GIFT UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF EXAMINATION Examination Manual Near GIFT University Chowk, Gujranwala. UAN: (55) 111 900 100 Fax: (55) 3892986 Email: URL: `1 CONTACT DETAILS In case of problems or exigencies please contact the Examination Department immediately. Mr. Muhammad Arif Khokhar (Controller of Examination) Cell: 0302-874323 Phone: 055-3892989 Ext: 122 Email: Mr. Khalid Imran (Assistant Controller of Examination) Cell: 0300-6311001 Ext: 122 Email: Mr. Habib-ur-Rehman (Examination Assistant) Cell: 0300-6427027 Ext: 122 `2 CONTENTS 1- Functions of Examination Department 2- Administration of Examination a. Before the Examination b. During the Examination c. After the Examination 3- Unfair Means Cases 4- Issuance of Semester Grade Sheets 5- Issuance of Transcripts/Degrees 6- Verification of transcripts & Degrees after issuance 7- Inventory/Record Keeping & Security 8- Exhibits `3 FUNCTIONS OF EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT Examination Department is responsible to carry out the following activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Administration of Examination Handling Unfair Means Announcement of Results Review/Change of Results Dispatch results at home address Maintaining Record of Students’ Results Issuance of New and Duplicate Documents a. Semester Grade Sheet b. Transcripts c. Degrees 8. Verification of Documents 9. Annual Internal Audit ADMINISTRATION OF EXAMINATION Examination Department is responsible for administration of mid-term and final exams. All the other components of assessment are conducted by the concerned faculty members. The Administration of Examination is broadly divided into three major areas: 1. Activities before the Examination 2. Activities during the Examination 3. Activities after the Examination BEFORE THE EXAMINATION Examination Department performs the following activities before start of each examination session. 1. Check inventory of examination material 2. Announcement of date sheet 3. Announce dates for review of marked answer scripts by the students 4. Appointment of Superintendents & Invigilation staff 5. Formation of Inspection Teams 6. Training of invigilation staff 7. Circulation of Exam Rules& Instructions to students and faculty 8. Request for question papers 9. Acceptance of question papers (special material) 10. Security of question papers 11. Establish examination control room 12. Arrange Resources 13. Announce date for declaration of results `4 CHECK INVENTORY OF EXAMINATION MATERIAL Examination staff checks the inventory of examination material at least 6 weeks before the start of the examination. The purpose is to ensure that sufficient material is available for smooth conduct of the upcoming exams. The examination material includes the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answer booklets Answer sheets Envelops for sealing of question papers. Envelops for distribution of examination material to invigilation staff Staplers and pins If the inventory of any of these materials is found short of requirement, a purchase order is immediately issued to the appropriate supplier. Examination department must receive the required quantity of exam material at least 2 weeks prior to the examination. The answer booklets and answer sheets are pre-numbered and complete record of their inventory is maintained along with their serial numbers. If any answer booklet or sheet goes missing, the matter is fully investigated and remedial measures are taken. The serial numbers of missing material are also circulated to the examiners (checking the answer scripts) to caution them against the use of missing material in students answer scripts. ANNOUNCEMENT OF DATE SHEET The Controller of Examination notifies the schedule of Examinations (date sheet) approximately three weeks prior to the commencement of Examination with complete planning of Examination Rooms. For a sample date sheet please refer to Exhibit-1. The date sheet is shared with Rector, Deans, Heads of the Departments, Student Affairs Office and all the other concerned departments/staff members through email. The date sheet is announced to the students and faculty members through academic software and notice boards. Any clashes or errors in the date sheet, brought to the attention of Controller Examination, are rectified immediately. In case of exigencies or force majeure, an examination may be scheduled or rescheduled at any time by the Controller of Examination. ANNOUNCE DATES FOR REVIEW OF MARKED ANSWER SCRIPTS BY THE STUDENTS For end term examination, marked answer scripts are shared with the students for their review on 6th and 7th day after completion of examination. Examination department announces the dates for `5 review of answer scripts by the students. These dates are communicated to the students through email and notice boards. APPOINTMENT OF CHIEF SUPERINTENDENT The Rector, in consultation with Controller of Examination, appoints Chief Superintendent for a period of one year (minimum). The Chief Superintendent is selected from senior faculty members, and usually has a status of the Dean or Head of the Department. The appointment of Chief Superintendent is announced by controller examination to all the Deans, HoDs and other concerned staff members. Chief Superintendent is overall responsible for smooth functioning and administration of examination. The more specific responsibilities include: 1. Establish and manage the examination control room. 2. Ensure that sufficient staff is available for smooth conduct of the examination. 3. Ensure that the staff and required examination material is available in the control room 45 minutes before the start of examination. 4. Maintain proper inventory and record of handing over and taking over of examination material. 5. Distribute examination material to the examination staff half an hour before start of examination. 6. Start all the examination on time. 7. Visit each examination room at least once to ensure that examinations are being conducted according to the rules and regulations. 8. Promptly attend and manage any problems that may arise during conduct of the examination. 9. Attend to the disciplinary cases and cases of unfair means. Collect all the necessary evidence and had over formal cases to controller examination. 10. Collect the answer scripts and unused material from the examination staff immediately after completion of examination. 11. Verify that all the unused examination material has been returned. 12. Promptly report any missing examination material to the examination department. 13. Hand over answer scripts and examination material to examination department. APPOINTMENT OF SUPERINTENDENTS & INVIGILATION STAFF Controller Examination also appoints Superintendent and invigilation staff, in consultation with the Chief Superintendent, for every room being used for examination. The Superintendent is usually a member of permanent faculty. Every member of the academic staff is required to undertake invigilation duties as announced by Controller Examination. However, invigilators may be drawn from permanent faculty, visiting faculty or approved pool of external personnel. No remuneration is paid to the permanent staff members for the performance of this responsibility. Visiting faculty members or external invigilators if hired are compensated as per the approved rate. The approved pool of external invigilators must have the following characteristics: `6 1. Minimum of 14 years of education. 2. Reliable with good ethical and moral character 3. Attended at least one Examination Training Session organized by GIFT University during the last 6 months. A minimum of one superintendent and one invigilation staff are selected for every room. There is at least one invigilation staff for every 30 candidates sitting in the examination. The superintendant is responsible for smooth and hassle free conduct of examination in the room assigned to him/her. Invigilation staff assist the Superintendent in the performance of his/her responsibilities. For detailed responsibilities of Superintendent and invigilation staff, please see Exhibit-2. FORMATION OF INSPECTION TEAMS Controller Examination, in consultation with and approval of the Rector, announces inspection teams for the examination. These teams consist of senior faculty members and they conduct inspections visits of the examination rooms to ensure the sanctity of examination process is being maintained. The cases of irregularities, indiscipline or unfair means identified by these committees are promptly reported to the Chief Superintendent for remedy. The incidents of irregularities are handled by Chief Superintendent and Controller Examination. The cases of indiscipline or unfair means are referred to the relevant committees. TRAINING OF INVIGILATION STAFF Examination Department imparts training to all the examination staff (Chief Superintendent, Superintendents & Invigilators) one week before start of the examination. The topics covered in the training include but not limited to; 1. 