近5年NSC及成果彙整(2010 迄今)

謝清麟教授 2010 迄今論文 [1-89]
林恭宏, 陳明輝, 黃小玲, 李士捷, and 謝清麟, 常用於中風病人之工作記
憶評估工具及其心理計量特性回顧. 職能治療學會雜誌, 2015. 33(1): p.
呂文賢, 連雅慧, and 謝清麟, 平衡電腦適性測驗與柏格氏平衡量表應用
於單一長期照護機構住民之再測信度與施測效率. 臺灣職能治療研究與
實務雜誌, 2015. 11(1): p. 24-32.
尤菀薈, 邱恩琦, 林恭宏, 林鋐宇, 薛漪平, and 謝清麟, 國小兒童注意力
量表之再測一致性、隨機測量誤差與練習效應. 職能治療學會雜誌, 2015.
33(1): p. 25-44.
Yang, C.M., G.H. Lin, M.H. Chen, I.P. Hsueh, and C.L. Hsieh, Development of a
Computerized Digit Vigilance Test and validation in patients with stroke. J
Rehabil Med, 2015. 47(4): p. 311-7.
Lin, G.H., Y. Lu, C.T. Wu, E.C. Chiu, S.L. Huang, I.P. Hsueh, and C.L. Hsieh,
Psychometric properties of the Five-Digit Test in patients with stroke. Disabil
Rehabil, 2015: p. 1-6.
Koh, C.L., S.L. Pan, J.S. Jeng, B.B. Chen, Y.H. Wang, I.P. Hsueh, and C.L. Hsieh,
Predicting recovery of voluntary upper extremity movement in subacute
stroke patients with severe upper extremity paresis. PLoS One, 2015. 10(5): p.
Hwang, A.W., Y.T. Chou, C.L. Hsieh, W.S. Hsieh, H.F. Liao, and A.M. Wong, A
developmental screening tool for toddlers with multiple domains based on
Rasch analysis. J Formos Med Assoc, 2015. 114(1): p. 23-34.
Hung, M.C., W.S. Lu, S.S. Chen, W.H. Hou, C.L. Hsieh, and J.D. Wang,
Validation of the EQ-5D in Patients with Traumatic Limb Injury. J Occup
Rehabil, 2015. 25(2): p. 387-93.
Huang, Y.J., Y.L. Wang, T.Y. Wu, C.T. Chen, K.N. Kuo, S.S. Chen, W.H. Hou, and
C.L. Hsieh, Validation of the short-form Health Literacy Scale in patients with
stroke. Patient Educ Couns, 2015. 98(6): p. 762-70.
Huang, Y.J., K.L. Chen, Y.T. Chou, I.P. Hsueh, C.Y. Hou, and C.L. Hsieh,
Comparison of the Responsiveness of the Long-Form and Simplified Stroke
Rehabilitation Assessment of Movement: Group- and Individual-Level Analysis.
Phys Ther, 2015.
Hsiao, Y.Y., C.L. Shih, W.H. Yu, C.H. Hsieh, and C.L. Hsieh, Examining
unidimensionality and improving reliability for the eight subscales of the SF-36
in opioid-dependent patients using Rasch analysis. Qual Life Res, 2015. 24(2):
p. 279-85.
Chiu, E.C., Y. Lee, K.Y. Lai, C.J. Kuo, S.C. Lee, and C.L. Hsieh, Construct Validity
of the Chinese Version of the Activities of Daily Living Rating Scale III in
Patients with Schizophrenia. PLoS One, 2015. 10(6): p. e0130702.
Chen, M.H., L.L. Huang, C.F. Lee, C.L. Hsieh, Y.C. Lin, H. Liu, M.I. Chen, and W.S.
Lu, A controlled pilot trial of two commercial video games for rehabilitation of
arm function after stroke. Clin Rehabil, 2015. 29(7): p. 674-82.
Chen, K.L., Y.T. Chou, W.H. Yu, C.T. Chen, C.L. Shih, and C.L. Hsieh, A
prospective study of the responsiveness of the original and the short form
Berg Balance Scale in people with stroke. Clin Rehabil, 2015. 29(5): p. 468-76.
