Quality Handbook AQH-B7 Combined Subjects Programme (CSP) Subject Specification Template Version 8.0 August 2013 Faculty of …………… Department of ……………. COMBINED SUBJECTS: ……………….. SUBJECT SPECIFICATION Date of Validation Event: Date Approved by Quality Management Sub-Committee (QMSC): Version History Please complete each time a new version is drafted e.g. Version Occasion of Change Change Author Last Modified 1.0 Version presented for approval Created 10/02/08 2.0 Amendments following institutional approval Revisions at annual review after first year of operation Version presented for approval Arthur Smith (Programme leader) Arthur Smith Arthur Smith 17/07/09 Arthur Smith (Programme leader) Created 10/02/08 3.0 4.0 Document1, V8 August 2013 22/04/08 Page 1 of 15 Proposed guidance notes are in italics and are to be deleted from any completed subject specification. 1 SUBJECT INFORMATION Subject title: CS Combined Subjects Programme (CSP) Target award: BA/BSc Honours Interim or exit awards: Certificate in Higher Education Diploma in Higher Education Modes of delivery and duration: Tick all that apply Min number of years Max number of years Intake dates (months) Any other features Full-time Part-time Sandwich 2 AIMS OF SUBJECT The objectives of this subject within Combined Studies are: a) b) 3. LEARNING OUTCOMES 3.1 Graduate Academic Learning Outcomes These are intellectual and academic learning skills that are common to all subject areas. All of these must be addressed by all subjects within the programme. These are: KNOWLEDGE Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of one subject including areas of specialism (Major) and a knowledge of the scope of one subject and of one area of specialism (Minor); demonstrate a sound knowledge of a subject including some areas of specialism within it (Dual); demonstrate an understanding of the methodology and techniques of a subject (Major/Minor/Dual) Level 4 - demonstrate the factual base for further study of a subject; demonstrate the GK1 conceptual and methodological base for the further study of a subject. Level 5 - demonstrate knowledge of a range of specialisms within a subject (Major) OR of GK2 one specialism within a subject (Minor); demonstrate knowledge of some specialisms within a subject (Dual); demonstrate a detailed/limited/partial knowledge of the range of concepts and methods within a subject (Major/Minor/Dual). Level 6 - demonstrate a knowledge in depth of a representative range of specialisms within GK3 one subject (Major) OR of one specialism within a subject (Minor); demonstrate a knowledge in depth of some specialisms within a subject (Dual); undertake an independent study of one area within a subject; generate new data and information; demonstrate an awareness of the impermanence and fluidity of knowledge. Document1, V8 August 2013 Page 2 of 15 SKILLS Analysis – demonstrate the ability to analyse data and situations using appropriate methods; critically review evidence and arguments; evaluate competing and/or contrasting ideas. Level 4 – analyse a limited range of data under guidance; evaluate a limited range of GA1 evidence and argument under guidance. Level 5 - analyse data with limited guidance; compare evidence and arguments; apply GA2 theories/concepts to evidence. Level 6 - analyse new and unfamiliar data and information; evaluate evidence and GA3 arguments against self-generated criteria; evaluate competing ideas and theories Synthesis - demonstrate the ability to synthesise different elements of knowledge; and devise solutions to problems. GS1 GS2 GS3 Level 4 - group/collate ideas and information under guidance Level 5 - reformulate a range of information for a given purpose. Level 6 - use information and ideas to solve problems; generate original reformations of information Combined Subjects Transferable Skills These skills will be achieved through either/both subjects or via CSP core progress modules at level 4 and level 5 within the programme. KS1 Communication: be able to present complex issues in a variety of ways including oral, written and visual means of communication either individually or as a member of a group. KS2 Numeracy: be able to apply a basic level of numeracy, though many will achieve a much higher level depending upon the subjects being studied. KS3 IT: including use of word processing and other IT packages appropriate to the subjects being studied, students should also be able to communicate using email, and should be familiar with internet usage. KS4 Team working: and be able to participate effectively in joint discussion, decision making, planning, allocation of and production of work, setting objectives, providing peer feedback and responding to peer feedback. KS5 Manage and develop own self: should have demonstrated a commitment to learning and selfmotivation, and should be able to identify and meet objectives and deadlines. KS6 Problem solving: should be able to identify and use appropriate methods to explore, plan, implement, and justify solutions to problems. Complete the matrix in Appendix 1, mapping the modules against all CSP Generic Learning Outcomes listed above. A Matrix mapping the Modules against Generic Learning Outcomes of Graduate Learning Skills and Combined Subjects Transferable Skills is attached as Appendix 1. 