2. 3. 4. Roles & responsibilities of Chief Superintendent, Superintendent and Invigilation staff Examination Rules & Instruction (See Exhibit-3) Procedure for Handling Unfair Means Procedure for Handling Cases of Indiscipline CIRCULATION OF EXAMINATION RULES TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY Examination Department circulates examination rules & instructions to the students and faculty one week before the start of examination. The rules are shared through email to the relevant groups and notice boards. These rules and instructions are given in Exhibit-3. REQUEST FOR QUESTION PAPERS Examination Department sends a request for submission of question papers to all permanent and visiting faculty member 15 days before the start of examination. The request is sent through email. The faculty members are requested to submit the question papers at least one week before the commencement of exams. The faculty members are also required not to submit the question `7 paper through emails. A physical copy of the paper must be handed over to the Controller of Examination for further processing. ACCEPTANCE OF QUESTION PAPERS Question papers are accepted from the faculty members on standardized format provided by the Examination. Faculty members are also required to complete and submit Examination Paper Disclosure Sheet along with every question paper. For copies of the Questions Paper Format and Examination Paper Disclosure Sheet please refer to Exhibit-4& 5 respectively. The question paper should be approved by concerned Head of the Department. No question paper would be accepted for further processing unless approved by concerned H.o.D. Any special instructions about the examination should be clearly mentioned in the disclosure sheet. In order to maintain security of examination material, all question Papers are photo copied on the photocopy machine available in the Examination Department, packed and sealed by authorized person of the Examination Department in the presence of concerned faculty member. The question paper and its copies are sealed in plastic temper proof envelope and signed across the seal by the faculty member and controller examination. The front side of the envelop contain the necessary identifying information including; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Semester (e.g., Fall 2013) Examination Session (i.e., Mid-term or Final) Program Course Code Course Title Instructor Name Scheduled Date & Time of the Exam This sealed envelope is only opened in the examination room in front of the students. SECURITY OF QUESTION PAPERS After acceptance, the sealed envelopes of question papers are kept in a safe under lock and key. The papers are only removed from this safe an hour before the scheduled exam. The safe is kept locked all the time, except at the time of putting in or removing the envelopes of question papers. Controller examination is responsible for safe custody of the question papers and holds the key to the safe. Under no circumstances the key is shared with any other staff members. A spare key of the safe is however kept under lock and key in the Registrar Office which can be recovered and used only in case of emergencies. The Registrar along with Chief Superintendent Conducts surprise inspection(s) (at least once during an examination session) of the Examination Department to ensure that the security of the examination material is being adequately maintained. The record of such inspection visits is maintained in the Examination Department in Inspection Visits register. The inspection committee records their comments and signs this inspection register during their visit. The Chief `8 Superintendent also produces a formal report of this inspection visit which is shared with the Rector and Director QEC. ESTABLISH EXAMINATION CONTROL ROOM Controller Examination announces the establishment of a control room 5 days before the start of examination. The control room is established in a room outside the examination office. All interactions between examination department and examination staff take place in the control room. The purpose is to keep the visitors away from examination office during the examination session so that the security of the examination material can be maintained. ARRANGE RESOURCES Controller Examination visits all examination rooms 5 days before the examination to ensure that all resources required for smooth conduct of the examination are available. This includes but not limited to the following: 1. Accurately working wall clock 2. Sufficient lighting a. All the light fixtures are functional 3. At least one emergency light 4. Required furniture a. Arrange repair of any broken seats, b. Adjust seating plan accordingly 5. Comfortable room temperature a. Air conditioners are in good working condition b. Back up fans are available in case of air conditioning break down ANNOUNCE DATE FOR DECLARATION OF RESULT Before the start of each examination session, the Examination Department announces the date for declaration of results. The date is shared with the students, faculty and management staff through email. DURING THE EXAMINATION When the examination session is in progress the Examination Department performs the following activities. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Manage Examination Control Room Attendance of Invigilation Staff Handing over examination material Start & Supervision of Examination Handling Students Needs & Problems Arranging Visits of Inspection Committee Handling of Disciplinary & Unfair Means Cases `9 8. Close of Examination 9. Receiving Answer Scripts & Unused Material 10. Temporary Storage of Answer Scripts 11. Handing over Answer Scripts for Marking 12. Announce Deadline for Submission of Final Results MANAGE EXAMINATIONCONTROL ROOM Control room is set up and managed by the examination staff every day. The control room become active one hour before the start of the exam and continues working till one hour after the exam. Control room manages all activities related to conduct of the examination. ATTENDANCE OF INVIGILATION STAFF Attendance of invigilation staff is recorded in the control room. All the invigilation staff should reach the control room 30 minutes before the start of exam. If any staff member fails to show up, examination department arranges replacement of this staff member. Replacements may be drawn from the available faculty members or management staff on request. Need to have pool of unassigned faculty members/staff which may be used in case of such regular emergencies. A report is prepared every day about the invigilation staff who remained absent on that day and shared with the Rector, Deans and HoDs. For a sample report please refer to Exhibit-6. HANDING OVER EXAMINATION MATERIAL The superintendents receive examination material from the control room 30 minutes before the start of exam. Superintendents sign the Material Receiving Performa (Exhibit-7) after verifying that the question papers envelope is properly sealed and exam material is sufficient to conduct the exam. START AND SUPERVISION OF EXAMINATION Controller Examination and Chief Superintendent Visit examination rooms to ensure that the examination starts on time and the standard procedure are being followed. The required procedure to be followed is given below: 1. Invigilators enter the students in examination room 15 minutes before the start of examination. 2. Check the students’ I.D. Cards and Examination Authorizations Slip and sign all the Authorization Slips. 3. Make the students’ sit according to the seating plan. 4. Make the following announcement to the students: a. ANY BOOKS, NOTES, BAGS OR OTHER MATERIAL NOT AUTHORISED FOR USE IN THIS EXAMINATION MUST NOT BE IN YOUR CUSTODY. b. ALL CELL PHONES MUST BE SWITCHED OFF AND LEFT IN YOUR BAGS. NO CELL PHONE MAY BE ON YOUR PERSON OR DESK. `10 c. YOU MAY NOT LEAVE DURING THE FIRST HALF OR THE LAST TWENTY MINUTES OF THE EXAMINATION. d. PLEASE KEEP YOUR ID CARDS AND ROLL NO SLIPS IN FRONT OF YOU. e. DO NOT WRITE ANY THING ON QUESTION PAPER EXCEPT YOUR ROLL NUMBERS. 