NWEA MAP Testing Environment Handout

NWEA MAP Testing for Braille Readers
What is MAP testing?
 NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) present students with grade appropriate
computerized test questions. As a student responds to questions, the test responds to the
student, adjusting up or down in difficulty. The students are tested in three curriculum areas:
Mathematics, Reading, and Language Usage
MAP testing is currently not accessible to a braille reader on the computer.
 As an alternative to Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), NWEA offers Paper-Pencil
assessments - known as Achievement Level Tests (ALT) - for districts that need to test their
visually impaired students.
 If the student is in second grade, or has never taken the NWEA MAP tests before, a “Locator
Test” is given to determine testing level.
Initial Process for acquiring NWEA ALT for braille readers:
1. The school’s MAP Coordinator contacts NWEA and explains that they have a braille reader that
needs to take the paper-pencil test.
a. The school district is required to pay a one-time $500 fee for the cost of the test
b. The per student cost to score the answer sheet(s) will be folded into the district’s license
2. Tests, answer sheets, and administrator guides will be sent to the school district. Locator Tests
(to determine testing level for 1st time test takers) will also be sent to the school.
3. The paper/pencil test comes as a PDF and a hard copy. Iowa Braille School has embossed
copies of the test. Please let your TVI know the testing date as early as possible so that you may
have the test on the requested date.
4. Send answer sheets back to NWEA Attn: Scoring Team for scoring.
Subsequent Testing:
1. The school should contact NWEA and request the appropriate test level for the student based
on the test results of the previous test at least 2 weeks prior to testing dates.
2. Reports for the NWEA ALT test will be included in district reports that are accessed from
NWEA’s Reports Site. The goals of the NWEA ALT will not align to the state or district goals and
therefore the NWEA ALT will produce its own report. Although this report does not directly
align with MAP reports, it does align to the Learning Continuum, making this report a valuable
tool in assessing the growth of students taking the NWEA test.
Additional questions contact Chris Short, Iowa Braille School Literacy Consultant:
Revised 3/13/2015
NWEA MAP Testing Environment Handout - Braille Readers
Test Administrator's Name ___________________________________ (Who will administer the test?)
 General Ed. Teacher
 Associate trained in giving standardized tests
 Special Ed. Teacher
Administration of Test (Circle, bold, or otherwise indicate)
 Student will read test independently and write answers on a Perkins Braillewriter or notetaker
 Student will read test independently with live scribe
 Reader only, except for reading comprehension.
 Vocabulary may be read aloud to the student *This is not preferred, but acceptable
 Reader plus student with copy in above indicated medium
 Student may have tactile graphics verbally described by the TVI or math teacher
Setting (Circle, bold, or otherwise indicate)
 Large group subtests_________________________
 Small group subtests_________________________
 Individually
 Start with peers and finish individually due to extended time
Specific location where the test will be administered__________________________
Testing area should have appropriately sized table/chairs and work space area for accommodating needed
 General ed. classroom
 Special ed. classroom
 Other quiet setting
(This should be in a quiet setting, away from all distractions, not in a hallway or other traffic area.)
Appropriate Tools (Circle, bold, or otherwise indicate)
(Student should already be familiar with the device/tool and be using regularly in school. Tools should be
gathered and placed in the test area prior to each testing session.)
 Perkins, with lots of braille paper
 Talking calculator, with headphones or
notetaker calculator connected to a visual
 Abacus (See Position Paper)
Time (Circle, bold, or otherwise indicate)
 Same time as other students
 Time and a half
 Up to double time
 Double time for math due to tactile
graphics, not computation
Revised 3/13/2015
Frequent breaks to rest fingers
Time of day
May start testing up to a week before
peers due to needing extended time to