3.2 Subject Learning Outcomes (Major/Dual/Minor) These will be similar to those for single honours degrees depending on whether the route is major, minor or dual. Also include indication of whether available in Major/Minor/Dual for each Learning Outcome (M/Mi/D) On completion of the CS……………. Subject, students will be able to demonstrate the following Document1, V8 August 2013 Page 3 of 15 Knowledge Level 4 K1 – demonstrated knowledge of basic basket weaving theory (M/Mi/D) Level 5 Level 6 Skills Level 4 S1 – Can weave rudimentary basket (M/Mi/D) Level 5 S2 – Can do decorative tassels (M/D) S3 – Ca do fancy handles ( M) Level 6 4. SUBJECT STRUCTURE AND CONTENT AND REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Distinctiveness Describe what it is that gives this subject its distinctiveness and contributes to a Combined Subjects Qualification Award. 4.2 Subject requirements: If the subject requirements differ from the models below then please adapt to suit. MAJOR: CORE 20 credits ………… CORE 20 credits ………… CORE 20 credits ………… CORE 20 credits ………… or ………… or ………… CORE 20 credits ………… CORE 20 credits ………… Document1, V8 August 2013 OPTION 20 credits OPTION 20 credits OPTION 20 credits Page 4 of 15 DUAL Without Dissertation CORE OPTION 20credits 20 credits ………… ………… or ………… or ………… CORE CORE OPTION 20 credits 20 credits 20 credits ………… * OPTION OPTION 20 credits 20 credits DUAL With Dissertation CORE OPTION 20 credits 20 credits ………… ………… or ………… or ………… CORE CORE 20 credits 20 credits SOC201 * CORE OPTION OPTION 20 credits 20 credits 20 credits …………* * *One of …………or ………… must be taken **Note Dual students must take a Dissertation/Project in one of their 2 subjects. For ………… students, this means …………. MINOR: CORE 20credits ………… or ………… or ………… OPTION 20 credits OPTION 20 credits OPTION 20 credits OPTION 20 credits Document1, V8 August 2013 Page 5 of 15 Complete the two matrices in Appendix 2, listing all modules at level in the Module List. A complete list of subject modules is attached in Appendix 2 including any pre or co-requisites. 5. TEACHING AND LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT Complete the matrix in Appendix 3 which summarises the modes of teaching, learning and assessment throughout the Subject as well as Specific Subject Learning Outcomes covered in each module. This enables the Subject team to check that all the learning outcomes claimed are assessed in core modules (or in so many optional modules that they cannot be avoided) and provides the background for the more general explanation of the teaching /learning and assessment strategies. Summarise the teaching and learning strategy. Outline in general terms the modes of teaching and learning used, the type of learning for which it is appropriate, the level(s) at which is it used (if applicable) and the sort of learning outcomes which it supports. Imagine that you are answering the question: ‘why have you decided to teach this in that way?’ The intention here is to provide a gloss which complements the matrix. For example, lectures may be used to impart factual knowledge or provide a basic grounding in different theories. They may be used more at level 4 than later on. Tutorials, however, might be used to explore the issues raised by those theories. Group work may be used to encourage students to explore different approaches and develop their team-working skills. This might be used at a higher level, or may be used right from the start depending on the aims of the Subject. Project work may be more appropriate at level 6 to encourage students to engage with theoretical issues and research-based problems, develop independent learning and more advanced time-management skills. Remember that ‘student learning’ includes private study. Show how student learning progresses throughout the levels of the Subject – in breadth or depth or both and in terms of skills. Draw attention to the use of any innovative approaches. You may wish to seek advice from the Head of Academic Development in Academic Services to identify enhancement opportunities, including any innovative uses of teaching and learning, when developing the Subject. Outline how your teaching and learning styles take account of the diverse nature of our students, and encourage inclusion. This might include how sessions are designed to draw from the experience of all students in a supportive and inclusive way. Try to encourage a positive culture which encourages discussion between students from all backgrounds with the tutor, and between themselves. Mention any ways in which the Subject encompasses the university values of celebrating diversity, including the use of case studies and examples to represent the global and diverse nature of our society, business and industry. Think about how any ethical and sustainability issues can be addressed by your Subject and discussed with, and between, students. Mention the use made of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), either generally or in specific modules. For Assessment, as above, use the matrix to show exactly how each module is assessed and to crosscheck that all learning outcomes are assessed. Here, discuss in more general terms which modes of assessment are used and for what purposes. If there are differences between the levels, explain the rationale behind this. So for example, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) can be used to test factual knowledge; exams test the ability to recall information and present a coherent argument