謝清麟*, 林郁芬, 侯孟貞, 李淑君, and 唐世芬, 中風病人職能治療之病
歷資料分析與改良. 職能治療學會雜誌, 2014. 32(2): p. 269-80.
黃怡靜, 林恭宏, 李柏森, 唐世芬, and 謝清麟, 精神分裂症研究常用之工
具性日常生活活動評估工具之心理計量特性回顧. 職能治療學會雜誌,
2014. 32(1): p. 35-64.
陳官琳, 謝清麟, 林裕晴, and 林玲伊, 「職能治療個人發展與世界觀」課
程介紹與初步成效. 職能治療學會雜誌, 2014. 32(2): p. 281-93.
林恭宏, 黃怡靜, 尤菀薈, 薛漪平, and 謝清麟, 常用於精神分裂症研究之
持續性注意力評估工具及其心理計量特性回顧. 臺灣職能治療研究與實
務雜誌, 2014. 10(1): p. 33-48.
Tai, I., C.L. Lai, M.J. Hsu, R.T. Lin, M.H. Huang, C.L. Lin, C.L. Hsieh, and J.H. Lin,
Effect of thermal stimulation on corticomotor excitability in patients with
stroke. Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 2014. 93(9): p. 801-8.
Lee, Y.C., W.H. Yu, Y.F. Lin, I.P. Hsueh, H.C. Wu, and C.L. Hsieh, Reliability and
responsiveness of the activities of daily living computerized adaptive testing
system in patients with stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2014. 95(11): p.
Lee, Y.C., S.S. Chen, C.L. Koh, I.P. Hsueh, K.P. Yao, and C.L. Hsieh, Development
of two Barthel Index-based Supplementary Scales for patients with stroke.
PLoS One, 2014. 9(10): p. e110494.
Lee, P., C.H. Liu, H.Y. Lin, Y.L. Chen, W.S. Lu, and C.L. Hsieh, Test-retest
reliability and minimal detectable change of Chu's Attention Test in persons
with chronic schizophrenia. Taiwanese J Psychiatry, 2014. 28(1): p. 46-54.
Chiu, E.C., C.L. Koh, C.Y. Tsai, W.S. Lu, C.F. Sheu, I.P. Hsueh, and C.L. Hsieh,
Practice effects and test-re-test reliability of the Five Digit Test in patients with
stroke over four serial assessments. Brain Inj, 2014. 28(13-14): p. 1726-33.
Chiu, E.C., I.P. Hsueh, C.H. Hsieh, and C.L. Hsieh, Tests of data quality, scaling
assumptions, reliability, and construct validity of the SF-36 health survey in
people who abuse heroin. J Formos Med Assoc, 2014. 113(4): p. 234-41.
Chern, J.S., M.H. Chen, Y.C. Lee, S.S. Chen, L.F. Lin, W.H. Hou, and C.L. Hsieh,
Validation of a Chinese version of the Frenchay Activities Index in patients
with traumatic limb injury. J Occup Rehabil, 2014. 24(3): p. 439-45.
Chen, K.L., C.T. Chen, Y.T. Chou, C.L. Shih, C.L. Koh, and C.L. Hsieh, Is the long
form of the Fugl-Meyer Motor Scale more responsive than the short form in
patients with stroke? Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2014. 95(5): p. 941-9.
Chen, C.H., S.F. Lin, W.H. Yu, J.H. Lin, H.L. Chen, and C.L. Hsieh, Comparison of
the test-retest reliability of the balance computerized adaptive test and a
computerized posturography instrument in patients with stroke. Arch Phys
Med Rehabil, 2014. 95(8): p. 1477-83.
董莉貞, 胡靜宜, 林巾凱, 謝清麟, 蘇炯睿, and 陳璟綺, 感覺統合異常對
功能性構音障礙幼兒語言治療療效之影響. 臺灣復健醫學雜誌, 2013.
41(1): p. 31-8.
