Dr. Roshan Gunalan - Orthopaedic Specialist CV

MB, BCh, BAO (Ireland), MS Ortho (UM), CMIA (NiOSH)
Age: 35
DOB: 20-11-1976
Home Address: 20, JALAN 34/70A DESA SRI HARTAMAS,
PHONE: 012-3666229 • E-MAIL roshan.gunalan@gmail.com
Orthopaedic Specialist/Senior Lecturer
Secondary school: SM (L) Bukit Bintang, Petaling Jaya
Pre University: Taylors College, Subang (A-levels)
Undergraduate: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
- MB, BCh, BAO (Hons)
Post-graduate: University Malaya
- Masters Orthopaedic Surgery
2001-2002: Hospital Pulau Pinang
- Internship (O&G, Medicine, Surgery)
2002-2005: Hospital Kajang
- Medical Officer (Emergency medicine, Surgery, Orthopaedics)
2005-2009: University Malaya Medical Centre
- Registrar in Orthopaedic Surgery
2009-2010: Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh
- Orthopaedic Surgeon
- Basic and advanced trauma; including intra-articular fractures
- Sports and Arthroscopy: Cases involving knee and shoulder
arthroscopy including ACL reconstruction
2010-2011: Hospital Sungai Buloh
- Orthopaedic Surgeon
- Advanced trauma: Including pelvic/acetabular fractures and basic
lumbar spine fracture fixation
- Sports and arthroscopy: Knee arthroscopy, including diagnostic
scopes, degenerative debridements, ACL reconstruction and revision
ACL reconstruction
- Arthroplasty: Primary total knee replacements, hip hemiarthroplasties
2011-Present: University Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur
- Senior Lecturer in Paediatric Orthopaedics and Limb Lengthening and
Reconstructive Surgery
- Developmental dysplsias ; including DDH, Genu Varus, club foot
- Post traumatic mal unions: corrective osteotomies and Ilizarov
external fixator application
- Emergency paediatric trauma: supracondylar humerus fractures,
distal radius fractures and open fractures
- Congenital talipes equino-varus (CTEV) clinic; involving serial
casting of club foot patients with/without tendo Achiles tenotomy
- Keen interest in adolescent sports injuries and treatment
Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh
1. Medical Students from Perak Medical College / University Kuala Lumpur
- Lectures, bedside tutorials, CME presentations
- Examiner for end of posting Orthopaedic exams
2. House officers
- Clinical tutorials
- End of posting examiner (written and clinical)
Hospital Sungai Buloh
1. House officers
- Clinical viva, MCQ examination, end of posting vivas
University Malaya Medical Centre
1. Teaching of undergraduates – tutorials, ward rounds and clinical examinations
2. Examiner for end of posting examinations of undergraduates and registrar
(trainee orthopaedic surgeons)
3. Viva and short case/long case teachings for registrars
1. Thesis: Gait Analysis in Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis patients
following in-situ screw fixation surgery
2. Hospital CME (Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun): Carpal Tunnel
3. Orthopaedic Update (Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun): Complication of fractures
4. Hospital CME (Hospital Sungai Buloh: Osteoporosis
5. Mentoring Junior Doctors (Institute Pengurusan Kesihatan, Kuala
Lumpur) – guest speaker
6. Basic principles of fracture management course (University Malaya) – speaker
7. Hospital University CME : Congenital Talipes Equino Varus – UM experience
8. MBBS student seminar : Bone and Joint Infections – speaker
9. Paediatric Unit CME: Management of Paediatric Fractures – speaker
10. Upcoming presentations
- Poster presentation at Malaysian Orthopaedic Association Meeting (July
1. Alternative abduction braces for CTEV patients
2. Accreditation of nurses services in Orthopaedic ward UMMC
3. Innovative device for lower limb Ilizarov fixation (co-presenter)
- Paper presentation
1. Early outcome study of CTEV patients in UMMC with validation of
new simple scoring system
2. Innovative device for hip spica application at UMMC (co-presenter)
1. Design and research on abduction shoe braces for CTEV patients
2. Study on cross wiring and parallel wiring of supracondylar fractures in
1. Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2010 (Hospital Raja Permaisuri
Bainun, Ipoh)
2. Advanced Trauma and Life Support certified (April 2012)