GT3B USER Manual locked copy

Getting Started:
The Hacked Flysky GT3B is a very powerful machine and quite simple to use. However,
the GT3B comes with a very limited LCD which makes it not very user intuitive upon first power
up. But, the user friendliness changes quite quickly once the menu layout and abbreviations are
know. Therefore, this manual was written to make the learning curve a lot easier to travel on.
Let’s begin with a quick introduction to the new firmware. Its original purpose was to fix
all the bugs in the factory firmware, functions such as limited trim and unfunctional expo.
However, it’s grown to add a lot more functionality to the radio which puts it on the high end of
the spectrum at a budget cost. To begin with, it doesn’t lose any of its original functions, it still
has model memory, trims, expo, epa, dual rates, ABS, etc. Also, there is a brand new set of
features that adjusts the radios properties. This includes how long the backlight stays on, an
inactivity alarm, adjustable low power alarm, etc. Although these features are cool, it gets a lot
better. There is a new Key Mapping menu and basically what it does is it lets the user select a
switch or button that’s on the radio and program it to control one of the radios functions. Some
of these functions are adjusting auxiliary channels, trims, expo, mixes, dual rates, and a lot
more. The mapping menu is very powerful and has a lot of options to how the switch will act
and all these options are explained in full later on. Another important menu is the mixing menu,
which has Dual ESC and 4WS mixing. It also contains Multi-Position, which basically what it
allows the user todo, is allow up to 8 positions on a channel to be selected in ANY order. These
positions are cycled through with a switch or a button. A switch lets you cycle fwd/bck through
the positions or a button is fwd only. There are also a lot of other features that will be
mentioned later on.
All these features were strategically grouped to give it the most user friendly experience
possible but with the limited LCD it’s not very intuitive on first power up. All the core features
are easy to edit and nothing too complex, it’s just the new advance features which are hidden
from plain view. Therefore, it’s highly suggestible this entire manual is read to obtain a full
understanding. Now is the time to get a pot of coffee, 6 pack of energy drinks, caffine drinks, or
something to stay attentive.
Getting to know your radio:
Physical properties: (These DO NOT represent the true function and the numbers/letters DO NOT represent KEY MAPPING symbols)
2.4ghz Antenna
Steering Wheel (Channel 1)
Channel 3 Button
Battery Compartment
D/R (Dual Rate) Switch
CH 3 Trim Switch
Power Button
DCS Jack (For PC simulator)
Charger Port
Trigger (Channel 2)
Back Button
Bind Button
End Button
a. Turn CW or CCW to scroll in
b. Press for Enter
Throttle Trim Button
Throttle Trim Button (forwards)
Steering Trim Button (left)
Steering Trim Button (Right)
NavigationNavigation is simple on the Hacked Flysky GT3B.
 Enter Wheel
o 3 Functions: ENTER, ENTER-long, and ROTATE
 Pressed and let off quickly. It main purpose is to navigate
across different menus.
o So going from home screen, to main menu, to key
mapping menu, to etc.
 ENTER-long
 Pressed and held for longer than 1 second. Its main
purpose is to access the new advance menu’s and to exit
from a sub menu.
 Rotate the wheel clockwise or counter clockwise. Its main
purpose is to scroll through menus or edit a menu’s value.
 END button
o Pressing the END button will exit from the current menu and bring up the
main menu. If pressed on the main menu it’ll go to the home screen.
o Pressing the END button will save the current setting
 BACK button
o Pressing the BACK button will exit from the current menu and bring up
the home screen.
Home ScreenThe home screen simply displays current statistics about the radio. The 3 stats that are
always there is the Model Name/number, the radios battery pack voltage, and the lap counter
#. All are fairly self explanatory, however they are mentioned throughout the manual for
further understanding, ROTATE the enter wheel to select the stat you wish to view. The Home
screen also displays the new value of a function if a switch is activated. Once any button or key
is pressed the new value will be shown on the screen for 5 seconds or until another button is
pressed; once the value disappears it is saved to memory. Also, while the value is displayed you
can use the enter wheel (ROTATE) to quickly change the values.
Main MenuThe main menu is composed of 14 sub menus, 8 of these submenus are the
basic/standard functions while the other 6 are the new, more advance functions. The most
complex of these is the Key mapping menu, so it’ll be covered last. DON’T skip ahead because
the key mapping menu use’s everything in the other menu’s.