楊書瑜, 李雅珍, 吳姿誼, 尤菀薈, 楊奇旻, and 謝清麟, 中風後上肢關節
疼痛與健康相關生活品質之關連. 職能治療學會雜誌, 2013. 31(2): p.
黃怡靜, 林恭宏, 吳姿誼, 呂文賢, 陳怡妙, and 謝清麟, 中風個案自陳職
能治療服務需求與滿意度之探討. 臺灣職能治療研究與實務雜誌, 2013.
9(2): p. 99-112.
呂文賢, 李雅珍, 凃富籌, and 謝清麟, 短版巴氏量表應用於中風病人之
最小可偵測變化值及反應性. 台灣復健醫學雜誌, 2013. 41(2): p. 113-9.
Yu, W.H., K.L. Chen, Y.T. Chou, I.P. Hsueh, and C.L. Hsieh, Responsiveness and
predictive validity of the hierarchical balance short forms in people with
stroke. Phys Ther, 2013. 93(6): p. 798-808.
Tung, L.C., C.K. Lin, C.L. Hsieh, C.C. Chen, C.T. Huang, and C.H. Wang, Sensory
integration dysfunction affects efficacy of speech therapy on children with
functional articulation disorders. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat, 2013. 9: p. 87-92.
Shih, C.L., C.H. Chen, C.F. Sheu, H.C. Lang, and C.L. Hsieh, Validating and
improving the reliability of the EORTC QLQ-C30 using a multidimensional
rasch model. Value Health, 2013. 16(5): p. 848-54.
Lu, Y.M., Y.Y. Wu, C.L. Hsieh, C.L. Lin, S.L. Hwang, K.I. Cheng, and Y.J. Lue,
Measurement precision of the disability for back pain scale-by applying Rasch
analysis. Health Qual Life Outcomes, 2013. 11: p. 119.
Lee, P., C.H. Liu, C.W. Fan, C.P. Lu, W.S. Lu, and C.L. Hsieh, The test-retest
reliability and the minimal detectable change of the Purdue pegboard test in
schizophrenia. J Formos Med Assoc, 2013. 112(6): p. 332-7.
Lee, H.Y., M.C. Hung, F.C. Hu, Y.Y. Chang, C.L. Hsieh, and J.D. Wang, Estimating
quality weights for EQ-5D (EuroQol-5 dimensions) health states with the time
trade-off method in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc, 2013. 112(11): p. 699-706.
Hung, M.C., C.L. Hsieh, J.S. Hwang, J.S. Jeng, and J.D. Wang, Estimation of the
long-term care needs of stroke patients by integrating functional disability
and survival. PLoS One, 2013. 8(10): p. e75605.
Huang, L.L., C.F. Lee, C.L. Hsieh, and M.H. Chen, Upper extremity
rehabilitation equipment for stroke patients in Taiwan: usage problems and
improvement needs. Occup Ther Int, 2013. 20(4): p. 205-14.
Hsueh, I.P., K.L. Chen, Y.T. Chou, Y.H. Wang, and C.L. Hsieh, Individual-level
responsiveness of the original and short-form Postural Assessment Scale for
Stroke Patients. Phys Ther, 2013. 93(10): p. 1377-82.
Hsueh, I.P., J.H. Chen, C.H. Wang, W.H. Hou, and C.L. Hsieh, Development of a
computerized adaptive test for assessing activities of daily living in
outpatients with stroke. Phys Ther, 2013. 93(5): p. 681-93.
Hsu, H.W., C.L. Lee, M.J. Hsu, H.C. Wu, R. Lin, C.L. Hsieh, and J.H. Lin, Effects of
noxious versus innocuous thermal stimulation on lower extremity motor
recovery 3 months after stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2013. 94(4): p.
Hou, W.H., H.W. Liang, C.F. Sheu, C.L. Hsieh, and H.Y. Chuang, Return to work
and quality of life in workers with traumatic limb injuries: a 2-year
repeated-measurements study. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2013. 94(4): p.