5. Distribute answer books/sheets to the students. 6. Ask the students to write their Names and Registration Numbers on the answer books. 7. Open the sealed envelope of the question papers in front of the students. 8. Start distribution of the question papers to the students 2 minutes before start of examination. 9. Distribute the question papers upside down and make the following instructions to the students; a. WE ARE DISTRIBUTING YOU THE QUESTION PAPERS UPSIDE DOWN. PLEASE DO NOT TURN OVER THE QUETSION PAPER TILL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO. 10. If there is more than one exam, make sure that all students have the question paper relevant to them. 11. Start examination at the scheduled time through the following announcement: a. IS THERE ANY BODY WHO DOES NOT HAVE THE QUESTION PAPER OR ANSWER SHEET? b. YOU CAN NOW TURN OVER THE QUESTIONS PAPER AND START THE EXAM. c. WRITE YOUR REGISTRATION ON TOP OF THE QUESTION PAPER. d. WE ARE STARTING THE EXAM AT __________ A.M. e. THE DUTAITON OF EXAMINATION IS _________ HRS. f. WE SHALL FINISH THE EXAM AT _______________ A.M. 12. Write the start time and ending time of the paper on the white board. 13. Allow the late coming students to enter the exam till 30 minutes after the start of examination; after which no late coming student should be allowed to enter the exam. 14. Promptly distribute extra sheets to the students as and when required. 15. All answer booklets and answer sheets must be signed by the superintendent before distribution to the students. 16. Ensure that candidates are constantly and appropriately supervised. 17. Conduct invigilation and administration of the examination process in such a way as to cause minimum disruption to candidates. 18. Make announcements about the time when a. Half the time is over, and b. 15 minutes are left to the end of examination. HANDLING STUDENTS NEEDS & PROBLEMS When the examination is in session, various students’ needs and problems may arise. It is the responsibility of the invigilation staff to attend to these problems promptly and effectively. It is the responsibility of invigilation staff to maintain conducive environment and help & facilitate the students so that the students can perform at their best. The frequent needs faced by the students are as follows: `11 In-Correct or Wrongly Worded Question Students may raise concern that an in-correct or wrongly worded question is included in the question paper or they may seek clarification of some question(s) from examiner or from the concerned faculty. Such concern should be handled as follows: 1. NO clarification about any question(s) would be given to the student. 2. The examiner would not respond to any query related to the question paper. 3. The student would be advised to attempt the question as such and may state some assumptions explicitly if they feel that the question is incorrectly worded. 4. No attempt would be made by the examiner during the examination to seek clarification from controller of examination or the concerned faculty. 5. Invigilation staff makes a report of the students’ concern and submits it to examination branch along with answer scripts. 6. The H.o.D and Dean may cancel such question (after the exam) if it is found that the question was incorrectly stated or it was highly confusing for the student to attempt. The matter would accordingly be reported to the concerned faculty also. A Candidate Becomes Ill or Stressed Should a candidate become ill or stressed, the invigilation staff should help or facilitate the candidate so that the candidate successfully completes his exam. This may include counseling the student to make him feel comfortable, changing the seat, providing medication, etc. If the condition persists, the matter should also be reported to chief superintendent and controller examination that can make suitable decision in this regard. Candidate Needs to Use the Washroom The use of washroom facility is generally disallowed. However, if the need is alarming or urgent, the superintendent may allow one student at a time to go to the washroom in the company of an attendant/sweeper. Other unforeseen problems may be handled as per the discretion of invigilation staff with the objective of helping and facilitating the candidates in completing their exam. ARRANGING VISITS OF INSPECTION COMMITTEE Controller Examination encourages members of the Inspection Committee to conduct at least one inspection visit in each examination slot every day. The findings of these inspection visits are shared with Chief Superintendent and Controller Examination for improvements in the examination process. Incidents of major deficiencies in exam administration, and cases of Indiscipline or Unfair Means are formally reported in writing to Chief Superintendent and Controller Examination with copy to Registrar and Rector. `12 HANDLING OF DISCIPLINARY & UNFAIR MEANS CASES Candidates are not allowed to smoke or eat during the examination. If a candidate smokes, eats, misbehaves with the invigilation staff or behaves in a manner which cause disturbance to other students, invigilation staff can take appropriate measures to handle such behavior which may include counseling the student, changing the seat, isolation, expulsion from the examination room. In case of repeated behavior of indiscipline from a student, the matter should be promptly reported to Chief Superintendent who can make appropriate action in this regard. In such instances a formal report is prepared by supervisory staff, supported by relevant proofs, and submitted to Controller Examination who refers the matter to disciplinary committee for action. Use of unfair means in the examination consists of the following: 1. Have unauthorized items or texts in his possession in the examination room during the examination. 2. Use of unauthorized, items, material or text in the examination. 3. Copy from the Answer Book of another candidate during the examination. 4. Dishonestly receive help from another person during the examination. 5. Dishonestly give help to another person during the examination. 6. Act dishonestly in any way, whether before, during or after the examination, so as to obtain an unfair advantage for himself/herself or any other person in the examination. 7. Misbehave with invigilation staff. Use the following process, if a student is found using unfair means; In case of Cross-Talking/Looking across Prepare a case against the student and hand it over to Chief Superintendent/Controller of Examinations. The superintendent may allow the student to continue working, if the incidence is of minor nature. If a student repeats the same offense, then expel the student from examination room, prepare the case and hand it over to Chief Superintendent/Controller of Examination for further proceedings. Copying/Cheating from the others a) Prepare a case against the student/students and refer it to Chief Superintendent/Controller of Examination for further proceedings. b) Expel both (if both are involved) or the one who was trying to cheat. In case of exchange of material like Pen, Calculator, Scale, etc. (without invigilator’s knowledge) a) Prepare a case against the student and hand it over to Chief Superintendent/Controller of Examinations. The superintendent may allow the student to continue working, if the incidence is of minor nature. b) If the student repeats the said activity, answer sheet must be taken, prepare the case and expel the student from the Examination Room; refer the case to the Chief Superintendent Controller of Examination for further proceedings. `13 In Case of Physical Material Found (like paper/book/mobile phone/etc.) a) Confiscate the relevant material. b) If the student has written something on the body part, make a photograph of such body part. c) Prepare a case against the student and hand it over to Chief Superintendent/ Controller of Examinations for further proceedings. d) Expel the student from examination room. Misbehave with invigilation staff If the student is found misbehaving or does not comply with the instructions given by the invigilating staff/attendant: a) Prepare a case against the student