BOROUGH OF POOLE REPORT FOR THE PORTFOLIO HOLDER 2 APRIL 2012 NATIONAL COASTAL EROSION RISK MAPPING PART OF THE PUBLISHED FORWARD PLAN NO STATUS (Strategic, Service Delivery Information) 1. PURPOSE 1.1 To seek approval from the Portfolio Holder for the publication by the Environment Agency (EA) of the National Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping (NCERM) Data for the Borough of Poole’s Sea Frontage. 2. DECISION REQUIRED 2.1 The Portfolio Holder is requested to approve the publication on the EA’s Website the National Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping Data for the sea frontage of Poole. 3. INFORMATION 3.1 Progress to date: The National Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping Project aims to deliver a consistent prediction of coastal erosion risk around the UK. It will be regularly updated to reflect improved understanding of coastal erosion risks. The information shown does not set any new policy but simply reflects the Shoreline Management Plan 2 (SMP2) Policies, which have already been adopted by Local Authorities. The SMP2 already has erosion zones published and is in the public domain. A comparison note is available to highlight where any differences exist between the Shoreline Management Plan Erosion Predictions and those of the National Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping Project. These slight differences, where they occur, are due to the techniques used. The Environment Agency has led the National Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping Project to ensure national consistency. However, Local Authority Engineers have validated the Information and remain the Coastal Erosion Risk Management Authorities and will lead on engaging with local residents to address their enquiries and concerns. Two pilot Shoreline Management Plan Areas in the South and North East Regions published the 20 year Erosion Information in November 2011 on the Environment Agency’s “What’s in your Back Yard” Website. To view this go to: 1 erosion&ep=map&scale=4&lang=_e&layerGroups=default&textonly=off#x=53 0813&y=96160&lg=1,&scale=4 3.2 Current Situation: The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has now agreed to publish the Erosion Risk Information for all 3 epochs (0-20 year, 2050 year, and 50-100 year periods) in a similar format to the Pilot Sites. Caveats are shown on all policies highlighting that the Policy does not necessarily mean that funding is guaranteed or that no erosion will occur. If a location is clicked on, erosion information is only shown for selected areas: 1. Flood Risk Areas: No information will be shown. It will refer people to the Environment Agency’s flood map. 2. No Active Intervention (NAI): It will show the likely upper and lower erosion rates for each epoch that has a NAI Policy. The figures relate to erosion of the cliff top, and not the base of the cliff. 3. Managed Realignment (MR): No information will be shown. It will refer people to the Shoreline Management Plan 2 for further information. 4. Hold the Line Frontages (HTL): No information will be shown. It will refer people to the Shoreline Management Plan 2 for further information. 5. Complex Cliff Areas: No information will be shown. It will refer people to the frequently asked questions to understand why erosion can be complex. 3.3 Press Information: The Environment Agency will work with Local Authorities’ Communications Teams to send out a consistent message across the Region to the public and Elected Members. MP’s will be informed by the Environment Agency prior to the release date. At the moment the National Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping (NCERM) is not showing any details inside harbours this is due to the offset of the lines used from the coast. Discussions at a national level are ongoing, as obviously this is a problem around the country. The Environment Agency will inform the local authorities of any progress on this matter. 4. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 4.1. No issues have been identified. 5. LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 5.1 No issues have been identified 2 6. RISK MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS 6.1 7. The aim of the Project is for the Environment Agency to deliver a prediction of coastal erosion risk around the UK. EQUALITIES IMPLICATIONS 7.1 No issues have been identified. 8. CONCLUSIONS 8.1 The Environment Agency have requested that each local authority obtain approval from their Portfolio Holder before the details for that Local Authority are published on the Environment Agency Website. 8.2 There is no new information going into the public domain. The information to be published on the Environment Agency Website simply reflects what is already available on the Shoreline Management Plan Website. Clive Smith Head of Leisure Services Report Author D. Robson Contact officer: D Robson Background Papers National Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping briefing notes from the Environment Agency. 3