under pressure; course work tests a deeper understanding of issues and the ability to present evidence in a structured way as well as the ability to plan work over a period of time. Explain any progression in the type of assessment used from one level to another as students become more advanced. Bloom’s taxonomy, quoted above under learning outcomes, can be useful. Draw attention to the use of any innovative approaches. You may wish to seek advice from the Head of Academic Development in Academic Services to identify enhancement opportunities, including any innovative uses of assessment, when developing the Subject. Document1, V8 August 2013 Page 6 of 15 Attach assessment criteria for the subject, aligned to the single honours where appropriate, as Appendix 4. A matrix of modes of teaching learning and assessment as well as specific Subject Learning Outcomes for each module is attached as Appendix 3. 6. ACCREDITING BODY/IES INFORMATION (If applicable) 7. STUDENT SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE Outline any support and guidance especially relevant to the subject which students will receive from the Subject team/leader. This should include arrangements for advising students on module choice, informing students of practical arrangements such as deadlines and changes to arrangements such as room changes. This should take into account the fact that CS students divide their time between two or more subject areas. 8. LEARNING RESOURCES Outline availability of the following resources, relevant to the subject, drawing attention to anything which is particularly noteworthy or innovative: Staff resources: summarise the range of expertise provided by University staff. You may wish to make reference to the list of module leaders in Appendix 1. Indicate use of external specialists – eg sessions led by employers, use of Visiting Lecturers (VLs). Describe the areas of research / consultancy / outreach / scholarship which inform the Subject. Library resources – broad coverage including physical and electronic resources both in libraries and remotely, and the information skills provision / support required for students to exploit these effectively. Advice should be sought from library staff when developing a new Subject to ensure that provision will be available. Use of Sunspace (NB ensure that this reflects actual provision – availability of lecture notes, background information, discussion boards, formative assessment. Advice should be sought from the Head of Academic Development in Academic Services and from Student and Learning Support SLS, especially Learning Technologies (LDS) Other IT resources – eg specialist software provided by the School Other specialist resources – eg for practical work If applicable, describe any other opportunities available to students, such as participation in research seminar. 9. SUBJECT MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY ASSURANCE The faculty of …………. has a Module Studies Board covering the subject of…………………, answerable to the Faculty Quality Management Sub-Committee (FQMSC) which covers the Single Honours and Combined Subjects provision for this subject area. This ensures that comparable quality and standards are required of both programmes. A designated Subject Leader for the Combined Subjects provision is responsible for ….. and represents the subject area at the Combined Subjects Programme Assessment and Studies Boards. This ensures that issues arising across a number of subjects can be identified and a common approach adopted, also that good practice in managing Combined Subjects provision can be shared. Each year the Subject Leader makes an annual report to Faculty QMSC and thence to the CS Programme Board, as part of the CSP annual monitoring report, examining the achievements and other aspects of students’ experiences, and reporting difficulties and successes. This ensures consistency and communication between subject areas and the Combined Subjects programme overall in managing quality issues. Document1, V8 August 2013 Page 7 of 15 ……………is overseen at module level by a subject external examiner – (this is normally the external examiner who oversees the single Honours subject area). The subject is overseen at programme level by the CSP programme external examiners who are responsible for ensuring equity of experience in both subjects at programme level. Document1, V8 August 2013 Page 8 of 15 QUICK REFERENCE Panel: External Internal Programme: New Review Title Change Replacement for existing SITS SUMMARY PROGRAMME/SHORT COURSE DETAILS (Form to be completed electronically by the Faculty and forwarded to the Quality Assurance and Enhancement (QAE) Quality Officer supporting the Approval event, or sent to MISD for faculty devolved processes before sending to QAE) PROGRAMME/SUBJECT/SHORT COURSE DETAILS Exit Award: Title of programme/award If replacement for existing, specify title of old Faculty(ies): Department: SITS Programme/Short Course code1 Programme Studies Board2 UCAS code3 (if applicable). If other please state method. JACS code4 Qualification Level / Qualification Aim Modes of delivery and duration: (delete yes/no as necessary) Full time yes/no …….. years Sandwich yes/no …….. years Part time yes/no …….. years Work Based Learning yes/no On-campus yes/no Off-campus yes/no CSP Only. Other subject combinations not allowed with this subject: Programme/Subject/Short Course Leader: Date of Approval /Modification/Review Date of next review (QAE to complete) Start date of programme/Short Course Number of intakes per annum and likely month(s) intake(s) starts. FUNDING DETAILS Confirm funding arrangements for programme e.g. HEFCE/TDA/NHS/Other5 If it is TDA, is it primary/secondary/F.E./Other (please state) Is the programme Open or Closed6: 1 To be allocated in consultation with MISD team in Planning and Finance Programme Studies/Assessment Board that will have management responsibilities for the programme. 