A sailing boat on the sea Background is painted by gouache colours. Folding of the sailing boat. 1. Square shaped paper to be folded diagonally in half and then to be turned back. 2. Fold two sides to the diagonal line 3. The lower point to be folded three times on top of the piece. Fish in the sea Background is painted by gouache colours: green and blue colours have been used The fish is made out of potato pieces. 1.Take a potato with a desired size and shape 2. Cut the potato in half 3. Dip the cut side of the potato in a desired gouache colour 4. Press the coloured side of the potato to a desired place on the paper The body of the fish was printed with one piece of potato and the tail was printed with another piece. Each child chose individually the colour of the body and the colour of the tail. Hence, the fish is also colourful. Silver Fish are swimming in the sea 1. Take a white carton, PVA-glue, toilet paper, dark and light blue watercolours, shiny paper, paintbrush, a cup with water 2. Crease the toilet paper 3. Fill the white carton with PVA-glue and place the creased toilet paper on it 4. Paint the whole area of the picture with dark and light blue watercolours 5. From the shiny paper cut out the fish and glue them on paper when the picture has dried Colourful fish You will need: plastic film (2 pieces), watercolours, dish detergent Put a drop of the dish detergent into the cup where the brush is rinsed Draw a desired picture on the plastic film and at times rinse the brush in the foamy water. When the picture is ready, place the second plastic film on the ready picture. The final result is the picture that is between the two plastic films. As a result of the foamy water, there will be small air bubbles that create a dimensional image. Stained glass fish You will need: plastic film, PVA-glue, sand, colourful spangles With PVA glue draw the desired shape on the plastic film. Decorate as preferred. Let it dry for around 12 hours. Remove the shape from the plastic film and place it to desired surface. The shape will stick without adding any extra glue and it is especially suitable for glass surfaces. Sea You will need: White paper Gouache colours Paintbrush Coloured pencils Scissors Crepe paper Glue Cardboard “comb” The child will cover the paper with gouache colours (blue- sea; yellow- sand). The child will make stripes with the cardboard “comb” over the painted paper. When the background is dried, the child will draw a fish on a white paper, colours it and cuts it out. The child folds a “fan” from the paper string and glues one end to the fish and the other end to the coloured paper in order to create a dimensional effect. The child decorates the picture with colourful sea plants that are cut out of crepe-paper.