1-6 Calendar Name: ____________________________ MON TUE WED THU FRI Aug 22 Intro to Geo 23 Intro to Geo 24 Intro to Geo 25 Intro to Geo 26 Intro to Geo Due: HW: 1st Day Information 29 Landforms Due: HW: 1st Day Information 30 Landforms Due: HW: #1-MIT Due: #1-MIT HW: Due: HW: 31 Landforms Sept 1 Landforms Quiz #1 2 Due: HW: Map 1 Due: Map 1 HW: Due: HW: Due: HW: #2-MIT Due: #2-MIT HW: 5 6 7 8 9 NO SCHOOL Climate & Vegetation Climate & Vegetation Due: HW: Map 2 Due: Map 2 HW: 12 Climate & Vegetation 13 Climate & Vegetation 14 Climate & Vegetation Due: HW: Map 3 Due: Map 3 HW: Due: HW: 19 Overview of Regions 20 Overview of Regions 21 Overview of Regions Due: HW: Map 4 Due: Map 4 HW: Due: HW: 26 Overview of Regions 27 Overview of Regions 28 Overview of Regions Due: HW: Map 5 Due: Map 5 HW: Due: HW: Climate & Vegetation Quiz #2 Due: HW: #3Taboo 15 Climate & Vegetation Quiz #3 Due: #4Taboo HW: 22 Overview of Regions Quiz #4 Due: #5-3o HW: 29 Overview of Regions Quiz #5 Due: HW: Landforms Climate & Vegetation Due: #3Taboo HW: 16 Climate & Vegetation Due: #4Taboo HW: 23 Overview of Regions Due: #5-3o HW: Period: _____ ABSENCE INFORMATION 1. You have 10 school days from the due date to turn in work. Be aware that students who frequently turn things in late tend to do poorly in class. 2. You must complete the work. 3. Late work will receive a deduction equaling 10% of the final grade. Late work should be a rare not a frequent occurrence. 30 Overview of Regions Due: HW: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Holiday – September 5, 2011 WW = Word Wall FR = Frayer VA = Vocabulary Activity ER = Exam Review PR = Project CBA = Curriculum-based Assessment CE PQ = Participation Quiz CBA = Curriculum Based Assessment ER = Exam Review FC = Flashcards PROJ = Project World Geography Studies 1112 1-6 #1 – Introduction to Geography - MIT 1. Physical Geography - branch of geography dealing with natural features of earth's surface 2. Human Geography - branch of geography dealing with human activities and their relationship to the cultural and physical environments 3. *Relative Location - location as described in relation to landmarks, time, direction or distance from one place to another 4. *Absolute Location – the exact position on the earth’s surface (i.e. latitude and longitude or a street address) 5. Equator – the imaginary line, with a latitude of 0 degrees, that divides the earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres 6. *Hemispheres – half of a sphere or globe, as in the earth’s Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western Hemispheres 7. International Dateline - An imaginary line through the Pacific Ocean roughly corresponding to 180° longitude, to the east of which, by international agreement, the calendar date is one day earlier than to the west. 8. *Prime Meridian – the 0 degrees meridian which passes through Greenwich, England; it is the starting point for the calculation of geographic longitude and is the central meridian of the zero time zone 9. Tropic of Cancer – an imaginary line of latitude located at 23½ degrees N. It marks the northern boundary of the earth’s tropical zone. 10.Tropic of Capricorn – an imaginary line of latitude located at 23½ degrees S. It marks the southern boundary of the earth’s tropical zone. 11.*Latitude – the distance as measured north or south from the equator 12.*Longitude – the distance as measured east or west of the Prime Meridian in Greenwich, England #2 – Landforms - MIT 1. *Archipelago – cluster or chain of islands 2. Peninsula – A piece of land almost surrounded by water or projecting out into a body of water 3. Plateau – an area of fairly level, high ground 4. *Strait – narrow stretch of water joining two larger bodies of water 5. River Systems – series of small streams and rivers that connect with one another (i.e. the Mississippi River System) 6. Delta – a triangular mass of sediment, especially silt and sand, deposited at the mouth of a river 7. *Tectonic Plate Movement - A theory that explains the global distribution of geological phenomena such as seismicity, volcanism, continental drift, and mountain building in terms of the formation, destruction, movement, and interaction of the earth's lithospheric plates. 8. *Erosion – wearing away of the earth’s surface by wind, flowing water, or glaciers 9. Weathering – chemical or physical processes, like freezing, that break down rocks 10.Tsunami – a long, high sea wave caused by an earthquake or other disturbance 11.*Atmosphere - The gaseous mass or envelope surrounding a celestial body, especially the one surrounding the earth, and retained by the celestial body's gravitational field. 12.*Lithosphere - The outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle, approximately 100 km (62 mi.) thick. #3 – Climate and Vegetation - Taboo 1. *Climate – the average weather in an area over a period of time 2. *Climate Regions – a geographical zone identified by a prevailing climate (i.e. subtropics, polar region, temperate zone) 3. *Weather – the state of the atmosphere, to the degree that it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy, during a particular time 4. *Biomes – A major regional or global biotic community, such as a grassland or desert, characterized chiefly by the dominant forms of plant life and the prevailing climate 5. Tropical Rainforest – A vegetation class consisting of tall, close-growing trees, their columnar trunks more or less unbranched in the lower two-thirds, and forming a spreading and frequently flat crown; occurs in areas of high temperature and high rainfall 6. Desert – A dry, often sandy region of little rainfall, extreme temperatures, and sparse vegetation. 7. *Humid Continental - Humid continental climate is marked by variable weather patterns and a large seasonal temperature variance. Places with a hottest monthly temperature above 10 °C (50 °F) and a coldest month temperature below −3 °C (26.6 °F) and which do not meet the criteria for an arid climate, are classified as continental. 8. *Humid Subtropical – a climate zone characterized by hot, humid summers and mild to cool winters. 9. Tundra – an area where the tree growth is hindered by low temperatures and short growing seasons; the two types of tundra are Arctic tundra (which also occurs in Antarctica), and alpine tundra; vegetation mostly dwarf shrubs, sedges and grasses, mosses, and lichens. Scattered trees grow in some tundra. 