Hou, W.H., H.W. Liang, C.L. Hsieh, C.F. Sheu, J.S. Hwang, and H.Y. Chuang,
Integrating health-related quality of life with sickness leave days for
return-to-work assessment in traumatic limb injuries. Qual Life Res, 2013.
22(9): p. 2307-14.
Hou, W.H., H.W. Liang, C.L. Hsieh, C.Y. Hou, P.C. Wen, and C.Y. Li, Effects of
stroke rehabilitation on incidence of poststroke depression: a
population-based cohort study. J Clin Psychiatry, 2013. 74(9): p. e859-66.
Chen, H.C., C.L. Koh, C.L. Hsieh, and I.P. Hsueh, Test of Everyday Attention in
patients with chronic stroke: test-retest reliability and practice effects. Brain
Inj, 2013. 27(10): p. 1148-54.
邱恩琦, 李恭賢, 胡世睿, 鄭名容, 李淑君, and 謝清麟, 社會功能量表精
神分裂症患者之心理計量特性. 職能治療學會雜誌, 2012. 30(2): p. 136-52.
李雅珍, 吳姿誼, 邱恩琦, 凃富籌, and 謝清麟, 中風病患整體健康相關生
活品質之關聯因素探討. 職能治療學會雜誌, 2012. 30(1): p. 53-67.
吳姿誼, 薛漪平, 陳美香, and 謝清麟, 脊髓損傷者之職能治療知識程度
初探. 職能治療學會雜誌, 2012. 30(2): p. 177-97.
吳姿誼, 黃怡靜, 陳怡妙, 陳美香, 侯孟真, and 謝清麟, 中風個案與家屬
對職能治療之認識程度初探. 職能治療學會雜誌, 2012. 30(1): p. 34-52.
Yu, W.H., I.P. Hsueh, W.H. Hou, Y.H. Wang, and C.L. Hsieh, A comparison of
responsiveness and predictive validity of two balance measures in patients
with stroke. J Rehabil Med, 2012. 44(2): p. 176-80.
Yang, J.L., S.Y. Chen, C.L. Hsieh, and J.J. Lin, Effects and predictors of shoulder
muscle massage for patients with posterior shoulder tightness. BMC
Musculoskelet Disord, 2012. 13: p. 46.
Lu, W.S., C.C. Chen, S.L. Huang, and C.L. Hsieh, Smallest real difference of 2
instrumental activities of daily living measures in patients with chronic stroke.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2012. 93(6): p. 1097-100.
Liaw, L.J., C.L. Hsieh, M.J. Hsu, H.M. Chen, J.H. Lin, and S.K. Lo, Test-retest
reproducibility of two short-form balance measures used in individuals with
stroke. Int J Rehabil Res, 2012. 35(3): p. 256-62.
Lai, Y.T., C.L. Hsieh, H.P. Lee, and S.L. Pan, Are higher total serum cholesterol
levels associated with better long-term motor function after ischemic stroke?
Nutr Neurosci, 2012. 15(6): p. 239-43.
Hsueh, I.P., C.H. Wang, T.H. Liou, C.H. Lin, and C.L. Hsieh, Test-retest reliability
and validity of the comprehensive activities of daily living measure in patients
with stroke. J Rehabil Med, 2012. 44(8): p. 637-41.
Hsu, S.S., M.H. Hu, J.J. Luh, Y.H. Wang, P.K. Yip, and C.L. Hsieh, Dosage of
neuromuscular electrical stimulation: is it a determinant of upper limb
functional improvement in stroke patients? J Rehabil Med, 2012. 44(2): p.
Hsieh, C.L., T. Hoffmann, L. Gustafsson, and Y.C. Lee, The diverse constructs
use of activities of daily living measures in stroke randomized controlled trials
in the years 2005-2009. J Rehabil Med, 2012. 44(9): p. 720-6.
Hou, W.H., C.L. Shih, Y.T. Chou, C.F. Sheu, J.H. Lin, H.C. Wu, I.P. Hsueh, and C.L.
Hsieh, Development of a computerized adaptive testing system of the
Fugl-Meyer motor scale in stroke patients. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2012.
93(6): p. 1014-20.
