Budget Guidelines Fiscal Year 2015 – 2016 I. Overview 1. The annual budget process is an important opportunity for each Health Sciences department to prepare its financial plan for the coming year in the context of longer term strategic plans and institutional goals. The focus this year is to strengthen the link between institutional goals, department narratives and the budgets as we move towards a multi-year budgeting approach in future years. Multi-year budgeting improves our understanding of investments and returns, and creates a runway to react to potential changes. Departments should develop strategies that are consistent with the institutional vision and clear about resource utilization; budgets and narratives help explain the chosen path. 2. Each department should complete its FY 2016 budget in accordance with the guidelines contained within this document. It is important that the guidelines be adhered to for consistency in developing a consolidated School of Medicine budget and to expedite the review process. 3. Budgets should be submitted to the Dean’s Office, attention Cynthia Best, Associate Dean for Finance and Administration, in accordance with the timetable shown in Section III (Page 4). The entire budget package, including the Word/PDF narrative and all required budget reports, must be submitted together on the due date specified. The Dean’s Office will review the budgets for accuracy and completeness and will work with the departments to correct any problems and clarify questions. The budgets will then be forwarded to Senior Vice President and Dean Vivian Lee and the School of Medicine Executive Committee (SOM EC) for review. 4. Each department will present its budget and department vision to the SOM EC on the date indicated in Section III (Page 4). 5. Upon review, and after any necessary corrections, Dr. Lee will notify each department in writing that its budget is approved. 6. During FY 2016 each department will continue to submit reports explaining major variances between budget and actual operating results. Page 1 of 13 II. Items of Note 1. BPC/Level of Budget Detail - FY 2016 will be the fourth year that we will use the BPC system to prepare our budgets. The system incorporates historical personnel and financial data to make multiple years of information easily accessible. BPC provides the capability to budget by activity/project and the means to upload activity budgets to PeopleSoft for inclusion in the monthly Management Reports. BPC also allows budgeting all activities or projects within a Fund in an Org ID in a single input template, or a combination of budgeting individual activities or projects and the remaining activities or projects at the Fund/Org level. Departments are encouraged to incorporate budgeting at the Fund/Org level where possible to reduce the overall work effort associated with formulating their budget. Reports such as the Budget vs. Actual Activity Detail are available to show the magnitude of revenues and expenditures in each activity or project to help departments determine the best approach for budgeting. 2. Value Driven Outcomes (VDO) - Beginning July 1, 2014, clinical departments in the School of Medicine began using a standardized chart of accounts that defines both the mission and the expense type of the transaction. The standardized chart of accounts was implemented as part of the VDO initiative, and extends to non-provider and non-personnel expense for all fund 2000 activities. We encourage you to budget non-faculty personnel distributions using the job code to account code grid found at http://bpc.utah.edu under “Other Budget Info.” Find the job code of non-faculty in the grid and use the listed account codes to define the mission(s) the nonfaculty supports. There may be occasions where more than one distribution row is required for an employee when the employee supports multiple missions, but is paid from one activity. A non-personnel expense grid, also available at http://bpc.utah.edu under “Other Budget Info,” defines the fund 2000 account categories that require a mission designated account code. Clinical departments should designate the mission non-personnel expenses support for the 25 account categories listed in the aforementioned grid. Departments may use these account codes during the budget process, but are not required to. The MBM Faculty Activity Survey serves as the starting point for quantifying faculty effort by mission. Department administrators will be able to adjust faculty effort on a prospective basis using the Faculty Costing Template in BPC. Page 2 of 13 Department administrators and other personnel can access the Mission Based Accounting Universe in BusinessObjects Enterprise to view their mission based accounting data in existing reports, or may create their own. 3. Multi-Year Recruitment Plan – New this year departments will be asked to submit a summary of recruitment plans for FY 2016 – FY 2018. A report will be developed that can be inserted in Part D of the Budget Narrative, or departments can manually populate the information in the requested format. 