10.Temperature – degree of hotness or coldness of an environment #4 – Climate and Vegetation - Taboo 1. Revolution – the time taken by a celestial body (like the earth) to make a complete round in its orbit 2. *Vegetation - plant life or total plant cover of an area 3. *Hydrosphere - The water portion of the Earth as distinguished from the solid part and from the gaseous outer envelope (atmosphere). Approximately 74% of the Earth's surface is covered by water, in either the liquid or solid state. These waters, combined with minor contributions from ground waters, constitute the hydrosphere. 4. *Atmosphere - The gaseous mass or envelope surrounding a celestial body, especially the one surrounding the earth, and retained by the celestial body's gravitational field *Biosphere - The part of the earth and its atmosphere in which living organisms exist or that is capable of supporting life. 5. *Lithosphere - The outer part of the earth, consisting of the crust and upper mantle, approximately 100 km (62 mi.) thick. 6. Earth/Sun Relationships – position of the Earth relative to the sun that helps to determine day and night, seasons, and time zones 7. Soil Building Processes – over time soil becomes compacted and yields less crop. To improve the soil carbon and nitrogen sources need to be allowed to decompose so that worms, insects, bacteria, etc. can convert it into new soil. 8. Orographic Effect –refers to the weather condition triggered by upward movement of air mass on coming in contact with a mountain and how that contact can alter weather patterns. Example: when air condenses as it rises in altitude, clouds form causing precipitation (Northwestern US) 9. *El Nino – a warming of the surface water of the eastern and central Pacific Ocean, occurring every 4 to 12 years and causing unusual global weather patterns. It tends to bring heavy rain to western South American and drought to eastern Australia and Indonesia. El Niño also affects the weather in the United States, but not as predictably. 10.La Nina – a cooling of the surface water of the eastern and central Pacific Ocean, occurring somewhat less frequently than El Niño events but causing similar, generally opposite disruptions to global weather patterns. It tends to bring drought to western South America and heavy rains to eastern Australia and Indonesia. #5 – Overview of Regions – 3 Degrees 1. *Formal Region – characterized by the presence of people who share a particular language, religion, nationality, political identity or culture, or by a common physical property, such as the presence of a particular type of climate, landform, or vegetation Examples: 1. political - counties, states, countries, province. 2. climate regions - areas with a Mediterranean climate. 3. economic regions - wheat belt of Kansas or the citrus-growing areas of south Texas 2. *Functional Region – organized around a node or focal point with the surrounding areas linked to that node by transportation systems, communication systems, or other economic association involving such activities as manufacturing and retail trading. Examples are metropolitan areas, like NYC, that cover parts of several states but are linked by commuting patterns, trade flows, television and radio broadcasts, newspapers, travel for recreation and entertainment. 3. *Perceptual Region – a construct that reflects human feelings and attitudes about areas and is defined by people’s shared subjective images of those areas. It tends to reflect the element of people’s mental maps, and, and may be based on stereotypes that are inappropriate or incorrect. Examples: the Rio Grande Valley, Dixie, and the upper Midwest are perceptual regions that are thought of as being spatial units, although they do not have precise borders or even commonly accepted regional characteristics and names. 4. *Physical Characteristics – the surface features of an area 5. *Language - a body of words and the systems for their use common to a people who are from the same community, nation or geographical area, or cultural tradition. 6. *Religion – a set of beliefs about the cause, and purpose of the universe, usually involving a set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by many people or sects :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Vocabulary Activities: MIT (Most Important Thing) Format: The MIT about insert vocabulary term is it’s insert underlined portion of definition. a. List one additional characteristic. b. List one additional characteristic. BUT…is it’s insert underlined portion of definition. Example: Immigration – to settle in a country where one is not a native The MIT about Immigration is it’s to settle in a country not native. a. The U.S. is a nation of immigrants, b. Many immigrants come to the U.S. for work, But…is it’s to settle in a country not native. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Taboo Format Example Vocabulary Term Immigration Descriptive word or phrase Not native Descriptive word or phrase Settle in another country Descriptive word or phrase English colonists Descriptive word or phrase Not Native Americans Descriptive word or phrase Illegal/Legal ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3o of Separation This strategy is based on an idea, called 6o of Separation, that everyone is on average approximately six steps away from any other person on Earth, so that a chain of, “friend of a friend” statements can be made, on average, to connect any two people in six steps or fewer. The teacher gives the students a term for the center. The student looks at the entire list and begins to form relationships among the terms, creating a word web. The student can never go more than three steps away from the term in the center. Map Activity – North & South America Directions: Write the number from the list below to its corresponding location on the map. Each week you will be quizzed on five new locations. Mountain City Desert River 1. Canada 2. Cuba 3. Haiti 4. Mexico 5. Panama 6. United States 7. Appalachian Mountains 8. Boston, Massachusetts, USA 9. Los Angeles, USA 10. Mexico City, Mexico 11. Mississippi River 12. New York City, USA 13. Rio Grande 14. Rocky Mountains 15. Washington DC, USA 16. Argentina 17. Brazil 18. Chile 19. Colombia 20. Peru 21. Venezuela 22. Amazon River 23. Andes Mountains 24. Buenos Aires, Argentina 25. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil