Converting to Dairying or increasing cow numbers103.16 KB

Converting to Dairying or increasing cow numbers
If you are converting to a dairy farm, ensure you obtain the necessary resource consents which will
enable you to carry out your proposal whilst complying with all the new rules and regulations!
First you will need to check what nutrient allocation zone your property is in – we can assist with
getting this information. If you are in a nutrient red zone this process may be very difficult,
Before you buy cows or start building sheds, you may need:
Consent to change land use.
o A change in land use is one of two things:
- An increase in irrigation area or volume of irrigation water applied; or
- An increase in the N lost to water of 10% or more between your present and
proposed farming systems.
o To determine whether you need a resource consent to change land use, you need to
model your present and proposed farming systems using Overseer. The nutrient
allocation zone your property is in will determine what happens from here. There
are three types of nutrient allocation zones.
o Red zones mean that water quality outcomes are not being met. If you are in a
nutrient red zone and irrigation is increasing in area or volume, no increase in the N
lost to water is allowed.
o Orange zones mean that water quality is “at risk”. Increases in N lost to water are
able to occur in orange zones, but the process of obtaining a resource consent is
getting harder and harder.
o Green zones mean that water quality is acceptable, and increases in N lost to water
in these zones are able to be more easily consented.
o You will need a Farm Environmental Plan regardless of which color zone you are in!
Consent to discharge and store dairy effluent.
o To determine the size of your pond, the effluent pond storage calculator must be
o Your application depth for your discharge will be determined based on soil type.
Consent to take and use water for dairy shed use.
o To use water in a dairy shed, generally a resource consent is required for this.
Don’t despair we have a great team of people who can assist you with the consents you require. If
you have any questions about this information or process just give us a quick call or send us an email
Ph 0800irricon or 03 308 8587
159 Alford Forest Road, PO Box 584, Ashburton 7740 and
32 Washdyke Flat Road, PO Box 2193, Washdyke, TIMARU 7941
Gary Rae
Keri Johnston
Haidee McCabe
Mike Searle
Nicole Phillips
Jenny Geddes
03 308 8587 ext 1
03 308 8587 ext 2
03 308 8587 ext 4
03 308 8587 ext 5
03 308 8587 ext 6
03 308 8587 ext 8
Environmental Consultant
Natural Resources Engineer
Environmental Consultant
Environmental Consultant
Environmental Consultant
Environmental Consultant