4. Multi-Year Cash Projections – Also new this year, departments will be asked to submit a summary of cash projections for FY 2016 – FY 2018. The Multi Year Cash input template in BPC allows departments to input total cash for fund groups 2000, 2500, and 6000 for FY 2017 – FY 2018. Departments should project total cash for FY 2017 and FY 2018 and include a brief description of increases or decreases. The completed report should be inserted in Part M of the Budget Narrative. 5. Mission Summaries – Similar to last year, department mission summaries will be included in the budget materials to provide context for the financial review. The mission summaries will be prepared centrally. The formats are currently being updated from last year. Departments will receive the mission summaries by February 27, 2015 and should review the information for accuracy, and respond to the specific questions. Page 3 of 13 III. Timetable Budgets should be submitted to Cynthia Best in the Dean’s Office according to the following timetable. Dates for presentations to the SOM EC are also listed. FY 2015 - 2016 Budget Meeting Schedule Department Biochemistry Dean's Office CCTS Neurosurgery Due in Dean's Office Wed 8-Apr Presentation Date Wed Length Time 22-Apr 30 20 20 30 2:15 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:05 3:05 - 3:25 3:25 - 3:55 2:50 - 3:10 3:10 - 3:30 3:30 - 3:50 3:50 - 4:20 4:20 - 4:50 CVRTI Population Health Sciences Molecular Medicine Neurobiology & Anatomy Dermatology Mon 13-Apr Mon 27-Apr 20 20 20 30 30 Neurology Radiation Oncology Thur 16-Apr Mon 4-May 40 30 1:50 - 2:30 2:30 - 3:00 Mon 6-Apr Mon 20-Apr 6-May 40 30 30 30 1:50 - 2:30 2:30 - 3:00 3:00 - 3:30 3:30 - 4:00 11-May 40 30 30 20 45 2:00 - 2:40 2:40 - 3:10 3:10 - 3:40 3:40 - 4:00 4:00 - 4:45 18-May 30 40 30 30 40 2:15 - 2:45 2:45 - 3:25 3:25 - 3:55 3:55 - 4:25 4:25 - 5:05 20-May 60 45 60 20 1:55 - 2:55 2:55 - 3:40 3:40 - 4:40 4:40 - 5:00 Pathology PM&R Radiology DFPM Psychiatry Ophthalmology OB/GYN WCI Pediatrics Orthopaedics Human Genetics Biomedical Informatics Oncological Sciences Anesthesiology Internal Medicine Surgery HCI UUMG Thur 23-Apr Thurs 9-Apr Mon 27-Apr Thur 30-Apr - Wed Mon Mon Wed Page 4 of 13 IV. University Hospital Budget Considerations Each department should abide by the following instructions when budgeting for University Hospital payments/support and resident support. University Hospital Salary increases for department employees paid from UUHC Org ID’s will be established based on Hospital specific parameters/guidance. The dollars associated with Chief Value Officers (CVO)/Medical Directors will be allocated based on a payment methodology developed by Dr. Tom Miller. Dr. Miller will be working with the Chairs and the CVO’s to align the payments they receive with the work they do in their respective areas of responsibility. GME Residents The UUHC GME Office will send out a chart to administrators and program directors in each department indicating by program exactly how many residency positions are being funded by UUHC for FY 2015. The chart will also show the anticipated number of positions that will be paid by the Affiliated Hospitals next year. This data comes from your current rotation schedule and the training agreements you have signed with the affiliated hospitals for the current year. If you sign an agreement with a training site to fund positions, and then do NOT send that number of residents to the site, your department, not UUHC, will have to pick up that expense. You will then be expected to downsize your training program in the next year because no School of Medicine department may fund any resident training slots, except on a short term emergency basis. If you move resident rotations from UUHC to other sites, you will NOT get UUHC funding for those positions. Funding for these positions must come from another source. Program Directors are responsible to assure that funding is available prior to hiring residents. Fellows: UUHC reimburses departments for 25% FTE salary and benefits (based on PGY level 5) for ACGME sanctioned fellowships rotating through UUHC on clinical rotations not reimbursed by other sources. You should plan to pay for these positions initially, with reimbursement from UUHC in December and June. Whereas some exceptions exist, please contact UUHC to verify funding support for fellows in your department. The SOM EC has convened a task force to conduct a comprehensive review of GME funding for the enterprise. Pending that review, departments should not budget any incremental increases in residents or fellows other than those positions already approved. Page 5 of 13 V. Budget Narrative Format Part A: Summary of Strategic Plans (1-2 pages) This section should include a high-level summary of the department’s strategic plans over the next 3-5 years. This will serve as context for the annual budget review. For FY 2016, please specify what is included in the budget and what is not. Part B: Executive Summary of Financial Considerations (1-2 pages) This section should include a summary of the department’s budget highlights in bullet point format. Please address significant points related to the operating budget, non-operating expenses, and any major differences between the FY 2015 budget, FY 2015 forecast and FY 2016 budget. Part C: Mission