Hou, W.H., C.F. Sheu, H.W. Liang, C.L. Hsieh, Y. Lee, H.Y. Chuang, and Y.T. Cheng,
Trajectories and predictors of return to work after traumatic limb injury--a
2-year follow-up study. Scand J Work Environ Health, 2012. 38(5): p. 456-66.
Fu, C.-P., K.-L. Chen, M.-H. Tseng, F.-M. Chiang, and C.-L. Hsieh, Reliability and
validity of the Psychoeducational Profile-third edition Caregiver Report in
children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum
Disorders, 2012. 6(1): p. 115-122.
Fu, C.P., K.L. Chen, M.H. Tseng, F.M. Chiang, and C.L. Hsieh, Reliability and
validity of the Psychoeducational Profile-third edition Caregiver Report in
children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Res Autism Spect Dis, 2012. 6(1): p.
謝清麟*, 陳官琳, 邱恩琦, 古佳苓, and 陳怡妙, 本土必要之中風病人職
能治療研究議題. 職能治療學會雜誌, 2011. 29(2): p. 7-20.
蕭宇佑, 薛漪平, 姚開屏, 陳怡妙, and 謝清麟*, 中風病人自覺職能治療
照護品質問卷-PROTS 發展:向度與題目編製. 職能治療學會雜誌, 2011.
29(2): p. 41-63.
陳玉蘭, 姜富美, 謝清麟, 黃瑋恬, 吳佩瑾, and 傅中珮, 職能治療部門對
泛自閉症障礙兒童之標準化評估工具使用狀況. 臺灣職能治療研究與實
務雜誌, 2011. 7(2): p. 87-96.
Lee, P., P.C. Li, C.H. Liu, and C.L. Hsieh, Test-retest reliability of two attention
tests in schizophrenia. Arch Clin Neuropsychol, 2011. 26(5): p. 405-11.
Koh, C.L., W.S. Lu, H.C. Chen, I.P. Hsueh, J.J. Hsieh, and C.L. Hsieh, Test-retest
reliability and practice effect of the oral-format Symbol Digit Modalities Test
in patients with stroke. Arch Clin Neuropsychol, 2011. 26(4): p. 356-63.
Huang, S.L., C.L. Hsieh, R.M. Wu, C.H. Tai, C.H. Lin, and W.S. Lu, Minimal
detectable change of the timed "up & go" test and the dynamic gait index in
people with Parkinson disease. Phys Ther, 2011. 91(1): p. 114-21.
Huang, S.L., C.L. Hsieh, J.H. Lin, and H.M. Chen, Optimal scoring methods of
hand-strength tests in patients with stroke. Int J Rehabil Res, 2011. 34(2): p.
Hsueh, I.P., J.S. Jeng, Y. Lee, C.F. Sheu, and C.L. Hsieh, Construct validity of the
stroke-specific quality of life questionnaire in ischemic stroke patients. Arch
Phys Med Rehabil, 2011. 92(7): p. 1113-8.
Hou, W.H., J.H. Chen, Y.H. Wang, C.H. Wang, J.H. Lin, I.P. Hsueh, Y.C. Ou, and
C.L. Hsieh, Development of a set of functional hierarchical balance short
forms for patients with stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2011. 92(7): p.
Chen, K.L., F.M. Chiang, M.H. Tseng, C.P. Fu, and C.L. Hsieh, Responsiveness of
the psychoeducational profile-third edition for children with autism spectrum
disorders. J Autism Dev Disord, 2011. 41(12): p. 1658-64.
Chen, K.C., C.J. Yeh, J.F. Kuo, C.L. Hsieh, S.F. Yang, and C.H. Wang, Footprint
analysis of flatfoot in preschool-aged children. Eur J Pediatr, 2011. 170(5): p.
姜富美, 傅中珮, 謝清麟, 黃暐恬, 吳佩瑾, and 陳玉蘭, 泛自閉症障礙兒
童個別化評估工具:心理教育量表第三版之心理計量特性回顧. 臺灣職能
治療研究與實務雜誌, 2010. 6(1): p. 66-71.
