USING HERBS FOR HEALTH INTRODUCTION Assalamualaikum and good morning everyone. i) A question related to illness and the medication that they would prefer. I’m sure that all of you have been sick’s before. What types of medication that you would prefer? Herbal medicines or pharmaceutical medicines? ii) Tell my mother experience using two types of medication which is herbal (mahogany) and prescription medicines for her diabetes and high blood pressure. Let me tell all of you about my mother experience using two types of medication which are herbal and prescription medicine for her diabetes and high blood pressure. Since knowing she had diabetes and high blood pressure, my mother takes prescription drugs daily. But then, my mother refuse to consume it for a long period because it can give bad effect to the kidney as some medicines can be poisonous to the kidneys if taken regularly over a long period of time. Slide show: >> These are the pharmaceutical drugs that my mother consumes before. Then, she switches to herbal medicines which is mahogany or known as skyfruit or “buah tunjuk langit”. Slide show: >> This one is mahogany. >> Today, I brought for you the sample to have a look. Not to promote it, just to let you know the real mahogany. The part that we eat is their seeds that lie inside the pods. It is proven that herbal medicine she takes more effective than previous prescription drugs she consumed. 1 This herbal lowers the sugar content in her blood constantly and lowers her blood pressure at optimum level. Before this, prescription drugs only lower my mother blood pressure and diabetes level if she iii) consumes the medicines daily according to the dose specified. The definition of herbal medicines and pharmaceutical medicines. Nowadays, the fight between herbal medicines and pharmaceutical medicines has been going on since pharmaceutical medications were first manufactured. Herbal medicines are extracted from plants that are valued for flavor, scent, medicinal or other qualities. On the other hand, pharmaceutical medicines are created using synthetic chemicals used for treating, curing and preventing different types of diseases. Today, I’m going to talk about the pros and cons of herbal medicines in terms of their cost, safety and result. Transition: Let me begin by the first point which is the cost. BODY i) Cost Cheap Herbal medicines are cheaper than pharmaceutical medicines commonly prescribed by doctors today. This is because no expensive chemicals are used in the formulation of the medicines since the ingredients can be grown anywhere under the right conditions. Besides, herbal medicines do not need to be manufactured or developed; they cost a lot cheaper, and are more convenient as well. 2 In contrast, pharmaceutical drugs need research, testing, and marketing that increase their costs. Some herbs are expensive. Although the overall cost of herbal medicines are cheap but some herbs are expensive. This is due to the nature of herbal medicines that tend to be slightly weaker than prescription medicines which can increase their overall cost a little if we need it in a large quantity. However, some simple herbs such as Centella Asiatica or known as “pegaga”, peppermint and chamomile can be grown at home. Transition: Another important factor to be considered in choosing the best medicines for our health is their safety. ii) Safety Statistics According to the fact, since 1986, the United States government has reported zero deaths due to consumption of herbal medicines. However, pertaining to pharmaceutical drugs, it is a fact that pharmaceutical medicines kill over one million Americans annually. Side effects Additionally, some herbs also are not safe to be taken and used by humans since it may cause side effects due to their poison content. Herbal medicines can contain many impurities such as toxic substances that come from water supply or pesticides that deposited in soil. You never know what chemicals may be incorporated into the plant. Furthermore, using herbal medicines for a long period can cause high blood pressure, or may even cause your immune system to weaken, making you prone to disease and sickness. 3 But on the other side, herbal medicines are less strong as compared to chemical drugs because pharmaceutical drugs have the potential of causing more severe side effects. But, to be safe, you should consult a doctor to look at the herbal medicine you plan to use and undergo a laboratory examination to determine that your system is compatible with it. Even if the product worked for some people, there are no guarantees that it will have the same effect when you take it in yourself. Transition: Last but not least, we can know the pros and cons of herbal medicines based on their result. iii) Result Herbal gives the right environment for the body to recover itself. Natural herbs is empowering to the patient by giving the right environment for bodies to heal themselves and getting people back to optimal health. Thus, it can be said that herbal medicines are not restricted to treating disease only. Herbal medicines are weaker than pharmaceutical medicines. However, herbal medicines also tend to be weaker than prescription medicines, making herbal medicines produce results at a slower rate than prescription medicines and need a longer time for them to take effect fully. This is not because the herb or any of its ingredients are ineffective. They are effective as they do not contain synthetic chemicals that are sometimes added to speed up the effect of the herbs. Transition: Now, it is the time for the conclusion. 4 CONCLUSION Briefly, I have explained to you about the pros and cons of herbal medicines in terms of cost, safety and result. It is best to always be safe and talk to a doctor or herbs professional about the best medicines for your body and then it is up to you to decide whether to choose natural herbs or pharmaceutical drugs. Remember, what you do with your own body is your choice. Think wisely for your body and health. Someone said “Let food be the medicine and let disease away from you”. So, everyone must practice a healthy diet in order to prevent diseases and thus prevent you from taking medicines that can harm you more!!! Thank you. 5