and hand it over to Chief Superintendent/ Controller of Examinations for further proceedings. b) Expel the student from examination room. Use of unfair means in examination is considered a major Academic Offence and is strongly discouraged. The use of unfair means in the examination can results in severe penalties against the student involved which may include cancellation of exam, awarding a fail grade in the course, awarding a fail grade in the semester or expulsion from the University or a mixture of the above. The Unfair Means Committee must meet to investigate/hear the case and announce its decision within 7 days after the completion of exam session. CLOSE OF EXAMINATION At the end of the examination, the supervisory staff makes the following announcement: PLEASE STOP WRITING AND CLOSE YOUR BOOKS. REMAIN SEATED The supervisory staff should ensure that students promptly comply with this instruction. The students are then advised to confirm that they have correctly filled in the indentifying information (i.e., Name and Registration No.) given on the first page of the answer books. Invigilators do not accept any script which does not have the following information on the cover of answer book: 1. Student Name 2. Registration Number 3. Total number of extra sheets used. It is the responsibility of student to ensure that all his Answer Books are appropriately marked with the permitted identifying information. The supervisory staff directly collects answer scripts from each student. This task should not be delegated to anyone who is not an invigilator. No student is allowed to leave when the answer `14 books are being collected. The answer scripts are counted to ensure that every student has handed over the answer script and number of answer scripts is equal to the number of candidates. The students are then allowed to leave the examination room. The invigilation staff counts the examination material to ensure that no answer sheet/booklet has gone missing. If any answer sheet/booklet is found missing a formal report is prepared and submitted to controller examination along with examination material. RECEIVING ANSWER SCRIPTS & UNUSED MATERIAL The invigilation staff hands over the answer scripts and unused examination material (after counting) to Examination Control Room within half an hour after completion of examination. The examination staff collects the used and unused material and balances the receiving account with the original issued ones. TEMPORARY STORAGE OF ANSWER SCRIPTS Examiners are encouraged to collect answer scripts of the students, from examination control room, on the day of the exam for marking. However if some examiners fail to collect their answer scripts on the day of the exam, these scripts are sealed in an envelope and temporarily stored in the examination safe. HANDING OVER ANSWER SCRIPTS FOR MARKING The answer scripts are handed over to examiners/respective faculty members (or H.o.D) for marking within one day of the conduct of the particular examination. ANNOUNCE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF FINAL RESULTS Keeping in view the date for declaration of results; Controller Examination announces the deadline for submission of results by the examiners. Examiners upload the results directly into the academic software which are finalized after approval of the respective Head of the Department. AFTER THE EXAMINATION After close of an examination session the examination department carries out the following activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Arranging Makeup Exam (If any) Announce date for submission of answer scripts to examination department. Collect checked answer sheets from examiners. Show answer scripts to the students and get their comments. Submit students review requests (if any) to respective examiner and request for final grade Request for Timely Submission of Results Accept Results `15 8. Announcement of Results 9. Send Students’ Results to their Residential Address 10. Handling requests for Rechecking/Review of Results 11. Receive & Store Answer Scripts 12. Verify and Record Inventory of Examination Material 13. Referring Cases to Disciplinary Council 14. Referring Cases to Unfair Means Committee 15. Announcement of Toppers List 16. Announcement of Graduate Students 17. Printing of Gazette ARRANGING MAKEUP EXAM (IF ANY) Any student missing the final examination of a course is awarded an ‘F’ grade in the respective examination. However, in exceptional circumstances a student may be allowed to sit in a makeup exam. Requests for makeup examination may be considered by the respective H.o.D in case of the following: 1. Major accident or severe illness of the student. 2. Death of an immediate family member. 3. Any other major problem beyond the control of the candidate. Makeup examination is arranged with the following conditions: 1. The make-up examination shall be of the same standard as the final examination and shall cover the same syllabus. The result of the make-up examination shall be compiled within three days. 2. The student has to apply, in writing, for make-up exam within three calendar days of missing the exam. For application form of makeup exam please see Exhibit-8. 3. The Head of the concerned department will examine the request of the student for a repeat examination and on his / her recommendation, if so made; the Dean may consider allowing the same. 4. In case a makeup examination is allowed, it is held within ten days after the completion of regular examination (unless there is an extra ordinary condition and the student can’t appear within this period) provided that the student has given a written request within three calendar days of missing the exam. 5. A maximum of three makeup exam request would be entertained for an individual who is in four years degree program and two requests for all other programs. ANNOUNCE DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF ANSWER SCRIPTSTO EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT For end term examination, all the examiners check the answer scripts within 5 days after the completion of exam session and submit the marked answer scripts to the examination department. Controller examination sends a formal email, on the day of the last exam, to all the examiners announcing the date for submission of marked answer scripts. `16 COLLECT CHECKED ANSWER SHEETS FROM EXAMINERS Examination department follows up with the examiners and collects checked answer scripts from them within the stipulated time. SHOW ANSWER SCRIPTS TO THE STUDENTS AND GET THEIR COMMENTS. Examination department arranges review of answer scripts by students on the preannounced dates. The review of several classes is arranged simultaneously in different class rooms. The answer scripts of relevant subject are shown to every class for half an hour. The students can submit their remarks about the answer scripts only on Answer Scripts Review Form (Exhibit-9). The students are not allowed to talk with their class fellows or the person from SAO/teacher about the examination questions/answers. SUBMIT STUDENTS REVIEW REQUESTS (IF ANY) TO RESPECTIVE EXAMINER AND REQUEST FOR FINAL GRADE The students’ review requests (if any) along with the relevant answer scripts are forwarded to concerned examiners for consideration. REQUEST FOR TIMELY SUBMISSION OF RESULTS At the end of an examination session, Examination Department emails all faculty members and reminds them for timely submission of results. The final results (with HoD approval) must be submitted to the examination department within 10 days of the final examination day. ACCEPT RESULTS Examination Department accepts results from faculty members. The results are directly fed into the academic software by faculty members. The faculty members then make a print out of the results and discuss it the Head of the Department. After approval of the concerned HoD signed hard copy of the results are sent to examination department. For sample of a course result please see to Exhibit-10. As per the approved hard copy of the result, results are finalized in the academic software by Examination Department. ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESULTS The result is announced by Examination Department on the pre-announced date for declaration of results. Notification regarding declaration of results is sent to all students, faculty and management through email. Students can access their individual result by logging into their account in academic software. `17 SEND STUDENTS’ RESULTS TO THEIR RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS Examination department send a copy of students’ Semester Grade Sheet and Cumulative Results to their residential address within 3 working days after declaration of results. Results are dispatched to the students through registered mail. Receipts of all the results dispatched are kept in examination department for record. HANDLING REQUESTS FOR RECHECKING/REVIEW OF RESULTS A student can apply for review of results if he/she is not satisfied with the grade. Such request must be submitted, to the Student Affairs Department, on the prescribed form (see Exhibit-11) within 7 days after the declaration of result. The review process includes checking the total of marks obtained by the students and verifying that all the questions have been marked by the examiner. The review process does not involve remarking of scripts. The Review Fee i.e., Rs. 1000/paper will be returned/refunded to the student if marks/grade are changed because of the review process. RECEIVE & STORE ANSWER SCRIPTS Examination Department receives original answer scripts from the examiners and stores these for future reference. These scripts are stored for a period of 3 years. The scripts older than these are destroyed every year. VERIFY AND RECORD INVENTORY OF EXAMINATION MATERIAL Examination Department maintain a complete record and inventory of unused examination material (answer books, answer sheets, etc) for future use. The physical inventory of material is kept in a locker and complete details (including serial numbers) are maintained in the ledger. The record of material lost or missing is also kept. The inventory of examination material is audited twice a year by the Registrar & Treasurer. REFERRING CASES TO DISCIPLINARY COUNCIL The cases of indiscipline or misconduct reported during the examination are referred to Disciplinary Council for hearing and appropriate action. REFERRING CASES TO UNFAIR MEANS COMMITTEE The cases for the use of unfair means during the examination are referred to Unfair Means Committee for hearing and appropriate action. Announcement of Toppers List After every semester (Fall & Spring) Examination Department prepares a list of students who stood first and second in their respective batches and programs. This is determined by the GPA achieved by the students in that semester. However in order to be declared the `18 semester topper in their respective batches and programs the students who must fulfill the following criteria: a) b) c) d) Must have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.5 or above Enrolled and completed the full load offered in the semester Not involved in any disciplinary or Unfair Means Case during that semester. The list of toppers is shared with all relevant departments and students through email. Announcement of Graduate Students After every semester, Examination Department notifies the students who have completed all the degree requirement of their programs. This notification is issued in 5th week after the declaration of Results. Before the announcement of graduating students, Examination Department verifies the a) Degree Plan of the graduating batch b) Required and taken credit hours of the graduating students c) Personal Details of the students d) Attainment of Minimum required CGPA which is: i) 2.0 for all undergraduate programs(16 years of education) ii) 2.5 For graduate programs if student is enrolled in & after Fall-2012. iii) 2.2 for those graduate programs in which students are enrolled before Fall- 2012. The students are informed about the completion of their degree program through emails and letters sent to their home address. The list of graduating students is also share with the respective Deans and Heads of the departments through emails. Printing of Gazette After every semester, Examination Department prints the Gazette of semester results for record. A bounded hard copy is kept in Examination Department for reference and record. This document reflects GPA/CGPA and grades obtained by all the students enrolled in that semester. This is a system generated document and Controller of Examinations signs this Gazette before binding. This hard copy of the Gazette is used for verification of student’s academic records at the time of issuing and verification of degrees and transcripts. Issuance of New and Duplicate Transcript & Degree After every semester, Examination Department will prepare the list of students who have completed their programs and fulfill all the degree requirements. For issuance of Final Transcript, following procedure is adopted: `19 1. Application Form Student is required to apply for issuance of Final Transcript on prescribed clearance form available in Student’s Affairs Department. This clearance form is submitted to same office for further proceedings. The clearance from all relevant departments is the responsibility of Student’s Affairs Department. After completion of this, form is sent to Examination Department for printing of Final Transcript. 2. Students’ eligibility for award of degree/transcript A minimum CGPA of 2 is required for award of degree to all students of undergraduate programs (16 years of education programs) and 2.5 CGPA for the students of graduate programs enrolled in and after Fall-2012. The degree requirement for graduate students who are enrolled before Fall-2012 is 2.2. A student, unable to meet these minimum criteria is not eligible for award of final transcript. However, he/she can get Incomplete Transcript after clearance. 3. Payment of fee for degree/transcript issuance The transcript are issued to the students without any fee just after completing his/her program but an amount of Rs.5000 is charged as Degree Fee for issuance of Degree. 4. Procedure for issuing degree and transcripts Initially, particulars of the student is checked and verified by Assistant Controller of Examinations. After this, student’s academic record is verified with a) Degree Plan b) Electronic Data c) Hard copies of Results which are kept in Examination Department After these verifications, a transcript or degree is printed and sent to Head of the Department/Dean for signature and then to The Rector for final signature. 5. Record of issued documents After issuances of a transcript/ degree, hard copies of these documents are kept in safe custody as well as their unique numbers with particulars are entered in an Excel Sheet. 6- A maximum time period of ten days is required for normal issuance of this document. `20 Issuance of Duplicate Transcripts/Degrees In case of some certain circumstances, a student may apply for duplicate/triplicate transcript/degree. The students should apply for duplicate /triplicate transcript/degree on prescribed form after submission of fee for such issuance. Examination Department shall verify the academic record of the student with the issued document and then duplicate/triplicate document shall be issued. A duplicate stamp shall be imposed on the required document. After issuance of triplicate document, no request will be entertained in this regard. 1. Application Form Student is required to apply for issuance of Duplicate Final Transcript/Degree on prescribed form available in Student’s Affairs Department. This clearance form is submitted to same office for further proceedings. After completion of this, form is sent to Examination Department for printing of Duplicate Final Transcript/Degree. 2. Fee An amount of Rs. 500 is charged for issuance of duplicate transcript and Rs. 5000/- are charged for issuance of duplicate degree. A duplicate stamp is posted on this document. 3. Procedure For Verification Of Personal Details And Academic Record The procedure of issuance of duplicate transcript/ degree is same that is adopted in regular issuance. e.g. Initially, particulars of the student is checked and verified by Assistant Controller of Examinations. After this, student’s academic record is verified with d) Degree Plan e) Electronic Data f) Hard copies of Results which are kept in Examination Department After these verifications, a transcript or degree is printed and sent to Head of the Department/Dean for signature and then to The Rector for final signature. `21 4. Record Of Duplicate/Triplicate Documents Issued After issuances of any duplicate transcript/ degree, hard copies of these documents are kept in safe custody as well as their unique numbers with particulars are entered in an Excel Sheet. 