Summaries Department mission summaries will be included in the budget materials to provide context for the financial review. The mission summaries will be prepared centrally. Departments should review the information for accuracy and respond to the questions. Part D: Recruitment This year departments will be asked to submit a summary of recruitment plans for FY 2016 – FY 2018. For clinical departments this recruitment information can be pulled from the University of Utah Faculty Recruitment (UUFR) database located at https://drcwas7.med.utah.edu:7503/UUPR/. Information contained in the database will be aggregated in the format shown below for hires using the BusinessObjects Enterprise reporting tool. FY 2016 Specialty Area/Division Type of Hire Area 1 FY 2017 FY 2018 New 1 Replacement 0 New 1 Replacement 0 New 1 Replacement 0 Area 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 Area 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Area 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grand Total 2 3 2 3 2 3 Part E: Assumptions State the major assumptions used in formulating the budget, including Calculation of clinical revenues and whether growth is based on increases in reimbursement, patient volume, faculty capacity, or productivity. Specify what percentage increase in clinical revenues the department is budgeting. Page 6 of 13 An explanation of how the department determined the budgeted amount of revenue and expenses from grants and contracts. Please also describe the basis for estimating new grant awards, including the number and percentage of pending grants that the department estimates will be funded. Grant budgets should be realistic, and should be historically based if the department deems adequate data is available. Departments may choose to make their best estimates of which outstanding grants will be funded, but should keep in mind that the budgets should be meaningful, not overly conservative nor overly optimistic. Part F: 5-Year Summary A 5-Year Summary will be generated as a report within BPC. It will include actual data for FY 2012 – FY 2014, the forecast for FY 2015, and the budget for FY 2016. In this section, please include explanations for material or unusual variances in the 5-Year Summary. The 5-Year Summary will be included in the budget materials as a PDF and does not need to be embedded in the narrative. Part G: Salary Program (1) Salary Increases July 1 is the time for performance-based salary increases; off-cycle increases are rare. Departments should plan accordingly. This section should contain a description of how the department complied with the salary guidelines that will be issued by Senior Vice President Vivian Lee. Also list in the grid below the average percentage increases for ongoing positions in the 1) faculty and 2) fulltime staff categories (Note: this information is the first line of data in each section of the BPC Salary Detail Report under the drop down menu option labeled “Job Category”). Job Category Faculty Full-Time Salaried Staff Full-Time Hourly Staff ABA % Change Within BPC, departments will be required to provide a justification for all individual increases above the maximum specified by the President and Senior Vice President Vivian Lee. In addition, departments will be asked to provide additional information for proposed salary increases above a certain level. More detail will follow after the salary guidelines are issued. In general, the information requested will be as follows: For equity requests, departments should provide comparable information for others in the department/division that hold the same job title as well as any relevant market data. For performance-based requests, departments should describe what factors were used to determine the proposed salary increase (e.g., additional duties or merit). For anticipated promotions or reclassifications that will undergo an HR review, budget the increase as a lump sum and do not list the anticipated salary for the individual. The HR review process is Page 7 of 13 sufficient; additional individual review as part of the new year salary process is not needed. (2) Scattergram A scattergram of individual faculty salaries based on 6/30/14 actual salary data will be sent to each department by mid-February. Please verify the data and notify the MBM Office of any changes by mid-March. The confirmed scattergram will be included in the budget materials by the MBM Office and does not need to be submitted separately by departments. (3) AAMC Percentile Summary Within the scattergram file, MBM will provide summary information on the average AAMC percentile by rank, gender and track to be included in this section. Please embed the summary table (example shown below) in this section of the narrative. Average Median High Low AAMC AAMC AAMC AAMC Rank Gender %tile %tile %tile %tile Std Dev Count Instructor Female Male Asst Prof Female Male Assoc Prof Female Male Prof Female Male Gender Female Male ------------------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Total Total Total Total Tenure Tenure Non-Tenure Total Total Part H: State Funds Similar to past years, the MBM State Fund Allocation Model for FY 2016 utilizes separate pools for