading Recovery program (during the school day) Intensive Reading Achievement Clinic (Saturday School) Teachers Facilitators Winter 2015 Outcome: Student Achievement 21 Design Principle: 1 Ready for College Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 1.4 1.10 Early Steps Growing Innovation. Indicator Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Responsible Deadline Who will do it? Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Counselor December, 2015 College Recruitment Information Apathy Parent Liaison May, 2016 Coahoma Community College Outreach Program Active participation from teachers Provide incentives for participation Establish high expectations for participation Post college and career information on the counselor’s bulletin boards Host a parental informational seminar on college and career readiness skills By when? Resources/Professional Development Needed College Recruitment Information In PLC’s, teachers will study the dynamics of developing a college going culture Lead Teacher May, 2016 Book study materials DVD material on self-advocacy skills and student engagement Date Achieved Transportation 22 Faculty and Staff May, 2016 Partnerships with Local Universities Transportation and Lack of Planning Teachers post information regarding colleges around their classes Teachers December, 2015 College Recruitment Information Lack of buy-in from staff Provide incentives Host College Day for students Faculty and staff May, 2016 Partnership with local colleges and universities Transportation Lack of planning Arrange a college tour for 8th grade students and parents 8th grade sponsors May, 2016 Partnership with local colleges and universities Transportation Lack of planning SMS will take students on College Tours Outcome: Student Achievement 23 Design Principle: 1 Ready for College Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 1.5 (iCAP) Early Steps Growing Innovation. Indicator Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Have students complete and review iCAP by the end of 8th grade Responsible Deadline Who will do it? Counselor Teachers By when? December, 2015 Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome t hem? Professional Development iCAP Software Date Achieved Apathy Technology Time Planning Outcome: Student Achievement 24 Design Principle: 1 Ready for College Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 1.11 Beginning Early Steps Indicator Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Responsible Deadline Who will do it? By when? Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Host a Career Fair Counselor January, 2016 Counselors ICT Instructor Arrange a tour of a local industry for 8th grade students counselor May, 2016 Transportation Community Partnership Transportation Counselor February, 2016 Advisors Apathy SMS students research a Career of their choice Date Achieved Lack of Community Involvement Outcome: Student Achievement 25 Design Principle: 2 Require Powerful Teaching and Learning Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 2.1 Early Steps Growing Innovations Indicator Action Steps Responsible Deadline Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Who will do it? By when? What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Teachers utilize pacing guides and curriculum standards to plan instruction Teachers integrate 21st Century skills into their curriculum (Leadership Skills, Communication and Social responsibility) Administration Curriculum Director 125/2015 Professional development Planning Principal 125/2015 Professional development Time Training Planning SMS will offer professional development for teachers on developing leadership skills in students Principal and Curriculum Director 125/2015 Professional development Time Professional Development Resources Date Achieved Outcome: Student Achievement 26 Design Principle: 2 Require Powerful Teaching and Learning Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 2.2 Beginning Early Steps Indicator Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? All teachers implement problem solving, literacy and communication skills across the curriculum Responsible Deadline Who will do it? Teachers Principal and Lead Teacher By when? December, 2015 Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Professional Development Date Achieved Time Planning Outcome: Student Achievement 27 Design Principle: 2 Require Powerful Teaching and Learning Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 2.4 Individualized Instruction Beginning Early Steps Indicator Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Responsible Deadline Who will do it? By when? Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Use differentiated instruction to address individualized needs of students Teachers December, 2015 Professional development Time Training Use data to identify students in need of assistance Teachers Lead teacher Counselor December, 2015 Professional development MAP Data Availability of Data Date Achieved Outcome: Student Achievement 28 Design Principle: 2 Require Powerful Teaching and Learning Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 2.5 Technology Early Steps Growing Innovations Indicator Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? All teachers use and integrate technology in classroom instruction Responsible Deadline Who will do it? Teachers By when? December, 2015 Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Professional Development Up-to-date Technology Date Achieved Funding and Resources Outcome: Student Achievement 29 Design Principle: 2 Require Powerful Teaching and Learning Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 2.6 Design Cycle Beginning Early Steps Indicator Action Steps Responsible Deadline Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Who will do it? By when? What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Teachers