5. A maximum time period of ten days is required for issuance of duplicate transcript/degree. Verification of Documents All the requests regarding verification of documents e.g. Transcripts and degrees are entertained by the Examination Department. The documents are received through mail or emails and entertained normally within three working days and a proper record is maintained for such verification. For the verification of documents, Examination Department requires a) b) c) d) e) Student’s Name Father’s Name Copy of Transcript/degree Copy of NIC of the candidate. A covering letter from the department who require verification Procedure for verification 1- Initially, student’s particulars are verified from data base of GIFT University. Then from hard copies of the issued document, grade are matched and checked by Assistant Controller of Examinations and if no tempering is found, the document is sent to Controller of Examination for further proceedings. 2-After complete verification from the Examination Record, a verification letter is issued to the concerned department by Controller of Examinations on Official Letter Head of GIFT University. 3-No fee is charged for such verification. `22 4- The requests for verification of documents of graduates are received and entertained from different organizations and educational institutions. For examples a) b) c) d) e) f) From Commercial Banks and Financial Institutions Different Public and Private Universities Foreign Universities Foreign Embassies Public Sector Organizations Education Department Academic Record To avoid from any tempering or discrepancy, Examination Record is kept in hard form, in the safe custody of Examination Department in shape of horizontal filing. Results of all previous semesters are filed after getting signatures of Head of the Departments on finalized copy. Semester and subject titles are mentioned on each file. Following procedure is being adopted for safety of this record: a) Marks of exam components/ assessments are inserted by concerned faculty members. b) After grading, hard copy of not finalized result is submitted to the Examination Department after the approval/signature of Head of the Department/Dean of the Department. c) Examination Department finalizes the results and prints copy of this finalized result. d) After approval from Head of the Department, this signed copy is filed in safe custody of Examination Department (and not finalized copy of the result is packed). e) For printing of Final Transcript, grades of the student are also verified from these finalized results, which are in safe custody of examination department. f) Similarly, proper record of original attendance sheets of the students is also maintained in Examination Department. After every semester, these attendance sheets are put into the files and attendance of the exams is also inserted in the software as well. g) A proper record of unused exam material like answer sheets, extra answer sheets, degree folders etc., is being maintained after counting. Record Students Answer Scripts Examination Department receives original answer scripts from the examiners and stores these for future reference. These scripts are stored in High Density Plastic Sheets to preserve them from any damage. These scripts are stored for a period of 3 years. The `23 scripts older than these are destroyed every year during Summer Semester. Answer sheets older than three years are withdrawn from Examination Store and destroyed under the supervision of Examination Staff. Security of Examination Data To avoid from any internal or external threat to the security of Examination’s sensitive and confidential data following measures are taken by the Examinations Department: 1- Grade Encryption Grades are encrypted in data base for the control of direct data base level editing. In case of any mismatch between actual and encrypted grades, an alert is generated to the Rector, the Chairman, Controller of Examinations and Dean Computer Sciences. 2- Examinations Alert If the grades of a finalized are changed, an alert is generated to The Rector, Chairman, Controller of Examinations, Dean Computer Sciences and Registrar of the University. Similarly, if the personal details of a student are changed in the software, an alert is generated to The Rector, Chairman, Controller of Examinations, Dean Computer Sciences, SA Manager and Registrar of the University. Alerts are also generated if the marks of a component are changed in the software regardless of whether it affects the overall grade of the student or not. 3- Separate Exam Data Base Once the results of a semester are finalized the data will be replicated in a separate and secure database. This database will exist in a computer which would be physically away from the Examination Department. All Transcripts/Degrees will only be printed from this remote database, using it as a resource system. 4- Data Editing of Pass Out Students Grade editing is still open for all pass out students even after issuance of transcripts/ degrees. For control on data editing, soft ware will impose restrictions so that no further change may be made in records after the student has graduated and transcript or degree has been issued. `24 5- Addition of Particulars on Transcript Some security features have been added on Final Transcript which were not present in previous transcripts. The features added in the transcript are: Student’s Father’s Name on Transcript Student’s date of birth Picture of the student on Transcript Required and Taken Credit Hours 6- Issuance of Transcript Currently, the transcripts and degrees are printed in Examination Department without any software based issuance record. In near future, it would be issued/ controlled through software with complete record of unique numbers printed on transcripts & degrees. `25 Exhibit-1 DATE SHEET FALL 2013 SEMESTER MID-TERM EXAMINATION DATE: 25-Nov-2013 HALF DAY Slot (8:00AM to 12:00 MD) Code TXD-105 Digital Fasion TXD-105 Digital Fasion DAY: Monday Course Title Section Instructor B Muhammad Nadeem HALF DAY Slot (12:00MD to 4:00 PM) Strength Division Room 31 A Muhammad Nadeem 1st Slot (8:30 to 9:45 AM) MATH-205 Introduction to Business Mathematics Zulfiqar Ahmed Analysis of Algorithms A CS-318 Dr. Fahad Javed Analysis of Algorithms B APT-401 Apparel Merchandizing Tayyab Naveed 2nd Slot (10:00 to 11:15 AM) Discrete Mathematics A CS-107 Anjum Iqbal Discrete Mathematics B Database Management Systems A Usman Naeem CS-320 Database Management Systems B Database Management Systems C Zikria Mian 3rd Slot (11:30 to 12:45 PM) MGT-702 Strategic Management Irfan-ul-Haq FIN-509 Islamic Finance Dr. Uzair Albazi FIN-413 4th Slot (1:00 to 2:15 PM) ACC-414 Advance Financial Accounting Ayaz Ahmed ACC-603 Advanced Financial Accounting Amer Shakeel ACC-608 Corporate Financial Accounting ACC-611 Management Accounting - Performance Evaluation Naveed Ahmed Mughal ACC-403 Management Accounting - Planning & Control ACC-606 Strategic Management Accounting Interpersonal Communication Skills A Muzzafar Hussain Interpersonal Communication Skills B Muzzafar Hussain Interpersonal Communication Skills C Moazzam Jaah ENG-205 Interpersonal Communication Skills D Abdul Razzaq Interpersonal Communication Skills E Salman Javed Interpersonal Communication Skills F Salman Javed Interpersonal Communication Skills G Syed Hussain Irtaqa ENG-523 Interpersonal Communication Skills Salman Javed 5th Slot (2:30 to 3:45 PM) MGT-518 M. Abid Awan MGT-609 Business Research Methods Syed Anwar Husnain MGT-303 Syed Anwar Husnain MKT-301 Marketing Research Syed Anwar Husnain A Ammar Khan Nasir B Ammar Khan Nasir SS-126 Pakistan Studies C Riaz Mehmood D Riaz Mehmood EVENING SLOT (5:00 to 6:15 PM) 31 ENG-709 22 American Literature Dr. Farhan Ibadat 24 40 21 5 30 41 47 55 39 48 1 34 22 18 13 1 11 2 41 34 27 36 21 27 44 8 34 29 1 6 49 58 38 36 `26 Exhibit-2 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF SUPERINTENDENT & INVIGILATION STAFF 1. Collect question paper and examination materials from the Control Room half an hour before the start of Examination. 2. Check the list of students and ensure that sufficient examination material is available for conduct of examination. The examination material includes; a. Question papers b. Answer Books c. Answer Sheets d. Stapler with sufficient pins e. Any other material as mentioned by the paper setter/examiner 3. Take possession of examination room and remove any previous material which may be lying in the desks. 4. Enter the students in examination room 15 minutes before the star of examination. 5. Check the students’ I.D. Cards and Examination Authorizations Slip and sign all the Authorization Slips. 6. Make the students’ sit according to the seating plan. 7. Make the following announcement to the students: a. ANY BOOKS, NOTES, BAGS OR OTHER MATERIAL NOT AUTHORISED FOR USE IN THIS EXAMINATION MUST NOT BE IN YOUR CUSTODY. b. ALL CELL PHONES MUST BE SWITCHED OFF AND LEFT IN YOUR BAGS. NO CELL PHONE MAY BE ON YOUR PERSON OR DESK. c. YOU MAY NOT LEAVE DURING THE FIRST HALF OR THE LAST TWENTY MINUTES OF THE EXAMINATION. d. PLEASE KEEP YOUR ID CARDS AND ROLL NO SLIPS IN FRONT OF YOU. e. DO NOT WRITE ANY THING ON QUESTION PAPER EXCEPT YOUR ROLL NUMBERS. 8. Distribute answer books/sheets to the students. 9. Ask the students to write their Names and Registration Numbers on the answer books. 10. Open the sealed envelope of the question papers in front of the students. 11. Start distribution of the question papers to the students 2 minutes before start of examination. 12. Distribute the question papers upside down and make the following instructions to the students; a. WE ARE DISTRIBUTING YOU THE QUESTION PAPERS UPSIDE DOWN. PLEASE DO NOT TURN OVER THE QUETSION PAPER TILL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO. 13. If there is more than one exam, make sure that all students have the question paper relevant to them. 14. Start examination at the scheduled time through the following announcement: a. IS THERE ANY BODY WHO DOES NOT HAVE THE QUESTION PAPER OR ANSWER SHEET? b. YOU CAN NOW TURN OVER THE QUESTIONS PAPER AND START THE EXAM. c. WRITE YOUR REGISTRATION ON TOP OF THE QUESTION PAPER. `27 d. WE ARE STARTING THE EXAM AT __________ A.M. e. THE DUTAITON OF EXAMINATION IS _________ HRS. f. WE SHALL FINISH THE EXAM AT _______________ A.M. 15. Write the start time and ending time of the paper on the white board. 16. Allow the late coming students to enter the exam till 30 minutes after the start of examination; after which no late coming student should be allowed to enter the exam. 17. Promptly distribute extra sheets to the students as and when required. 18. All answer booklets and answer sheets must be signed by the superintendent before distribution to the students. 19. Ensure that candidates are constantly and appropriately supervised 20. Conduct invigilation and administration of the examination process in such a way as to cause minimum disruption to candidates. 21. Make announcements about the time when a. Half the time is over, and b. 15 minutes are left to the end of examination. 22. Should a candidate become ill or distressed, the matter should be immediately reported to Chief Superintendent who can then make appropriate decision in this regard. 23. Should a candidate feel the need to use the wash room, the Superintendent can allow one student at a time to the go to the wash room in the company of an invigilator. 24. The student should not be allowed to use any helping material or interact with another person during such visits. 25. If a student behaves in a manner which causes disturbance or distraction to the other students, the superintendent should take necessary action to eliminate such disturbance. This may include isolating or moving the students to another seat. 26. If a student misbehaves or persistently causes disturbance to the conduct of the exam, the matter should be immediately reported to Chief Superintendent who can make appropriate decision in this regard. 27. Use the following process, if a student is found using unfair means (with concrete evidence); In case of Cross-Talking/Looking across Prepare a case against the student and hand it over to Chief Superintendent/Controller of Examinations. The superintendent may allow the student to continue working, if the incidence is of minor nature. If a student repeats the same offense, then expel the student from examination room, prepare the case and hand it over to Chief Superintendent/Controller of Examination for further proceedings. Copying/Cheating from the others c) Prepare a case against the student/students and refer it to Chief Superintendent/Controller of Examination for further proceedings. d) Expel both (if both are involved) or the one who was trying to cheat. In case of exchange of material like Pen, Calculator, Scale, etc. (without invigilator’s knowledge) `28 c) Prepare a case against the student and hand it over to Chief Superintendent/Controller of Examinations. The superintendent may allow the student to continue working, if the incidence is of minor nature. d) If the student repeats the said activity, answer sheet must be taken, prepare the case and expel the student from the Examination Room; refer the case to the Chief Superintendent Controller of Examination for further proceedings. In Case of Physical Material Found (like paper/book/mobile phone/etc.) e) Confiscate the relevant material. f) If the student has written something on the body part, make a photograph of such body part. g) Prepare a case against the student and hand it over to Chief Superintendent/ Controller of Examinations for further proceedings. h) Expel the student from examination room. Misbehave with invigilation staff If the student is found misbehaving or does not comply with the instructions given by the invigilating staff/attendant: a) Prepare a case against the student and hand it over to Chief Superintendent/ Controller of Examinations for further proceedings. b) Expel the student from examination room. 28. If a student has to be expelled from the examination room, all the relevant evidence should be collected and a formal case should be made against the student and referred to the relevant authority (i.e., Disciplinary Council or Unfair Means Committee) for appropriate action. 29. Collect answer scripts from the students at the end of the exam. Make sure that no student leaves with the answer script. 30. Count the answer scripts and ensure that these are equivalent to the number of students sitting in the exam. 31. Allow the students to leave the examination room after the scripts have been counted. 32. Count the examination material and make sure that no answer sheet/booklet has gone missing. 33. Return the answer scripts and unused examination material to the control room. `29 Exhibit-3 EXAMINATION RULES & INSTRUCTIONS The University determines when examination take place and students must attend examination as required. Candidates for University examination must read - and will be assumed to have read. Before Examination: 1. It is candidates’ responsibility to ensure that they know the correct date, time and location of all their examination. 2. Students should keep any permitted material with him/her during the examination. No lending/borrowing is allowed. 3. Mobile Phones/any electronic gadget/text material are strictly prohibited in the examination room. 4. Candidates must take their University Identification Card and Examination Authorization Slip to each examination and show to the invigilator on demand. During Examination: 1. Candidates will be allowed into the examination room 10-15 minutes before the scheduled start time of the examination. 2. Candidates will not be allowed to enter an examination room after the examination has been in progress for 30 minutes. 3. Students should sit on the assigned seats and should obey instructions to change seats during examination as directed by the invigilator without questioning or hesitation. 4. The decision of the invigilator in the Examination Hall will be binding. In case any student does not do so, his/her behaviour will be treated as misconduct. 5. It is candidates’ responsibility to check that they have been given the correct question paper. If there is any doubt, candidates should attract the attention of an invigilator immediately. 6. Student should write his/her Name and Registration Number on both the Answer Book and Question Paper immediately after receiving these documents. 7. Student should write exactly the same subject title and code as given in the Examination Authorization Slip. 8. Students must mark their attendance in the relevant sheet by indicating their answer sheet number. 