Communicative Competence

Communicative Competence
Historical Overview:
1950s & 60s -- contrastive analysis
1970s -- Interlanguage Development, and Error Analysis
1980s & 90s --- Advent of CLT (Sociolinguistic emphasis of interpersonal and intercultural
communication) -- Sociolinguistics drew our attention to various aspects of interpersonal
communication such as discourse, interaction, pragmatics, and negotiation.
Definition of Communicative Competence
Chomsky (1965) in "Aspects of the Theory of Syntax."
Competence is the perfect knowledge of an ideal speaker-listener of the language in a homogeneous
speech community.
Linguistic knowledge is separated from sociocultural features
"Linguistic theory is concerned primarily with an ideal speaker-listener, in a completely homogeneous
speech community, who knows its language perfectly and is unaffected by such grammatically
irrelevant conditions as memory limitations, distractions, shifts of attention and interests, and errors
(random or characteristic) in applying his knowledge of the language in actual performance. (1965 p.3)"
Hymes (1972)
points out that Chomsky's competence/performance model does not provide an explicit place for
sociocultural features.
also points out that Chomsky's notion of performance seems confused between actual performance and
underlying rules of performance.
In the 1970s, research on "Communicative Competence" distinguished between linguistic and communicative
competence to highlight the difference between knowledge "about" language forms and knowledge that enables
a person to communicate functionally and interactively.
James Cummins (1979) -- proposed a distinction between CALP (cognitive/academic language proficiency)
and BICS (Basic interpersonal communicative skills) ===> the-- these notions are later modified in the form of
context-reduced and context-embedded communication
Michael Canale and Merrill Swain (1980)
Communicative competence is defined to consist of for different subcategories:
Grammatical competence : focuses on sentence-level grammar
Discourse competence : focuses on intersentential organization
Sociolinguistic competence: focuses on socioculturally appropriate use of language
Strategic competence: the verbal and nonverbal communication strategies that may be called into
action either to enhance the effectiveness of communication or to compensate for breakdowns (through
paraphrase, circumlocution, repetition, hesitation, avoidance, and guessing, as well as shifts in register
and style").
Lyle Bachman (1990)
Bachman proposed a distinction between language competence and communicative language ability (namely a
distinction between linguistic competence and metalinguistic competence).
In his schematization, Language Competence consists of Organizational competence and Pragmatic
Organizational Competence
Grammatical Competence: phonetics/phonology/morphology/syntax/semantics
Textual Competence: discourse organization (cohesion/coherence)
Pragmatic Competence
Illocutionary Competence: instrumental/ regulatory/ representational/ interactional/ personal/ heuristic/
imaginative functions
Sociolinguistic Competence: dialect/register/nature/culture
Language Functions
Functions are the purposes that we accomplish with language, e.g., stating, requesting, responding,
greeting, parting, etc.
Functions are directly / indirectly related to forms.
Communication is functional, purposive, and designed to bring about some effect.
Communication is a series of speech acts, which are used systematically to accomplish particular
Second language learners need to learn speech acts to accomplish the purpose of communication.
Michael Halliday's (1973) seven functions of language in terms of the purpose of communication (cf. the
functions of bee language)
the instrumental function
the regulatory function
the representational function
the interactional function
the personal function
the heuristic function
the imaginative function
Notional-Functional Syllabuses: functions as organizing elements of foreign language curriculum (cf.
Structural syllabuses)
Notions --- refer both th abstract concepts (such as existence, space, time, quantity, and quality) and to
situations/contexts (such as travel, health, education, shopping, and free time).
Functions -- refer to such functions/ acts as denying, declining an invitation, asking permission,
apologizing, etc. -- it is very important aspect of conversation competence to learn the conventionalized
forms of accomplishing such functions.
Discourse analysis: Language is more than a sentence-level phenomenon.
Conversation Analysis (cf. Text analysis)
Rules of conversation are important aspects of communicative competence. Nevertheless, they have been
ignored by the traditional foreign language curricula.
attention getting
topic nomination
topic development : turn-taking / clarification, shifting, avoidance, interruption
topic termination
It is important for teachers to be acutely aware of the rules /conventions of conversation and to aid learners to
both to perceive those rules and follow them in their own conversations. Without knowledge and use of such
rules / conventions, language learners may be reluctant to participate in a conversation because of their
inhibitions, or they may be considered obnoxious by their hearers.
Grician Maxims of Conversation (H.P. Grice 1967)
1. Quantity: say only as much as is necessary for understanding the communication
2. Quality: say only what is ture.
3. Relevance: Say only what is relevant.
4. Manner: Be clear
Study of contextual contribution to the meaning of linguistic forms.
Pragmatic conventions from the first language can transfer both positively and negatively.
Language and Gender
Styles and Registers
Style varies depending on subject matter, audience, occasion, shared experience, and purpose of
Martin Joos' (1967) classification of speech styles in terms of formality: oratorical / deliberative /
consutative / casual / intimate.
Register varies depending on the social identity of the speaker (occupation, socio-economic status)
Nonverbal communication
Kinesics (= body language)
Eye contact
Kinesthetics (=touching)
Olfactory dimensions
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
the goal of education is communicative competence, not just grammatical competence
actual use of the language is more emphasized than structural knowledge of the language
fluency is more important than accuracy
students have to use the language in unrehearsed contexts. (instead of mere pattern practices,
rehearsed exercises, etc) (cf. inductive learning)
Problems of CLT
We must be aware that there is some degree of discrepancy between the principles of CLT and what the theory
of Communicative Competence (CC) suggests. CLT emphasized on the ability to execute one's communicative
needs rather than on the complete knowledge of language use for communication. According to Richards and
Rodgers (1986), CLT has some priority principles such as:
use > usage, meaning > form, fluency > accuracy
The notion of communicative competence intended by Hymes does not provide any priorities for any single
components, or aspects over another. Hymes did not claim that a language user does not need to have a accurate
knowledge of linguistic form or usage, but rather claimed that the perfect knowledge of linguistic form is not
enough to make him/her a communicatively competent language user. Wolfson (1989) points out that
grammatical competence is an intrinsic part of communicative competence but in many cases, the term CC
misinterpreted for language teachers and curriculum developers as the separation of grammatical competence
from CC.
If CLT's goal should be the acquisition of CC in target language, this is highly demanding for any L2 learner to
achieve and does not seem achievable, consequently. Therefore, if we need to set up an accessible goal of
language teaching, we must first assess what kind and level of communicative competence will be sufficient for
specific L2 learners in a specific situations. This means that learning goals cannot be prescribed until learners'
needs and wants and the contexts in which they use target language are described. Also, the curriculum has to
be designed by the gradual developmental change of learner's language. Therefore, the focuses and emphases
on form/function or fluency/accuracy should be shifted and consequently, the priorities mentioned above will
be changed as the course and language learners' language ability progress.