Accreditation Application Part B. Application Institution Operating Name Institution Number In order to apply for accreditation the institution must meet the following criteria: The institution must have operated in good standing for at least one year as a registered institution in BC or as a government regulated institution in another Canadian province or territory or the United States (an institution not required to register under the PCTI Act, but that has demonstrated continuous operation for one year or more, may apply for accreditation at any time after registration providing it meets all other eligibility criteria). At the time of the application, the institution must have trained students continuously (except for scheduled breaks and vacations) for the preceding twelve months. The institution must have a sufficient number of students enrolled in each program and a sufficient number of graduates from a majority of its programs to enable the Agency to assess the educational effectiveness of its programs. The institution must be financially stable with sufficient resources for its proper operation and for the discharge of its obligations to students. The institution’s Senior Educational Administrator or an appropriate management team representative must have attended an accreditation workshop within the six month period prior to submitting this application. The institution must submit the non-refundable application fee: $2,600 for a main location, $1,000 for each branch location, and $500 for each additional satellite or learning site. INSTITUTION INFORMATION Institution Operating Name Institution Number Legal Name of Institution (if different from Operating Name) Please indicate how many of each type of location this institution operates. Main Branch Satellite Learning Site Complete the table below by listing the programs offered at your institution, the number of students currently enrolled in each program, and the number of graduates from each program for the past three years (if in operation for less than three years, list the number of graduates for each of the applicable years). PROGRAM NAME CURRENT GRADUATES PER YEAR ENROLLMENT 201__ 201__ 201__ INS.120.016 Page 1 of 3 2015.01.19 Accreditation Application Part B. Application AUTHORIZATION, RELEASE AND CONFIRMATION The Private Career Training Institutions Agency (“PCTIA”) is a Crown Agency of the government of British Columbia and as such is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. I HEREBY AUTHORIZE the release and sharing of information regarding the institution between PCTIA and relevant government agencies or departments, professional associations and regulatory bodies as well as the publishing of a list of registered institutions seeking accreditation, including the institution submitting this application. I CONFIRM that the institution has met the following criteria required to apply for PCTIA accreditation: 1. The institution has been training students continuously, except for regularly scheduled breaks and vacation periods, for the preceding year or, in the alternative, the institution is not required to register under the PCTI Act but has been in continuous operation for at least one year. 2. The institution has a sufficient number of students enrolled in each program and a sufficient number of graduates from the majority of its programs to enable the Agency to assess the educational effectiveness of those programs. 3. The institution is financially stable with sufficient resources for its proper operation and for the discharge of its obligations to students. I understand that this application for accreditation will expire one year from the date of application if the institution has not yet successfully completed the requirements for accreditation. I understand institutions whose applications have expired or been denied may not reapply for accreditation for a period of at least 12 months from the expiration/denial date. I am duly authorized to make this application on behalf of the institution. Printed Name of Applicant Title Signature of Applicant Date NON-REFUNDABLE FEE ENCLOSED $2,600.00 Main Location: Branch Location(s): Other Location(s): X $1,000.00 X $500.00 TOTAL FEE ENCLOSED: The complete application, including fees, should be forwarded to: Manager, Accreditation Standards and Processes Private Career Training Institutions Agency 203 - 1155 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6E 2P4 Or by email to: INS.120.016 Page 2 of 3 2015.01.19 Accreditation Application Part B. Application PCTIA OFFICE USE ONLY Date / Initial / Application Form is complete. Fee received. / STCF and other fee payments are up-to-date. / Attended an Accreditation Workshop within six months prior to submitting this application. / Institution has been in good standing for at least one year. / Application Accepted Application Delayed for Follow Up Application Denied Application Withdrawn Application Expired PCTIA Staff Member, Reviewed by Signature INS.120.016 Date Page 3 of 3 2015.01.19