3 Please contact Admissions Manager for code 4 JACS code = e.g. (V1) History, (G5) Computing Science, etc. for information contact relevant Faculty Associate Dean (See QAA Website http://www.qaa.ac.uk/WorkWithUs/Documents/jacs_codes.pdf) 5 Please confer with Amanda Watson for funding status for programme 6 An Open programme constitutes an open admissions policy. A Closed programme is normally specific to one client only. If in doubt please consult Academic Services or Planning and Finance. 2 Document1, V8 August 2013 Page 9 of 15 Yes/No If yes please attach completed form AQH-Ciii2 ACCREDITING BODY PROGRAMME SPECIFIC REGULATIONS Are there to be programme specific regulations? Yes/No If yes, please attach completed form AQH-B3 Appendix 2 or AQH-B8. COLLABORATIVE: UK Please complete details Overseas Collaborative model7 Institution yes/no yes/no Funding arrangements8 ………………………………………….. ……………………………… ….…………………….. ………………………………………….. ……………………………… ……………………….. ………………………………………….. ……………………………… ………………………… INTERIM AWARD SCHEDULE Interim award title Credits required Interim structure Please show mandatory requirements if applicable e.g. core module codes DETAILS SUPPLIED BY: ……………………………………… DATE: ……………………….. For QAE use only: Circulation list: Quality Assurance & Enhancement (files), MISD (J Ruffell, L Warner), Admissions (E Wilson), Recruitment (Les Brown, Catryn Davies), Student Office (L Dixon), Planning (Laura Anderson), Learning Development Services (Malcolm Creen) Central Timetabling (Alison McMahon) + for collaborative programmes: Partnership Office Carole Green, Marketing and Recruitment (Judith Green) 7 As per QAE guidelines Please contact Amanda Watson for confirmation of funding details Document1, V8 August 2013 8 Page 10 of 15 Modules mapped against Graduate Learning (GL) Skills and Combined Subjects (CS) transferable Skills Appendix 1 Module Title Key: GK1 (for GL Skills) (for CS Transferable Skills) Document1, V8 August 2013 GK2 GK3 GA1 GA2 GA3 GS1 GS2 GS3 X – Covered T – if skill is taught D – if skill is developed A – if the skill is assessed. Page 11 of 15 KS1 KS2 KS3 KS4 KS5 KS6 Module list Award, Route (if applicabl e) and Level Module Code Appendix 2 Module Title New/Exist ing/ Modified Module (N/E/MM) Module Credit Value Core or option for Major/Dual/ Minor(M/D/Mi) M D Must choose (ie designated option): Pre requisites Mi Core (Compulsory) Modules Major Dual Minor level 4 level 5 level 6 Document1, V8 August 2013 Page 12 of 15 Corequisites Module leader Other comment (if required) JACS code Matrix of modes of teaching, learning and assessment and specific Subject Learning Outcomes Appendix 3 NB Text in the table below is an example. You will need some means of cross-referring to each of the learning outcomes specified for the Subject. Here they are labelled Skills (S) / 1, 2 etc; Knowledge (K) / 1,2 etc but you need to ensure your nomenclature matches the one used in Section 3.2. *. Module Code Introduction to basket-weaving CODE / level 4 Theoretical approaches to basket-weaving CODE / level 4 Core / optional Core Core Modes of T&L Lectures, private study, seminars * L,PS, GW Modes of Assessment Coursework (case study); 2 hr exam S1 K1 S2 K2 Developed Taught Assessed Taught, assessed * P, SE D,A T,A T, A K3 K4 S3 *A key for all types of Teaching, Learning and Assessment may simplify the matrix. Eg L – Lectures, PS – Private study, GW- Group Work, P-Presentation, SE-Self Evaluation, D-Developed, T-taught, A-Assessed etc. Document1, V8 August 2013 Page 13 of 15 Appendix 4 Assessment Criteria at the level of the target award Please use generic assessment criteria where there are no subject specific criteria, see AQH-F6-15. Relevant subject specific assessment criteria can only be used where they have been approved at QMSC. Document1, V8 August 2013 Page 14 of 15 Version History Version Occasion of Change Change author Date of modification September 2008 Modifications made 1.0 Original placed in Academic Quality Handbook Correction to wording and inclusion of section 9. S Sutcliffe B. Ollerenshaw J. Johnson & S Lumsden 13/10/08 Updated SITS form S Lumsden 9/12/2008 4.0 Graduate Academic Learning Outcomes A Roberts 20/10/09 5.0 Review S Sutcliffe 10/9/2010 6.0 A Roberts 7.0 Annual review of Quality Handbook Annual review 8.0 Annual review A Roberts August 2011 August 2012 August 2013 1. table shortened,2,wording change, 3.1, Clarification of how CSTS can be achieved,3.2 & 4.1 clarification of wording, 4.2 table update,7. amplified.9.added. Combined CSP and Programme SITS form. JACS code included on Appendix 2 Section 3.1 Graduate Academic Learning Outcomes updated following review Contact names changed to reflect staff changes Amended to refer to job titles, rather than individuals Conversion to new level terminology Clarification of acronyms 3.0 2.0 A Roberts Document1, V8 August 2013 Page 15 of 15