Year of the Manifestor June: Harnessing the Power of Belief Belief


Year of the Manifestor June:

Harnessing the Power of Belief

Belief can be a tool of vibration management when we learn how to harness and manage it.

It’s like the raging river – it might seem like it’s out of your control, but that thing can be harness to provide power like you’ve never experienced before.

A lot of people (muggles) don’t know that belief is something we can shape and nurture and move.

When we do that, we take control of our destiny.

What is belief

(A thought that’s been repeated, that has momentum, it’s attracted thoughts like it and is manifesting)

Some say you won’t see it until you believe it. Meaning it’s a vibrational thing – you cannot experience what you aren’t the frequency of.

But have you seen things you didn’t believe in? I guarantee I’ve said out loud with sincerity, “I didn’t even know that was possible!”

My business partner says belief is overrated and not as important as it’s made out to be on conscious creation circles.

Let’s look at the grid (see forum thread for grid images) … and why belief matters and why it might not …

Why it matters to us

Abraham: desire and belief are the two keys to manifesting.

So we know if desire is strong enough, it can overpower or make up for the lack of belief.

But because our beliefs can run contrary to our desires, I think it’s worth learning how to manage this piece of the manifesting puzzle like a pro.

How to create belief or uncreate belief

When you believe in something you don’t want (like cancer, or IRS audits), it’d be nice to be able to drop that belief.

And when you don’t believe in something you do want (financial freedom, ideal health), you’ll be a rock star manifestor when you learn to shift that, too.

And really, that first one (dropping a belief) is the same as the second one – it’s just adopting a contrary belief.

The Keys to Believing

#1 – know you’re in charge of what you believe. You have the power to manage this.

#2 – it comes from learning to manage your focus. The thoughts you’re hanging out with, the scenarios you play out in your mind. You believe what you think repeatedly. So get some good repetition on the thoughts you’d like to believe in.

Like being able to think things like … everything always works out. Things are getting better every day. I’m destined to succeed. It’s okay. I am rich rich rich. I feel fabulous and look even better.

Whatever you want – it’s a matter of learning to steer your attention to where it serves you.

There are things we can do to facilitate that …

 look for evidence (in others, history, in imagination).

 remember how the system works. (Thoughts are things – you can choose your thoughts.)

 hypnosis/guided meditations to implant thoughts

 physiological reprogramming (brainwashing, Psych-K, affirmations)

Bashar and others tell us that to adopt a new belief you just identify the false/limiting belief first. Your higher mind will recognize it as bogus and poof it goes. Here’s Bashar:

Your emotions are the key.

When you feel an “idea” you don’t prefer (like fear, self doubt, sorrow, sadness, etc.) the first thing is not to ignore or suppress it, but to feel it fully . Own it.

“Because you cannot change what you do not own.” (Love that!)

So just recognize, acknowledge, and own it.

Then ask yourself this question:

“ What would I have to believe is true about my relationship to this situation in order to feel this way ; to react like this?”

Your higher mind will help you find the beliefs that are generating that emotional experience.

Next, as soon as you identify the belief, it is gone.

“Because any belief, any definition that you consciously identify, that is out of alignment with your true self, when you identify it will automatically appear illogical and nonsensical. It won’t make sense. That’s how you know it’s out of alignment with your true self.”

So as soon as you identify the belief that’s out of alignment, it will automatically appear illogical to hold on to it, and in that second you will no longer have it .

Identification IS release!

Abe tells us to amp up belief by focusing on reasons to believe. (Amp It Up exercise)

Seven figure business, why I believe I can have it:

Others are doing it, why not me?

I’ve got things set up to be easily leveraged. It could happen TOMORROW.

I’m doing the vibrational work to align to it.

I don’t want it all that bad, so I’ve got a hootlessness going that serves me.

I learned to make peace with and even appreciate six figures.

I’m a rising Capricorn – all we do is make more money as time passes.

I’ve always had a good thing going with money.

So what I’m saying is that Belief is just a matter of getting pickier about your thoughts. And we practiced that skill back in April. You don’t have to let your mind run willy nilly through the woods however it likes – you can direct where you want it to go. And the more you practice it, the better you get at it. Until adopting a new belief is a very simple matter and very short process.

Harnessing / choosing/directing my beliefs is easy. I’m doing it right now, as a matter of fact.

An alternative approach to nurturing belief: take action. Like, if you don’t believe you can be a successful speaker/coach/spouse/marathoner – just jump in and do it.

You might surprise yourself and once you’ve done it you’re forever changed. (The challenge is that it can backfire and that just serves to reinforce the unhelpful belief.)

But it’s still worth leveraging the role action can play to reinforce the beliefs we want. When you “act as if” that helps you get there mentally/vibrationally.

Another helpful belief amper upper: when someone with credibility tells us so.

(Dr. H: cats are scrappy. Jeff: you’re sitting on a million dollar business.)

Another helpful tip: don’t confront yourself with potentially opposing evidence or take score too soon. (Could it be true?! Don’t look until it seems rather normal that it might be.)

One of my most successful belief switchups:

Believing I am worthy. Whole. Complete. (And that one happened with practice of the thoughts and actions that matched the belief.)

The belief scale:





Sometimes the way into believing is through hope.

(Faith is belief despite absence of evidence.)