ModelThis menu selects which model to use and/or edit
 Select it by Highlighting MODEL, then press ENTER
 ROTATE the enter wheel to display the different model
o Models 0-9 are displayed with no arrow
o Models 10-13 are displayed with a right arrow
 Select the model by pressing ENTER
o This will load the new settings and return to the HOME screen
Save AsThis is one of those hidden menu’s that gives new features. The Save As menu allows
the current model to be copied to a new model. This is helpful because if playing with new
settings it allows a copy of the current model to be made, so settings can be reverted back to it
if they get messed it up
 Select it by highlighting MODEL, then press ENTER-long (press and hold for at
least a second)
o This will make MODEL blink
 ROTATE the enter wheel to choose the model to copy settings to
 Press ENTER or BACK to save/copy it and exit the menu
NameThis menu allows the current model’s 3 digit name to be changed
 Select it by Highlighting NAME, then press ENTER
o This will make the firs digit of the model name blink
 ROTATE the enter wheel to change the digit
o A-Z and 0-9 are the possible digits, no lowercase and no punctuation
 Press ENTER to select the new digit
o The 2nd digit should now be blinking
 Repeat steps above edit all 3 digits.
o Once all 3 digits have been selected the first one should be blinking,
every press of ENTER will change digits
 Once done editing the NAME, press BACK or END to save the NAME and exit the
Model ResetThis menu resets the model to default settings
 To reset model, highlight NAME
 Then press ENTER-long
o This will reset model and leave you in the main menu
ReverseThis menu will reverse a channels output. Many esc’s will require the throttle channel(s)
to be reversed in order to calibrate. Also the steering channels are often reversed dependent if
the user is right or left handed. Reverse is offered for all channels
 To enter this menu, highlight REV, then press ENTER
 ROTATE the enter wheel to choose a channel, press ENTER to select it
 ROTATE the enter wheel to choose desired setting, press ENTER to select
o NOR = NORmal
o REV = REVerse
 Choose another channel to edit or press BACK/END/ENTER-long to exit menu
End Point Adjustments (EPA)This menu allows the EPA’s on any channel to be adjusted, EPA’s limit the throw of a
servo or other devices. EPA’s are often used where there is Mechanical Linkages: Dig
transmissions, Multi speed Transmissions, throttle servos, steering servo’s etc. Its main purpose
is to make sure that the servo doesn’t hit a physical stop ad burn itself up trying to push it.
The EPA menu has a cool built in feature; once a channel is selected it will go to full
throw so the channel can actively be adjusted. However, it is recommended to have the RC car
powered down before entering the menu. While powered down enter menu and set EPA’s to 0
for the channels you plan on adjusting. Then power up model and slowly adjust epa’s to where
they need to be set.
To enter this menu, highlight E.POINT, then press ENTER
ROTATE the enter wheel to choose a channel, press ENTER to select it
Adjust EPA’s
o Use ROTATE to change value
o There are left and right EPA’s
o Turn the steering wheel left or right to select which side to adjust
 There is a arrow above the digits, this represents which direction
The Throttle Channel requires the trigger to be moved, not st wheel
Press ENTER to save setting, choose another channel or exit with BACK or END
Trim & SubtrimTrim is only selectable for CH 1 and CH 2. This is because it should ideally just be used
for quick corrections then moved to subtrim later on. The reason for this is very technical, so it’ll
be left out. However, the sub trim menu allows adjustment on any channel. Basically what these
settings do is adjust the center point of the channel; they just have different methods of doing
 To select one of these menu’s, Highlight TRIM
o Press ENTER for the trim menu
o Press ENTER-long for the sub-trim menu
 ROTATE the enter wheel to choose a channel, press ENTER to select it
 ROTATE the enter wheel to choose desired setting, press ENTER to select
 Choose another channel to edit or press BACK/END/ENTER-long to exit menu
ExponentialsExponentials, also known as EXPO, affect the channel output; they change it from a
linear output, to one with a curve. Their purpose is to decrease throttle sensitivity on the low
end or the high end.
 To enter this menu, Highlight EXP, then press ENTER
 ROTATE the enter wheel to choose a channel, press ENTER to select it
 ROTATE the enter wheel to choose desired setting, press ENTER to select
o CH 2 has left/right expo’s indicated by arrow above digits.
o Use the trigger to change between the two
 Choose another channel to edit or press BACK/END/ENTER-long to exit menu
Here’s a
graphic of expo
curves. Refer to
Stick Movement
as Steering
wheel or trigger
Original image
by Richard
Dual RatesDual rates on the GT3B act as Dual Rates, but the way they’re put to use isn’t normal (at
least to me). Anyways, basically Dual Rates are another form of epa that makes your steering or
throttle movements less sensitive. This is because, say at 50% dual rates, the full throw of the
trigger or steering wheel only controls the initial 50%. Normally these are use full because a
switch or a button can choose between two different rates. So you can quickly change the
sensitivity of the channel. This is still possible with a high step rate, but not as customizable as a
true dual rate switch.
 To enter this menu, Highlight D/R, then press ENTER
 ROTATE the enter wheel to choose a channel, press ENTER to select it
 ROTATE the enter wheel to choose desired setting, press ENTER to select
o CH 2 has left/right D/R’s indicated by arrow above digits.
o Use the trigger to change between the two
 Choose another channel to edit or press BACK/END/ENTER-long to exit menu
Channel SpeedChannel Speed basically makes a fast servo (or other device) a slow servo. Its mostly
helpful for throttle channels. For electric it slows down how fast the esc try’s to accelerate or
brake a motor. This is good for traction reasons and possibly motor life. Another scenario its
good for is nitro engines, it’ll put less strain on the engine by not allowing a very rapid change in
 To enter this menu, Highlight D/R, then press ENTER-long
o D/R should be blinking
 ROTATE the enter wheel to choose a channel, press ENTER to select it
o Ch 1 and 2 have arrows, which is selectable by moving st wheel/trigger
o Left arrow
 Ch-1 Turn Speed
 Ch-2 Throttle Speed
o Right arrow
 Ch-1 Return speed
 Ch-2 (on/Off) for throttle speed on forward only
 Select speed, press ENTER
o 1% has more than a 4 second delay from end to end
o 100% = no delay
 Choose another channel to edit or press BACK/END/ENTER-long to exit menu
ABSABS will pulse the brakes instead of providing a solid brake signal. There’s 4 options: Off,
slow, normal, and fast.