9. All work must be written in the answer books or on other examination stationery provided in the examination room by the University. 10. Candidates must write their answers in black or blue ink; pencil should only be used for drawing diagrams, sketches or graphs. 11. Candidates must write their answers legibly; examiners cannot mark what they cannot read. 12. Candidates must not tear out pages or parts of pages of answer books. They must not take answer books or any other item of examination stationery from an examination room whether used or not. 13. Rough work and all calculation must be written in the answer books. 14. Answers should be numbered clearly according to question paper. 15. Candidates must not communicate in any way with each other during the examination. They should not turn around or/and look at the other students. This will be considered as the use of unfair means. 16. Candidates are not allowed to leave the examination room during the examination timings in any case. `30 17. No extra time is allowed for late comers. 18. Smoking, food and drinks are prohibited in the exam room. 19. No candidate may leave the examination room during either the first half or final 15 minutes of an examination. 20. Candidates who have left the examination room will not be re-admitted under any circumstances. 21. Candidates must stop work when instructed to do so by the Invigilator. 22. Candidates may take away the examination question paper unless this is specifically prohibited in the instructions on the examination paper 23. No candidate may use unfair means in an examination or help or attempt to help any other candidate to use unfair means in an examination. 24. Breaking any of the Examination Rules may constitute a case of unfair means against the student ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT (USE OF UNFAIR MEANS) IN AN EXAMINATION Candidates should be aware that the GIFT University takes an extremely serious view of any attempt to use unfair practice in examination. The use of unfair means is regarded as a serious offence within the University’s Code of Conduct for Students. Students found guilty of this offence will lose academic credits, be suspended or be expelled from the GIFT University. Candidates are reminded again of Examination Rule which strictly prohibits the taking of notes, mobile phones and pre-stored electronic information to examination room even if it does not relate to the examination, unless such information is specifically permitted within the instructions of the examination. `31 Exhibit-4 GIFT UNIVERSITY G U J R A N W A L EXA-114 A (Chartered by the Govt. of the Punjab, Recognized by HEC) 1..1.1.1 E X A 1 1 4 Department of English Language & Literature General Linguistic (ENG-702) Mid Term Examination Fall 2013 Lecturer: Dr. Iqbal Butt Time: 1:10 Hours Candidate Name: Total Marks: 50 Candidate Roll No: Instructions to Candidates: Candidates are required to sit on the seats assigned to them by the invigilators. Do not open this question paper until you have been told to do so by the Invigilator. Please fill in exam specific details in space provided (both Question Paper and Answer Sheet). This is a Closed Book Exam. “Closed book examination’” refer to examination where the candidate may not take into the examination room any study materials (including textbooks, study guides, lecture notes, printed notes from web pages, hand written notes and any audio/visual aid). There are -- questions. Attempt all questions. Do not write anything on question paper except Name and Roll Number. `32 Question 1: (25 Marks) Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Question 2: (25 Marks) Question 2.a.) (10 Marks) Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Question 2.b.) (15 Marks) Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Question 3: (15 Marks) Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes. "Question continues over the page". `33 Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Question 4: (10 Marks) Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. Exam text goes here. Exam Text goes here. End of Question Paper. `34 Exhibit-5 GIFT UNIVERSITY G U J R A N W A L A EXA-113 (Chartered by the Govt. of the Punjab, Recognized by HEC) Examination Paper Disclosure This form MUST be FULLY completed and signed by BOTH the paper setter and the Department Head BEFORE submission to Examination Department. This form should be submitted with the required number of hard copies of the finalized exam paper. Papers will not be accepted without this form being fully completed. Department: Semester: Program(s): Instructor Name: Time Allowed No of Copies: Course Title(s): Code(s): DETAILS OF SECTIONS OF THE PAPER: (e.g. Objective, Subjective, Practical etc.) Section Type Time Allowed Special Instruction for Distribution & Collection FORM OF EXAMINATION Closed Book Examination Open Book Examination Details of any notes, equipment, statistical tables, calculators etc. which may be brought into the examination room by candidates: 1 2 ANSWER COPIES / BOOKLETS REQUIRED: 3 4 Yes No Details of any special stationery/material to be provided by Examination Department in addition to the answer booklet and extra sheets. DECLARATION: I hereby declare that the examination paper submitted to the examination department: Is comprehensive and covers the whole course. Is free from any error and is in accordance with GIFT University Examination Paper template Contains the proper instructions to the candidates. Is of required difficulty level. Has been copied and packed in a sealed envelope by me personally. Signature of Paper Setter(s) with Date Signature of Department Head with Date `35 Exhibit-6 ABSENT INVIGILATION STAFF Final Examination Fall 2013 Attendance of Invigilators Time:--------------------Sr. # Date: -------------------Name Signatures 01:00-04:00 PM Name Signatures 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Sr. # 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 `36 Exhibit-7 MATERIAL RECEIVING PERFORMA GIFT UNIVERSITY GUJRANWALA Final Examination Spring-2013 2012 Final Paper / Answer Sheets Receiving Tuesday, July 09, 2013 Code Title Strength Room Section ISSUED Invigilators Extra Sheets Morning Slot F1 SS-126 Pakistan Studies ENG-610 20th Century Drama MGT-202 Business Ethics & Islam A 8 SS-126 Pakistan Studies B 34 ACC-416 Audit And Assurance 13 ACC-315 Auditing Fundamentals 2 ACC-605 Auditing Theory And Practice 12 F2 A Answer Copies Submitted Answer Sheets Signature Used Unused Extra Sheets Used Signature Unused 09:00 - 12:00 28 22 `37 Exhibit-8 APPLICATION FORM FOR MAKE UP EXAMINATOINS `38 Exhibit-9 ANSWER SCRIPT REVIEW FORM SPRING 2014 - END TERM EXAMINATION Date: _________________ Student Name: _________________________________________ Registration #: ___________ Subject Name: _______________________________________ Subject Code: ______________ Instructor Name: _______________________________________________________________ REVIEW/REMARKS Q. No. Part No. Remarks __________________________ Student Signature `39 Exhibit-10 GIFT UNIVERSITY G U J R A N W A L A (Chartered by the Govt. of the Punjab; Recognized by the HEC) APPLICATION FOR RESULT REVIEW INSTRUCTIONS: Use this form to request a review of the final result/grade of a course in case of any doubt about it. Application deadline is seven days after the result declaration. No query will be entertained after the deadline. Rs. 500/- will be charged as processing fee for each course. Attach a copy of current result and a copy of processing fee payment voucher. Name: ______________________________________ Reg. No.: __________________ Session: ___________________ Program: _________________ Major: __________________________________________ Semester: _________________ 1.1 Detail Description of Query: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSE DETAILS FOR RESULT REVIEW: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Processing Fee (Rs. 500 / per course) Voucher No. ___________________________ (Attach a copy of the voucher) 1..1 Applicant’s Signature: _______________________________ Date: ______/______/_______ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY STUDENT AFFAIRS OFFICER: Marks Breakup: Submission Date: _____/______/________ Reply Date: ______/______/_______ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Instructor’s Recommendation: Recommended Not Recommended Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ `40 `41