Basic Science Units and Clinical Departments. Within each group, funds are allocated to departments based on proportional activity in both teaching and research areas. The categories included for Education are as follows: Medical Student Didactic Teaching Years 1 – 4 Medical Student 3rd Year Rotations Medical Student 4th Year Rotations Non-MD Courses Taught (SCH) Degrees Granted Residents, Clinical Fellows, and Post Doctoral Fellows The Research categories are: Direct Grant Expenditures Indirect Costs Generated Contact Cynthia Best for details on the model and the data details. Final figures will be available in mid-March after the legislative session has closed. Using the format below, please show the distribution of state funds (1001, 6100, and 6300) from the MBM model, curriculum and any other source. Page 8 of 13 State Fund Source Amount Fund Notes/Comments MBM Model $0 6100 Any notes Curriculum $0 6100 Any notes Other (please specify) $0 1001 Any notes Other (please specify) $0 6300 Any notes Total State Funds $0 Part I: Dean/UUMG/Compliance Tax In this section use the template below to reflect the categories of clinical income and the calculation of the Dean/UUMG/Compliance Tax for the department’s FY 2016 budget. The total tax rate is 4.4%. 2015-2016 EPIC/IDX Collections Call Pay Clinical Contracts Insurance Settlements Provider Medicaid Funds Other Clinical Income (please specify) Less: Technical Fees Less: ERS Collection Fee Less: Other (please specify) Total Clinical Income Taxes Due @ 4.4% Part J: Department Tax In this section, please describe Department tax, if applicable, and indicate how this amount is calculated. Part K: University Hospital Support Support payments that have been negotiated with the University Hospital should be listed and described using the following format. TYPE DESCRIPTION Chair Support NAME AMOUNT Amount Medical Director Support Title Amount Fellow Salary Support No. of Fellows Total Amount Program Support (list by program) Salary Deficit Guarantee Total Amount Total Amount Page 9 of 13 (list by name) Part L: Support (Other than University Hospital) Include in this section a detailed list of support funds that have been negotiated with other Health Sciences, University, or external entities or other sources and are transferred to your department to be paid out of your OrgID. Please use the following format: Support Source Purpose Amount Fund Support End Date Notes/Comments Dean's Office Faculty Startup Support $0 xxxx xx/xx/xx Any notes SVP's Office Program Support $0 xxxx xx/xx/xx Any notes TOTAL $0 Examples of support sources are: Huntsman Cancer Institute, HHMI, Molecular Medicine, Senior Vice President for Health Sciences, Dean School of Medicine, PCMC, royalties, etc. Part M: Cash Balances and Cash Reserves Cash reserves are defined as cash available for operational expenses in case of a financial downturn. This is a reflection of a department’s financial health. The process for calculating and reporting cash reserves will be the same as prior years. Each department should specify the amount it considers as cash reserves as well as an explanation of how it determined the amount of Adjusted Cash Reserves. Total Cash and Excluded Cash by Fund A report is available in BPC (“Total Cash and Excluded Cash by Fund”) that shows total cash balances and excluded cash by fund group. Total Cash includes cash in all department chartfields within the various fund groups. Excluded Cash will be the cash in those chartfields that you currently have identified to the MBM Office as restricted and not part of cash reserves as defined above. Entities can change the included or excluded designation for any chartfield by contacting James Steffen in the MBM Office. As in prior years, departments can adjust for amounts contained within “included” activities that the department considers not part of cash reserves. This chart should be included in Part M as Exhibit A. Excluded funds may include the following: Gift Accounts Faculty development accounts Faculty startup funds Faculty recruitment funds Funds reserved for major capital purchases Page 10 of 13 Other Multi-Year Cash Projection New this year, departments are asked to submit a summary of cash projections for FY 2016 – FY 2018. The “Multi Year Cash Projection Report” from BPC provides historical context and includes cash changes forecasted for FY 2015 and budgeted for FY 2016. Departments should project total fund 2000, 2500, and 6000 cash balances for FY 2017 and FY 2018 in the Multi Year Cash Projection input template. The report and the graph should be included in Part M as Exhibit B. Summary of Cash Totals The “Summary of Cash Totals” report should be included as Exhibit C to show cash and cash reserve trends, quasi-endowment and endowment cash balances, as well as days of cash. The FY 2017 and FY 2018 cash projections are automatically populated with the values input in the Multi-Year Cash Projection input template. Please comment on significant trends in cash balances, cash reserves and future cash projections. Part N: One-Time Expenses Please include an explanation for any material one-time expenses. Examples of one-time expenses include the following: equipment