Key Mapping-Model Specific
Key mapping is where all the magic happens for the auxiliary channels on the GT3B. Just as it
sounds, you can actually map the keys to do any function you want and have it act however you want…if
your want exceeds what the firmware allows, then you can request that it be added. Anyways let’s
To enter the key mapping menu
Scroll over to REV, so its highlighted
Press and hold Enter for about 1 second
REV should be Flashing
Navigating the key mapping menu
There should be a far left digit blinking, this represents which key
o 1 = Ch1/ST Trim (Both Buttons)
o 2 = Ch2/TH Trim (Both Buttons)
o 3 = Ch3 Trim (All Positions)
o D = D/R Switch (All Positions)
o C = Ch3 Button
o B = Back Button
o E = End Button
o 1  = Left ST Trim Button
o 1  = Right ST Trim Button
o 2  = Forward TH Trim Button
o 2  = Back TH Trim Button
o 3  = Left CH3 Position (acts as button)
o 3  = Right CH3 Position (acts as button)
o d  = Left D/R Position (acts as Button)
o d  = Right D/R Position (acts as button)
 For  ,  you will see arrows above main display
 In order for the arrows to display, you must have the main key(s) set to off
Scroll to the key(s) you wish to map/edit
o Press enter
Modify first setting
o Press enter
Modify second setting
o Press enter
o You can exit and save your setting at any time by pressing and holding Enter (for ~1 sec)
Modifying Settings for Trims, and D/R Switch
(These go in order, with what you’ll see on your screen)
Function: (This selects what you want the switch to control)
It turns this switch off, so it does nothing…it will activate it so it can be set as a individual
TR1, TR2
o Assigns the switch to modify the trim settings of Ch1 or Ch2. Other Ch’s aren’t currently
o Assigns the switch to control the Dual Rate menu for the Steering, Forward control, and
backward control
o Assigns the switch to control expo for the steering, forward control, or backward control
CH3, CH4, CH…8
o Assigns the Switch to control a auxiliary channel
ST1, ST2, ST…8
o Assigns the switch to control the sub trim or a give channel
o Assigns the Switch to control the 4 wheel steering mix, which is activated via the mixing
menu (4WS mix)
o Assigns the switch to control the dual esc mix, activated in the mixing menu (DIG mix)
o Assigns the switch to control Multi-Position. Moves position up/down setup in the
mixing menu
o Assigns the switch to control Steering Speed Turn
o Assigns the switch to control Steering Speed Return
Buttons: % (How you want your switch to behave)
o MOMentary When switch/button is held left/right it will take you to the endpoints of
the channel. When nothing is pressed, channel is at center
No Long Keys- A long press is the same as a short press, so it simply moves the channel
according to step rate and other settings.
RePeaT-This turns auto repeat on, so if you hold the button, it will keep increasing the
function its controlling
RESet- A long click will return the function to center or reset value
END- A long click will bring the function to its endpoints…in relation to direction of click
This is real simple, just select the % you want your function to move, for each click of your
switch. It will +/- this percentage/value
o Note: You will not see this menu if you selected MOM from the Buttons menu, or MPO
from the Function Menu
NORmal- This will leave your switches working in their normal way as indicated on the
REVerse-This will swap your left/right keys/direction. So they operate backwards
Opposite Reset: V blinking (Will not show up if Button is set as MOM
No Change
If clicked in the opposite direction of you previous click, as if you were to decrease
value. It will reset the function to center, or the reset value
Previous Value: % blinking (Only will show if Buttons is MOM, or function is MPO)
No Previous Value- When key is released it will return to center
Previous Value- When key is released ch/function will return to value/state before
Rotate: % V blinking (only if function is MPO)
NO Rotate
ROTate- rotate from max item to 1.item and back
Modifying Settings for Buttons/Keys
(These go in order, with what you’ll see on your screen)
Turns to key off, so it does nothing
Controls Channel n (CH3-CH8)
 Switches between end point to end point
Resets Channel n to center
Turns Crab on and off in the 4WS mix
Controls the DIG mix
 Switches DIG mix to 100% to -100% (unless previous value is used)
Switches Multi POsition up
Resets Multi Position to position 1
Momentary: % (only displays for 2-state functions)
Reverse: V (only displays for 2-state functions)
Previous Value: % blinking (only displays for 2-state functions)
Long Function: %V
Long Reverse: V
Long Previous Value: % Blinking