ibc STUDENT PRA CTICAL EXAMINATION STUDENT NAME PROGRAMME ibc DIPLOMA 20__ EXAMINERS EDITH L.J. KERNERMAN, IBCLC (Primary Examiner); SUZANNE MCKINNON, IBCLC EXAM DATES SUPERVISOR 1. 2. 3. (4. (5. MOVE ON? ) ) PASS/FAIL FINAL SCORE DIPLOMA AWARDED: YES/NO DATE ___________________ SIGNED__________________________________________ SIGNED__________________________________________ ibc STUDENT PRA CTICAL EXAMINATION HISTORY TAKING __________________________/32 All questions on form asked and noted /5 Accuracy in reporting /5 Demonstrates curiosity when appropriate /5 Integrate mother’s verbal and non verbal information /5 Timely history taking /5 Complete SOAP /5 Organized yet flexible approach /2 OBSERVATION & PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT __ /50 Accurately assess latch /10 Accurately assess milk transfer /10 Well Baby Mouth /5 Tongue /5 Overall wellness /5 Well Mother Visual inspection of both breasts simultaneously /5 Palpate both breasts and axilla /5 Overall wellness /5 LATCHING Verbal guidance Technique Judgment/ Appropriateness of choice Individualized approach Hands-on guidance Technique Judgment/Appropriateness of choice Individualized approach _ /50 /10 /10 /5 /10 /10 /5 Comments: ibc STUDENT PRA CTICAL EXAMINATION PROTOCOL TO INCREASE BREASTMILK INTAKE /20 Comprehension and Application Comments: /10 Judgment /5 Individualized approach /5 LACTATION AID, SUPPLEMENTATION: (only mark if applicable) /8 Inserting /2 Guiding mother to do it herself /2 Timing /2 Appropriateness (choice to supplement, of choice of supplement) /2 EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF: (only mark applicable areas) /__ Not Yet Latching Baby /15 Sore Nipples /15 Lack of weight gain/ Late Onset of Slow Weight Gain / “Gassy”/Colic/Pulling at the breast /15 GERD/FTT/Allergy/special circumstances /15 Low milk supply due to biological reasons /15 Prenatal consultation /15 WORKING ASSESSMENT: /25 Assesses “big picture“ /10 Creates most accurate and reasonable working assessment /10 Able to identify missing information and incorporate uncertainty explicitly into decision making /5 PRESENTATION (summary, timing, accuracy) _ /10 PLAN _ /25 Comprehensive /10 Individualized /10 ibc STUDENT PRA CTICAL EXAMINATION Feasible COUNSELLING SKILLS /5 __ /25 Comments: Demonstrates active listening /5 Is present and conscientious in care /5 Addresses all stated concerns of the mother /5 Demonstrates effective instruction and teaching—ensure that message conveyed is clear and was understood by mother /5 Empowers the mother /5 PROFESSIONALISM & ETHICS____________________ /40 Abides by: IBLCE SCOPE IBLCE/ILCA Code Of Ethics International Who Code Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative /5 Respects patient confidentiality, demonstrating knowledge of the legal, ethical, and medical issues surrounding patient documentation, including confidentiality and data security /5 Communicates with all clinic staff and colleagues in a courteous and respectful manner. /5 Treats mother with dignity and respect (e.g. asks permission to touch her breast and touch baby) Does not make treatment suggestions to the mother without the prior approval of the supervisor /5 Demonstrates respect for cultural and socioeconomic diversity /5 Conveys a sense of confidence, competence and compassion to mother /5 Recognizes and accepts limitations in her/his own knowledge and clinical skills, and knows when to refer. /5 APPOINTMENT MANAGEMENT __ /5 /30 Starts and ends scheduled appointment on time /5 Appropriate prioritization of elements of appointment (e.g. aware of baby’s/mother’s cues) /5 ibc STUDENT PRA CTICAL EXAMINATION Create clean and safe place for mother and baby /5 Arranged and observed the physician’s exam of the baby /5 Obtained the required number of signatures on her chart? /5 Closes appointment by confirming timing of subsequent appointment(s) and patient understanding of the treatment protocol /5 LACTATION/MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE_________________ Comments: __/35 (please specify any areas of weakness in the comments section) Demonstrates an understanding of how anatomy and pathophysiology relate to mother’s complaints, assessment and diagnosis Demonstrates knowledge of the contributing factors to current situation and the ways in which they impacted the breastfeeding experience /5 /5 Demonstrates knowledge about underlying medical conditions in both the mother & baby /5 Demonstrate knowledge about medications and breastfeeding /5 Identifies red flags and risk factors /5 Demonstrates knowledge about commonly used “tools” and “techniques” /5 Able to assess and apply current and relevant information in the care of the dyad. /5 Students are expected to have knowledge in each of the following areas: NIPPLE TRAUMA CANDIDIASIS VASOSPASM REFERRED PAIN BLOCKED DUCTS ABSCESS MASTITIS CYSTS, FIBROADENOMAS BREAST SURGERIES LOW MILK TRANSFER LACTATION AID WEIGHT GAIN/GROWTH CHARTS FAILURE TO THRIVE LATE ONSET OF SLOW WEIGHT GAIN INTRODUCTION OF SOLIDS SUPPLEMENTARY FEEDING COMPLEMENTARY FEEDING ARTIFICIAL BABY MILKS INABILITY TO LATCH BREAST REFUSAL NURSING STRIKE WEANING FLOW/NIPPLE PREFERENCE SKIN CONDITIONS: MOTHER/BABY HERPES, CHICKEN POX, ECZEMA JAUNDICE HYPOGLYCEMIA HEMANGIOMA, CEPHALAHEMATOMA, TORTICOLLIS ALLERGIES CUPS, F-F, BOTTLES, OTHER FEEDING POSITIONS (including mother lying down) BREAST SHELLS/ EVERTER REVERSE PRESSURE SOFTENING SHIELDS MILK STORAGE PUMPS/ HAND EXPRESSION RISKS OF NOT BREASTEEDING BREASTMILK vs. BREASTFEEDING ibc STUDENT PRA CTICAL EXAMINATION MEDICATION/ILLNESS CONTRAINDICATIONS VITAMIN/MINERAL SUPPLEMENT GALACTOGOGUES SPECIAL BABIES, INCLUDING TRISOMY 21, CLEFT PALATE SPECIAL MOMMIES PPB/PPD PRENATAL MOTHERS INDUCED LACTATION PROTOCOL