and remodeling/construction costs in excess of $5,000, recruitment expenses and other non-recurring expenses. These outlays are not considered operational and ongoing. If any transfers to endowment chartfields are planned for FY 2016, please include those as well. The purpose is to identify the revenues/expenses for operations. If there are any items that distort operations, they should probably be classified as one-time items. You can budget these transactions in detail within the BPC system. At the account code level you can flag the amount to be considered one-time and add comments for your reference. Amounts designated as one-time for either revenues or expenses will be shown separately from the operational section of the Fund Summary. Use the functionality within BPC to track the detail by activity/project and account code, but describe the nature of the one-time expenses in general within the budget narrative. VI. SOM EC Budget Presentation Each department will present its budget to the SOM EC based on the timetable in Section III. Approximately one-half of the time should be spent in presentation, with the remainder available for questions and discussion. The format will change this year to focus more on strategic plans. Details and a PowerPoint template will be distributed by the end of February. For reference, the committee members are as follows: Page 11 of 13 Voting Members John Zone Wes Sundquist Wendy Chapman Alfred Cheung Ed Clark Sam Finlayson Peter Jensen Caroline Milne Charles Saltzman Monica Vetter Carrie Byington Dean Li Wayne Samuelson Chair, Department of Dermatology (SOM EC Chair) Co-Chair, Department of Biochemistry (SOM EC Vice-Chair) Chair, Department of Biomedical Informatics Chief, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology Chair, Department of Pediatrics Chair, Department of Surgery Chair, Department of Pathology Associate Chair for Education, Internal Medicine Chair, Department of Orthopaedics Chair, Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy Associate Vice President for Faculty and Academic Affairs, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs & Faculty Development, SOM Associate Vice President for Research and Vice Dean for Research, SOM Vice Dean for Education, SOM Ex-Officio and Non-Voting Vivian Lee Cynthia Best David Browdy David Entwistle Sean Mulvihill Senior Vice President for Health Sciences and Dean, SOM Associate Dean for Finance and Administration, SOM and MBM Director Associate Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer CEO, University Hospitals and Clinics Associate VP for Clinical Affairs and CEO, UUMG VII. Resources 1. BPC System instructions are available on-line at the BPC website: www.bpc.utah.edu 2. The following account codes are being used HSC-wide for specific types of support or expenditures. Account 49935 49936 49937 49938 49939 67536 67538 67539 67579 68900-68925 Description U HOSPITAL SUPPORT BELOW-THE-LINE DEAN/UUMG/COMPLIANCE TAX - INCOMING DEAN/SVPHS SUPPORT EPIC CHARGES – INCOMING UMB CHARGES – INCOMING DEAN/UUMG/COMPLIANCE TAX - OUTGOING EPIC CHARGES – OUTGOING UMB CHARGES – OUTGOING UH FACILITIES & ENGINEERING U HOSPITAL SUPPORT ABOVE-THE-LINE 3. A sample narrative will also be available on the BPC website in early March as an example of what each section should include and how it could be formatted Page 12 of 13 4. Similar to last year, an Excel file will be provided with templates for the grids requested in the Narrative so that departments do not need to take the time to create the formats. 5. Budget Process Timeline Date 12/30/2014 1/15/2015 - 2/12/2015 1/21/2015 Week of 1/26/2015 * 1/30/2015 * 2/13/2015 2/20/2015 2/27/2015 2/27/2015 2/27/2015 3/12/2015 3/16/2015 3/18/2015 3/19/2015 * 3/19/2015 * 4/8/2015 - 4/30/2015 4/22/2015 - 5/20/2015 Week of 5/26/2015 6/15/2015 * July 2015 Item AAMC Faculty Salary Survey Data Distributed Training Sessions BPC System Opens SOM Budget Guidelines available on www.bpc.utah.edu State Fund Allocation Data circulated for review FY 2014 scattergrams distributed by MBM State Fund Allocation Data comments due Budget Presentation Template circulated FY 2016 Malpractice Premium Rates available Mission Summaries circulated Utah State Legislative Session Ends FY 2016 Curriculum Amounts available FY 2016 State Fund Amounts available President's Letter Circulated SVP Budget Letter and Salary Guidelines Circulated Budgets Due to Dean's Office (7 Groups) Presentation Dates (7 Meetings) Budget Approval Letters Department Mass Update eForm Tool Opens Chair Budget Review Meeting Contact Person Kami McNeill Nikki Thompson Steve Petersen Cynthia Best Jane Hou James Steffen Jane Hou Cynthia Best Wendy Kwan Wendy Kwan Jane Hou Catalina Ochoa Cynthia Best Nikki Thompson Wendy Kwan Human Resources Nikki Thompson * Anticipated dates VIII. Submission PDF copies of the following BPC reports should be submitted along with your budget narrative to the Dean’s Office according to the schedule in Section III. Please email each report as a separate PDF file along with your narrative. • • • • • Fund Summary (OrgID Only) Consolidated Fund Summary 5-Year Comparison Employee Detail Report Salary Justification Report Page 13 of 13