will implement the design cycle in the classroom Teachers Administrators May, 2016 Professional Development Training Training Time Provide professional development on the design cycle and its use in the classroom Administrators May, 2016 Professional Development Training Time Date Achieved Outcome: Student Achievement 30 Design Principle: 2 Require Powerful Teaching and Learning Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 2.7 Groups and Learning Teams Beginning Early Steps Indicator Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Teachers will use cooperative learning groups to enhance instruction Responsible Deadline Who will do it? Teachers By when? 12/2015 Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Professional Development Date Achieved Time Training Outcome: Student Achievement 31 Design Principle: 2 Require Powerful Teaching and Learning Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 2.8 Communication Early Steps Growing innovations Indicator Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? SMS will develop students’ writing and speaking skills across the curriculum through partner and group interactions Responsible Deadline Who will do it? Teachers By when? December, 2015 Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Writing Resources / Rubric Date Achieved Training on Cooperative Learning Groups Cooperative Learning Rubric Technology Technology Outcome: Student Achievement 32 Design Principle: 2 Require Powerful Teaching and Learning Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 2.9 Student Engagement Beginning Early Steps Indicator Action Steps Responsible Deadline Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Who will do it? By when? What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Implement PBIS for our school-wide behavior support Implement a school-wide, targeted and intensive intervention program for at risk students. Teachers will vary instructional strategies, types of assignments and activities, and establish school norms Teachers will participate in staff development on best practices to assist in developing school culture and climate Counselor December, 2015 PBIS Resources Date Achieved Lack of Resources Counselor and TST December, Interventionist 2015 Lead Teacher Multi-Tiered System of Support Principal Curriculum Coordinator December, 2015 Curriculum Guides College and Career Readiness Resources Skill Level Principal Curriculum Coordinator December, 2015 Professional Development Resources Funding Lack of Resources Lack of Resources Lack of Planning Outcome: Student Achievement 33 Design Principle: 2 Require Powerful Teaching and Learning Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 2. 12 Beginning Early Steps Indicator Action Steps Responsible Deadline What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Who will do it? By when? Teachers will identify goals and interventions, for targeted areas Faculty and Administration December, 2015 Teachers will implement, monitor, and adjust interventions based on data Faculty and Administration Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Assessment Data Time Apathy Date Achieved Multi-Tiered System of Support Resources December, 2015 Assessment Data Time Apathy Multi-Tiered System of Support Resources Outcome: Student Achievement 34 Design Principle: Personalization Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 3.1 Beginning Early Steps Indicator Action Steps Responsible Deadline Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Who will do it? By when? What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Use activity schedule to set up advisory time: advisory time will last 30 minutes Ensure that all team members will have an advisory group. Advisors will discuss communication skills, problem solving, team building, conflict resolutions, leadership building, and test taking skills in advisory groups Community members and parents will serve as special advisors and, along with the school advisors, implement Community Service Projects and develop advisory lesson plans Principal December, 2015 Professional Development Time Apathy Counselor and Principal December, 2015 Professional Development Lack of Planning Principal December, Character Education 2015 Curriculum Apathy Principal January, 2016 Lack of Planning Character Education Lesson Plans (AVS Program) Date Achieved Outcome: Student Achievement 35 Design Principle: 3 Personalization Indicator Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning Early Steps 3.5 Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Responsible Deadline Who will do it? By when? Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Have all students complete interest inventories Faculty May, 2016 Partnerships Partnerships Provide opportunities for students to participate in enrichment events locally and regionally, e.g. leadership training and competitions. Faculty May, 2016 Partnerships Partnerships Date Achieved Outcome: Student Achievement 36 Design Principle: 3 Personalization Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 3.2:Develop Relationships Beginning Early Steps Indicator Action Steps Responsible Deadline Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Who will do it? By when? What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Implement student leadership program Principal and December, 2015 The Leader in Me Program Planning Time Develop guidance and mentoring programs Counselor Administrators December, 2015 Community volunteers PTA Support Planning Time Implement a system of tiered interventions designed to prevent and remediate students’ issue Lead Teacher December, 2015 Remediation Resources Planning Apathy Time Implement a 5th grade Transition Program Counselor December, 2015 Resources Planning Apathy Time Date Achieved 37 Design Principle: 3 Personalization Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 