Implementing the Victorian Curriculum: Expression of Interest – Specialist Teachers Background Information The Minister for Education recently launched the Victorian Curriculum as part of a suite of Education State initiatives. As part of the program of support for implementation of the new curriculum, the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) is planning to provide professional learning programs in 10 curriculum specialist areas (see Attachment 1 for further details): STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Digital coding Learning about religions Critical thinking Literacy in the early years Music Financial literacy Health education and personal and social capability Civic participation Ethical understanding in a global world. This support will be provided through an innovative model of practising teachers/school leaders who will be school-based, with a continuing 0.5 EFT teaching/school administration load, and 0.5 EFT role in statewide support for one of the 10 specialist areas. Initial expressions of interest are now sought from teachers/school leaders interested in taking up one of these specialist roles as part of an anticipated initial intake of 30 teachers for an 18-month period commencing from the beginning of Term 1, 2016. Position Details These roles provide current teachers with significant professional development and learning opportunities to extend their professional knowledge and skills, enhance their experience in the facilitation and delivery of professional learning, provide support to primary and secondary schools for curriculum planning and implementation and play a key role in the effective implementation of an important Education State initiative. Selected specialist teachers will be supported through: training by and regular communication with VCAA curriculum staff interaction with Department of Education and Training (DET) regional support staff a team-based approach to the delivery of curriculum support in each specialist area and across the curriculum. For details of the specialist position, including the selection criteria, please refer to the attached Position Description. © VCAA Implementing the Victorian Curriculum: Expression of Interest – Specialist Teachers Expression of Interest Teachers from government, Catholic and independent sector schools who are interested in applying for these roles should refer to the attached Position Description, obtain their principal’s support and endorsement, complete the attached Expression of Interest proforma and forward to: Alan McLean Senior Technical Specialist, Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) Closing date: 10 November 2015 Enquiries Enquiries about the Specialist Teacher role can be directed to: Alan McLean Senior Technical Specialist, Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) Phone: (03) 9032 1732 Email: © VCAA Page 2 Implementing the Victorian Curriculum: Expression of Interest – Specialist Teachers Victorian Curriculum – Specialist Teacher Position Description Position details Employment Status: Specialist teachers will continue to be employed by the Department of Education and Training or their relevant employer, and maintain current terms and conditions of employment with an appropriate special role payment. Duration of role 18 months Time fraction 0.5 EFT school-based duties, 0.5 Specialist Teacher role Position location Specialist teachers will work from the school where they are currently employed. Costs for travel and overnight accommodation as required will be provided. Specialist Teacher role responsibilities The specialist teachers will: design, develop, facilitate and lead professional learning programs in one or more of the above specialist areas, including the provision of advisory support in a range of modes (face-to-face, online, phone) develop sample teaching and learning programs in specialist areas for use and adaptation by schools develop sample assessment tasks in specialist areas support the development of specialist areas communities of practice. Specialist Teacher Selection Criteria 1. Demonstrated knowledge and expertise in the identified specialist Victorian Curriculum learning area/s 2. Demonstrated successful experience in the development, writing, implementation and evaluation of teaching and learning resources 3. Demonstrated knowledge of a range of effective professional learning strategies, including teacher collaboration and mentoring 4. Demonstrated highly effective communication skills © VCAA Page 3 Implementing the Victorian Curriculum: Expression of Interest – Specialist Teachers Victorian Curriculum: Specialist Teachers Expression of Interest Form Name Email School Current position Teacher Classification level Employment – fixed term or ongoing (if fixed term, please indicate commencement and cessation dates) Principal Name Please nominate either one or two of the following specialist areas in which you have expertise, and indicate your preferred order of preference (where 1 is your preferred area). Specialist Area Preference/s STEM Digital coding Learning about religions Critical thinking Literacy in the early years Music Financial literacy Health education and personal and social capability Civic participation Ethical understanding in a global world Professional Experience, Knowledge, Skills and Capacity Please provide a statement that outlines your response to the following questions: What knowledge, skills and experience do you have in the specialist area/s which you have nominated? What experience do you have in developing and facilitating professional learning for teachers? What experience have you had in developing teaching and learning resources? Please identify evidence of your key communication skills. Referees Please nominate two referees, one of whom must be your current principal, who can be contacted by the VCAA to corroborate your experience, knowledge and skills. © VCAA Page 4 Implementing the Victorian Curriculum: Expression of Interest – Specialist Teachers Collection Notice The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) is a statutory authority continued under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic). The VCAA collects the information requested on this form, which includes personal information within the meaning of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, for the purpose of facilitating the selection of Specialist Teachers by the VCAA. The information collected on this form will be used by and disclosed to VCAA employees and/or contractors for and in connection with the abovementioned purpose. The information may also be disclosed to members of the Specialist Teachers selection panel, some of whom may be from other organisations. Unless the VCAA is authorised or required by law, the VCAA will not otherwise use or disclose the information collected on this form. Failure to provide the information requested on this from may result in an applicant’s expression of interest not being considered. When an individual’s personal information is provided to the VCAA by a third party, the VCAA requests that the individual is made aware their personal information will be or has been provided to the VCAA, the purpose for which it will be or was provided and to whom it will be or is likely to be disclosed. An individual may request access to personal information the VCAA holds about them, if any, and request its correction if inaccurate. Initial enquiries regarding access to personal information held by the VCAA in relation to the selection of Specialist Teachers can be made by contacting Alan McLean at The VCAA Privacy Policy can be found at © VCAA Page 5 Implementing the Victorian Curriculum: Expression of Interest – Specialist Teachers Attachment 1: Specialist Learning Areas STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) This role will support schools develop innovative integrated teaching and learning programs with a particular focus on the STEM elements of the Victorian Curriculum. Digital coding Knowledge and skills about coding have been incorporated in the new Digital Technologies curriculum and the Mathematics curriculum. This role will support both generalist teachers and learning area specialist teachers to develop effective teaching and learning programs based on the new elements of these curricula. Learning about world views and religions Learning about world views and major religions is a new area included in the Victorian Curriculum. This role will support teachers and schools to access resources and develop teaching and learning programs that contextualise learning about world views and religions in broader learning programs. Critical thinking This role will support teachers and schools to develop explicit and intentional teaching and learning programs based on the Critical and Creative Thinking capability. Literacy in the early years This role will support teachers and schools to develop effective literacy programs in the first three years of primary school. Music This role will support teachers and schools to design and implement effective music programs based on the Music curriculum and the new Music Education Guide. Financial literacy This role will support teachers and schools to develop effective financial literacy teaching and learning programs based on the Victorian Curriculum learning areas of Economics and Business, English and Mathematics. The programs will also link to MoneySmart Teaching, a resource developed by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). Health education and personal and social capability This role will support teachers and schools to develop new teaching and learning programs focused on the development of respectful relationships based on the Health and Physical Education learning area and the Personal and Social Capability. Civic participation This role will support teachers and schools to develop teaching and learning programs that are based on the Civics and Citizenship curriculum, encourage and enable school-community partnerships and include student participation in the broader community. Ethical understanding in a global world This role will support teachers and schools to develop teaching and learning programs based on the new Ethical Capability and Intercultural Capability. © VCAA Page 6