吳宗憲, 戴翊, 陳嘉炘, 李素, and 林昭宏, 比較中風病人上肢動作量表及
運動學分析之再測信度. 物理治療, 2010. 35(4): p. 292-9.
吳希文, 王勝輝, 李秉家, 謝清麟, and 李柏森, 國內公立療養院職能治療
部門對精神分裂病患評估量表的使用狀況及心理計量特性探討. 臺灣職
能治療研究與實務雜誌, 2010. 6(1): p. 25-36.
Wu, H.C., Y.C. Lin, M.J. Hsu, S.M. Liu, C.L. Hsieh, and J.H. Lin, Effect of thermal
stimulation on upper extremity motor recovery 3 months after stroke. Stroke,
2010. 41(10): p. 2378-80.
Weng, L.Y., C.L. Hsieh, K.Y. Tung, T.J. Wang, Y.C. Ou, L.R. Chen, S.L. Ban, W.W.
Chen, and C.F. Liu, Excellent reliability of the Sollerman hand function test for
patients with burned hands. J Burn Care Res, 2010. 31(6): p. 904-10.
Tang, P.F., H.Y. Chen, Y.H. Wang, P.K. Yip, S.F. Jeng, C.L. Hsieh, and J.S. Lai, Falls
in Home-dwelling Patients with Stroke during the First Three Months after
Hospital Discharge: Immediate Mechanisms and Predictors. FJPT, 2010. 35(4):
p. 275-83.
Liu, C.H., H.P. Chiu, C.L. Hsieh, and R.K. Li, Optimizing the usability of mobile
phones for individuals who are deaf. Assist Technol, 2010. 22(2): p. 115-27.
Lin, J.H., M.J. Hsu, H.W. Hsu, H.C. Wu, and C.L. Hsieh, Psychometric
comparisons of 3 functional ambulation measures for patients with stroke.
Stroke, 2010. 41(9): p. 2021-5.
Lee, Y.C., Y.M. Chen, I.P. Hsueh, Y.H. Wang, and C.L. Hsieh, The impact of
stroke: insights from patients in Taiwan. Occup Ther Int, 2010. 17(3): p. 152-8.
Lang, H.C., L. Chuang, S.C. Shun, C.L. Hsieh, and C.F. Lan, Validation of EQ-5D
in patients with cervical cancer in Taiwan. Support Care Cancer, 2010. 18(10):
p. 1279-86.
Hung, M.C., Y.H. Yan, P.S. Fan, M.S. Lin, C.R. Chen, L.C. Kuo, C.J. Yu, G. Yao, C.L.
Hsieh, and J.D. Wang, Measurement of quality of life using EQ-5D in patients
on prolonged mechanical ventilation: comparison of patients, family
caregivers, and nurses. Qual Life Res, 2010. 19(5): p. 721-7.
Hung, C.J., C.L. Hsieh, P.L. Yang, and J.J. Lin, Relationship between posterior
shoulder muscle stiffness and rotation in patients with stiff shoulder. J Rehabil
Med, 2010. 42(3): p. 216-20.
Hsueh, I.P., J.H. Chen, C.H. Wang, C.T. Chen, C.F. Sheu, W.C. Wang, W.H. Hou,
and C.L. Hsieh, Development of a computerized adaptive test for assessing
balance function in patients with stroke. Phys Ther, 2010. 90(9): p. 1336-44.
Hsu, S.S., M.H. Hu, Y.H. Wang, P.K. Yip, J.W. Chiu, and C.L. Hsieh,
Dose-response relation between neuromuscular electrical stimulation and
upper-extremity function in patients with stroke. Stroke, 2010. 41(4): p. 821-4.
Fu, C.P., C.L. Hsieh, M.H. Tseng, Y.L. Chen, W.T. Huang, P.C. Wu, and F.M.
Chiang, Inter-rater reliability and smallest real difference of the Chinese
Psychoeducational Profile-third edition for children with Autism Spectrum
Disorder. Res Autism Spect Dis, 2010. 4(1): p. 89-94.
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