3.4 Academic Support Beginning Early Steps Indicator Action Steps Responsible Deadline Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Who will do it? By when.2015? What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Principal Summer Lead Teacher May, 2016 Teachers Enrichment Material Incentives Planning Funding Sponsor tutorial programs for remediation before and after school Afterschool Lead Teacher December, 2015 Teachers Enrichment Material Incentives Planning Funding Develop a gifted and talented club to support advance students Counselor Administrators May, 2016 Teachers Enrichment Material Incentives Funding Design a study skills class for students at risk of failing Administrators May, 2015 Teachers Enrichment material Time Sponsor a 5th grade transition program Date Achieved Outcome: Student Achievement 38 Design Principle: 3 Personalization Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 3.7 Teachers meet to discuss Students’ needs Beginning Early Steps Indicator Action Steps Responsible Deadline Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Who will do it? By when? What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Teachers will participate in mandatory PLC meetings Principal and Curriculum Coordinator December, 2015 Professional Learning Resources Planning and Apathy Time Teacher teams will meet and analyze student data and use results to drive instruction in the classroom Principal December, 2015 School Assessment Data Time Planning Date Achieved Outcome: Student Achievement 39 Design Principle: 4 Redefine Professionalism Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 4.3 and 4.13 Beginning Early Steps Indicator Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Responsible Deadline Who will do it? By when? Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? Teachers will meet during PLC time to discuss effective teaching and learning Principal and Curriculum Coordinator December, 2015 Professional Learning Resources Planning and Apathy Time Teachers will have common planning time Principal Counselor August, 2016 Professional Learning Resources Time Planning Teachers will participate in school-wide, district, state, and national professional learning opportunities Principal and Curriculum Coordinator May, 2016 Funding Lack of funding Date Achieved Outcome: Student Achievement 40 Design Principle: 4 Redefine Professionalism Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 4.12 Beginning Early Steps Indicator Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Responsible Deadline Who will do it? By when? Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? The faculty will participate in local, regional, state, and national networking events Principal and Curriculum Coordinator May, 2015 Professional Learning Resources Planning and Apathy Time Teachers will have common planning time Principal Counselor August, 2016 School Assessment Data Time Planning The faculty will join the Association for Middle Level Education and participate in professional development opportunities Teachers Principals Lead Teacher March, 2016 Dues Professional Learning Resources Funding Date Achieved Outcome: Student Achievement 41 Design Principle 5: Leadership Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 5.1 Beginning Early Steps Indicator Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Responsible Deadline Who will do it? By when? Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? The Leadership team will establish a shared vision, beliefs and performance goals /student achievement expectations as well as teacher and staff goals/expectations. Principal and Curriculum Coordinator May, 2015 Professional Learning Resources Planning Time The Leadership team will determine the school’s effectiveness by analyzing school, district, and state data Principal Counselor August, 2016 School Assessment Data Time Planning Date Achieved Outcome: Student Achievement 42 Design Principle 5: Leadership Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 5.6 Beginning Early Steps Indicator Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? The principal will establish guidelines to make announcements at the end of the instructional day to minimize classroom interruptions and protect instructional time. Responsible Deadline Who will do it? Principal By when? November, 2015 Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? none Planning Date Achieved Outcomes: Student Achievement 43 Design Principle 5: Leadership Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 5.7 Beginning Early Steps Indicator Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Responsible Deadline Who will do it? By when? Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? The principal will establish guidelines to ensure that data is analyzed to determine the school’s strengths and weaknesses Principal December, 2015 none Planning Apathy The principal will establish a process to distribute data to all stakeholders Principal December, 2015 Data gathering tools And assessments Planning Apathy Date Achieved Outcome: Student Achievement 44 Design Principle 5: Leadership Current Status on Continuum GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or New Paradigms? 5.12 and 5.13 Beginning Early Steps Indicator Action Steps What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? Responsible Deadline Who will do it? By when? Resources/Professional Development Needed Potential Barriers What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them? The principal will develop a meeting calendar for SMS teams, community partners and district leadership Principal December, 2015 none Planning and Apathy The principal will host outreach programs and projects to increase parental and community involvement Principal December, 2015 Resources and funding Planning and Apathy funding Date Achieved Outcome: Student Achievement 45